Papers by tinkerbell Misela

In India there is a broad spectrum of linguistic background, comprising many languages and scores... more In India there is a broad spectrum of linguistic background, comprising many languages and scores of dialects. English itself continues in everyday use in large number of families but it is not the same as Standard English. The multilingual context offers a variety of problems to the teachers of English. Today's world is a world of rapid technical change. Innovations come out of an ever increasing pace. Due to tremendous progress in information and communication technology, the scenario of contemporary teaching techniques is entirely changed. The teacher of 21 century should shed traditional concepts and techniques of classroom teaching and should adopt the recent and innovative teaching techniques. English language teachers must be innovative, imaginative, and resourceful and have thorough knowledge of the subject and adopt new techniques to change socio, economic status of the country. Due to globalization the world is changing rapidly, hence a teacher has to improve and update knowledge of innovative techniques to meet the demands of changing era. Various innovative materials and strategies will assist for the betterment of students. The present paper explores the use of innovative techniques for teaching English to learners. Novel methods such audio video aids, mimicry, group discussions, dialogue construction, enactment of drama would pave way for learning the language and boost the confidence of the learners. INTRODUTION In the modern neo-liberal scenario of India, the necessity of competence in English has become increasingly vital. The globalization has necessitated the learning of English Language in an international perspective. Moreover the text materials on the subjects of technical education, science and medicine are available in English. The advance of multinational companies in all sectors of economy such as production, distribution and service sectors require personnel with a fair degree of language competence. In this backdrop, the necessity of acquisition of not only spoken English but also written English has become the need of the hour. Salman Rushdie, the renowned novelist says that the English language ceased to be the sole possession of the English some time ago. And it grows from many roots. No one community can claim sole ownership over the English language, which has gone genuinely global. In this precept it is high time to have a holistic approach to learn and teach English as second language. English language learners who are academically proficient in their first or native language represent differing levels of academic experiences, abilities and interests in addition to their language proficiency. Some students read above their grade levels; others struggle with daily instruction. Some have highly supportive home environments for language and literary development; others live without access to books or literary rich environments. Many English language learners spend most of their academic life with teachers who speak only English and who are not prepared to fully understand their varying needs as English language learners. In order for today's teachers to meet the challenge of educating a richly
Papers by tinkerbell Misela