Rainfall is the most important climatic variable and the main determinant in the choice of crops.... more Rainfall is the most important climatic variable and the main determinant in the choice of crops. Performance of crops in the rainfed hill region is highly dependent on the distribution and variability of rainfall. Northwest Indian Himalayan region is one of the youngest mountain chains, which has a very fragile ecosystem, experiencing extreme events in high frequencies. Thus a scientific analysis of annual and seasonal rainfall will provide a general idea about the rainfall pattern of the region.
Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, Jul 30, 2021
Emissions of the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N 2 O) from soil are sensitive to many factors inc... more Emissions of the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N 2 O) from soil are sensitive to many factors including temperature, nutrient status, pH and bulk-density. Interactions among these are complex, particularly in agricultural systems where fertilizer-addition has interactive influences across many soil properties. Under laboratory conditions, the temperature sensitivity of N 2 O emissions, as measured by Q 10 values (fractional change in rate with a 10 C increase in temperature), was higher in soils receiving long-term fertilizer addition compared with control. Different fertilization regimes significantly influenced the emission pathways. Application of manure increased the proportion of potential N 2 O derived from denitrification although the incubation condition used in the present study might not be favorable for anaerobic denitrification. The abundance of archaeal amoA gene copies increased under all fertilizer treatments, but that of bacterial amoA only increased under mineral (NPK) fertilization. Meanwhile, abundance of nirS, nirK and nosZ only increased under OM and MNPK fertilization. T-RFLP analyses showed that both ammonia oxidizing and denitrifier community structures were altered by fertilization, but only the nirS community structure was sensitive to temperature change. Furthermore, a strong correlation was observed between nirS gene abundance and potential N 2 O emissions. Relationships between AOA, nirK gene abundances and potential N 2 O emission were significant but relatively weak. PLS path model revealed that besides direct effect, potential N 2 O emission was also indirectly influenced by temperature through mediation of NH 4 þ concentration and nirS-type denitrifier. Our work suggests that warming-induced elevation of potential N 2 O emission could be strengthened by long-term application of fertilizers, especially organic manure, via shifting community abundance and structure of nirStype denitrifier.
Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Dec 5, 2008
Abstract A fixed plot field study was carried out during 2001-02 to 2005-06 at experimental Farm,... more Abstract A fixed plot field study was carried out during 2001-02 to 2005-06 at experimental Farm, Almora, to study the effect of tillage and irrigation on productivity, profitability, and soil health in rice (Oryza sativa L.)-wheat (Triticum aestivum L. emend Fiori & Paol) system. ...
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
River Basin Management - Under a Changing Climate [Working Title]
Due to climate change phenomenon and substantial decrease in water resources, analyzing the strea... more Due to climate change phenomenon and substantial decrease in water resources, analyzing the streamflow trend is of significant importance. In the present study, investigation was carried out to find rainfall and streamflow trends in the Kosi river watershed at different timescales from 1986 to 2016. Kosi river is one of the principal rivers in the Kumaon region. The different methods employed for trend detection of streamflow and rainfall were the Mann–Kendall (MK) test and the Sen’s slope (SS) estimator. Results showed a statistically significant decreasing trend in pre-monsoonal and annual rainfall with a Sen’s slope of -2.27 and -1.49 mm/year, respectively. The decreasing trends in pre-monsoon, post-monsoon, and winter streamflow were found during 1986–2016, which were not statistically significant. The results of the study help in understanding the variation and availability of rainfall and streamflow in different seasons of the year and motivate to adopt effective water managem...
Since reckonable understanding of yield response under long-term (16 year) conservation managemen... more Since reckonable understanding of yield response under long-term (16 year) conservation management practices is the key to improve the productivity and physico-chemical indicators of rice-wheat rotation, impact of longterm tillage and irrigation levels on productivity, yield trend, soil organic carbon (SOC) fractions, carbon pools and sequestration under rice-wheat rotation on sandy clay loam soil of the mid-Himalaya were quantified. A field experiment started from 2001 through 2016 to assess the effect of tillage alterations conventional tillage (CT) and zero tillage (ZT) and four irrigation levels I 1 : pre-sowing (PS), I 2 : PS + crown root initiation (CRI), I 3 : PS + CRI + panicle initiation (PI)/flowering (FL), and I 4 : PS + CRI + PI/FL + grain filling (GF), applied at the critical growth stages to rice-wheat rotation. Results confirmed that irrigation management had a significant (p = 0.001) positive impact on grain yield of rice, wheat and system yield after 16 year continuous cropping. We also recoded that, plot with four irrigation (I 4) had ∼ 28, 40 and 35 % higher grain yield of rice, wheat as compared to single irrigation or I 1 (2.04, 2.99 and 5.05 Mg ha −1), respectively. Rice yield declined significantly (r = 0.68; p = 0.003) by 70 kg ha −1 year −1 under ZT plots than CT plots (52 kg ha −1 year −1). Decreasing trend of rice yield ranged from 42 kg ha −1 year-1 in four irrigations (I 4) to 75 kg ha −1 year −1 single irrigation (I 1). Whereas, wheat yield increased (58 kg ha −1 year −1) non-significantly over the years under ZT plots whereas under CT plots (-13.6 kg ha −1 year −1) it had declining trend with time. Unlike rice yield, impact of irrigation on wheat yield had positive trends or increasing trends with time. Plots under long-term ZT along with irrigation practice significantly increased total porosity and decreased pH and bulk density (BD) mainly in surface layer. Different pools of SOC were also significantly increased under ZT as compared to CT only in surface layer (0−15 cm). We conclude that, ZT system increased yield of wheat and diminished rice yield after 16 years of experimentation. But apart from yield, ZT also improved physico-chemical indicators of soil and enhanced carbon sequestration. The WUE of rice and wheat (4.20 and 11.0 kg ha −1 mm −1) had slightly higher under ZT as compared to CT. It is suggested that ZT is more desirable for efficient water utilization in such conditions. Frequent irrigation (I 4) was more desirable for maintaining optimum moisture condition for sustainable crop production. India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal (Saharawat et al., 2012; Jat et al., 2014). Rice and wheat together contribute ∼ 70 % of total cereals production in India with production of approximately 105 and 94 Mt, in about 44 and 30 M ha area, respectively (Agricultural Statistics at a Glance, 2016). Thus, the rice-wheat rotation is the keystone of India's food self-sufficiency. The conventional growing practices of rice-wheat rotation has aggravated soil degradation and decline productivity which ultimately are threats to sustainability and
With the increasing world’s population, higher demand for sustainable food production so as to me... more With the increasing world’s population, higher demand for sustainable food production so as to meet the requirement. It has increased tremendously due to excessive use of agrochemicals. Since, the imbalanced application of agrochemicals in agricultural field leads to soil and environmental degradation. Nowadays, the scientific community has shifted their focus on alternative eco-friendly management approach. The plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) and mycorrhizae has huge potential to substitute agrochemicals. These efficient eco-friendly microbes have different plant growth-promoting (PGP) activities; hence PGPR and mycorrhizae are gaining importance for restoring soil sustainability and agricultural productivity. Application of these efficient microbes in the soil–plant–environment system will be suitable strategies for improving the soil and crop productivity.
Gallstone disease is a major cause of global morbidity and mortality. 1 Prevalence rates based on... more Gallstone disease is a major cause of global morbidity and mortality. 1 Prevalence rates based on ultrasound studies vary from 10%-15% in European adults to 3%-5% in African and Asian populations, while Indian figures have been reported as 3%-6%. 2,3 More than 80% of gallstone carriers are asymptomatic and it has been estimated that about 1%-2% of these develop complications and need surgery every year. 2 Complications of gallstone disease include acute and chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder perforation, choledocholithiasis with or without cholangitis, Mirizzi syndrome, cholecysto-enteric fistula, gallstone ileus and gallstone pancreatitis. First described in 1882 by Langenbuch C, open cholecystectomy (OC) has been the primary treatment of gallstone disease for most of the past century. This changed when, in 1987, Philippe Mouret from France introduced the first video-laparoscopic cholecystectomy and by 1993, the laparoscopic approach was adopted as the gold standard by the National Institutes of Health. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC), though performed
Abstract Water and nutrient management are major corners in the improvement of productivity and s... more Abstract Water and nutrient management are major corners in the improvement of productivity and sustainability of rainfed soybean-wheat cropping systems (SWCS). A nine-year-old (2006–2014–15) field experiment was started to explore the effects of recommended dose of farm yard manure (FYM) in SWCS, recommended dose of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers (RDF) along with FYM, FYM + 50% NPK, NPK, FYMsoybean + NPKwheat and without application of NPK and FYM (CK) under rainfed (I0) and supplementary irrigation (I1) situation in SWCS. Results from nine years continuous fertilization of NPK + FYM showed significantly highest grain yield of wheat (2.70 and 3.80 t ha−1) and soybean (2.50 and 2.74 t ha−1) under rainfed (I0) and supplementary irrigation (I1), respectively as compared to rest of treatments. Significant (p
With the increasing world’s population, higher demand for sustainable food production so as to me... more With the increasing world’s population, higher demand for sustainable food production so as to meet the requirement. It has increased tremendously due to excessive use of agrochemicals. Since, the imbalanced application of agrochemicals in agricultural field leads to soil and environmental degradation. Nowadays, the scientific community has shifted their focus on alternative eco-friendly management approach. The plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) and mycorrhizae has huge potential to substitute agrochemicals. These efficient eco-friendly microbes have different plant growth-promoting (PGP) activities; hence PGPR and mycorrhizae are gaining importance for restoring soil sustainability and agricultural productivity. Application of these efficient microbes in the soil–plant–environment system will be suitable strategies for improving the soil and crop productivity.
Climate is most important factor affecting agriculture, and issues related to climate and its imp... more Climate is most important factor affecting agriculture, and issues related to climate and its implications have attracted attention of policy makers globally. The farm sector, particularly marginal ecosystems in mountains are vulnerable because of unpredictable variation and severe sink limitations. Efforts to impart resilience to farm and its allied sector are an urgent need. The climatic parameters play very important role to determine type of crops, cattle rearing and the life style adopted by the people. Moreover, weather has a significant impact on crop growth and development. Weather plays a vital role and affects the production and productivity of the crops. According to an estimate, weather contributes 67% variation in productivity and rest of the factors (soil, nutrient and management practices etc.) accounts for 33%. Therefore, there is a need of in-depth analysis of each meteorological parameters and identification of their trend over the years in order to identify and ad...
For identification and adoption of improved and environmental friendly agricultural practices wit... more For identification and adoption of improved and environmental friendly agricultural practices with minimum emission of greenhouse gases (GHGs), observations were recorded for 3 years (2015–17) in a...
Agriculture in hill and mountain ecosystem is predominantly rainfed with common occurrence of moi... more Agriculture in hill and mountain ecosystem is predominantly rainfed with common occurrence of moisture stress. Due to erratic rainfall and adverse topology in the Indian Himalaya Region (IHR), agricultural drought has become a prime concern. It is a natural disaster which evolves in time and their impacts generally last a long period of time. The present study attempts to characterize annual, seasonal and monthly temporal trend and rainfall pattern of 56 years long-term (1964-2019) and post-urbanization or recent (1980-2019) period using meteorological data of ICAR-VPKAS, Experimental Farm Hawalbagh, Almoraand Headquarter office, Almora observatory located in mid-Himalayan region of Uttarakhand state of India. Man-Kendall (α ≤ 0.05; α ≤ 0.10) test, Sen.'s slope and rainfall anomaly index (RAI) were employed for detecting trend, changes in magnitude of rainfall and identifying rainfall deficit year, respectively. The statistically significant (α ≤ 0.05) decreasing trend was found during post-urbanization (1980-2019) with Sen.'s slope for pre-monsoon season (-2.38 mm/year) and annual rainfall (-7.26 mm/year) for Hawalbagh, while cold winter season shows statistically significant deceasing trend with Sen.'s slope (-2.00 mm/year) at Headquarter office, Almora. The decreasing trend in monsoon season (statistically significant at α ≤ 0.10) was found during (1964-2019). However, both the station showed decreasing rainfall trend for pre-monsoon, post-monsoon, cold winter season and annual season. Results revealed that RAI analysis frequency of drought year was increasing in last 10 years. The results of study will help in understanding the variation and availability of rainfall in different seasons of the year and motivate to adopt effective water management and agricultural practices for rainfed hills. This study will also be useful for regional, scientific and policy makers for preparing appropriate strategies in order to mitigate adverse impact of climate change in mid-Himalayan region.
Rainfall is the most important climatic variable and the main determinant in the choice of crops.... more Rainfall is the most important climatic variable and the main determinant in the choice of crops. Performance of crops in the rainfed hill region is highly dependent on the distribution and variability of rainfall. Northwest Indian Himalayan region is one of the youngest mountain chains, which has a very fragile ecosystem, experiencing extreme events in high frequencies. Thus a scientific analysis of annual and seasonal rainfall will provide a general idea about the rainfall pattern of the region.
Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, Jul 30, 2021
Emissions of the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N 2 O) from soil are sensitive to many factors inc... more Emissions of the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N 2 O) from soil are sensitive to many factors including temperature, nutrient status, pH and bulk-density. Interactions among these are complex, particularly in agricultural systems where fertilizer-addition has interactive influences across many soil properties. Under laboratory conditions, the temperature sensitivity of N 2 O emissions, as measured by Q 10 values (fractional change in rate with a 10 C increase in temperature), was higher in soils receiving long-term fertilizer addition compared with control. Different fertilization regimes significantly influenced the emission pathways. Application of manure increased the proportion of potential N 2 O derived from denitrification although the incubation condition used in the present study might not be favorable for anaerobic denitrification. The abundance of archaeal amoA gene copies increased under all fertilizer treatments, but that of bacterial amoA only increased under mineral (NPK) fertilization. Meanwhile, abundance of nirS, nirK and nosZ only increased under OM and MNPK fertilization. T-RFLP analyses showed that both ammonia oxidizing and denitrifier community structures were altered by fertilization, but only the nirS community structure was sensitive to temperature change. Furthermore, a strong correlation was observed between nirS gene abundance and potential N 2 O emissions. Relationships between AOA, nirK gene abundances and potential N 2 O emission were significant but relatively weak. PLS path model revealed that besides direct effect, potential N 2 O emission was also indirectly influenced by temperature through mediation of NH 4 þ concentration and nirS-type denitrifier. Our work suggests that warming-induced elevation of potential N 2 O emission could be strengthened by long-term application of fertilizers, especially organic manure, via shifting community abundance and structure of nirStype denitrifier.
Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Dec 5, 2008
Abstract A fixed plot field study was carried out during 2001-02 to 2005-06 at experimental Farm,... more Abstract A fixed plot field study was carried out during 2001-02 to 2005-06 at experimental Farm, Almora, to study the effect of tillage and irrigation on productivity, profitability, and soil health in rice (Oryza sativa L.)-wheat (Triticum aestivum L. emend Fiori & Paol) system. ...
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
River Basin Management - Under a Changing Climate [Working Title]
Due to climate change phenomenon and substantial decrease in water resources, analyzing the strea... more Due to climate change phenomenon and substantial decrease in water resources, analyzing the streamflow trend is of significant importance. In the present study, investigation was carried out to find rainfall and streamflow trends in the Kosi river watershed at different timescales from 1986 to 2016. Kosi river is one of the principal rivers in the Kumaon region. The different methods employed for trend detection of streamflow and rainfall were the Mann–Kendall (MK) test and the Sen’s slope (SS) estimator. Results showed a statistically significant decreasing trend in pre-monsoonal and annual rainfall with a Sen’s slope of -2.27 and -1.49 mm/year, respectively. The decreasing trends in pre-monsoon, post-monsoon, and winter streamflow were found during 1986–2016, which were not statistically significant. The results of the study help in understanding the variation and availability of rainfall and streamflow in different seasons of the year and motivate to adopt effective water managem...
Since reckonable understanding of yield response under long-term (16 year) conservation managemen... more Since reckonable understanding of yield response under long-term (16 year) conservation management practices is the key to improve the productivity and physico-chemical indicators of rice-wheat rotation, impact of longterm tillage and irrigation levels on productivity, yield trend, soil organic carbon (SOC) fractions, carbon pools and sequestration under rice-wheat rotation on sandy clay loam soil of the mid-Himalaya were quantified. A field experiment started from 2001 through 2016 to assess the effect of tillage alterations conventional tillage (CT) and zero tillage (ZT) and four irrigation levels I 1 : pre-sowing (PS), I 2 : PS + crown root initiation (CRI), I 3 : PS + CRI + panicle initiation (PI)/flowering (FL), and I 4 : PS + CRI + PI/FL + grain filling (GF), applied at the critical growth stages to rice-wheat rotation. Results confirmed that irrigation management had a significant (p = 0.001) positive impact on grain yield of rice, wheat and system yield after 16 year continuous cropping. We also recoded that, plot with four irrigation (I 4) had ∼ 28, 40 and 35 % higher grain yield of rice, wheat as compared to single irrigation or I 1 (2.04, 2.99 and 5.05 Mg ha −1), respectively. Rice yield declined significantly (r = 0.68; p = 0.003) by 70 kg ha −1 year −1 under ZT plots than CT plots (52 kg ha −1 year −1). Decreasing trend of rice yield ranged from 42 kg ha −1 year-1 in four irrigations (I 4) to 75 kg ha −1 year −1 single irrigation (I 1). Whereas, wheat yield increased (58 kg ha −1 year −1) non-significantly over the years under ZT plots whereas under CT plots (-13.6 kg ha −1 year −1) it had declining trend with time. Unlike rice yield, impact of irrigation on wheat yield had positive trends or increasing trends with time. Plots under long-term ZT along with irrigation practice significantly increased total porosity and decreased pH and bulk density (BD) mainly in surface layer. Different pools of SOC were also significantly increased under ZT as compared to CT only in surface layer (0−15 cm). We conclude that, ZT system increased yield of wheat and diminished rice yield after 16 years of experimentation. But apart from yield, ZT also improved physico-chemical indicators of soil and enhanced carbon sequestration. The WUE of rice and wheat (4.20 and 11.0 kg ha −1 mm −1) had slightly higher under ZT as compared to CT. It is suggested that ZT is more desirable for efficient water utilization in such conditions. Frequent irrigation (I 4) was more desirable for maintaining optimum moisture condition for sustainable crop production. India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal (Saharawat et al., 2012; Jat et al., 2014). Rice and wheat together contribute ∼ 70 % of total cereals production in India with production of approximately 105 and 94 Mt, in about 44 and 30 M ha area, respectively (Agricultural Statistics at a Glance, 2016). Thus, the rice-wheat rotation is the keystone of India's food self-sufficiency. The conventional growing practices of rice-wheat rotation has aggravated soil degradation and decline productivity which ultimately are threats to sustainability and
With the increasing world’s population, higher demand for sustainable food production so as to me... more With the increasing world’s population, higher demand for sustainable food production so as to meet the requirement. It has increased tremendously due to excessive use of agrochemicals. Since, the imbalanced application of agrochemicals in agricultural field leads to soil and environmental degradation. Nowadays, the scientific community has shifted their focus on alternative eco-friendly management approach. The plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) and mycorrhizae has huge potential to substitute agrochemicals. These efficient eco-friendly microbes have different plant growth-promoting (PGP) activities; hence PGPR and mycorrhizae are gaining importance for restoring soil sustainability and agricultural productivity. Application of these efficient microbes in the soil–plant–environment system will be suitable strategies for improving the soil and crop productivity.
Gallstone disease is a major cause of global morbidity and mortality. 1 Prevalence rates based on... more Gallstone disease is a major cause of global morbidity and mortality. 1 Prevalence rates based on ultrasound studies vary from 10%-15% in European adults to 3%-5% in African and Asian populations, while Indian figures have been reported as 3%-6%. 2,3 More than 80% of gallstone carriers are asymptomatic and it has been estimated that about 1%-2% of these develop complications and need surgery every year. 2 Complications of gallstone disease include acute and chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder perforation, choledocholithiasis with or without cholangitis, Mirizzi syndrome, cholecysto-enteric fistula, gallstone ileus and gallstone pancreatitis. First described in 1882 by Langenbuch C, open cholecystectomy (OC) has been the primary treatment of gallstone disease for most of the past century. This changed when, in 1987, Philippe Mouret from France introduced the first video-laparoscopic cholecystectomy and by 1993, the laparoscopic approach was adopted as the gold standard by the National Institutes of Health. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC), though performed
Abstract Water and nutrient management are major corners in the improvement of productivity and s... more Abstract Water and nutrient management are major corners in the improvement of productivity and sustainability of rainfed soybean-wheat cropping systems (SWCS). A nine-year-old (2006–2014–15) field experiment was started to explore the effects of recommended dose of farm yard manure (FYM) in SWCS, recommended dose of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers (RDF) along with FYM, FYM + 50% NPK, NPK, FYMsoybean + NPKwheat and without application of NPK and FYM (CK) under rainfed (I0) and supplementary irrigation (I1) situation in SWCS. Results from nine years continuous fertilization of NPK + FYM showed significantly highest grain yield of wheat (2.70 and 3.80 t ha−1) and soybean (2.50 and 2.74 t ha−1) under rainfed (I0) and supplementary irrigation (I1), respectively as compared to rest of treatments. Significant (p
With the increasing world’s population, higher demand for sustainable food production so as to me... more With the increasing world’s population, higher demand for sustainable food production so as to meet the requirement. It has increased tremendously due to excessive use of agrochemicals. Since, the imbalanced application of agrochemicals in agricultural field leads to soil and environmental degradation. Nowadays, the scientific community has shifted their focus on alternative eco-friendly management approach. The plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) and mycorrhizae has huge potential to substitute agrochemicals. These efficient eco-friendly microbes have different plant growth-promoting (PGP) activities; hence PGPR and mycorrhizae are gaining importance for restoring soil sustainability and agricultural productivity. Application of these efficient microbes in the soil–plant–environment system will be suitable strategies for improving the soil and crop productivity.
Climate is most important factor affecting agriculture, and issues related to climate and its imp... more Climate is most important factor affecting agriculture, and issues related to climate and its implications have attracted attention of policy makers globally. The farm sector, particularly marginal ecosystems in mountains are vulnerable because of unpredictable variation and severe sink limitations. Efforts to impart resilience to farm and its allied sector are an urgent need. The climatic parameters play very important role to determine type of crops, cattle rearing and the life style adopted by the people. Moreover, weather has a significant impact on crop growth and development. Weather plays a vital role and affects the production and productivity of the crops. According to an estimate, weather contributes 67% variation in productivity and rest of the factors (soil, nutrient and management practices etc.) accounts for 33%. Therefore, there is a need of in-depth analysis of each meteorological parameters and identification of their trend over the years in order to identify and ad...
For identification and adoption of improved and environmental friendly agricultural practices wit... more For identification and adoption of improved and environmental friendly agricultural practices with minimum emission of greenhouse gases (GHGs), observations were recorded for 3 years (2015–17) in a...
Agriculture in hill and mountain ecosystem is predominantly rainfed with common occurrence of moi... more Agriculture in hill and mountain ecosystem is predominantly rainfed with common occurrence of moisture stress. Due to erratic rainfall and adverse topology in the Indian Himalaya Region (IHR), agricultural drought has become a prime concern. It is a natural disaster which evolves in time and their impacts generally last a long period of time. The present study attempts to characterize annual, seasonal and monthly temporal trend and rainfall pattern of 56 years long-term (1964-2019) and post-urbanization or recent (1980-2019) period using meteorological data of ICAR-VPKAS, Experimental Farm Hawalbagh, Almoraand Headquarter office, Almora observatory located in mid-Himalayan region of Uttarakhand state of India. Man-Kendall (α ≤ 0.05; α ≤ 0.10) test, Sen.'s slope and rainfall anomaly index (RAI) were employed for detecting trend, changes in magnitude of rainfall and identifying rainfall deficit year, respectively. The statistically significant (α ≤ 0.05) decreasing trend was found during post-urbanization (1980-2019) with Sen.'s slope for pre-monsoon season (-2.38 mm/year) and annual rainfall (-7.26 mm/year) for Hawalbagh, while cold winter season shows statistically significant deceasing trend with Sen.'s slope (-2.00 mm/year) at Headquarter office, Almora. The decreasing trend in monsoon season (statistically significant at α ≤ 0.10) was found during (1964-2019). However, both the station showed decreasing rainfall trend for pre-monsoon, post-monsoon, cold winter season and annual season. Results revealed that RAI analysis frequency of drought year was increasing in last 10 years. The results of study will help in understanding the variation and availability of rainfall in different seasons of the year and motivate to adopt effective water management and agricultural practices for rainfed hills. This study will also be useful for regional, scientific and policy makers for preparing appropriate strategies in order to mitigate adverse impact of climate change in mid-Himalayan region.
Papers by suresh panday