Papers by francesco varone

HIGHLIGHTS • The decoding of the Landscape is the first time to understand the territory and its ... more HIGHLIGHTS • The decoding of the Landscape is the first time to understand the territory and its signs of identity. • The Urban City Plans are the most appropriate instrument to enable a proper planning, which is respectful of landscape needs, decoding and defining new landscape values. • The proposed method offers a possible lecture and interpretation key of the landscape in order to orient the government projects on landscape and territorial transformations. ABSTRACT The European Landscape Convention, with great determination, has placed as a priority target, the necessity to promote a high level of attention to the landscape, as a common asset. According to the Convention each part of the landscape conveys meanings: the areas of particular beauty, daily life landscapes and degraded ones. The evidence of this changed reading is the "Law on the Cultural Heritage and Landscape" (DLgs 22 n. 42 of 2004), which in the 2008 version (Dlgs. n. 63) embrace even the principles of ...
The aim of Neighbourhood Agreement II was the revitalisation of a relevant part of the neglecte... more The aim of Neighbourhood Agreement II was the revitalisation of a relevant part of the neglected historical centre of San Lorenzo Maggiore Municipality. The programme and the single interventions have been subjected to technical checks through analysis of environmental, economic and social sustainability, and above all through the public opinion. The implemented pilot programme refers to the "Manuale degli interventi integrati di recupero" (Manual of integrated interventions for regeneration) by CER (Committee for housing buildings), which pursues the following objectives: Morphological Quality, Ecosystemic Quality, Fruition Quality.

HIGHLIGHTS • Humans like to have all senses contented, whilst navigating in urban space; senses a... more HIGHLIGHTS • Humans like to have all senses contented, whilst navigating in urban space; senses are heightened especially when we come close to water. • Human and natural systems blend in urban settings through a network of natural spaces. • Integrated green infrastructure is able to maintain human physical and psychological health. ABSTRACT Designers are anthropocentric in their processes and final products; green infrastructure in cities expresses people's relationship to the environment in terms of resource management primarily. The natural world is transformed into urban green arrangement for the economic and cultural benefit of humans. Most experts believe that by offering people the opportunity to participate in running and preserving certain ecosystems could have a very positive impact to human health and wellbeing. Environmental psychology suggests that we can provoke heightened experiences in people's minds by designing dynamic flowing water patterns and deep ponds....
The need for a special language is produced when the conviction of possessing a wealth ofconsolid... more The need for a special language is produced when the conviction of possessing a wealth ofconsolidated and recognizable knowledge, of having an identity and a social role is rooted.Among the Italian urbanists this awareness had emerged at the end of the Twenties and hastried several times to codify the representation of urban plans from the project of GiovanniAstengo “symbology” for the representation of the plan of 1949. For the current generationof urban city plans it is almost impossible to define an abacus of the knowledge required forthe construction of the plan, and to reach a definition of its graphic restitution because ofthe different plan forms foreseen in the regional laws.An attempt, then, could be done at the regional level as the present research aims, whichdeals with the case of the Campania region.Keywords: plan, language, representation
Conference presentation and participation funded by the College of Engineering and Technology.

The European Landscape Convention, with great determination, has placed as a priority target, the... more The European Landscape Convention, with great determination, has placed as a priority target, the necessity to promote a high level of attention to the landscape, as a common asset. According to the Convention each part of the landscape conveys meanings: the areas of particular beauty, daily life landscapes and degraded ones. The evidence of this changed reading is the “Law on the Cultural Heritage and Landscape” (DLgs 22 n. 42 of 2004), which in the 2008 version (Dlgs. n. 63) embrace even the principles of the European Landscape Convention, which Italy ratified in 2006. If the Territorial Landscape Plan and the Territorial Coordination Plan have the useful role of containing guidelines, directives and safeguard provisions for the areas with landscape value, the Urban City Plans are the most appropriate tool to allow a planning which is respectful of landscape requirements. As a consequence, the urban city planning has to investigate the values of the landscape decoding both its spe...
Territorio Della Ricerca Su Insediamenti E Ambiente Rivista Internazionale Di Cultura Urbanistica, Dec 23, 2012

HIGHLIGHTS • Humans like to have all senses contented, whilst navigating in urban space; senses a... more HIGHLIGHTS • Humans like to have all senses contented, whilst navigating in urban space; senses are heightened especially when we come close to water. • Human and natural systems blend in urban settings through a network of natural spaces. • Integrated green infrastructure is able to maintain human physical and psychological health. ABSTRACT Designers are anthropocentric in their processes and final products; green infrastructure in cities expresses people's relationship to the environment in terms of resource management primarily. The natural world is transformed into urban green arrangement for the economic and cultural benefit of humans. Most experts believe that by offering people the opportunity to participate in running and preserving certain ecosystems could have a very positive impact to human health and wellbeing. Environmental psychology suggests that we can provoke heightened experiences in people's minds by designing dynamic flowing water patterns and deep ponds. Designed landscapes have always blended with built manmade environment in a dynamic way. Natural and artificial landscapes interweave with built marvels of human creativity; historic places and urban areas develop and blend in harmony with natural habitat. Most historical cities emerged along water sources as dynamic ecosystems. The authors of this paper discuss the importance of water changing culture and behaviours in both urban and rural areas with reference to some noteworthy case studies and instances across Europe and, in particular, in recent cases of renaturation of rivers.

HIGHLIGHTS The aim of Neighbourhood Agreement II was the revitalisation of a relevant part of t... more HIGHLIGHTS The aim of Neighbourhood Agreement II was the revitalisation of a relevant part of the neglected historical centre of San Lorenzo Maggiore Municipality. The programme and the single interventions have been subjected to technical checks through analysis of environmental, economic and social sustainability, and above all through the public opinion. The implemented pilot programme refers to the " Manuale degli interventi integrati di recupero " (Manual of integrated interventions for regeneration) by CER (Committee for housing buildings), which pursues the following objectives: Morphological Quality, Ecosystemic Quality, Fruition Quality. ABSTRACT The contribution shows the methodology and investigation carried out for an intervention of regeneration/valorisation in one minor historical centre within inner Campania Region in Benevento province. These processes occurred during complex programmes and, in particular, during the development of the so-called " Contratto di Quartiere II " (= Neighbourhood Agreement II) (MIT announcement 27/01/2004) in synergy with a PRUSST named as " Calidone " and Benevento Municipality as the lead. The aim of Neighbourhood Agreement II was the revitalisation of a relevant part of the neglected historical centre of San Lorenzo Maggiore Municipality; this was financed by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport in 2004 by means of 5.5 million Euros committed for interventions of experimental regeneration of the historical urban fabric and in conjunction with the acquisition of several buildings by the Council, intending to provide 28 ERP houses and relevant services.

HIGHLIGHTS • The decoding of the Landscape is the first time to understand the territory and its ... more HIGHLIGHTS • The decoding of the Landscape is the first time to understand the territory and its signs of identity. • The Urban City Plans are the most appropriate instrument to enable a proper planning, which is respectful of landscape needs, decoding and defining new landscape values. • The proposed method offers a possible lecture and interpretation key of the landscape in order to orient the government projects on landscape and territorial transformations. ABSTRACT The European Landscape Convention, with great determination, has placed as a priority target, the necessity to promote a high level of attention to the landscape, as a common asset. According to the Convention each part of the landscape conveys meanings: the areas of particular beauty, daily life landscapes and degraded ones. The evidence of this changed reading is the " Law on the Cultural Heritage and Landscape " (DLgs 22 n. 42 of 2004), which in the 2008 version (Dlgs. n. 63) embrace even the principles of the European Landscape Convention, which Italy ratified in 2006. If the Territorial Landscape Plan and the Territorial Coordination Plan have the useful role of containing guidelines, directives and safeguard provisions for the areas with landscape value, the Urban City Plans are the most appropriate tool to allow a planning which is respectful of landscape requirements. As a consequence, the urban city planning has to investigate the values of the landscape decoding both its specific and relational characters. The proposed landscape decoding method, already experimented with different scales of planning, offers a possible key to read and interpret the landscape in order to orient the Government projects on territorial-land transformations, which must be linked to protection, redevelopment and enhancement.
Papers by francesco varone