Papers by vijaya velmurugan

Main tain ing min i mum depth in con ven tional ba sin type so lar still is dif fi cult, as the a... more Main tain ing min i mum depth in con ven tional ba sin type so lar still is dif fi cult, as the area is large. How ever this can be achieved in stepped so lar still in which the area of the ba sin is min i mized by hav ing small trays. Very few works have been car ried so far in stepped so lar still and con stant depth trays are used in the ba sin plate. In this work, a stepped still with two dif fer ent depth of trays are used. The ba sin plate con tains twenty five trays with 10 mm depth and twenty five trays with 5 mm depth. To im prove the pro duc tiv ity, ex per i ments were car ried out by in te grat ing small fins in ba sin plate and add ing sponges in the trays. The o ret i cal and ex per i men tal anal yses are made for fin type, sponge type, and com bi na tion of fin and sponge type stepped so lar still. When the fin and sponge type stepped so lar is used, the av er age daily wa ter pro duc tion has been found to be 80% higher than or di nary sin gle ba sin so lar still. The the o ret i cal re sults agree well with the ex per i men tal. Also an economic anal y sis was made. The pay back pe riod of this setup is 400 days.

Main tain ing min i mum depth in con ven tional ba sin type so lar still is dif fi cult, as the a... more Main tain ing min i mum depth in con ven tional ba sin type so lar still is dif fi cult, as the area is large. How ever this can be achieved in stepped so lar still in which the area of the ba sin is min i mized by hav ing small trays. Very few works have been car ried so far in stepped so lar still and con stant depth trays are used in the ba sin plate. In this work, a stepped still with two dif fer ent depth of trays are used. The ba sin plate con tains twenty five trays with 10 mm depth and twenty five trays with 5 mm depth. To im prove the pro duc tiv ity, ex per i ments were car ried out by in te grat ing small fins in ba sin plate and add ing sponges in the trays. The o ret i cal and ex per i men tal anal yses are made for fin type, sponge type, and com bi na tion of fin and sponge type stepped so lar still. When the fin and sponge type stepped so lar is used, the av er age daily wa ter pro duc tion has been found to be 80% higher than or di nary sin gle ba sin so lar still. The the o ret i cal re sults agree well with the ex per i men tal. Also an economic anal y sis was made. The pay back pe riod of this setup is 400 days.
Papers by vijaya velmurugan