Papers by teti rostikawati

This research was conducted to determine the effect of organic liquid fertilizer banana peel on t... more This research was conducted to determine the effect of organic liquid fertilizer banana peel on the growth of red betel plant (Piper crocatum), and to find the optimum concentration of the organic liquid fertilizer banana peel on the growth of red betel plant (Piper crocatum). This study was conducted at Jl. Raya Ciapus Tamansari village were prepared using the method completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 standard and 1 control are: 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, and control (without the banana peel organic liquid fertilizer). Liquid fertilizer 10% = 100 ml in 900 ml of water, liquid fertilizer 20% = 200 ml in 800 ml of water, fertilizer 30% = 300 ml in 700 ml of water, fertilizer 40% = 400 ml in 600 ml of water. Each treatment in repeated five times. The parameters measured were plant height, number of leaves and leaf width. Based on the calculation of variance analysis on the growth of red betel plant (Piper crocatum) showed that the F count is smaller than the F table. Thus Ho was accep...

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangakan bahan ajar komik webtoon sebagai sarana pendukung p... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangakan bahan ajar komik webtoon sebagai sarana pendukung pembelajaran biologi serta membantu siswa mencari sumber bacaan alternatif materi struktur dan fungsi sel saraf penyusun jaringan saraf pada sistem koordinasi dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar aspek kognitif siswa. Penelitian ini merupakan Research and Development model ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) yang dilaksankan hingga Juli 2019. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI MIPA di salah satu SMAN di Kabupaten Bogor tahun akademik 2018/2019. Sampel penelitian terdiri dari dua kelas yaitu kelas kontrol dan kelas perlakuan dengan model pretest-posttest control group design yang masing-masing berjumlah 30 siswa. Nilai rata-rata posttest siswa kelas kontrol lebih rendah dibanding kelas perlakuan yaitu 68,50 dan 73,17 dengan nilai KKM Biologi 72. Pada uji beda rata-rata (uji t) pada taraf signifikan α = 5% diperoleh nilai t hitung > t tabel (3,4450...

This study aims to improve the learning outcomes of mathematics through the Discovery Learning mo... more This study aims to improve the learning outcomes of mathematics through the Discovery Learning model. The 32 students of the fifth grade Papandayan State Elementary School became the subjects under study. The result showed that the learning implementation score in the first cycle was 72.2 and in the second cycle is 85.4. There are behavioral changes in students’ discipline, cooperation, confidence and enthusiasm in the first cycle with the acquisition of scores was 69.4, and in the second cycle increases to 81.13; meanwhile the average scores of students learning outcomes in the first cycle was 67.54 with the learning completion of 59.37%, and an average value in the second cycle is 80.86 with the learning completion 87.5%. The results of all aspects have increased: the implementation of learning increases to 13.2%, changes in student behavior with 11.73%, and completeness of mathematics learning outcomes increases to 28.13%. It can be concluded that the application of the Discovery...

The mouth has a normal microflorane of bacteria as the body's defense. Streptococcus mutans b... more The mouth has a normal microflorane of bacteria as the body's defense. Streptococcus mutans bacteria are bacteria that colonize the surface of teeth which have a role in the formation of dental caries. The leaves of ciplukan (Physalis angulata L.) are rich in polyphenols, alkaloids, and flavonoids which are reported to have quite good antimicrobial activity. The aim of this research was to determine the effect of ethanol extract of ciplukan leaves and stalks mouthwash on Streptococcus mutans bacteria. This rese arch method is purely laboratory experimental using Streptococcus mutans bacteria culture. The antibacterial power test used the liquid dilution method which was then followed by solid dilution with an incubation period of 28 ° C. The statistical analysis test used a descriptive test. The results showed that the ethanol extract of the leaves and stems of ciplukan (Physalis angulata L.) had a minimum inhibitory level (MIC) and a minimum kill rate (MBC) at the same concentr...

Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia, 2018
Abstract: Science competence is learning outcome of students achieved as the result of their expl... more Abstract: Science competence is learning outcome of students achieved as the result of their exploration through science learning process that cover of tree aspects: 1) knowledge of science products, 2) science process skills, and 3) scientific attitude. The objective of this research is to increase science competence of elementary students grade IV through science learning process make use of scientific approach with interactive multimedia. Scientific approach that used including 5 (five) learning phases, that areengage, explore, explain, elaborate, and evaluate. Learning multimedia that used including: 1) information computer technology (ICT) based multimedia, 2) manual multimedia, and 3) simple science visual aid and science games card. The research method used in this research is classroom action research. This research is conducted at two elementary schools that used curriculum 2013, that are: SekolahDasar Pertiwi I and SD Polisi I Kota Bogor. This research is conducted during ...

This research is Research and Development (R&D) model used in the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, ... more This research is Research and Development (R&D) model used in the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) which was done on March until July 2019. The purpose of the study is to develop encyclopedia model teaching materials on vertebrate animal material to improve student learning outcomes. The research subject is one of the State High Schools in Bogor class XI MIPA for the experimental class with the total number 33 students and used one group pretest-posttest. The instruments used in this study consists of expert validation sheets , cognitive instrument , and questionnaire sheets for student responses to encyclopedia model teaching materials. The results of the feasibility test on the content of the material, language and presentations as well as the response questionnaire of students obtaining values above 80-82% included the category of valid and appropriate for use in learning. The result of the N-Gain analysis showed a medium criterion of 63,...

Kurikulum 2013 telah mengamanatkan bahwa proses pembelajaran harus berorientasi kepada siswa (Stu... more Kurikulum 2013 telah mengamanatkan bahwa proses pembelajaran harus berorientasi kepada siswa (Student Center Learning), dimana siswa sebagai pemeran utama dalam proses pembelajaran. Kenyataannya masih banyak guru yang mendominasi proses pembelajaran sehingga aktivitas siswa menjadi rendah. Keadaan demikian terjadi juga di SMP Kurnia Bogor. Berdasarkan observasi dan wawancara dengan Kepala Sekolah dan Guru, diperoleh informasi bahwa proses pembelajaran pada umumnya masih didominasi oleh guru. Belum nampak adanya kolaborasi antar siswa maupun guru dalam proses pembelajaran. Hal inilah yang ingin diubah dan diperbaiki agar pembelajaran menjadi lebih bermakna serta memberikan hak belajar kepada seluruh peserta didik. Solusi yang ditawarkan adalah memberikan pendampingan untuk mengembangkan Learning Community (komunitas belajar) melalui implementasi Lesson Study atau sering dikenal dengan istilah LSLC (Lesson Study for Learning Community). Kegiatan diawali dengan sosialisasi mengenai tuj...

DOI: 10.13170/depik.10.1.18673 Limited information about Mollusks in Menganti Beach, Central Java... more DOI: 10.13170/depik.10.1.18673 Limited information about Mollusks in Menganti Beach, Central Java has been a strong basis for researching its diversity. This study aimed to determine the mollusks' diversity in Menganti Beach, Kebumen. The research was conducted from April to May 2020, using a survey method and purposive sampling technique. Sampling was undertaken at three stations with the belt transect method. The results revealed 37 species with 1767 individuals from the Class Bivalvia, Gastropods, and Polyplacophora. Based on the diversity index value H '= 3.3, station 1 with the rocky sand substrate is the best for mollusks' habitat. The H' value at station 1 shows the highest diversity that the base substrate is dominated by sand and rocks, which are very supportive of mollusks. It is supported by the evenness value (E), which indicates evenly distributed species, and dominance value (D), which does not indicate a species' dominance. The a-biotic parameters ...

Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (Classroom Action Research) . Tujuan peneliti... more Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (Classroom Action Research) . Tujuan penelitian ini adalah meningkatkan hasil belajar Biologi Materi Kingdom Animalia dengan menggunakan Pendekatan Saintifik dan Model Pembelajaran Think Pair Share (TPS), dengan subjek sebanyak 43 siswa kelas X MIPA 4 SMAN 1 Tamansari Kabupaten Bogor. Proses penelitian dilakukan dalam dua siklus. Setiap siklus ada 4 tahap: perencanaan tindakan, pelaksanaan tindakan, observasi, refleksi dan setiap akhir siklus dilakukan evaluasi. Nilai rata-rata hasil belajar biologi materi Kingdom Animalia pada siklus 1 sebesar 73,58 dengan persentase ketuntasan sebesar 65,12 %, nilai rata-rata pada siklus 2 meningkat menjadi 80,67 dengan persentase ketuntasan sebesar 81,40 %. Selain ranah kognitif, hasil belajar yang dinilai yaitu ranah afektif, hasil nilai rata-rata afektif pada siklus 1 sebesar 74,21 dengan persentase mencapai 60,47 %. Nilai rata-rata afektif pada siklus 2 meningkat menjadi 82,16 den...

Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia, 2018
Abstract: This research was a collaboratively classroom action among researcher, observer, and re... more Abstract: This research was a collaboratively classroom action among researcher, observer, and researched object. The purpose of this research was to improve student learning outcomes. The experiment was conducted from April to May 2016 in class VII H Junior High School PGRI Suryakencana. In this study there were 35 students. This class consisted of 17 female students and 18 male students with different characteristics. There are 4 stages for every cycle: planning, implementation, observartion, and reflection. After Think-Talk-Write (TTW) learning model and Reciprocal demonstration in cycle one was applied, student’s average score gained 70,11 with 62,82% for Minimum Mastery Criteria. In cycle two, it increased into 74,66 with 77,14% for Minimum Mastery Criteria. Moreover, student activity in learning process was increasing for every cycle. Cycle 1 gave 67,32%, meanwhile cycle 2 gave 79,29%. It collerated with increasing student’s enthusiasm. Based on the results it can be concluded...

This research is Research and Development (R&D) model used in the ADDIE model which was done on M... more This research is Research and Development (R&D) model used in the ADDIE model which was done on March until July 2019. The purpose of the study was to develop encyclopedia of macrozoobenthic invertebrates to improve student’s learning outcome. The research was conducted at a High School in Bogor, for the tenth grade students of MIPA 1 as the experimental class with the total number of 37 students and used one group pretest-posttest design. The instruments used in this study consist of expert validation sheets, multiple choice questions and questionnaire sheets to collect student responses about encyclopedia of learning module. Validation data shows that the feasibility test on the content of the material, language and presentations obtain values above 81% included the validity and appropriateness category for learning. The result of the questionnaire shows that a positive response was obtained with values above 82%. The average result obtained at pretest was 43,23 while the average ...

The research about Echinoderms diversity in Cibuaya Beach Ujung Genteng, West Java has been condu... more The research about Echinoderms diversity in Cibuaya Beach Ujung Genteng, West Java has been conducted from February to July 2019. It aimed to know diversity index of Echinoderms. It used belt transect method with three stations in the intertidal zone. Sampling technique used purposive sampling. The observation data are included primary data (the number of phylum Echinoderm’s species in the transect) and environmental data (pH, salinity, temperature, depth, current strength, and substrate). The population in this study was all species of Echinoderms found in the intertidal zone. The sample in this study was the species of Echinoderms found in the area of the station. Based on the result, the study obtained 8 species of Echinoderms, consisted of 3 classesand classified into 5 orders, 5 families, and 6 genera. The diversity index is classified as low with the average value of 0.62. The evenness index is classified as low with the average value of 0.37. The dominance index is classified...

Pedagonal : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan
DEVELOPMENT OF MAMALIA MATERIAL POCKET BOOKS IN RAGUNAN PARGARS TO IMPROVE STUDENT'S CONCEPT ... more DEVELOPMENT OF MAMALIA MATERIAL POCKET BOOKS IN RAGUNAN PARGARS TO IMPROVE STUDENT'S CONCEPT MASTER. This study aims to develop a pocket book in learning biology in order to increase students 'enthusiasm for learning and is an effort to improve students' mastery of concepts. The research was carried out on class X high school students. Data collection was carried out at Ragunan Wildlife Park, Jakarta. The research was carried out in the even semester of the 2019/2020 school year, January to June 2020. The method used in this study was the R&D research and development method using the 4-D (Four D) model, namely Define, Design (Design). , Develop (Development), and Disseminate (Spread). The development of teaching materials is carried out in two stages, namely: Expert Validation and Revision of Learning Media. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the pocket book Mammals of the Primate order which was developed with the define, design, develop stage ...

Journal of Educational Review and Research
This study aims to test the effectiveness of the use of intelligent comic media combined with the... more This study aims to test the effectiveness of the use of intelligent comic media combined with the process of learning with scientific approach onstudents’ science competence. The research method used is quasi experimental method with 2x2 factorial design. The study involved four teachers and 112 students of grade 4 from SDN Pertiwi, SDN Polisi 1, SDN Kebon Pedes 1, and SDN Kebon Pedes 5 in Bogor city. The study was conducted in the first half of the academic year 2014/2015. This study concludes that the use of intelligent comics combinedunitedly in the learning process with scientific approach significantly influence the science competence of grade 4 elementary school students on the aspects of knowledge and scientific attitude, but does not significantly affect the competence of science for the aspects of science process skills. This study also concludes that there is no interaction between the learning process as the treatment variable and the involvement of the students in the ou...

Pedagonal : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan
THE INFLUENCE OF LEARNING CARD LEARNING MEDIA ON RESULTS OF THE STUDY OF ANIMAL MOVEMENT SUBTEMAT... more THE INFLUENCE OF LEARNING CARD LEARNING MEDIA ON RESULTS OF THE STUDY OF ANIMAL MOVEMENT SUBTEMAThis research is a type of quantitative research with a quasi experimental approach which consists of pictorial card media as independent variables and learning outcomes as dependent variables. The purpose of this study for to determine whether there is an influence on the learning outcomes of animal motion organ subthemes through the learning media of illustrated cards. This research uses a quasi experimental method. This research was conducted at Karadenan Kaum State Elementary School in Bogor Regency in the class VA and VB Even Semester of the 2019/2020 Academic Year. The analysis technique used is the prerequisite test data analysis which includes data error normality test, homogeneity variance test, then hypothesis testing using t test. Based on the results of data analysis the learning outcomes obtained through the Learning Card Picture Media with an N-Gain value of 74.62. with 100%...

JPPS (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Sains)
Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK), dengan subyek penelitian 23 siswa kelas... more Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK), dengan subyek penelitian 23 siswa kelas XI IPA-1 di SMA Siliwangi Bogor. Penelitian ini bertujuan meningkatkan hasil belajar biologi melalui penggunaan model Student Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD) dengan edia Pop Up Card. Penelitian dilakukan dalam dua siklus. Setiap siklus ada 4 tahap yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan tindakan, observasi dan refleksi. Setiap akhir siklus dilakukan tes dengan instrumen yang valid dan reliabel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penggunaan model STAD dengan media Pop Up Card dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar biologi, terlihat dari rata-rata hasil belajar siswa pada siklus 1 sebesar 70,1 dan siklus 2 sebesar 77,0; sedangkan nilai rata-rata aktivitas siswa pada siklus 1 yaitu 78,01% dan pada siklus 2 menjadi 84,46%. Berdasarkan hasil yang dicapai maka dapat disimpulkan penggunaan model Student Teams Achievement Divisions dengan media Pop Up Card dapat meningkatkan aktivitas dan hasil belajar biologi ...
The Effect of Teams Games Tournament (TGT) and Student Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD) Teachin... more The Effect of Teams Games Tournament (TGT) and Student Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD) Teaching Techniques on the Learning Outcome of Natural Science Subject to the students of fifth grade at V SDN Cijujung 03 Kecamatan Bogor. The research employs quasi experimental method and it shows that the average score of the class using TGT gets 7.4% with the N-gain of 1.26 and the class using Student Teams Achievement Divisions gets 5.7% with N-gain of 1.02. The T-tailed score < significance or 0.00<0.05 or Ha is accepted. It can be inferred that there is a significant effect of using TGT and STAD on natural science subject of class 5 at SDN Cijujung 03 in the district of Bogor, the academic year of 2014-2015.

Quagga: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Biologi
Abstrak: Mulut memiliki mikrofloranormal bakteri sebagai pertahanan tubuh. Bakteri Streptococcus ... more Abstrak: Mulut memiliki mikrofloranormal bakteri sebagai pertahanan tubuh. Bakteri Streptococcus mutans merupakan bakteri yang berkelompok pada permukaan gigi yang memiliki peranan dalam pembentukan karies gigi. Daun dan batang Ciplukan (Physalis angulata L.) mengandung polifenol, flavonoid, dan etanol serta antioksidan yang kuat yang diduga memiliki aktivitas antimikroba yang sangat baik. Tujuan penelitian ini yatu untuk mengetahui daya antibakteri obat kumur ekstraksisi etanol campuran daun dan batang ciplukan (P. angulata L.) terhadap bakteri Streptococcus mutans. Metode penelitian bersifat eksperimental murni laboratorium yang menggunakan kulturisasi bakteri S. mutans.�Uji daya antibakteri menggunakan cara dengan dilusi cair dan dilanjutkan dengan dilusi padat. Uji analisis statistik menggunakan uji deskriptif. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada konsentrasi 15% obat kumur ekstraksi etanol campuran daun dan batang ciplukan mempunyai kadar hambat minimal (KHM) dan kadar ...
This study aims to find out effect of local microorganisms (MOL) jackfruit banana weevil to produ... more This study aims to find out effect of local microorganisms (MOL) jackfruit banana weevil to production rosella (Hibiscus sabdariffa l). The methods used is completely randomized design (CRD) with six level factor: 0%, 8%, 16%, 24%, 32%, and 40%. In every treatments is repeated four times, the observed variables are number of rosella flowers and wet weight rosella flowers. The calculation of ANOVA to number of rosella flowers and wet weight rosella flowers show that there is an influence in giving jackfruit banana weevil MOL to number of rosella flowers but there isn't an influence in giving jackfruit banana weevil MOL to wet weight flowers. Optimal concentration of jackfruit banana weevil MOL to number of rosella flowers is 24%.
Papers by teti rostikawati