Papers by Timothy O Omole
ICBC , 2024
This paper identifies and examines 15 detrimental attitudes that hinder personal progr... more Abstract:
This paper identifies and examines 15 detrimental attitudes that hinder personal progress and growth. By exploring the negative impact of these attitudes, this study emphasizes the importance of recognizing and overcoming them. Practical strategies for overcoming these limiting attitudes are also provided, offering readers a roadmap for breaking free from obstacles and achieving their full potential.

This study explores the significance of tithing in the New Testament Church and the renewal of th... more This study explores the significance of tithing in the New Testament Church and the renewal of the age long controversies surrounding its practice in the contemporary times in Nigeria. The antagonists of tithe argue that tithe is a mosaic law and therefore not binding on Christians. The flamboyant and ostentatious lifestyle of many Pentecostal preachers supposedly living on the proceeds of the peoples' tithe has called to question the real purpose of tithe. For this reason, collection of tithe by the pastors is being seen by some people as a scam. On the order end of the argument are those who see tithe, even though, not commanded by Christ or practised by the apostles, as a necessary aid to meet the financial needs of the church While academic literature abound on denouncing payment of tithes in the Christian church, being seen as a corrupt regression to the mosaic law, adequate attention has not been giving to the origin and purpose of the practice; taking cognizance of the contributions of the church fathers as it has been on many other controversies in the history of the Christian church. Most literature in defence of tithe in the Christian church, on the other end are merely devotional, hence, grossly subjective, living the subject unfairly treated. Through a critical analysis of biblical texts, historical context, and contemporary applications, this research reveals that tithing, although not commanded by Christ or practised by his Apostles is essential for its effective functioning and mission. Similarly, its abuse or misuse by some reckless pastors does not negate its vital role in fostering church growth, community building, and financial stewardship. By exploring the tensions between tithing's non-essential nature and its essential functions, this project provides a nuanced understanding of this complex practice, offering insights for New Testament Church leaders, seeking to navigate the intricacies of faith and finance.
The closing part of this narrative is the ascension of Jesus Christ "received up into glory" but ... more The closing part of this narrative is the ascension of Jesus Christ "received up into glory" but it does not end there. He had left an instruction like a baton which we are to continue to run with. And that baton is the "great commission" which highlights the New Testament Discipleship Process; we must take our part in the discipleship process seriously as it has been entrusted to us by Jesus. "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."-Matthew 28:19-20 (NIV)
Atipo ati Alejo Communications
This Book provides detailed learning materials for 26 types of evangelism; Person to Person Evang... more This Book provides detailed learning materials for 26 types of evangelism; Person to Person Evangelism, Door to Door Evangelism, Prayer evangelism, Street Evangelism, Lifestyle Evangelism, Photoplay/Cartoon Magazine, Literature Evangelism and Tracts Evangelism, Correspondence Course Evangelism, Upper Class Evangelism, Cyber Evangelism, Drama, Movies, and Documentary, Music Evangelism, Sports Evangelism, Education Evangelism, Radio and Television Broadcast Evangelism, Open Air Preaching, Visual Art and Fair Evangelism, Evangelism to the Handicaps in Sight or Sound, Prison Evangelism, General Hospital Evangelism, Evangelism Onboard, Campus Evangelism, Child Evangelism, Gender and group focused evangelism, Counseling Evangelism, and New Church Evangelism; (Church Planting)

Atipo ati Alejo Communications , 2022
The different ways of fulfilling the great commission; reaching people with the gospel are many a... more The different ways of fulfilling the great commission; reaching people with the gospel are many and varied. Surely God wants his blood-bought children to make use of every glorifying means that the Lord wants used that He may be made known to a lost and dying world. One of the methods of evangelism chosen by some is dramatic arts. Due to this, this study investigates drama with the view to discover its potential and biblical basis for its use to achieve the essence of the great commission. Primary data were derived from first-hand information through the researcher's personal encounter as one, being a Nigerian Christian who pastors a church and works in the theatre. These were supplemented with the secondary data from relevant published papers and books. The study discovers that drama is God's potent method of communication with mankind and cannot be ignored in the effective communication of the gospel to the lost world, and in the edification of the saints.

This paper examines the prevalent tide of ritual killings for money making purposes in Nigeria an... more This paper examines the prevalent tide of ritual killings for money making purposes in Nigeria and how to stem it. Some Nigerians who have fallen victim to the excruciating bites of poverty, who have seen how much premiums are being placed on wealth, how flamboyantly some rich people display their wealth, and have believed the stories that certain successful people became rich through rituals, as it is projected in several Nigerian made home movies, and are being enticed daily on social media to consider money making rituals have had no choice than to accept money making rituals as last resort. Consequently, Kidnapping, killing, and selling of human parts for rituals become a boom in the country. The attendant results include regrets for the practitioners; demean humanity, lost of the virtue of trust among the people, grave security challenges to the detriment of the nation's economy and a shattered National image in the global scene. The paper concludes that the Government, through its various agencies, Religious leaders and community opinion leaders should educate Nigerians through public awareness and enlightenment campaigns for the people on the fallacy and the implications of money-making rituals. Additionally, the government should promote programs and policies to alleviate poverty in the land; and consequently stem the tide of killing for money making rituals in Nigeria.
Domestic homicides; the killing of one's spouse in Nigeria is a societal menace that is fast beco... more Domestic homicides; the killing of one's spouse in Nigeria is a societal menace that is fast becoming pandemic. There have been reports of cases of husbands killing and maiming their wives in the media. What is disturbing to this writer is that among the victims and the culprits were Christians. Most of the deaths could have been avoided if the warring partners had divorced each order early enough. A couple divorcing for any reason, however, is seen as abomination in Christianity. This paper discusses the severity of domestic violence which results in homicides and suicides, and recommends the reconsideration of divorce by the church as a measure to prevent the incidences of domestic homicides in Christian marriages.
Conference Presentations by Timothy O Omole

Afro Asian Journal of social sciences, 2019
The awareness of Drama as a dynamic form of communication, and a powerful tool of evangelism is o... more The awareness of Drama as a dynamic form of communication, and a powerful tool of evangelism is on the increase in Nigeria. Nevertheless, many Christians still hold prejudice against it; considering it as profanity. This study tracks the development of drama from the onset of Christianity in Nigeria, with the view to discover the relationship between drama and Christianity. Primary data were derived from first-hand information through the researcher's personal encounter as one, being a Nigerian Christian who pastors a church and works in theatre. These were supplemented with the secondary data from relevant published papers and books. The study discovers that Drama is not alien to Christianity. This discovery is expected to promote appreciation for Christian theatre arts, and inform a change of attitude, among those who are opposed to the use of Drama for God. The study concludes that Christian drama in Nigeria is already an established form of arts which could not be divorced from the Christian mission objective. Its relevance, however, will only be sustained when all Christians embrace it without further prejudice.
Thesis Chapters by Timothy O Omole

This study investigates the activities of Christ Apostolic Church (CAC) at their designated sacre... more This study investigates the activities of Christ Apostolic Church (CAC) at their designated sacred places in Yoruba land, South West Nigeria with the view to ascertain the level of their assimilation of African Traditional Religious practices into Christianity.The study used qualitative and explorative approach. Data were collected through structured interviews with the caretakers of the various sacred places. In addition, the researcher was present at the places to observe and participate in all their activities. Findings showed that most of the practices at these sacred places are similar to the practices of the African Traditional religion (ATR), and therefore syncretic. The study consequently presents the evidences of syncretism, followed by achallenge to the church authority to re-orientate their members regarding the practice of Christianity without recourse to African Traditional Religious Practices
Drafts by Timothy O Omole
Here is a 6 months; weekends only; tuition free intensive quality Bible education, leading to an ... more Here is a 6 months; weekends only; tuition free intensive quality Bible education, leading to an award of certificate in Theology, Ministries, Education, or Creative arts for people living in the city of Lagos. Click the download button below to learn more
Whether you’re facing a global or personal crisis or attack of the devil; or a mix of both—puttin... more Whether you’re facing a global or personal crisis or attack of the devil; or a mix of both—putting on the armor of God can help you cope with stress, overcome adversity, and enjoy the better days to come.
The armor of God represents the defense we must take in our spiritual lives. The Bible tells us that we are fighting a war against Satan, who seeks to destroy us. Therefore, we must take action and put on God's armor. As Christians, it is important for us to understand the severity of this battle.

Many baton receivers have spoilt the game
1 They have stopped running the race Luke 9:62 And Jesu... more Many baton receivers have spoilt the game
1 They have stopped running the race Luke 9:62 And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.
2 They refused to run the race according to rules. 2 Timothy 2:5 Follow the Lord’s rules for doing his work, just as an athlete either follows the rules or is disqualified and wins no prize.
3. They have replaced the baton. Jeremiah 2:13 For my people have done two evil things: They have forsaken me—the fountain of living water. And they have dug for themselves cracked cisterns that can hold no water at all! They exchanged the baton with misplaced priorities, commercialization of divine healing, fake healings and miracles, cultism, and immorality,
What kind of disciple will they make? What kind of baton will they pass over to others?
Many disciple making ministers need to re- examine their status as Disciples of Christ.
Our churches today is in dire need of pastors, leaders, and senior believers who will beat their ... more Our churches today is in dire need of pastors, leaders, and senior believers who will beat their chests and say like Apostle Paul said “Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ” (1 Corinthians 11:1)

, to Christian parents; Pa David Lawani Rotimi, and Mrs. Martha Talabi Rotimi. Both of them were ... more , to Christian parents; Pa David Lawani Rotimi, and Mrs. Martha Talabi Rotimi. Both of them were members of the Anglican Church. Just before her conception, an angel appeared to Mrs. Martha Talabi in form of an elderly man in white robe, and told her that she would conceive and have a male child whom the lord will use to bless many all over the world. The prophecy about his birth was similar to the prophecy of the birth of Christ. An angel had appeared to Mary before conception, and told her that she would give birth to a male child who will save his people (Luke 1:26-38). On the 25 April 1904, Babalola's mother was in an Odo Owa farmland, called Igbo niyun (pleasant forest), working on palm oilseeds, No midwife was around to help, but her work mates. On this day of his birth, there were reported great thundering and lightning, with winds that shook mightily trees and the entire community. The similarities of the birth of Ayodele Babalola and that of Jesus Christ are: (1) Babalola's mother was in a farmland, away from home; just as Mary the mother of Jesus too was away from home. (2) There was no trained midwife around to help Babalola's mother; just as there was no one to take the delivery of Jesus. (3) Babalola was born in the bush; just as Jesus was born in a manger. (4) Mysterious happening attested to the birth of Babalola, in form of great thundering and lightning, with winds that shook mighty trees, and the entire community. Similarly, in the case of Christ, "a great company of the heavenly host appears with an angel singing" (Luke 2:1-14). Meanwhile, it is noteworthy that the positive responses that greeted the 1930 revival at Ilesa, and in the subsequent places were not based on the supernatural account of Babalola's birth, but on the evidential manifestation of God's work of healings, among other things, through him.
Atipo ati Alejo publications
Papers by Timothy O Omole
This paper identifies and examines 15 detrimental attitudes that hinder personal progress and growth. By exploring the negative impact of these attitudes, this study emphasizes the importance of recognizing and overcoming them. Practical strategies for overcoming these limiting attitudes are also provided, offering readers a roadmap for breaking free from obstacles and achieving their full potential.
Conference Presentations by Timothy O Omole
Thesis Chapters by Timothy O Omole
Drafts by Timothy O Omole
The armor of God represents the defense we must take in our spiritual lives. The Bible tells us that we are fighting a war against Satan, who seeks to destroy us. Therefore, we must take action and put on God's armor. As Christians, it is important for us to understand the severity of this battle.
1 They have stopped running the race Luke 9:62 And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.
2 They refused to run the race according to rules. 2 Timothy 2:5 Follow the Lord’s rules for doing his work, just as an athlete either follows the rules or is disqualified and wins no prize.
3. They have replaced the baton. Jeremiah 2:13 For my people have done two evil things: They have forsaken me—the fountain of living water. And they have dug for themselves cracked cisterns that can hold no water at all! They exchanged the baton with misplaced priorities, commercialization of divine healing, fake healings and miracles, cultism, and immorality,
What kind of disciple will they make? What kind of baton will they pass over to others?
Many disciple making ministers need to re- examine their status as Disciples of Christ.
This paper identifies and examines 15 detrimental attitudes that hinder personal progress and growth. By exploring the negative impact of these attitudes, this study emphasizes the importance of recognizing and overcoming them. Practical strategies for overcoming these limiting attitudes are also provided, offering readers a roadmap for breaking free from obstacles and achieving their full potential.
The armor of God represents the defense we must take in our spiritual lives. The Bible tells us that we are fighting a war against Satan, who seeks to destroy us. Therefore, we must take action and put on God's armor. As Christians, it is important for us to understand the severity of this battle.
1 They have stopped running the race Luke 9:62 And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.
2 They refused to run the race according to rules. 2 Timothy 2:5 Follow the Lord’s rules for doing his work, just as an athlete either follows the rules or is disqualified and wins no prize.
3. They have replaced the baton. Jeremiah 2:13 For my people have done two evil things: They have forsaken me—the fountain of living water. And they have dug for themselves cracked cisterns that can hold no water at all! They exchanged the baton with misplaced priorities, commercialization of divine healing, fake healings and miracles, cultism, and immorality,
What kind of disciple will they make? What kind of baton will they pass over to others?
Many disciple making ministers need to re- examine their status as Disciples of Christ.
The Book also answer the pertinent questions on evangelism such as: What qualifies indoor programs as evangelism? What exactly are we to preach? How can we make the