Papers by suchon tangtaweewipat
Animal Science Journal, Dec 16, 2018
When untreated or inappropriately managed, livestock manure becomes a potential hazard source to ... more When untreated or inappropriately managed, livestock manure becomes a potential hazard source to the environment and public health (Holm-Nielsen, Al Seadi, & Oleskowicz-Popiel, 2009; Yamashiro et al., 2013). Anaerobic digestion (AD) is an alternative technology for the treatment of livestock manure with generating energy in the form of biogas (methane). This biogas can be used directly for heat and electricity generation or upgraded to high-quality bio-methane as fuel for vehicle (Jiang, Sommer, & Christensen, 2011). Recently, biogas plants is receiving a great deal of attention as a measure to recycle organic wastes, produce renewable energy, reduce greenhouse gas (Umetsu et al., 2011; Yabe, 2013). Hokkaido is the most northern island of Japan with a total number of 847,000 cows, which is half of the total number in Japan

The supplement of Lactobacillus spp. in layers was conducted using 180 heads of 50 weeks old Isa-... more The supplement of Lactobacillus spp. in layers was conducted using 180 heads of 50 weeks old Isa-brown laying hens, allotted to 3 groups, each with 3 replicates. The first 2 groups were fed with Lactobacillus spp. via drinking water at 2x105 and 1x106 cfu/ml, which was equal to 0.9x106 and 4.7x106 cfu/g feed, respectively. All hens were kept individually in a single battery cage where feed and drinking water were provided ad libitum. The experimental period lasted 84 days. No significant differences were found among groups on egg production and egg quality eventhough the lactobacilli groups tended to have better egg weight, egg specific gravity and feed efficiency than the control. In addition, no significant difference among groups was found on immunity against New Castle disease and lactobacillus-DNA. However, egg yolk cholesterol of the groups fed with Lactobacillus spp. was significantly lower than the control.

British Poultry Science, Sep 1, 2009
1. The effect of a low dietary chitosan content (06 g/kg) on growth performance, carcase quality,... more 1. The effect of a low dietary chitosan content (06 g/kg) on growth performance, carcase quality, visceral organs and intestinal morphology was studied. 2. A total of 24 male Marshall Chunky broiler chicks were fed on a commercial basal diet with 0 (control) and 06 g/kg chitosan until 7 weeks of age. Body weight gain and feed intake were higher in the chitosan group but there were no differences in feed efficiency and breast meat, drumsticks and visceral organ weights. 3. There were no difference in intestinal villus height, villus area, cell area or cell mitosis except for significantly increased duodenal cell mitosis and ileal villus area in the chitosan group. 4. In the chitosan group, epithelial cells on the villus apical surface in the duodenum showed many kinds of morphological patterns such as protuberated cells, cell clusters, and deeper cells at sites of recently exfoliated cells. The ileal villus apical surface had protuberated cells, and most cells were attached by segmented filamentous bacteria. These villi showing rough surface of the duodenum and ileum were more in the chitosan group than in the control, although not statistically significant. 5. These results suggest that a low content of dietary chitosan improved growth performance, and this may be attributed due to the presence of hypertrophied villi and epithelial cells.

Buffalo Bulletin, Oct 11, 2017
This study aimed to determine utility of a short-term controlled internal drug release (CIDR)-bas... more This study aimed to determine utility of a short-term controlled internal drug release (CIDR)-based protocol for hormonal therapy to large ovarian cysts and inactive ovaries in postpartum anestrous Mehsana buffaloes under field conditions in a highland area of Thailand. Anestrous buffaloes were diagnosed by transrectal ultrasonography as having ovarian cysts (n=5) or inactive ovaries (n=14). These 19 buffaloes were submitted to a CIDR-prostaglandin F 2α (PGF 2α)pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (PMSG)-based protocol with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) injections. Cows that exhibited estrus were bred with bulls. Pregnancy was diagnosed by transrectal ultrasonography at 35 days after mating; the non-pregnant cows were continuously resynchronized by the same protocol. In the initial synchronization and resynchronization phases, the estrous and pregnancy rates did not differ between buffaloes diagnosed with large ovarian cysts or inactive ovaries. Although the pregnancy outcome did not differ between the two groups, 57.9% of the anestrous Mehsana buffaloes became pregnant after therapy with the short-term CIDRbased protocol. Thus, these data demonstrated that a CIDR-PGF 2α-PMSG-based protocol with hCG injection effectively treated large cystic and inactive ovaries in infertile buffaloes, allowing for subsequent pregnancy; this hormonal therapy is recommended for anestrous Mehsana buffaloes under field conditions in the highland areas of Thailand.

Journal of Poultry Science, 2008
The objective of the present study was to investigate the e ects of a low percentage of dietary c... more The objective of the present study was to investigate the e ects of a low percentage of dietary chitosan on growth performance, carcass quality, plasma cholesterol, triacylglycerol levels, and the concentration of plasma very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) levels in broilers. Three hundred and sixty male Arbor Acre broiler chicks were randomly allotted into groups with replicates of chickens per replicate. Chitosan was supplemented to a basal diet at (control),. ,. and. for weeks. Basal diet was starter (CP, kcal/kg ME) at weeks, grower (CP, kcal/kg ME) at weeks and then changed to finisher (CP, kcal/kg ME) until weeks. Compared with the control, body weight, feed e ciency, and weights of drumstick and breast tended to increase in all chitosan groups, although not statistically significant. The weight of visceral organs and the total plasma cholesterol, triacylglycerol and VLDL levels did not show a significant di erence among the groups. These results suggest a low level of dietary chitosan tended to improve growth performance. These results suggest that a low level of dietary chitosan diet for broilers cannot reduce the total plasma cholesterol, but tended to have better growth performance. : body weight, broiler chickens, chitosan, feed intake, plasma lipid

Journal of Environmental Management, Feb 1, 2018
Biogas is composed of different gases including hydrogen sulfide (H 2 S), which is a hazardous ga... more Biogas is composed of different gases including hydrogen sulfide (H 2 S), which is a hazardous gas that damages pipes and generators in anaerobic digestion system. The objective of this study was to control H 2 S by waste iron powder produced by laser cutting machine in a steel and iron industry. Waste iron powder was mixed with dairy manure at a concentration between 2.0 and 20.0 g/L in batch experiments, while the concentration was varied between 1.0 and 4.0 g/L in bench experiment. In batch experiment, a reduction of up to 93% of H 2 S was observed at waste iron powder of 2.0 g/L (T1), while the reduction was of more than 99% at waste iron powder beyond 8.0 g/L (T4~T6). The total sulfide concentration (S T) increased together with waste iron powder concentration and was fitted with a quadratic equation with a maximum S T of 208.0 mg/L at waste iron powder of 20.2 g/L. Waste iron powder did not have significant effect on methane yield in batch and bench experiments. However, hydrolysis rate constant was increased by almost 100%, while the lag-phase period was reduced to half in test digesters compared to that in control digester. In bench experiment, H 2 S concentration was reduced by 89% at 2.0 g/L, while 50% at 1.0 g/L. Therefore, waste iron powder was effectively removed H 2 S and did not affect negatively anaerobic digestion process.

Animal Science Journal, Aug 21, 2018
Frequent use of pesticides to control soil-borne plant disease leads to environmental pollution a... more Frequent use of pesticides to control soil-borne plant disease leads to environmental pollution and the development of pesticide resistance in phytopathogens. Soil amendment is considered to have the potential of suppressing plant disease because of its biological properties. However, information on anaerobic digestate is limited. In this study, potential of antagonistic activities of anaerobic digestate against phytopathogens were investigated by detecting the amounts of antagonistic bacteria (Bacillus and Pseudomonas) in anaerobic digestates of dairy manure. The results showed that anaerobic digestion increased the total amounts of Bacillus and Pseudomonas in digestate. Bacillus suppressed growth of phytopathogens, while Pseudomonas did not show any antagonistic activities. These results indicated that Bacillus was an effective antagonistic bacterium in digestate against phytopathogens. Furthermore, two selected isolates, B11 (Bacillus subtilis) and B59 (Bacillus licheniformis), were applied in field experiments and showed significant reduction in percent infection of potato late blight (Phytophthora infestans). These results demonstrate the benefits of digestate in suppressing soil-borne plant diseases caused by antagonistic bacteria.

Poultry Science, Nov 1, 1991
Abstract A study on the utilization of various levels of sunflower seed (SFS) in broiler diets wa... more Abstract A study on the utilization of various levels of sunflower seed (SFS) in broiler diets was carried out in two experiments, each lasting 7 wk. Experimental diets contained 21, 19, and 17% CP for birds aged 1 to 3, 3 to 6, and 6 to 7 wk, respectively. Metabolizable energy was allowed to vary according to the level of SFS. In Experiment 1,840 straight-run Hubbard broilers were randomly allocated to seven groups, each with four replicates. The first five groups were fed with diets containing 0, 15, 20, 25, or 30% SFS throughout the experiment; the last two groups were fed 0 and 10% SFS during the first period (1 to 3 wk of age) and 30 and 30% SFS during Weeks 3 to 7. In Experiment 2, 810 straight-run Arbor Acres 707 broilers were randomly allocated to nine groups, each with three replicates. They were fed with 0, 30, 40, or 50% SFS throughout the experiment or 50% SFS during the first period and 30% in the last period (Weeks 3 to 7). At each level of SFS, the diets were either adjusted for lysine (Groups 3, 5, 7, or 9) to be equal to the control group (0% SFS, Group 1) or were not adjusted in lysine content (Groups 2, 4, 6, or 8). In the latter instances, lysine was supplemented at in the same level as in the control diet. The results indicated that birds fed SFS diets gained slightly more weight (1.6 to 7.1%) than the birds in the control group but the differences were significant only in Experiment 2. Feed consumption decreased with increasing SFS in the diet, which consequently improved the feed conversion ratio significantly. Liver and pancreas weight decreased, but abdominal plus visceral fat increased when SFS was fed. Differences among groups were not significant for mortality rate, hematocrit, hemoglobin, or serum cholesterol level. Neither production nor blood parameters measured were affected by the lysine level of the diets.

Animal Feed Science and Technology, Aug 1, 1989
Pigeonpea (cv. 'Hunt') meal was prepared by hammermilling mature grain to pass through a 4mm siev... more Pigeonpea (cv. 'Hunt') meal was prepared by hammermilling mature grain to pass through a 4mm sieve. The apparent metabolizable energy value of the raw meal was 8.0 and 8.2 MJ kg-1 for broilers and layers, respectively. Ground pigeonpea was incorporated into broiler diets at levels of 0, 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 g kg-1, replacing maize and soya bean meal. Each experimental diet was offered to 100, 1-weekold broiler chicks, divided into 2 groups of 50 birds for a 7-week period. Diets were prepared containing 21, 19 and 17% crude protein and 12.5 MJ ME kg-1. The diets were fed to the birds in the age ranges 1-3, 3-6 and 6-7 weeks, respectively. Liveweight gains (kg per bird) over the 7-week period were not significantly different between treatments, varying from 1.77 to 1.75 for the birds fed diets containing 0 and 500 g pigeonpea kg-1, respectively. Feed conversion ratios (FCR) of birds fed diets containing 0, 100, 200 or 300 g pigeonpea kg-1 were 1.97, 2.10, 2.04 and 2.08, respectively, and not significantly different. Higher levels of pigeonpea inclusion (400 and 500 g kg-1) produced significantly greater FCR (2.25 and 2.35, respectively). Apart from the birds fed the diets containing 200 g pigeonpea kg-1, there was a linear increase in pancreas weights with increasing proportion of pigeonpea inclusion. In a second experiment, ground pigeonpea was incorporated into layer diets (16% C.P. and 11.9 MJ ME kg-1) at levels of 0, 100, 200,300, 350 or 400 g kg-1, replacing maize and soya bean meal, to study the effect on egg production and egg quality over a 3-month period. Each experimental diet was offered to 32 individually caged, 25-week-old pullets. The inclusion of pigeonpea meal at a level of 200 g kg-1 or greater, resulted in significant decreases in egg production. The amount of feed consumed (kg) per kg of eggs produced from layers offered diets containing 0, 100 or 200 g pigeonpea kg-1 were 2.10, 2.15 and 2.14, respectively, and not significantly different. The diets containing 300, 350 and 400 g pigeonpea kg-~ resulted in worse feed-conversion efficiencies (2.33, 2.38 and 2.73, respectively). No significant differences in feed consumption and egg quality were detected.

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, Apr 8, 2020
Anaerobic digestion has been acknowledged as an appropriate technology to tackle climate change a... more Anaerobic digestion has been acknowledged as an appropriate technology to tackle climate change and support sustainable development. In general, biogas installation in developed countries involved a high investment cost due to the size and complexity of the technology, while small and simple technologies are often used in developing countries. In this study, an 8 m 3 commercial portable biodigester was modified by installing a mixing device and a heating element coil wire, and fed with liquid dairy manure, dairy by-products and food wastes. The results showed that the mixing device and heating element were effective to keep biodigester temperature around 37.7 °C at an ambient temperature between − 8 and + 25 °C. Higher temperature and longer hydraulic retention time (HRT) were related to higher digestion performance, while the opposite was observed with organic loading rate (OLR). Biodigester performance was not influenced by temperature and HRT, while it was increased with the increase of OLR. The highest biogas yield was observed during the co-digestion of liquid manure with waste milk and food waste, while the highest volumetric production of biogas was observed with liquid dairy manure co-digested with camembert cheese waste and food wastes. Keywords Small-scale biodigester • Liquid dairy manure • Dairy by-products • Food wastes • Urban area
Asian-australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, Nov 1, 2001
Asian-australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, Jun 1, 1993

Journal of Poultry Science, 2004
Shiitake mushroom stalk meal (SMM), which remains after the fruiting body is separated from the w... more Shiitake mushroom stalk meal (SMM), which remains after the fruiting body is separated from the whole mushroom, had high moisture content (3*ῌ), and took four days to sundry or two days to dry in an electrical oven at 0/῍. The chemical composition of the dry matter (DM) component was +/.++ῌ crude protein (CP), *.21ῌ ether extract (EE), ,1.21ῌ crude fiber (CF), .3.+2ῌ nitrogen free extract (NFE), *..1ῌ calcium (Ca) and *.-/ῌ phosphorus (P). The CP, EE and P content in SMM were 00, .* and 01ῌ in the whole mushroom, respectively. The present findings that the SMM does not always fall far below rice bran in chemical composition suggest that the SMM has a possibility to be utilized as an alternative poultry feed. True digestibility (TD) and metabolizable energy (ME) of SMM were determined using six Rhode Island Red cocks (one year old,-.* kg) and six broiler cockerels (nine weeks old, ,.kg). The digestibility of SMM in both chicken strains was almost the same, and averages were-..+3ῌDM, ,0.3ῌ CP, 1,.-ῌ EE, ./.00ῌ CF and /0.*/ῌ NFE. True ME and apparent ME values of SMM were +./2 and +.,* kcal/g air dry (or +.1+ and +.-* kcal/g DM) in Rhode Island Red cocks, and +./* and +.+1 kcal/g air dry (or +.0, and +.,1 kcal/g DM) in broiler cockerels, respectively. The present results that the digestibility and the ME showed similar values in both chicken strains demonstrate that the values of digestibility and ME in new feed source estimated from layer chicken strain could also be applied to the broiler diets.
Papers by suchon tangtaweewipat