The study is on the determinant of disclosure of key audit matters in post period of ISA 701 in N... more The study is on the determinant of disclosure of key audit matters in post period of ISA 701 in Nigeria. This study applied firm size, firm age, leverage, and auditors‘ gender to see if they are the determinant of disclosure of Key Audit Matters KAM. To achieve this, the study utilized a pooled research design which is a combination of both cross-sectional and time-series design properties. The secondary data was sourced from annual reports from the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE). The population of this study consists of all listed quoted on the Nigeria stock exchange as at 2018, and a sample size of fifty six (56) companies that disclosed the key audit matters in their annual published reports for the period (20172018) was randomly selected and used for the study. Methods of Data Analyses were Descriptive Statistics, Correlation Analysis and Multiple Regression. The result found that the R-Squared value shows that about 34% of the systematic variations in the dependent variable in t...
This study determined the impact of components of cash flow statements on bank performance in Nig... more This study determined the impact of components of cash flow statements on bank performance in Nigeria. Time series and cross sectional data was collected from the annual statements of 14 sampled banks: 2009 to 2018. The analyses, determined whether the components of cash flow statements have any explanatory impact on Return on Asset (ROA). Four explanatory variables of cash flow statements used were: Free Cash Flow Activities (FCFA); Cash Flow from Operation (CFOA), Cash Flow from investing (CFIA) and Cash Flow from Financing (CFFA) and one control variable Leverage (LEV). Analyses used Pool and Hausman Test that selected Random Effect model for data analyses. The results were that one explanatory variable Cash Flow from Operation Activities (CFOA) has a significant positive effect on the criterion variableReturn on Asset (ROA), and the rests of the explanatory variables of (FCFA); (CFIA) and (CFFA) have negative and insignificant impact on return on asset (ROA). We conclude that (8...
This study critically observed diverse ownership structure and its implications on firms’ cash ho... more This study critically observed diverse ownership structure and its implications on firms’ cash holdingEvidence from listed consumer goods from Nigeria Stock Exchange NSE. The annual reports of sampled 20 consumer goods firms from 2014 to 2018 were extracted and analyzed using descriptive statistics, correlation, Haussmann test that accepted correlation random effect and regression analysis. Results found that three out of the four explanatory variables of state (STOWNER), family (FAOWNER), and block ownership (BLOWNER) have significant positive impact: while institutional ownership (INSOWNER) has a weak positive insignificant impact on cash holding of consumer goods firm. But, the overall result showed that multiple ownership structure explains about 56.26% of cash holdings in consumer firms in Nigeria. The study recommends that companies’ management policy should consider incorporating state, family and block ownership structure since they say that cash is king. Therefore when enou...
The sustainability of banking industry in any national economy is based on "public confidenc... more The sustainability of banking industry in any national economy is based on "public confidence" which is anchored on honesty and integrity of the banking operators. These two character elements (honesty and integrity) are considered best-fit for banking jobs. Many of the studies based on relationship between personality traits (Five Factor Model) and job performance across many job descriptions have been carried out by many scholars and they show empirical evidence of their correlation. It is observed that neither of these studies had been found to have examined the extent to which each of the Five Factor Model relate to honesty and integrity. The purpose of this study is just to do that, that is, find out the intensity of honesty and integrity in each of the FFM. The study is a survey. A structured Likert Scale questionnaire of 1 to 5 was used to get information from the 68 senior employees across 8 banks in Enugu State of Nigeria. Mean score was used to determine the degr...
This study investigates the extent to which internal audit data mining techniques ameliorates fra... more This study investigates the extent to which internal audit data mining techniques ameliorates fraud in fraud risk management in banks. The main focus of the study is to broadly test the perceptions of fraud auditors, internal auditors and accountants on whether data mining techniques of: audit interrogation, neural network and machine learning in internal auditing ameliorate fraud in fraud risk management in Nigeria banks. A survey research design was applied for this study. Data was obtained through a survey in which questionnaire was administered on a sample of 400 fraud auditors, internal auditors and accountants using Taro Yamane‟s formulae on a population record of 668 from purposefully selected 15 banks in Nigeria. Three research questions and three hypotheses tested at 0.05 levels of significant guided the study. Likert Scale rating was applied to the research questions and its suitable descriptive statistics were used to analyze them, while ANOVA test statistics was used to ...
International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies
The use of bus in traveling is a large growing business in the world. Hence, bus reservation syst... more The use of bus in traveling is a large growing business in the world. Hence, bus reservation system deals with maintenance records of each passenger who had reserved a seat for a journey. Moreover, the ticketing system includes maintenance of schedule, fare and details of each bus traveling. This paper is a web-based application that will manage the scheduling of buses in all bus terminals of a transport company and also analyses the basic needs of passengers and design requirements of the transfer algorithm, and influence factors for effective running. This software developed can be used by any transport company as it wasn’t designed for a particular bus station/company. The scheduling of buses which was the major addition to the bus booking application was implemented using round robin for proper bus assignment in a way that improves operational efficiency. The system thus designed will provide a scenario for the customer/passengers and the bus company to attain a win-win situatio...
The study is on the determinant of disclosure of key audit matters in post period of ISA 701 in N... more The study is on the determinant of disclosure of key audit matters in post period of ISA 701 in Nigeria. This study applied firm size, firm age, leverage, and auditors‘ gender to see if they are the determinant of disclosure of Key Audit Matters KAM. To achieve this, the study utilized a pooled research design which is a combination of both cross-sectional and time-series design properties. The secondary data was sourced from annual reports from the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE). The population of this study consists of all listed quoted on the Nigeria stock exchange as at 2018, and a sample size of fifty six (56) companies that disclosed the key audit matters in their annual published reports for the period (20172018) was randomly selected and used for the study. Methods of Data Analyses were Descriptive Statistics, Correlation Analysis and Multiple Regression. The result found that the R-Squared value shows that about 34% of the systematic variations in the dependent variable in t...
This study determined the impact of components of cash flow statements on bank performance in Nig... more This study determined the impact of components of cash flow statements on bank performance in Nigeria. Time series and cross sectional data was collected from the annual statements of 14 sampled banks: 2009 to 2018. The analyses, determined whether the components of cash flow statements have any explanatory impact on Return on Asset (ROA). Four explanatory variables of cash flow statements used were: Free Cash Flow Activities (FCFA); Cash Flow from Operation (CFOA), Cash Flow from investing (CFIA) and Cash Flow from Financing (CFFA) and one control variable Leverage (LEV). Analyses used Pool and Hausman Test that selected Random Effect model for data analyses. The results were that one explanatory variable Cash Flow from Operation Activities (CFOA) has a significant positive effect on the criterion variableReturn on Asset (ROA), and the rests of the explanatory variables of (FCFA); (CFIA) and (CFFA) have negative and insignificant impact on return on asset (ROA). We conclude that (8...
This study critically observed diverse ownership structure and its implications on firms’ cash ho... more This study critically observed diverse ownership structure and its implications on firms’ cash holdingEvidence from listed consumer goods from Nigeria Stock Exchange NSE. The annual reports of sampled 20 consumer goods firms from 2014 to 2018 were extracted and analyzed using descriptive statistics, correlation, Haussmann test that accepted correlation random effect and regression analysis. Results found that three out of the four explanatory variables of state (STOWNER), family (FAOWNER), and block ownership (BLOWNER) have significant positive impact: while institutional ownership (INSOWNER) has a weak positive insignificant impact on cash holding of consumer goods firm. But, the overall result showed that multiple ownership structure explains about 56.26% of cash holdings in consumer firms in Nigeria. The study recommends that companies’ management policy should consider incorporating state, family and block ownership structure since they say that cash is king. Therefore when enou...
The sustainability of banking industry in any national economy is based on "public confidenc... more The sustainability of banking industry in any national economy is based on "public confidence" which is anchored on honesty and integrity of the banking operators. These two character elements (honesty and integrity) are considered best-fit for banking jobs. Many of the studies based on relationship between personality traits (Five Factor Model) and job performance across many job descriptions have been carried out by many scholars and they show empirical evidence of their correlation. It is observed that neither of these studies had been found to have examined the extent to which each of the Five Factor Model relate to honesty and integrity. The purpose of this study is just to do that, that is, find out the intensity of honesty and integrity in each of the FFM. The study is a survey. A structured Likert Scale questionnaire of 1 to 5 was used to get information from the 68 senior employees across 8 banks in Enugu State of Nigeria. Mean score was used to determine the degr...
This study investigates the extent to which internal audit data mining techniques ameliorates fra... more This study investigates the extent to which internal audit data mining techniques ameliorates fraud in fraud risk management in banks. The main focus of the study is to broadly test the perceptions of fraud auditors, internal auditors and accountants on whether data mining techniques of: audit interrogation, neural network and machine learning in internal auditing ameliorate fraud in fraud risk management in Nigeria banks. A survey research design was applied for this study. Data was obtained through a survey in which questionnaire was administered on a sample of 400 fraud auditors, internal auditors and accountants using Taro Yamane‟s formulae on a population record of 668 from purposefully selected 15 banks in Nigeria. Three research questions and three hypotheses tested at 0.05 levels of significant guided the study. Likert Scale rating was applied to the research questions and its suitable descriptive statistics were used to analyze them, while ANOVA test statistics was used to ...
International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies
The use of bus in traveling is a large growing business in the world. Hence, bus reservation syst... more The use of bus in traveling is a large growing business in the world. Hence, bus reservation system deals with maintenance records of each passenger who had reserved a seat for a journey. Moreover, the ticketing system includes maintenance of schedule, fare and details of each bus traveling. This paper is a web-based application that will manage the scheduling of buses in all bus terminals of a transport company and also analyses the basic needs of passengers and design requirements of the transfer algorithm, and influence factors for effective running. This software developed can be used by any transport company as it wasn’t designed for a particular bus station/company. The scheduling of buses which was the major addition to the bus booking application was implemented using round robin for proper bus assignment in a way that improves operational efficiency. The system thus designed will provide a scenario for the customer/passengers and the bus company to attain a win-win situatio...
Papers by ugwu virginus