Papers by tommaso redolfi riva
Dialogue and Universalism, 2018
... La mega e la comprensione della teoria marxiana del capitale. Titolo Rivista: STORIA DEL PENS... more ... La mega e la comprensione della teoria marxiana del capitale. Titolo Rivista: STORIA DEL PENSIERO ECONOMICO. Autori/Curatori: Tommaso Redolfi Riva. Anno di pubblicazione: 2006 Fascicolo: 1. Acquista qui! Informazioni sulla Rivista. ...
Economic Crisis and Economic Thought, 2019

Radical Philosophy, 2015
The project to re-examine Marx’s critique of political economy at the end of the 1960s by pupils ... more The project to re-examine Marx’s critique of political economy at the end of the 1960s by pupils of Horkheimer and Adorno is nowadays known as the Neue Marx-Lektüre (hereafter NML). This ‘new reading of Marx’, initiated principally by Alfred Schmidt, Hans-Georg Backhaus and Helmut Reichelt, attempted to free Marx from the petrified schemes of Marxist orthodoxy. In this article we will try to reconstruct the beginnings of this project, tracing its roots to Adorno’s critical theory of society. From this perspective we will proceed to examine NML’s original approach to Marx’s theory of value, its understanding of the ‘logical’ character of this theory, and how the contradictions of the commodity form and the double character of labour constitute an autonomization of society. Finally, we will outline some problems with NML, where criticism and further dialogue would be fruitful.
The SAGE Handbook of Marxism
Dialogue and Universalism, 2018
While Marx's critique of David Ricardo is frequently debated, Marx's critique of Samuel Bailey ha... more While Marx's critique of David Ricardo is frequently debated, Marx's critique of Samuel Bailey has, for far too long, remained in the shade. I try to show that Ricardo and Bailey represent two fundamental "moments" of Marx's Darstellung. The word "moment" is here used in a non-generic sense: Ricardo's and Bailey's theories of value represent two opposite and contradictory sides of value's category as presented in Marx's critique of political economy. Building on the work of Hans Georg Backhaus, who claims that the first chapter of Volume one of the Capital can be understood only as a metacritique of Bailey's critique of Ricardo, this topic is developed in order to further clarify the connection of critique and presentation in Marx's theory.
The Sage Handbook of Frankfurt School Critical Theory

Consecutio Rerum, 2018
The aim of the paper is to explain the concept of «critique of political economy» (CPE) in Marx's... more The aim of the paper is to explain the concept of «critique of political economy» (CPE) in Marx's mature work. Starting from the different meanings CPE assumes, I will try to explain the peculiarities of such a critical project. In particular, I will focus the attention on CPE as a critique of capital as objective-subjective totality: on the one side, as a system of social production whose aim is the valorisation of capital, based on the appropriation of unpaid labour and generating a system of socialisation of production increasingly becoming autonomous from the social agents which establish it; on the other side, as the place of constitution of the categories of political economy, whose defect cannot only be brought back to the methodological lack of the economists because such categories, as a part of the capitalistic reality itself, are products of capitalistic social relationships. What emerges from this perspective is that CPE, as the presentation of the system of capitalistic relationships, is the critique of a specific science put forth by means of the critique of its own specific object. Keywords: Marx; Critique of Political Economy; Method of The Critique; Theory of Value; Fetishism. «Il metodo della dialettica, che cerca di andare al di là della prospettiva specialistica e circoscritta della logica e dell'epistemologia, consisterebbe nel non accontentarsi della semplice individuazione del punto che richiede di essere criticato e poi affermare: 'Guarda, qui c'è un errore nel ragionamento, sei caduto in contraddizione -quindi tutta la cosa non vale nulla', bensì […] nell'indicare perché, nella costellazione di questo pensiero, certi errori e certe contraddizioni sono inevitabili, che cosa li ha generati nel movimento di tale pensiero e in che senso quindi essi si mostrano significativi, nella loro falsità e contraddittorietà, nella totalità del pensiero». Adorno 2010, 222-3 [email protected] * Una prima versione di questo contributo è stata presentata nel giugno del 2017 al Corso di perfezionamento in Teoria critica della società dell'Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca. Ringrazio vivamente Vittorio Morfino e gli organizzatori per l'invito.
H.G. Backhaus, Ricerche sulla critica marxiana dell'economia, Milano, Mimesis, 2016
1. L'opera di Backhaus rappresenta un indispensabile grimaldello per l'accesso ai temi fondamenta... more 1. L'opera di Backhaus rappresenta un indispensabile grimaldello per l'accesso ai temi fondamentali della critica dell'economia politica di Marx. Questo grimaldello può essere utilizzato effi cacemente sia per comprendere il dibattito che ha caratterizzato la ricezione dell'opera di Marx a partire dalla seconda metà degli anni Sessanta, che per accedere direttamente ai problemi che caratterizzano l'esposizione marxiana e che rappresentano ancora oggi un terreno di vivace discussione tra gli studiosi.
Il movimento mediatore scompare nel proprio risultato senza lasciar traccia.
The article focuses on the notion of economic formation of society, as it has been conceived in E... more The article focuses on the notion of economic formation of society, as it has been conceived in Emilio Sereni’s Marxism. We analyse Sereni’s essay written in 1970, in which we discern the outlines of its de nition and its distinction from the category of mode of production. We linger over the conceptu- alization of superstructural and genetic moment and over the controversy with Luporini’s Marxism of the forms. Then we try to understand the function that the notion of economic formation of so- ciety plays in Sereni’s historiographic and political work. Finally, we show how the notion of eco- nomic formation of society, as it has been developed by Sereni, can be brought back to the theoretic and political project of the Italian Marxist historicism.
Il sottotitolo di questo contributoè bene dirlo sin dall'inizio -è una frase tratta dall'articolo... more Il sottotitolo di questo contributoè bene dirlo sin dall'inizio -è una frase tratta dall'articolo Teoria economica e critica dell'economia politica pub blicato nel 1973 da Lorenzo Calabi nella rivista «Rinascita». Calabi interve niva in un dibattito che si era aperto a seguito di un intervento di Giuseppe Gavioli sull'esperienza teorica e d'insegnamento della facoltà di Economia e commercio dell'Università di Modena1, nel quale si sottolineava la presenza anche di un gruppo impegnato nella ricerca economica, e che per formazione, ma in modo differenziato, si richiama a uno dei filoni più vitali della critica della "econo mia volgare" di oggi (quello marginalista), fa i conti con Marx variamente attraverso la lezione di Sraffa e intende misurarsi nell'indagine sulla realtà anche nel suo sviluppo storico2.
The project to re-examine Marx’s critique of politi- cal economy at the end of the 1960s by pupil... more The project to re-examine Marx’s critique of politi- cal economy at the end of the 1960s by pupils of Horkheimer and Adorno is nowadays known as the Neue Marx-Lektüre (hereafter NML). This ‘new reading of Marx’, initiated principally by Alfred Schmidt, Hans-Georg Backhaus and Helmut Reichelt, attempted to free Marx from the petrified schemes of Marxist orthodoxy. In this article we will try to reconstruct the beginnings of this project, tracing its roots to Adorno’s critical theory of society. From this perspective we will proceed to examine NML’s original approach to Marx’s theory of value, its under- standing of the ‘logical’ character of this theory, and how the contradictions of the commodity form and the double character of labour constitute an autono- mization of society. Finally, we will outline some problems with NML, where criticism and further dialogue would be fruitful.

Marx’s critique of David Ricardo represents a topic that has often been debated. The same cannot ... more Marx’s critique of David Ricardo represents a topic that has often been debated. The same cannot be said of his criticism of Samuel Bailey, which has for a long time remained in the shade . One only needs to look at the number of pages that Marx dedicates to Bailey in the section of Theories of Surplus-Value about the Dissolution of Ricardian School and the conspicuous number of quotations in Capital, Volume One, to see that it is difficult to underestimate Bailey’s role in Marx’s presentation [Darstellung]. My aim in this paper is not to reconstruct the role of the works of Samuel Bailey in the development of Marx’s critique of political economy from a historical point of view. My aim is rather a theoretical one, that is, to show that Ricardo and Bailey represent two fundamental moments of Marx’s presentation. “Moment” is here used in a non-generic sense: what I wish to highlight is that as they are presented in Marx’s critique of political economy, Ricardo’s and Bailey’s theories of value represent two opposite and contradictory sides of the category of value. Building on the work of Hans Georg Backhaus, who claims that the first chapter of Capital, Volume One, can only be understood as a metacritique of Bailey’s critique of Ricardo, I intend to develop this topic in order to further clarify the connection of critique and presentation, which Marx famously mentions in a well known letter to Lassalle.
Il Ponte, Jun 5, 2013
In questo contributo l'attenzione sarà rivolta alle piú recenti letture della teoria marxiana del... more In questo contributo l'attenzione sarà rivolta alle piú recenti letture della teoria marxiana del capitale. In un primo momento ci concentreremo sulle interpretazioni della teoria del valore e della trasformazione, nonché in generale sulla critica dell'economia politica e sulle sue peculiarità rispetto alla teoria economica; in seguito prenderemo in esame l'esposizione dialettica e le recenti letture del nesso Hegel-Marx in rapporto al metodo della critica marxiana.
Papers by tommaso redolfi riva