Papers by veljko blagojevic

Vojno delo, 2018
u Beogradu, Fakultet političkih nauka asilje i ratna dejstva na prostoru bivše SFRJ tokom devedes... more u Beogradu, Fakultet političkih nauka asilje i ratna dejstva na prostoru bivše SFRJ tokom devedesetih dovelo je do fragmentacije prostora Balkana i otvorilo mnoga stara pitanja, ali i nove probleme. Srpski narod se našao u više država, koje su nekada bile deo jugoslovenske države. Zbog toga je značajno iznova kritički sagledavati istorijske primere razvoja srpske državnosti i izučavati političke i vojne odluke i događaje koji su doveli do stvaranja prve moderne srpske države. Okolnosti na unutrašnjem i međunarodnom planu koje su prethodile Drugom srpskom ustanku, iako u mnogome različite, imaju i pojedinih sličnosti sa današnjicom. Srpski narod je bio pod turskom vlašću, iscrpljen ratnim sukobima u Prvom srpskom ustanku, poprilično demoralisan, ali ipak odlučan da obezbedi nezavisnost od tuđina. Iako je uvreženo mišljenje da je Miloš Obrenović koristio primarno diplomatske metode, jasno je da je njegov krajnji oslonac u nastupu prema Porti, Beču i Petrogradu ipak bila vojna sila. On je poklanjao značajnu pažnju vojsci, nastojao da je sistemski i suštinski razvije i koristio je u odnosu na Turke, političke protivnike i kao argument za podršku nacionalnim ciljevima. Većina srpskih velikaša toga doba je delovala u skladu sa takvom politikom, što se može okarakterisati kao konstanta u nacionalnoj politici sve do konačne emancipacije na Berlinskom kongresu. Upravo je uspostavljanje i izgradnja vojske i njeno angažovanje u ostvarenju nacionalnih ciljeva Srbije tema ovog rada, uz međunarodne okolnosti koje su ključno uticale na njihovu realizaciju. Drugi srpski ustanak rvi srpski ustanak propao je 1813. godine i Osmanlijska vojska je stavila pod kontrolu čitavu teritoriju Beogradskog pašaluka. Tadašnji beogradski vezir Sulejmanpaša Skopljak dozvolio je masovne odmazde nad srpskim stanovništvom, pa se s pravom može reći da je njegova vladavina za srpski narod bila teža od dahija. Nedugo po ponovnoj okupaciji, podignuta je u okolini Čačka 1814. godine Hadži-Prodanova buna, N
Vojno delo, 2018
Текст је настао као резултат истраживачког рада на пројекту "Идентификовање савремених асиметричн... more Текст је настао као резултат истраживачког рада на пројекту "Идентификовање савремених асиметричних форми угрожавања безбедности", који реализује Одељење за стратегијске анализе и безбедносне интеграције Института за стратегијска истраживања.
Life Sciences, Mar 1, 2018
Rat strain differences in peritoneal immune cell response to selected gut microbiota: a crossroad... more Rat strain differences in peritoneal immune cell response to selected gut microbiota: a crossroad between tolerance and autoimmunity?
Зборник Матице српске за друштвене науке, 2019
The entire history of human civilization represents a testimony to the military power and its rol... more The entire history of human civilization represents a testimony to the military power and its role in world politics. Main questions of this book are when and how state-actors decide to use the military power in international politics? The aim of this book is to examine the armed forces and military power as a foreign policy tool, which has crucial repercussions on national interests and international politics and as an instrument available to the state's foreign politics along with economy, diplomacy and other instruments.

Zbornik Matice srpske za drustvene nauke, 2019
The conceptualization of strategic culture, as a relatively new field of study, is a challenge fo... more The conceptualization of strategic culture, as a relatively new field of study, is a challenge for contemporary scientific thought. The complexity of strategic culture factors and their complex interdependence make the process of its understanding and definition extremely hard and almost elusive. However, the fact that the concept of strategic culture is accepted and used in practice indicates the necessity of its study, regardless of methodological problems and shortcomings connected with the accessibility to relevant data related to the national security issues. This is precisely the aim of this paper ? to analyze the main aspects of strategic culture which affect the national security system. On the one hand, strategic culture has a long-term impact on the organization and functioning of the national security system. On the other, it is also an analytical instrument that anticipates the behavior of international policy actors. It is certain that state-level decision makers, top m...

TEME, 2020
When considering the military power of the United States, it is necessary to distinguish military... more When considering the military power of the United States, it is necessary to distinguish military force and military power. Military force represents an organization that is equipped and trained to use force. America is clearly the largest military power in the world, and that is a fact. However, the term military power is significantly wider than that of the military force. It also includes elements related to the threat of using force and many other activities related to the involvement of military force in contemporary international relations, including international defense cooperation, military-technical cooperation, the purchase and sale of weapons and military equipment, and more. The paper focuses on this exact segment of military power, understood as a willingness to engage the US military force outside their national territory. The aim of the paper is to describe the evolution of the United States’ strategic thought regarding military power as a foreign policy instrument b...

Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta Nis, 2020
Бечка конвенција о дипломатским односима уређује опште оквире за реализацију дипломатске функције... more Бечка конвенција о дипломатским односима уређује опште оквире за реализацију дипломатске функције држава. Будући да се дипломатија развија у многим областима које нису традиционално биле у њеном фокусу, постаје све значајније пратити и анализирати на који начин се Бечка конвенција примењује у савременим условима. Постала је пракса да државе размењују полицијске дипломатске представнике и представнике специјализованих, обавештајно-безбедносних служби. Наведену праксу је усвојила и Република Србија која упућује представнике МУП и БИА у дипломатске мисије у иностранству. Будући да је реч о релативно новоустановљеној пракси, неопходно је да се ова проблематика прати и изучава и са становишта правног уређења. У том циљу ће се овај рад бавити анализом специфичности примене Бечке конвенције о дипломатским односима у одбрамбеној (војној) дипломатији, а правна и организациона искуства могу послужити као својеврстан путоказ за уређење функција полицијских и представника БИА у дипломатској служби. На то нас упућују и крајње негативна искуства са мрежом економских аташеa у недавној дипломатској пракси Републике Србије.

Vojno delo
In the post-Cold War period, contemporary studies of strategic deterrence have expanded from trad... more In the post-Cold War period, contemporary studies of strategic deterrence have expanded from traditional ones to contents that are much broader in terms of content and topics. It can be said that today this is the comprehensive activity that should engage the entire society, proclaiming the concept of the whole power. Providing the systematic implementation of the principle of comprehensiveness, together with the principle of knowledge-worthiness and timeliness, certainly represents a key prerequisite for effective deterrence in modern conditions. Military power certainly represents a fundamental capability for deterrence in the context of support to foreign policy, diplomatic efforts and economic cooperation with foreign countries, as well as in terms of psychological and informational resistance. Another great problem is which state authority to entrust with the implementation of strategic deterrence. It seems most acceptable for the National Security Council to assume the respons...
аш познати и признати научник, геополитички мислилац и професор Миломир Степић је 1994. године пр... more аш познати и признати научник, геополитички мислилац и професор Миломир Степић је 1994. године представио прогностичку геополитичку теорему о блоковској структури света на научној трибини Дома културе "Студентски град". Некако у исто време је, у тада значајном и нажалост угашеном часопису Економика (број 10-12/1994), објављен контроверзни чланак Виорела Романа под називом "Империја и лимес", који је изазвао нашу научну заједницу да са пажњом размотри веома значајна питања које је он покренуо. Стратешки значај проблема којим се бавио Роман подстакао је многе ауторе да дају своје виђење о будућности структуре моћи на глобалном плану. Били су то истакнути интелектуалци, међу којима:
Vojno delo, 2016
Tekst je nastao kao rezultat istraživačkog rada na projektu "Identifikovanje savremenih asimetrič... more Tekst je nastao kao rezultat istraživačkog rada na projektu "Identifikovanje savremenih asimetričnih formi ugrožavanja bezbednosti" koji realizuje Odeljenje za strategijske analize i bezbednosne integracije Instituta za strategijska istraživanja.

Vojno delo, 2020
The paper is the analysis of the life and achievements of Colonel Dragutin Dimitrijević Apis, an ... more The paper is the analysis of the life and achievements of Colonel Dragutin Dimitrijević Apis, an army and intelligence officer, who significantly influenced the history of Serbs at the beginning of the 20th century. The turbulent, almost adventurous, life of Colonel Apis ended with the rigged trial in Thessaloniki in 1917. From then until the present day, Apis is used as a symbol of the Serbian strategic culture for the military involvement in politics, but also as a patriotic and self-sacrificing officer dependent on the needs of the ruling elite and the facts which subculture analysts belong to. The aim of this paper is to analyze the achievements of Colonel Apis in an analytical and objective way, to describe different strategic subcultures in Serbia on the example of the attitude towards the symbol of Apis and to remove certain misconceptions about the (mis)use of Colonel Apis and his legacy.

Vojno delo, 2016
his paper discusses the common heritage of the Western Balkans in connection with organized crime... more his paper discusses the common heritage of the Western Balkans in connection with organized crime, which, it can be claimed, did not significantly manifest under socialism. The disintegration of the former Yugoslavia led to war, destruction, and overall increase in crime, including organized crime. The factors that especially contributed to that, besides the war, are: the transition process, the increase in the level of corruption, inefficient functioning of the state apparatus, economic decline, and trade sanctions imposed by the United Nations which resulted in a sort of semilegal cooperation between governmental authorities and organized criminal groups in the Western Balkans. Local wars in the former Yugoslavia enabled the expansion of illegal arms trafficking, theft and smuggling of motor vehicles, and smuggling of all kinds of excise goods, especially oil and cigarettes. The trafficking of narcotics became a very lucrative and widespread activity of criminal groups, with the geo-strategic position of the Western Balkans countries being one of the contributing factors. The beginning of democratic changes in Serbia marked the commencement of the fight against organized crime. It was also the start of the creation of the legal regulatory system to counter organized crime, which involves interstate cooperation at both the regional and global level, as well as the adoption of international conventions and standards. Consequently, a special police unit for combating organized crime was established within the Serbian Ministry of Interior. The Republic of Serbia, like most countries in the region, has adopted a series of legislative measures to combat organized crime, which come from experiences of other countries that have shown good results. Specific aspects of the investigative procedure and collecting evidence of organized crime cannot be achieved using conventional methods of investigation, such as home, other premises and persons' search warrants, temporary confiscation of items, questioning of the accused, witnesses' hearing, etc. In these efforts the basic dilemma is the level of proportionality between security and freedom, because the methods of an undercover investigation are special methods that are used to temporarily restrict the fundamental rights and freedoms of men, for the purposes of combating complex forms of crime.

Vojno delo, 2021
Throughout the entire 20th century, the Serbian strategic culture was "torn" by various... more Throughout the entire 20th century, the Serbian strategic culture was "torn" by various discontinuities, from the state system, through foreign policy and ideological, to strategic and doctrinal orientation, and it can be said that discontinuity is almost its only constant. Nevertheless, the existence of military cliques can be considered to be one of the constants of the Serbian strategic culture. They followed the Serbian Army and influenced the political life of the Kingdom of Serbia. The dynastic coup of May 1903 can be taken as an example of their actions. After that, younger conspirators established the so-called Black Hand, whose leader was Colonel Apis, who was shot after the Thessaloniki process in 1917. The interwar period was marked by the action of the so-called White Hand, under the leadership of General Petar Živković, which was active until the assassination of King Alexander Karađorđević in Marseilles in 1934. The Second Yugoslavia even had a formalized &qu...
Papers by veljko blagojevic