Al-Kharaj : Jurnal Ekonomi, Keuangan & Bisnis Syariah
Wakaf merupakan suatu wujud tindakan atau amalan yang paling dianjurkan untuk umat Islam dimana b... more Wakaf merupakan suatu wujud tindakan atau amalan yang paling dianjurkan untuk umat Islam dimana balasan bagi orang yang memberikan wakaf selalu mendapatkan pahalanya walaupun orang yang berwakaf sudah wafat. Dalam rangka pengembangan wakaf tunai di iIndonesia sangat diperlukan sistem yang baik. Tujuan risearch ini adalah untuk meninjau dan menganalisis sistem pengembangan wakaf tunai dengan sumber hukumnya berdasarkan perspektif dari Al-Qur’an dan Hadits. Salah satu bentuk wakaf yang baru di Indonesia adaalah wakaf uang. Maka pengembangannya baik untuk dilakukan terutama dalam sektor perekonomian Indonesia yang masih lemah dengan melihat sistem yang diberikan oleh Al-Qur’an dan Hadits. Penelitian ini memakai metode yaitu pendekatan Content Analysis dengan jenis penelitian studi Pustaka (risearch library). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan wakaf dilakukan dengan memperbanyak kegiatan sosialisasi kepada seluruh masyarakat terutama masyarakat pedesaan yang masih belum pah...
Aktivitas bisnis dunia maya atau online shope begitu marak akhir-akhir ini, seperti COD, karena i... more Aktivitas bisnis dunia maya atau online shope begitu marak akhir-akhir ini, seperti COD, karena ini bagian dari muamalah bisnis maka bisnis bagi seorang muslim bukan hanya perkara untung rugi, namun lebih dari itu bisnis bicara surga dan neraka sehingga pengusaha ataupun juga bukan pengusaha wajib memahami terkait halal serta haram dalam bisnis dan muamalah. Bisnis adalah suatu aktivitas individu atau kelompok/organisasi untuk memproduksi dan memasarkan barang atau jasa kepada konsumen dengan tujuan untuk memperoleh keuntungan atau profit. Jadi bisnis Islami adalah bisnis yang sesuai syariah Islam, demikian juga bahwa bisnis adalah sekumpulan aktivitas atau perbuatan manusia dimana perbuatan tersebut wajib terikat dengan syariah Islam, Bagi seorang Muslim berbisnis Islami itu merupakan konsekuensi dari keimanan, di samping itu bisnis Islami adalah solusi untuk masalah manusia, sekaligus akan membawa maslahat, maka wajib bagi seorang muslim terlebih dahulu memahami fikih bisnis se...
Sharia Financial Institutions (LKS), both banks and non-banks, have activities to collect funds f... more Sharia Financial Institutions (LKS), both banks and non-banks, have activities to collect funds from the public (customers) and channel these funds through financing and loans, as well as services. After the funds have been channeled by LKS as an investor to the business manager, there are two possibilities: a business that is categorized as smooth because it has good management or poor business management, so that installment payments stop. This study aims to determine how the settlement management carried out by PT Bank SUMUT Syariah in solving problematic financing in the Covid 19 pandemic era and whether the methods used have an impact on all parties concerned. In this study also concluded that the factors that influence the existence of problematic financing are caused by internal factors and external factors which make the bank's control function not functioning properly. So that with these factors, the bank anticipates the steps that are deemed appropriate and in accordan...
This study aims to determine the implementation of Self-Help Housing Stimulant Assistance (BSPS) ... more This study aims to determine the implementation of Self-Help Housing Stimulant Assistance (BSPS) in providing livable houses in Berohol Village, Bajenis District, Tebing Tinggi City. Self-Help Housing Stimulant Assistance (BSPS) is a government facility in the form of stimulant assistance for the construction / improvement of housing quality provided to low-income people. Low-Income Communities (MBR) are people who have limited purchasing power so they need government support to get a decent house to live in. Self-Help Housing are houses built on the initiative and efforts of the community, either individually or in groups. This type of research is a descriptive qualitative research. In collecting research data using interview techniques, observation, and documentation using informants as a source of information. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of the Self-Help Housing Stimulant Assistance Program in providing Liveable Homes in Berohol Village, Bajenis Dis...
The purpose of this study was to determine the employee recruitment and selection process carried... more The purpose of this study was to determine the employee recruitment and selection process carried out by PT Bakie Sumatera Plantations from an Islamic perspective. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. Retrieval of data obtained using interview techniques and field observations. The implementation of the recruitment and selection carried out by PT Bakrie Sumatera Plantations prioritizes the capabilities of prospective employees. The method used by PT Bakrie is also in accordance with Islamic principles which use an open system by using social media and cooperation with the Department of Labor as information dissemination. The nepotism that was carried out at PT Bakrie was based on the ability of prospective employees with a record of passing the tests determined by the company.
This study aims to determine the level of effectiveness of Rahn Tasjily's soil products in fa... more This study aims to determine the level of effectiveness of Rahn Tasjily's soil products in facilitating capital at PT. Pegadaian Syariah Setia Budi Medan Branch and to determine the level of effectiveness of Rahn Tasjily's land products in improving the economy of customers at PT. Pawnshop Syariah Setia Budi Medan Branch. This study uses qualitative methods with primary and secondary data sources and data collection methods using observation, interviews, and documentation, while data analysis uses descriptive analysis methods. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the land yields of Rahn Tasjily found at the Pawnshop Syariah Setia Budi Medan are in accordance with the indicators of the effectiveness of the ease of capital, as evidenced by explanations from staff and customers who use Rahn Tasjily's produce. Rahn Tasjily's land yield is also in accordance with the indicators of the effectiveness of improving the economy as evidenced by the explan...
Ihtikâr in terminology is holding (hoarding) basic human goods to be able to gain profits by incr... more Ihtikâr in terminology is holding (hoarding) basic human goods to be able to gain profits by increasing the price and waiting for prices to soar in the market. According to the principles of Islamic law, whatever goods are permitted by Allah SWT to have them, then it is also lawful to be used as objects trading. Likewise, all forms that are forbidden to possess it are also forbidden to trade them. According to Yusuf al-Qardhawi, risywah is "money given to the ruler or employee, so that the ruler or employee imposes a punishment that benefits him. The type of research I use is a qualitative research type. Ihtikâr and Its Impact on the World Economy. There are several economic activities that benefit only one party but are prohibited by religion, such as gambling, usury, fraud (al-ghabn), tadlîs in buying and selling and hoarding (ihtikâr). For this reason, every economic activity must be based on a sense of transcendence. In general, risywah crimes have an impact on 3 important ...
Circulating government regulations regarding the use of e-money, people began to obey them by usi... more Circulating government regulations regarding the use of e-money, people began to obey them by using e-money until finally the use of e-money has become a habit for the majority of Indonesian people. The basic law of muamalah in Islam is permissible until there is a proposition that prohibits it, so with this shift in habit, whether custom or in ushul fiqh science is called 'urf,. This study aims to analyze 'urf on the use of electronic money (e-money) at the lecturers of the Islamic economics and business faculty of UIN North Sumatra Medan, this qualitative research uses the case study method. The researcher conducted observations on all permanent lecturers of the undergraduate program and of the sixty-two lecturers of the Faculty of Economics and Islamic Business, State Islamic University of North Sumatra Medan, the researcher will conduct interviews only with ten representatives of lecturers of the Faculty of Economics and Islamic Business, State Islamic University of North Sumatera, Medan with criteria ranging from 25-40 years old and the lecturer understands about electronic money and has used electronic money (emoney) outside of campus mandatory transactions. This study results that the use of e-money is included in the 'urf sahih category, which means that the use of e-money is a habit that does not conflict with the arguments of the Qur'an and Hadith, the use of e-money also includes 'urf 'amm which means e-money known, known, agreed upon and applied by the majority of the community, the use of e-money also provides benefits to the community. So the use of e-money is an 'urf that can be used as the basis for legal determination.
According to Islamic economics, the goal of this research was to establish the influence that a p... more According to Islamic economics, the goal of this research was to establish the influence that a person's lifestyle, social media, and social surroundings have on their purchasing behavior while the epidemic is ongoing. In this research, quantitative methods and associative approaches have been used. For the purpose of data collection, questionnaires have been employed, and both the population and the sample have consisted of 94 individuals. Multiple linear regression was the approach that was utilized to analyze the data. The findings of this research indicate that the Lifestyle Variable (X1) has a significant effect on Consumption Behavior. This is demonstrated by the t count value of 3.422 > t table 1.986 with a significant value of 0.008 0.05. Additionally, the findings of this research indicate that the Social Media Variable (X2) has a significant influence on Consumption Behavior. This consumption behavior is evidenced by the t-count value, which is 4.299 > t table 1....
Indonesian Interdisciplinary Journal of Sharia Economics (IIJSE)
Indonesia is a country with the largest Muslim population of 231,069,932 people based on data fro... more Indonesia is a country with the largest Muslim population of 231,069,932 people based on data from the Indonesian ministry of religion. That figure is equal to 84.37% of Indonesia’s total population of 273,879,750 people. As home to 84.37% of the Muslim population, Indonesia has fantastic potential sharia in the business world. The development of the sharia business lately has been rapid. Many demand scholars who understand the world of sharia business has resulted in increased job opportunities. The availability of vacancies in Islamic financial institutions requires competent human resources or graduates in the fields of economics and Islamic banking. The purpose of this research is to analyze the strategy of increasing the competence of sharia banking students at UIN Sumatera Utara in the interest of a career in sharia financial institutions. The research uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive analysis method. Research techniques used are interview, observation, literatur...
Indonesian Interdisciplinary Journal of Sharia Economics (IIJSE)
The phenomenon of using credit cards for some people is considered a symbol of status and lifesty... more The phenomenon of using credit cards for some people is considered a symbol of status and lifestyle. It has an impact on conventional and Islamic financial institutions to compete to create banking card products that function to attract the attention of potential customers. In a hadith review, the credit card phenomenon is seen as a form of muamalah based on the principle of debt. Therefore, in a hadith review, borrowing is a commendable practice because it includes helping each other. Therefore, the study aims to analyze the perception of lecturers on the use of sharia credit card. The sample of research is people who have a teaching profession at an Islamic University. The methodology is qualitative with a quantitative descriptive approach, where the focus is to explore the problems of the research subject specifically from all aspects of personality related to the object of research. The research is also often referred to as casuistic observation research, then the data collectio...
This study aims to understand how the bank's strategy in overcoming Non-Performing Financing ... more This study aims to understand how the bank's strategy in overcoming Non-Performing Financing (NPF) is focused on one problem, namely how the bank's strategy is in overcoming Non-Performing Financing (NPF) which is focused on one problem (NPF). Qualitative research with descriptive is the research method used in this study. The information in this study was compiled from one piece of information from Bank Syariah Indonesia Kcp Stabat Proklamasi, namely the Operations section. The data used is primary data obtained through interviews with direct informants. Keywords : Problematic Financing, Non Performing Financing (NPF)
Al-Mutharahah: Jurnal Penelitian dan Kajian Sosial Keagamaan
Fatwa merupakan jawaban mufti atas persoalan-persoalan yang ditanyakan oleh individu, kelompok at... more Fatwa merupakan jawaban mufti atas persoalan-persoalan yang ditanyakan oleh individu, kelompok ataupun oleh organisasi/lembaga terkait dengan masalah yang mereka hadapi. Seorang mufti atau ulama yang menetapkan fatwa wajib orang-orang yang memiliki ilmu tinggi, mengerti ilmu ushul fiqih, mengerti ilmu tafsir dan hadits, bisa berbahasa arab, terjaga pandangannya, sedikit bicaranya atas masalah-masalah yang kurang penting dan terbebas dari kepentingan. Pertanyaannya fatwa yang dikeluarkan oleh mufti atau orang-orang terpercaya tersebut bagaimana kedudukannya dalam hukum Islam? Hal ini mengingat fatwa tidak menjadi bagian dalam sruktur hukum Islam, ditambah lagi fatwa yang dikeluarkan mufti tidak bersifat memaksa. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini, peneliti melakukan analisis atau kajian menggunakan metode penelitian kepustakaan dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pada masa sekarang di tengah kemajuan zaman, persoalan muncul dengan beraneka ragam. Ker...
Manusia adalah makhluk yang sadar, yang berarti bahwa ia sadar terhadap semua alasan tingkah laku... more Manusia adalah makhluk yang sadar, yang berarti bahwa ia sadar terhadap semua alasan tingkah lakunya, sadar inferioritasnya, mampu membimbing tingkah lakunya, dan menyadari sepenuhnya arti dari segala perbuatan untuk kemudian dapat mengaktualisasikan dirinya. Spiritualitas dan agama memiliki hubungan dengan aspek kognitif, emosional, perilaku, interpersonal dan psikologis yang membentuk sebagai pendekatan holistik untuk memahami manusia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana perumusan definisi agama dan spiritual (keyakinan) dalam hubungan bermasyarakat yang komprehensif dan jelas dapat membantu dalam menentukan makna dan pengaruh agama dan keyakinan guna membantu masyarakat menghadapi dan mengatasi masalah mereka. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara wawancara dan observasi. Responden penelitian ini meliputi warga desa dengan usia lanjut yang berada di Desa Hajoran Tongah dan Hajoran Simaninggir Kabupaten Labuhanbatu Selatan. Berdasarkan analisis data diketahui hasil penelitian bahwa kegiatan dan hubungan keagamaan di Desa Hajoran sangat baik, di mana masyarakat yang begitu antusias mengikuti kegiatan-kegiatan keagamaan, seperti suluk yang diadakan di Desa Hajoran yang mana menambah optimis tasawuf dan tarekatnya akan muncul menjadi semangat hidup di zaman sekarang ini.
Perbankan Islam didasarkan pada prinsip hukum Islam, berdasarkan adanya larangan dalam agama Isla... more Perbankan Islam didasarkan pada prinsip hukum Islam, berdasarkan adanya larangan dalam agama Islam untuk meminjamkan atau memungut pinjaman dengan mengenakan bunga pinjaman (riba), serta larangan untuk berinvestasi pada usaha-usaha berkategori terlarang (haram). Kegiatan operasional di dalam bank Islam menggunakan prinsip berdasarkan prinsip bagi hasil (mudharabah), pembiayaan berdasarkan prinsip usaha patungan (musyarakah), jual beli barang dengan memperoleh keuntungan (murabahah), atau pembiayaan barang modal berdasarkan prinsip sewa (ijarah). Perbankan Syariah tidak menggunakan sistem bunga sebagai alat untuk memperoleh pendapatan maupun membebankan bunga atas penggunaan dana pinjaman nasabah, karena riba di haramkan oleh syariah Islam. Strategi pemasaran merupakan bagian integral dari strategi bisnis yang memberikan arah pada semua fungsi manajemen suatu organisasi bisnis. Dengan adanya strategi pemasaran, maka implementasi program dalam mencapai tujuan organisasi dapat dilakuka...
Buying and selling is a type of economic activity carried out by sellers and buyers that encourag... more Buying and selling is a type of economic activity carried out by sellers and buyers that encourages the exchange of property rights to products or services from the hands of the seller into the hands of the buyer. Buying and selling is a necessity for people to survive. The individual needs of life will the exchange be able to be met through a meeting between merchants and buyers in a place called a market. The development of the market is indistinguishable by the turn of events and changes in the way of life of the individual. The relationship of promise and settlement is that the agreement provides a commitment. Covenants are sources of understanding, regardless of different sources. The agreement is also called understanding, arguing that the two meetings agreed to follow up with something. The understanding brought into the contract world, it must be desired by two people or two meetings to enter into the understanding, while the understanding brought into the world of rules is ...
Human resource management is the potential which is an asset and functions as capital (non-materi... more Human resource management is the potential which is an asset and functions as capital (non-material / non-financial) in a business organization, which can be realized in reality (physical) potential both physically and non-physically in realizing the existence of an organization. So that it can be attributed to the ability of the apprentice to understand the work provided by the apprenticeship source, it can provide an assessment of the educational institution of the apprenticeship studying. Therefore, the researcher is interested in examining the apprenticeship model that is in accordance with stakeholder interest, namely the Islamic banking industry and the apprenticeship learning process that will be carried out. The methodology used in this study is using a qualitative descriptive approach by using interview instruments with the method of deep interview and questionnaire, interviews with 1 (one) bank president, commissioner, 3 (three) sharia bank branch leaders and the head of I...
International Journal Of Humanities Education and Social Sciences (IJHESS)
Saving is an activity to prepare future costs so that all the necessities of life remain stable a... more Saving is an activity to prepare future costs so that all the necessities of life remain stable and orderly. Mental preparation before saving is to be frugal.Without this it is very difficult to save. Various methods of saving, including saving at home, saving in the bank. The author examines the method of saving the number of perspectives in the time of the Prophet Yusuf (as). that is, setting aside more of the earth's savings than allocating consumptive needs. As a result, when a famine occurs / economic crisis, the savings can meet the conditions of a famine that are met in a stable and orderly manner. Saving for 7 years, the savings can meet the needs for the next 7 years during famine. Writing this with the literature method, which uses the approach of interpretive studies and then analyzed and applied in the present age. The results of the analysis that the theory of saving is a quota of more savings the money from income than expenditure
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat pengaruh pembiayaan musyarakah sebagai ... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat pengaruh pembiayaan musyarakah sebagai variabel X terhadap pendapatan UKM sebagai variabel Y di BMT Sehati. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif. Sampel penelitian yang digunakan sebanyak 43 responden yang merupakan nasabah pembiayaan musyarakah di BMT Sehati. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik Convinience Sampling atau biasa dikenal sebagai Insidental Sampling. Data penelitian dianalisis dengan metode kuantitatif dan untuk menguji hipotesis digunakan inner model atau pengujian struktural dengan menggunakan Partial Least Square (PLS). Hasil penelitian yang didapatkan menunjukkan bahwa pembiayaan musyarakah tidak berpengaruh positif positif dan signifikan terhadap pendapatan UKM. nilai koefisien beta (Original sample (β)) sebesar -0.570, t-statistik 4.707 atau > 1.96 atau pada tingkat 5% dan p-value 0.000 atau <0.005. Besarnya pengaruh pembiayaan musyarakah terhadap variabel pendapatan UKM nasa...
Al-Kharaj : Jurnal Ekonomi, Keuangan & Bisnis Syariah
Wakaf merupakan suatu wujud tindakan atau amalan yang paling dianjurkan untuk umat Islam dimana b... more Wakaf merupakan suatu wujud tindakan atau amalan yang paling dianjurkan untuk umat Islam dimana balasan bagi orang yang memberikan wakaf selalu mendapatkan pahalanya walaupun orang yang berwakaf sudah wafat. Dalam rangka pengembangan wakaf tunai di iIndonesia sangat diperlukan sistem yang baik. Tujuan risearch ini adalah untuk meninjau dan menganalisis sistem pengembangan wakaf tunai dengan sumber hukumnya berdasarkan perspektif dari Al-Qur’an dan Hadits. Salah satu bentuk wakaf yang baru di Indonesia adaalah wakaf uang. Maka pengembangannya baik untuk dilakukan terutama dalam sektor perekonomian Indonesia yang masih lemah dengan melihat sistem yang diberikan oleh Al-Qur’an dan Hadits. Penelitian ini memakai metode yaitu pendekatan Content Analysis dengan jenis penelitian studi Pustaka (risearch library). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan wakaf dilakukan dengan memperbanyak kegiatan sosialisasi kepada seluruh masyarakat terutama masyarakat pedesaan yang masih belum pah...
Aktivitas bisnis dunia maya atau online shope begitu marak akhir-akhir ini, seperti COD, karena i... more Aktivitas bisnis dunia maya atau online shope begitu marak akhir-akhir ini, seperti COD, karena ini bagian dari muamalah bisnis maka bisnis bagi seorang muslim bukan hanya perkara untung rugi, namun lebih dari itu bisnis bicara surga dan neraka sehingga pengusaha ataupun juga bukan pengusaha wajib memahami terkait halal serta haram dalam bisnis dan muamalah. Bisnis adalah suatu aktivitas individu atau kelompok/organisasi untuk memproduksi dan memasarkan barang atau jasa kepada konsumen dengan tujuan untuk memperoleh keuntungan atau profit. Jadi bisnis Islami adalah bisnis yang sesuai syariah Islam, demikian juga bahwa bisnis adalah sekumpulan aktivitas atau perbuatan manusia dimana perbuatan tersebut wajib terikat dengan syariah Islam, Bagi seorang Muslim berbisnis Islami itu merupakan konsekuensi dari keimanan, di samping itu bisnis Islami adalah solusi untuk masalah manusia, sekaligus akan membawa maslahat, maka wajib bagi seorang muslim terlebih dahulu memahami fikih bisnis se...
Sharia Financial Institutions (LKS), both banks and non-banks, have activities to collect funds f... more Sharia Financial Institutions (LKS), both banks and non-banks, have activities to collect funds from the public (customers) and channel these funds through financing and loans, as well as services. After the funds have been channeled by LKS as an investor to the business manager, there are two possibilities: a business that is categorized as smooth because it has good management or poor business management, so that installment payments stop. This study aims to determine how the settlement management carried out by PT Bank SUMUT Syariah in solving problematic financing in the Covid 19 pandemic era and whether the methods used have an impact on all parties concerned. In this study also concluded that the factors that influence the existence of problematic financing are caused by internal factors and external factors which make the bank's control function not functioning properly. So that with these factors, the bank anticipates the steps that are deemed appropriate and in accordan...
This study aims to determine the implementation of Self-Help Housing Stimulant Assistance (BSPS) ... more This study aims to determine the implementation of Self-Help Housing Stimulant Assistance (BSPS) in providing livable houses in Berohol Village, Bajenis District, Tebing Tinggi City. Self-Help Housing Stimulant Assistance (BSPS) is a government facility in the form of stimulant assistance for the construction / improvement of housing quality provided to low-income people. Low-Income Communities (MBR) are people who have limited purchasing power so they need government support to get a decent house to live in. Self-Help Housing are houses built on the initiative and efforts of the community, either individually or in groups. This type of research is a descriptive qualitative research. In collecting research data using interview techniques, observation, and documentation using informants as a source of information. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of the Self-Help Housing Stimulant Assistance Program in providing Liveable Homes in Berohol Village, Bajenis Dis...
The purpose of this study was to determine the employee recruitment and selection process carried... more The purpose of this study was to determine the employee recruitment and selection process carried out by PT Bakie Sumatera Plantations from an Islamic perspective. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. Retrieval of data obtained using interview techniques and field observations. The implementation of the recruitment and selection carried out by PT Bakrie Sumatera Plantations prioritizes the capabilities of prospective employees. The method used by PT Bakrie is also in accordance with Islamic principles which use an open system by using social media and cooperation with the Department of Labor as information dissemination. The nepotism that was carried out at PT Bakrie was based on the ability of prospective employees with a record of passing the tests determined by the company.
This study aims to determine the level of effectiveness of Rahn Tasjily's soil products in fa... more This study aims to determine the level of effectiveness of Rahn Tasjily's soil products in facilitating capital at PT. Pegadaian Syariah Setia Budi Medan Branch and to determine the level of effectiveness of Rahn Tasjily's land products in improving the economy of customers at PT. Pawnshop Syariah Setia Budi Medan Branch. This study uses qualitative methods with primary and secondary data sources and data collection methods using observation, interviews, and documentation, while data analysis uses descriptive analysis methods. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the land yields of Rahn Tasjily found at the Pawnshop Syariah Setia Budi Medan are in accordance with the indicators of the effectiveness of the ease of capital, as evidenced by explanations from staff and customers who use Rahn Tasjily's produce. Rahn Tasjily's land yield is also in accordance with the indicators of the effectiveness of improving the economy as evidenced by the explan...
Ihtikâr in terminology is holding (hoarding) basic human goods to be able to gain profits by incr... more Ihtikâr in terminology is holding (hoarding) basic human goods to be able to gain profits by increasing the price and waiting for prices to soar in the market. According to the principles of Islamic law, whatever goods are permitted by Allah SWT to have them, then it is also lawful to be used as objects trading. Likewise, all forms that are forbidden to possess it are also forbidden to trade them. According to Yusuf al-Qardhawi, risywah is "money given to the ruler or employee, so that the ruler or employee imposes a punishment that benefits him. The type of research I use is a qualitative research type. Ihtikâr and Its Impact on the World Economy. There are several economic activities that benefit only one party but are prohibited by religion, such as gambling, usury, fraud (al-ghabn), tadlîs in buying and selling and hoarding (ihtikâr). For this reason, every economic activity must be based on a sense of transcendence. In general, risywah crimes have an impact on 3 important ...
Circulating government regulations regarding the use of e-money, people began to obey them by usi... more Circulating government regulations regarding the use of e-money, people began to obey them by using e-money until finally the use of e-money has become a habit for the majority of Indonesian people. The basic law of muamalah in Islam is permissible until there is a proposition that prohibits it, so with this shift in habit, whether custom or in ushul fiqh science is called 'urf,. This study aims to analyze 'urf on the use of electronic money (e-money) at the lecturers of the Islamic economics and business faculty of UIN North Sumatra Medan, this qualitative research uses the case study method. The researcher conducted observations on all permanent lecturers of the undergraduate program and of the sixty-two lecturers of the Faculty of Economics and Islamic Business, State Islamic University of North Sumatra Medan, the researcher will conduct interviews only with ten representatives of lecturers of the Faculty of Economics and Islamic Business, State Islamic University of North Sumatera, Medan with criteria ranging from 25-40 years old and the lecturer understands about electronic money and has used electronic money (emoney) outside of campus mandatory transactions. This study results that the use of e-money is included in the 'urf sahih category, which means that the use of e-money is a habit that does not conflict with the arguments of the Qur'an and Hadith, the use of e-money also includes 'urf 'amm which means e-money known, known, agreed upon and applied by the majority of the community, the use of e-money also provides benefits to the community. So the use of e-money is an 'urf that can be used as the basis for legal determination.
According to Islamic economics, the goal of this research was to establish the influence that a p... more According to Islamic economics, the goal of this research was to establish the influence that a person's lifestyle, social media, and social surroundings have on their purchasing behavior while the epidemic is ongoing. In this research, quantitative methods and associative approaches have been used. For the purpose of data collection, questionnaires have been employed, and both the population and the sample have consisted of 94 individuals. Multiple linear regression was the approach that was utilized to analyze the data. The findings of this research indicate that the Lifestyle Variable (X1) has a significant effect on Consumption Behavior. This is demonstrated by the t count value of 3.422 > t table 1.986 with a significant value of 0.008 0.05. Additionally, the findings of this research indicate that the Social Media Variable (X2) has a significant influence on Consumption Behavior. This consumption behavior is evidenced by the t-count value, which is 4.299 > t table 1....
Indonesian Interdisciplinary Journal of Sharia Economics (IIJSE)
Indonesia is a country with the largest Muslim population of 231,069,932 people based on data fro... more Indonesia is a country with the largest Muslim population of 231,069,932 people based on data from the Indonesian ministry of religion. That figure is equal to 84.37% of Indonesia’s total population of 273,879,750 people. As home to 84.37% of the Muslim population, Indonesia has fantastic potential sharia in the business world. The development of the sharia business lately has been rapid. Many demand scholars who understand the world of sharia business has resulted in increased job opportunities. The availability of vacancies in Islamic financial institutions requires competent human resources or graduates in the fields of economics and Islamic banking. The purpose of this research is to analyze the strategy of increasing the competence of sharia banking students at UIN Sumatera Utara in the interest of a career in sharia financial institutions. The research uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive analysis method. Research techniques used are interview, observation, literatur...
Indonesian Interdisciplinary Journal of Sharia Economics (IIJSE)
The phenomenon of using credit cards for some people is considered a symbol of status and lifesty... more The phenomenon of using credit cards for some people is considered a symbol of status and lifestyle. It has an impact on conventional and Islamic financial institutions to compete to create banking card products that function to attract the attention of potential customers. In a hadith review, the credit card phenomenon is seen as a form of muamalah based on the principle of debt. Therefore, in a hadith review, borrowing is a commendable practice because it includes helping each other. Therefore, the study aims to analyze the perception of lecturers on the use of sharia credit card. The sample of research is people who have a teaching profession at an Islamic University. The methodology is qualitative with a quantitative descriptive approach, where the focus is to explore the problems of the research subject specifically from all aspects of personality related to the object of research. The research is also often referred to as casuistic observation research, then the data collectio...
This study aims to understand how the bank's strategy in overcoming Non-Performing Financing ... more This study aims to understand how the bank's strategy in overcoming Non-Performing Financing (NPF) is focused on one problem, namely how the bank's strategy is in overcoming Non-Performing Financing (NPF) which is focused on one problem (NPF). Qualitative research with descriptive is the research method used in this study. The information in this study was compiled from one piece of information from Bank Syariah Indonesia Kcp Stabat Proklamasi, namely the Operations section. The data used is primary data obtained through interviews with direct informants. Keywords : Problematic Financing, Non Performing Financing (NPF)
Al-Mutharahah: Jurnal Penelitian dan Kajian Sosial Keagamaan
Fatwa merupakan jawaban mufti atas persoalan-persoalan yang ditanyakan oleh individu, kelompok at... more Fatwa merupakan jawaban mufti atas persoalan-persoalan yang ditanyakan oleh individu, kelompok ataupun oleh organisasi/lembaga terkait dengan masalah yang mereka hadapi. Seorang mufti atau ulama yang menetapkan fatwa wajib orang-orang yang memiliki ilmu tinggi, mengerti ilmu ushul fiqih, mengerti ilmu tafsir dan hadits, bisa berbahasa arab, terjaga pandangannya, sedikit bicaranya atas masalah-masalah yang kurang penting dan terbebas dari kepentingan. Pertanyaannya fatwa yang dikeluarkan oleh mufti atau orang-orang terpercaya tersebut bagaimana kedudukannya dalam hukum Islam? Hal ini mengingat fatwa tidak menjadi bagian dalam sruktur hukum Islam, ditambah lagi fatwa yang dikeluarkan mufti tidak bersifat memaksa. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini, peneliti melakukan analisis atau kajian menggunakan metode penelitian kepustakaan dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pada masa sekarang di tengah kemajuan zaman, persoalan muncul dengan beraneka ragam. Ker...
Manusia adalah makhluk yang sadar, yang berarti bahwa ia sadar terhadap semua alasan tingkah laku... more Manusia adalah makhluk yang sadar, yang berarti bahwa ia sadar terhadap semua alasan tingkah lakunya, sadar inferioritasnya, mampu membimbing tingkah lakunya, dan menyadari sepenuhnya arti dari segala perbuatan untuk kemudian dapat mengaktualisasikan dirinya. Spiritualitas dan agama memiliki hubungan dengan aspek kognitif, emosional, perilaku, interpersonal dan psikologis yang membentuk sebagai pendekatan holistik untuk memahami manusia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana perumusan definisi agama dan spiritual (keyakinan) dalam hubungan bermasyarakat yang komprehensif dan jelas dapat membantu dalam menentukan makna dan pengaruh agama dan keyakinan guna membantu masyarakat menghadapi dan mengatasi masalah mereka. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara wawancara dan observasi. Responden penelitian ini meliputi warga desa dengan usia lanjut yang berada di Desa Hajoran Tongah dan Hajoran Simaninggir Kabupaten Labuhanbatu Selatan. Berdasarkan analisis data diketahui hasil penelitian bahwa kegiatan dan hubungan keagamaan di Desa Hajoran sangat baik, di mana masyarakat yang begitu antusias mengikuti kegiatan-kegiatan keagamaan, seperti suluk yang diadakan di Desa Hajoran yang mana menambah optimis tasawuf dan tarekatnya akan muncul menjadi semangat hidup di zaman sekarang ini.
Perbankan Islam didasarkan pada prinsip hukum Islam, berdasarkan adanya larangan dalam agama Isla... more Perbankan Islam didasarkan pada prinsip hukum Islam, berdasarkan adanya larangan dalam agama Islam untuk meminjamkan atau memungut pinjaman dengan mengenakan bunga pinjaman (riba), serta larangan untuk berinvestasi pada usaha-usaha berkategori terlarang (haram). Kegiatan operasional di dalam bank Islam menggunakan prinsip berdasarkan prinsip bagi hasil (mudharabah), pembiayaan berdasarkan prinsip usaha patungan (musyarakah), jual beli barang dengan memperoleh keuntungan (murabahah), atau pembiayaan barang modal berdasarkan prinsip sewa (ijarah). Perbankan Syariah tidak menggunakan sistem bunga sebagai alat untuk memperoleh pendapatan maupun membebankan bunga atas penggunaan dana pinjaman nasabah, karena riba di haramkan oleh syariah Islam. Strategi pemasaran merupakan bagian integral dari strategi bisnis yang memberikan arah pada semua fungsi manajemen suatu organisasi bisnis. Dengan adanya strategi pemasaran, maka implementasi program dalam mencapai tujuan organisasi dapat dilakuka...
Buying and selling is a type of economic activity carried out by sellers and buyers that encourag... more Buying and selling is a type of economic activity carried out by sellers and buyers that encourages the exchange of property rights to products or services from the hands of the seller into the hands of the buyer. Buying and selling is a necessity for people to survive. The individual needs of life will the exchange be able to be met through a meeting between merchants and buyers in a place called a market. The development of the market is indistinguishable by the turn of events and changes in the way of life of the individual. The relationship of promise and settlement is that the agreement provides a commitment. Covenants are sources of understanding, regardless of different sources. The agreement is also called understanding, arguing that the two meetings agreed to follow up with something. The understanding brought into the contract world, it must be desired by two people or two meetings to enter into the understanding, while the understanding brought into the world of rules is ...
Human resource management is the potential which is an asset and functions as capital (non-materi... more Human resource management is the potential which is an asset and functions as capital (non-material / non-financial) in a business organization, which can be realized in reality (physical) potential both physically and non-physically in realizing the existence of an organization. So that it can be attributed to the ability of the apprentice to understand the work provided by the apprenticeship source, it can provide an assessment of the educational institution of the apprenticeship studying. Therefore, the researcher is interested in examining the apprenticeship model that is in accordance with stakeholder interest, namely the Islamic banking industry and the apprenticeship learning process that will be carried out. The methodology used in this study is using a qualitative descriptive approach by using interview instruments with the method of deep interview and questionnaire, interviews with 1 (one) bank president, commissioner, 3 (three) sharia bank branch leaders and the head of I...
International Journal Of Humanities Education and Social Sciences (IJHESS)
Saving is an activity to prepare future costs so that all the necessities of life remain stable a... more Saving is an activity to prepare future costs so that all the necessities of life remain stable and orderly. Mental preparation before saving is to be frugal.Without this it is very difficult to save. Various methods of saving, including saving at home, saving in the bank. The author examines the method of saving the number of perspectives in the time of the Prophet Yusuf (as). that is, setting aside more of the earth's savings than allocating consumptive needs. As a result, when a famine occurs / economic crisis, the savings can meet the conditions of a famine that are met in a stable and orderly manner. Saving for 7 years, the savings can meet the needs for the next 7 years during famine. Writing this with the literature method, which uses the approach of interpretive studies and then analyzed and applied in the present age. The results of the analysis that the theory of saving is a quota of more savings the money from income than expenditure
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat pengaruh pembiayaan musyarakah sebagai ... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat pengaruh pembiayaan musyarakah sebagai variabel X terhadap pendapatan UKM sebagai variabel Y di BMT Sehati. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif. Sampel penelitian yang digunakan sebanyak 43 responden yang merupakan nasabah pembiayaan musyarakah di BMT Sehati. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik Convinience Sampling atau biasa dikenal sebagai Insidental Sampling. Data penelitian dianalisis dengan metode kuantitatif dan untuk menguji hipotesis digunakan inner model atau pengujian struktural dengan menggunakan Partial Least Square (PLS). Hasil penelitian yang didapatkan menunjukkan bahwa pembiayaan musyarakah tidak berpengaruh positif positif dan signifikan terhadap pendapatan UKM. nilai koefisien beta (Original sample (β)) sebesar -0.570, t-statistik 4.707 atau > 1.96 atau pada tingkat 5% dan p-value 0.000 atau <0.005. Besarnya pengaruh pembiayaan musyarakah terhadap variabel pendapatan UKM nasa...
Papers by tuti anggraini