Teaching Documents by Uminimu uminimU
Listen! For this is what was Whispered by the Angel Yehadriel into the Ear of the High Priest Aha... more Listen! For this is what was Whispered by the Angel Yehadriel into the Ear of the High Priest Aharon, as He Polished the Breastplate of Judgment, as He Gazed into the Radiance of its Urim and Thummim... Each Stone Holds within its Essence a Shadow of the Image and its Likeness. A Pattern of the Light in Perfection. A Tenuous Bridge between Yes! and No! And so it is the First Stone upon the First Row shall be a Ruby. Strong Willed and Emotionally Steadfast. The Unification of Power and Grace. A Vessel of Purity and Rigid Virtue. A Seal of Exuberance and Vitality. A Spark of Internal Fortitude that Grows a Heart of Leadership and Unfolds its Deepest Force when Seen Beneath a Full Moon. The Second Stone is a Chrysolite Kissed by the Lips of Issachar...
Come and See!

By 32 Wondrous Paths of Wisdom Engrave Yah, YHVH Tzevaoth, Elohim Chayyim, El Shaddai and Create ... more By 32 Wondrous Paths of Wisdom Engrave Yah, YHVH Tzevaoth, Elohim Chayyim, El Shaddai and Create the Universe with Text and Numbers and Stories. Ten Sefirot from Nothingness and 22 Letters of Foundation. Three Mothers, Seven Doubles and Twelve Simples. Engrave them, Carve them, Combine them and Weigh them. 12 Stones and 12 Stars. 12 Tribes and 12 Sensations. 12 Indivisible Permutations. Listen! Everything is Energy! Nothing Rests. Everything Moves, Changes and Vibrates. Resonates and Oscillates. Correspondences and Relationships. All of the Differences within the Manifestations of Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Patterns of Consciousness are in their Modifications of Energy. In their Revisions and Perceptions of Light. Letters and Words. Deeds and Actions. There are No Concepts of Time and Space that Can Bind the Forces and Forms of Thought or the Particles and Waves of God, YHVH! The Active Being of Consciousness. And so it is the River Never Ends and with Each and Every Breath your Journey Begins, Again! And All that is Left is for You to Choose between Life or Death! Love or Hate! The 3 Mothers! The 7 Doubles! The 12 Unadorned! Creation Awaits! Come and See!
Oh, my Beloved! As I Gaze into that Final Spark of Holiness Illuminating the Mark of Tav, Ta Chaz... more Oh, my Beloved! As I Gaze into that Final Spark of Holiness Illuminating the Mark of Tav, Ta Chazi! Come and See! For No Matter How Bright the Light of Our Love May Be, We Live in the Kingdom of Physicality, so We Must Continuously Be Nurturing and Sustaining Our Love with the Energy of Compassion and Understanding, with the Gentle Brushstrokes of Trust and Respect. Listen! Can You Hear that Tender Voice of Poetry Unfolding from Your Soul as You Seek the Blessings of a Mate? As You Break Away from the Waves of Loneliness and Walk upon the Shores of Intimacy and Belonging, Fidelity and Fellowship? Oh! To Reach for the Subtle Source of Love and Dwell within its Mutual Splendor, Together and Forever! O Lord! If It Be Your Will, Please, Tell Me! What is this thing We Call... Love!

"Then shall You Call and the Lord Will Answer; You shall Cry and He Will Say, Here Am I!" (Isaiah... more "Then shall You Call and the Lord Will Answer; You shall Cry and He Will Say, Here Am I!" (Isaiah 58:9) ...The Old Man should Have Known Better. Often He Did. But Sometimes, Lost in Dismay, He would Dive Deep into a Solitude of Tears, then Visit the Disgusting Huts of his Darkness, to Surround Himself with the Sickly Reeds of his Evil, the Prickly Brambles of his Wickedness. Do You See? For Anger and Hatred, Jealousy and Spite, they Have No Wings to Fly on their Own. They are Sodden, Listless Wisps of Energy that Lay Fallow in Shallow Streams, until Stroked by our Dreams and Emotional Upheavals; by our Sinful Groping of Sensation. Yes! They Need You and Me to Exist and Swim, to Crawl into Life through the Broken Doors We Open for Them. So, Please! Do Not Blame your Weaknesses for the Things You Feel and Do! They are Bitter Fruit that Only Grow when You Choose to Plant their Seeds and Harvest the Shadows of their Reality. Greed and Animosity. Vanity and Lust. They are All Less Powerful than Mud or Dust, until You Break Open their Shells and Husks, then Peel Away their Merciless Skin with your Wanton Need and the Vulgar Teeth of your Depravity! Oh, my Beloved! Come and See!
"And they shall Know that I am the Lord!" (Ezekiel 39:6) Deep Breaths... Small Steps... Go Slow..... more "And they shall Know that I am the Lord!" (Ezekiel 39:6) Deep Breaths... Small Steps... Go Slow... The Old Man Stared into the Clarity of Blindness. His Eyes Closed and Clouded by a Dull White Film, yet Shining as Bright as a Full Moon. His Thoughts Diffusing through his Calm Mind like a Flight of Startled Birds Scattering into Darkness. Listen! Be Thankful and Grateful for Who You Are and for What You Have. This is the Secret of Fulfillment... To Do the Right Thing Means to Share your Wisdom, Not to Force the Will of your Reality upon Others. To Lead by Example and Weave with the Threads of Humility. To Help and Serve, Heal and Mend those Sparks of Holiness within All Living Souls. For in Accordance with your Efforts, So Shall Be your Rewards... Oh, my Beloved! Come and See!

O Glorious and Wondrous Angels of Tav! Those who Carry God's Heart of Physicality into Dimensions... more O Glorious and Wondrous Angels of Tav! Those who Carry God's Heart of Physicality into Dimensions of Sensation and Awareness. They who are the Guardians of the Garden and who Guide Lost Souls through the Depth of their Darkness. Who Weave the Threads of Passion and Fertility with Fingers of Humility and Wings Made of Invisible Flames. I Call upon Your Presence in All the Holy Names! May my Wand of Amber Cypress, Carved from the Tree of Death, Release into this Sacred Invocation the Seeds of Continuance and Longevity from the Breast of their Celestial Flowers. May the Power of my Need Turn into Dust the Shells and Husks of Falsehood and Deceit. O Angels of Tav! I Draw for You upon the Body of my Thoughts the 400 Pentacles of Diogenes and Lotus Blossoms of Consciousness. I Burn for You the Incense of Dragon's Blood and Asafoetida. I Drink from a Grail Filled with Nightshade and Enoch's Root. With Tears of Sexuality Wept from the Eyes of Thanatos I Transform the Sands of Time into a Talisman Glazed by the Inscrutable Realization of Eternity. I Cast upon a Windswept Ground an Imperceptible Foundation of Magick Circles Inscribed by Tines of Scammony and Limestone. Oh, my Beloved! Come and See! For These and Those are the Angels of Tav as they Unfold from the Hidden Realms of the Chashmalim and Tarshishim! The Mystic Essence of their Ethereal Splendor. The Radiance and Meaning Held within their Blessed Names! Listen...

Listen! Who are Fools? Do You Know? For it is those who Lose, Throw Away or Do Not Use the Blessi... more Listen! Who are Fools? Do You Know? For it is those who Lose, Throw Away or Do Not Use the Blessings that Have Been Given to Us and Them. Truth and Humility. Divinity and Freedom. Hope and Faith. And so it is when Following a Path of Reverence and Devotion, when Trying to Weave with those Tenuous Threads Unraveled from a Sign of Eternal Hope, to Allow Only the Mind and its Intellect to Rule is to Allow the Prince of Arrogance to Convince Himself that He Has Not Been a Fool. Listen! The Essence of Hope Resides in a Life that Always Has the Strength and Determination to Say I Can! I Will! I am Able! It is an Awareness of the Soul that Knows even that which Seems to Be Incomprehensible Can Be Made Manageable and Meaningful. It is a Heart that Understands there is a Sense of Interconnectedness, a Pulse of Coherence, a Reason for Being even when Darkness Descends and Evil Believes it Has Been Triumphant. Even when the Mind Appears to be Shackled by Ignorance and Blindness. Even when Sorrow and Loneliness Have Become our Only Friends...
Come and See!

Listen! It is the Will of Death. It is an Essential Longing and Inherent Need of Death to Seek an... more Listen! It is the Will of Death. It is an Essential Longing and Inherent Need of Death to Seek and Surrender to Chaos and Disorder. To Dive Deep into the Random Termination of Matter and Energy. To Sip the Cynical Whine of Entropy and Simply No Longer Be. Yet, as Long as Consciousness Refuses to Permit its Thoughts to Succumb to this Final Metamorphosis, Death Cannot Feed upon Life's Allegorical Consumption and it will Carry, instead, a Spark of Holiness unto its Unending. Then shall your Soul Cling to the Glory of Remembrance and Rekindle an Ember of Light, even when Death Fills the Night with Silence, and Stills your Heart with Everything it Thinks it Knows. Oh, my Beloved! Listen! Within the Dichotomy of Duality Falsehood is Not the Opposite of Truth. It is Merely its Absence. And in this Same Way, Death is Not Destructive, Hostile or Contrary to Life. It is a Subtle Synthesis between Sensation and Forgetfulness, a Transformation from One Bridge to Another as the Body Awakens and Steps into a New Dream. A Symphony of Entanglements. A Chorus of Beginnings and Ends Sung by You and Me. Us and Them. Come and See!

Innocence and Honesty : Integrity and Simplicity : Completeness and Perfection... Oh, my Lord! He... more Innocence and Honesty : Integrity and Simplicity : Completeness and Perfection... Oh, my Lord! Hear my Cry! For I am so Blessed and Grateful for Your Guidance and Presence! And so Do I Ask and Pray, Can a Vessel of Physicality, Can a Man Held Captive by an Evil Inclination, Can One such as I, Broken and Deficient, Fallen and Sinful, Truly Draw Closer to Your Holiness? To the Luminous Splendor of Your Purity and Perfection? Listen! "I am God, the Almighty! Walk Before Me, and Be Perfect!" (Genesis 17:1) And so it is when God Began the Infinite and Eternal Process of Creation He Concealed His Radiance and Her Glory in the Consciousness of Reality and the Laws of Nature. Those same Edicts and Commandments that We Choose to Shatter Today with our Deviancy and Depravity, our Wickedness and Corruption; with the Abnormal Bending and Mutilation of our Gender and Sexuality; with our Arrogance and Vanity that Prevents Us from Surrendering to the Voice of Morality and the Will of Heaven. For within the Revelation of Nature and the Spiritual Fabric of Existence there Dwells a Force and Form of God's Flawlessness and Supremacy Known as the Seal of Perfection! Come and See!

The Old Man Strolled through the Valley of Flowers, the Blossoms and Soft Petals of the Roses, th... more The Old Man Strolled through the Valley of Flowers, the Blossoms and Soft Petals of the Roses, the Thick Roots and Slender Stems of the Lilies. And as He Called upon the Divine Names of God, He Spoke to Them Concerning the Mysteries of Truth... Listen! The Two Names of God that were Carved from the Tree of Life, to Be Reverently Grafted upon the Tree of Knowledge are Peace : Shalom and Truth : Emet. And the Strength of that Bridge We Must Build Together as We Move the Radiance of Heaven Down into the Splendor of Earth is Dependent upon those Ways in which We Discern and Compose the Wisdom of our Truth. As We Choose to Weave the Covenants of Peace throughout the Glory of All Living Souls. Oh, my Beloved! Have you Shaped and Formed, then Poured into Viable Molds the Concrete Materiality of your Truths? Do your Truths Hold Firm or Quickly Fall Apart when the Heart Has Been Ripped from your Fragile Words? For Truth Cannot Be Deduced by a Litany of Nouns and Verbs, through the Pitiful Use of Language. It Does Not Come from a Lens of Perception or a Sense of Perspective. It is Not a Measure or Degree of These and Those Clinging to the Arms of an Undeniable Plausibility and its Cathedral of Indisputable Facts. The Slow Unfolding of History will Never Diminish its Implications and Language Cannot Change those Meanings that Shine as Sparks of Veracity throughout your Mark of Truth...
Come and See!
O Heavenly Breath of Remembrance! O Precious Lord! Please! Teach Me to Listen with Faithfulness a... more O Heavenly Breath of Remembrance! O Precious Lord! Please! Teach Me to Listen with Faithfulness and Clarity! To Bind Your Living Words as a Sign upon my Heart! To Truly Experience the Branches and Leaves of that Wisdom Blossoming from the Roots of Your Forgiveness, from the Sweet Seeds of Your Compassion! For the Light of Your Word is Love! And the Source of Your Truth is Our Unity! May I Follow in Your Ways and Embrace the Radiance of Your Divinity and its Splendor! May I Unlock and Open that Treasure Chest of Holy Communion Buried in the Depth of Scripture! In the Beatitudes of Psalms and Proverbs! In a Longing for the Righteousness of Your Singularity that Shines as a Candle of God in my Soul! That Defines the Nature of those Circles and Lines which Manifest throughout my Consciousness as a Sign of Pleasure! Oh, my Beloved! Come and See!

Tefillah : Prayer... A Duty of the Heart to Achieve a Sense of Intimacy and Fellowship with Divin... more Tefillah : Prayer... A Duty of the Heart to Achieve a Sense of Intimacy and Fellowship with Divinity, to Awaken the Pure and Innocent Presence of your Love. A Precious Bonding and Connection as You Attach your Spirit to God's Righteous Light and Climb the Ladder of Supplication to the Gates of Heaven. Listen! Prayer is Not a Transaction, a Purchase, a Negotiation or Exchange. It is Not a Means through which You Make a Plea in order to Be Given Things. Prayer is a Ceremonial Communication of Gratitude and Praise, Devotion and Adoration, as You Give Thanks for What You Now Have and Shall Be Blessed with Forevermore. Within the Deeper Weave of Consciousness, Prayer is also a Holy Accounting You Must Take of Your Self. The Contemplation of an Introspective Search for Judgment and Spiritual Assessment, to Be Endowed with a Veracious Awareness of Just How Gloriously Bright or Negligently Dim You Shine as a Candle of God. Through this Lens of Scrutiny and Self-Reflection Prayer becomes an Ark of Change and Transformation, an Altar of Surrender and Sacrifice as You Choose to Draw Closer to the Light of Your Lord.
Come and See!

Toda'ah : Consciousness... A Sense of Awareness. A Tree of Knowledge Seeking the Roots of Mindful... more Toda'ah : Consciousness... A Sense of Awareness. A Tree of Knowledge Seeking the Roots of Mindfulness. The Net of Perception and Observation Trying to Catch a Butterfly of Cognizance and Logic. Discernment and Comprehension Engraved as a Labyrinth of Symbols and Signs to Embellish with Concept a Seal of Consciousness. Listen! The Moment You Slip into the Dreams of Sleep Enlightenment is Pursued by Intuition, much in the Way the Moon Forever Chases the Sun to Awaken the Promise of Dawn. And so it is when You Begin to Descend into the Mark of Tav, to Wander through the Lofty Heights of Divine Inspiration, You will First Hear a Whirlwind of Thunder, and See a Wall of Burning Clouds Arise Like an Army of Guardian Angels, then Feel the Wings of the Chashmalim Gently Strike your Face with a Fleeting Vision of a Lion, an Ox, an Eagle and a Man, the Invisible Wheels of your Merkavah! Oh, my Beloved! Come and See! Then Know and Understand How to Compose your Own Seal of Consciousness...

The Final Letter of the Seven Doubles is Tav, whose Meaning is Defined as a Mark, a Sign, a Seal ... more The Final Letter of the Seven Doubles is Tav, whose Meaning is Defined as a Mark, a Sign, a Seal or a Note Unfolding from the Breath of Music. Tav is the Mark that God Carves into the Parchment of Humanity to Express the Significance of Our Essential Unity, that Sacred Kiss between Heaven and Earth, Male and Female, Body and Soul. Know and Understand! Tav Corresponds to Man Calling to God in Prayer : Tefillah. To Women Singing to God in Praise and Adoration : Tehillim, the Luminosity of Psalms. And to All Living Souls Returning to the Splendor of their Lord through Teshuvah, as We Respond to our Darkness and Transgressions with Remorse, then Repentance. Tav Represents an Ecstasy of Ascension as You and Me, Us and Them Choose to Mend our Relationship with Divinity by Healing and Cleansing those Fallen Sparks of Holiness that Dwell within the Memory of a Soul. Oh, my Beloved. This is the Essence of Tikkun! And when All Has Been Said and Done, Tav is the Final Mark, Sign, Seal and Sound of God's Absolute Truth : Emet, Crowned by that Singularity Found within the One! Come and See!

Listen! Within Each and Every Breath You Take, Please, Descend into the Splendor of a Deep Contem... more Listen! Within Each and Every Breath You Take, Please, Descend into the Splendor of a Deep Contemplation, then Choose What You Truly Wish to Think and Say, to Make and Do, to Manifest the Divinity within You! How Best to Sense the Living Presence of Your Lord! How to Bow your Head and Hear His Precious Words Refined by the Light of your Righteousness to Serve as a Whisper Left Behind! Oh, my Beloved! Allow me to Share with You Here and Now, Above and Below, Branches and Leaves of These and Those, Sayings and Testaments, Metaphors and Analogies, Drawn from the Wondrous Head of Resh, to Replenish and Arouse the Dusk and Dawning of your Consciousness. Listen! The Measure of your Love will Not Be Found in How You Feel! For its Essence Dwells in How You Behave. In the Ways You Choose to Believe and Perceive. In How You Embrace and Comprehend the Meanings of Service and Obedience, Compassion and Forgiveness. In Surrendering Your Desire to Receive For the Self Alone to a Longing to Bestow Benevolence and Abundance upon All Living Souls! Come and See!

Deep within a Sacred Space of Being and Becoming, the Old Man Held Each Precious Breath Locked in... more Deep within a Sacred Space of Being and Becoming, the Old Man Held Each Precious Breath Locked in a Proper Depth and Measurement, His Head Slowly Moving, Knowingly, in the Direction a Vowel Point Required. Then as He Exhaled, the Holy Sound Resounded as a Wondrous Drumbeat in his Heart. Listen! Upward Yo'Ho : To the Right Yo'Ha : To the Left Yo'Hey : Downward Yo'Hi : Forward Yo'Hu... Do You See? As the Ladder is Climbed, the Chariot Ascends and the Mind Becomes Enthralled by the Thunder of Righteousness! Twelve Seconds to Draw the Breath into the Soul... Twelve More as the Head Slowly Turns... Twelve Again as a Word is Formed and Devotedly Let Go... Twelve More as the Head Returns to the Center of Consciousness... Then a Final Twelve Dwelling within the Contemplative Bliss of your Silence and Stillness. An Exquisite Minute Spent in Opening Each Gate. One Hundred Bridges of Transformation to Cross and Complete. Each Full Sequence Repeated Twelve Times. Flawlessly. With Diligence and Intention. Holiness and Perfection. One Glorious Day Spent in Adoration and Reverence for Your Lord! A Kavanah of God's Divine Name! A Supplication and Prayer Cast into Heaven's Air! Oh! What Mysteries to Be Revealed! What Secrets Will You Choose to Unveil?
Come and See!

Listen! When the Light of God was Pulled Back through Tzimtzum, to Form a Holy Space wherein Crea... more Listen! When the Light of God was Pulled Back through Tzimtzum, to Form a Holy Space wherein Creation Could Be Made Manifest, a Trace of Divine Radiance was Left Behind. An Imprint of Possibility Remained. A Shadow of Retraction Known as Reshimu. And so it is Nothing Comes into the Planes of Existence without Having its Roots and Seeds Burst from this Incomprehensible Sense of Potential. It Has Also Been Whispered by the Hidden Winds Slipping through a Mountain Pass So Far Above the Garden that Breath No Longer Clings to its Remembrance, that Reshimu Rests Exactly in the Center of Infinity. A Point Beyond Dimension that Cannot Be Measured or Pondered, Grasped or Wandered Through, and whether a Fallen Spark is Ignited by Compassion : Rachamim or Evil : Ra', it Begins within that Supernal Shadow of Holiness wherein the Circles and Lines of Consciousness Initially Expanded as the Eternal Pattern of God's Light Cast into the Image of Man. Male and Female. Being and Nothingness. Running and Returning, Below and Above. To Live and Die, Again and Again, within the Shadows of Evil. Come and See!

Listen! The Second Path that Leads Back to the Garden of Eden and Circles Seven Times around its ... more Listen! The Second Path that Leads Back to the Garden of Eden and Circles Seven Times around its Orchard of Pomegranates is called the Road of Remez. Do You See? To Unravel and Resolve the Knots of Knowledge through the Use of Allusion and Parable, the Nimble Fingers of Allegory and Insinuation, Explanations Composed by Similitude and Metaphor. Oh, my Beloved! So many Wise Ones have come Before Leaving Subtle Trails of Inference and Fable. Ladders of Ascension. The Gates of Righteousness. Kingdoms wherein Permutations and Combinations of God's Divine Names are Flames of Intimation. Cryptic Clues. Enigmatic Residue of Whispers Left Behind by RaMCHaL and the RaMaK, by RaMBaM and Arizal, the BeSHt and Chaim Vital. The Numinous Thoughts and Words of Luzzatto and Moshe Cordovero, Maimonides and Yitzchak Luria, Israel Ben Eliezer and Abraham Abulafia. The Lords and Masters of Remez! Oh! To Weave the Threads of Knowledge into Tapestries of Symbolism and Innuendo, the End of Days and a Dark Night of the Soul, Particles and Waves of Energy Masquerading as the Skin of Light or the Transcendental Nefesh of Remembrance. Come and See!

Oh, my Beloved! How Can I Share with You the Meaning of that Light which Blesses Me, the Essence ... more Oh, my Beloved! How Can I Share with You the Meaning of that Light which Blesses Me, the Essence of the Energy that Flows through Me? When so much of God's Glory is beyond Comprehension and Unknowable! Listen! "My Thoughts are Not your Thoughts, Neither are My Ways your Ways, Says the Lord." (Isaiah 55:8) And so it is when the Splendor of Wisdom is so Close to the Source of its Supernal Divinity then there is Little to Grasp and even Less to Bring into Understanding. Yet, Every Living Soul is Implored to "Seek the Lord while He may be Found! Call upon Him while He is Near!" (Isaiah 55:6) Can You See? Within the Center of Infinity there is a Paradox of Logic called Reisha D'Lo Idtyada' : The Unknowable Head. Radla is the Unfathomable Unity between Atik Yomin and Arikh Anpin, the Ancient of Days and the Patient One Who Wears the Long Face of God. She is the Nukvah of Malkhut Reaching Out to Embrace the Radiance that is the Partzuf of Keter. He is the Illuminated Will of Wisdom Bowing to a Covenant of Faith. They are the Attributes of Freedom, Love, Truth and Joy made Manifest through our Intrinsic Interconnectedness and the Declaration of our Absolute Unity. And there are those who Proclaim it is the Superconsciousness of a Collective Light that Shines Down into Creation on Rosh Hashanah to Bathe the Righteous in Waves of Remembrance!
Come and See!
O Lord! May the Thoughts of my Heart and the Dreams of my Mind Be Fulfilled in Accordance with Yo... more O Lord! May the Thoughts of my Heart and the Dreams of my Mind Be Fulfilled in Accordance with Your Divine Will. May I Always Be Your Faithful Servant, for Your Mercy Endures Forever! Just as Your Love is an Everlasting Fire! Hereby Do I Now Compose with Devotion and Adoration a Sacred Seal of the Angels of Resh. O Raphael! He who is the Guardian of the Tree of Life. She who is a Watcher of the Kingdom of Malkhut and the World of Asiyah. They who Stand before the Throne of God and are Charged with Healing the Garden and Cleansing the Earth. O Raziel! Keeper of the Knowledge of the Stars and Master of Secrets. He who Flies upon Sapphire Wings. She who is an Incorruptible Flame. They who Defend the Gateway to Teshuvah.
Come and See!
Teaching Documents by Uminimu uminimU
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Come and See!
Come and See!
Come and See!
Come and See!
Come and See!
Come and See!
Come and See!
Come and See!
Come and See!
Come and See!
Come and See!
Come and See!
Come and See!