Papers by socio-spatialstudies journal

Shabestan research center, 2019
Urban architectural concept The architectural role of monuments in the social sustainability of u... more Urban architectural concept The architectural role of monuments in the social sustainability of urban spaces Case study: the historical texture of Abyaneh village I.karami• , S. darvish 2 • Turbulence and inconsistency of urban physical system in the physical structure of Iran contemporary cities is one of the instances of identity crisis; the weakness of the educational system in the faculties of architecture and urban planning, the promotion of foreign culture in the domestic press, the weakness of the infrastructures of native culture education, the interference of experts from other scientific fields in architecture and urban planning, the weakness of urban management strategies, high expense housing and the necessity to supply housing for the needy people have created a turbulent city with eclectic culture and it made the native culture less prominent than before. The present research introduced the concept of "urban architecture". The main presupposi-tion of research is that the architecture of monuments in the historical texture has sufficient capabilities in the quality of physical structure of city and architects concurrently paid attention to the architectural characteristics of monuments and urban space quality. The purpose of present research is that to investigate the effective architectural factors to improve the social life of urban spaces thus the research question is that "how to architect while constructing architectural structures to shape an urban space with social quality?" The necessity of the study is the role of urban spaces to shape the social life and the significance of the study is the possibility to clarify a "bottom-up" design procedure to consider the concept of "urban architecture", and also to institutionalize qualifications for urban spaces through architectures. The present qualitative research has been conducted with the logical argumentation and causal-interpretative strategies and through documentary-field study in the case study of Abyaneh village. Research findings, while paying attention to the qualitative components of urban spaces resulting from monuments architecture, have proposed strategies to realize the concept of "urban architecture" consistent with the components of social sustainability.

Shabestan research center, 2019
Today, the quality and quantity of urban spaces has become one of the most important developmenta... more Today, the quality and quantity of urban spaces has become one of the most important developmental indicators in the cities. The management of citizenship relations and increase of social interactions level and presence of people in urban spaces have been considered as the backbone and capital of a dynamic and vibrant community. The purpose of this study was to determine and evaluate the effective indicators on promoting social interactions in urban spaces with a happy city approach. Sampling method was determined by multi-stage comparative stratified sampling and the number of samples was determined by using Cochran formula about 384 people in Qaemshahr. Data collection tool was a research hypothesis questionnaire. Descriptive statistics were used to describe the data. Inferential statistics were used to analyze the hypotheses by SPSS and LISREL software. Four effective factors for promoting social interactions were extracted. These factors are as follows: the first priority is the sense of belonging to the place (5.10), the second priority is security (3.95), the third priority is the urban pedestrian (3.67) and the fourth priority was urban furniture (3.60). The results show that all the components affect the promotion of social interactions in the city's public spaces.

Shabestan research center, 2019
According to Gibson, the affordances of everything, material or nonmaterial, constitute part of i... more According to Gibson, the affordances of everything, material or nonmaterial, constitute part of its assets making it usable to a certain creature or a member of creatures' species. The affordances of an artificial environment (social environment herein) restrict or increase the behavioral choices according to the environment's structure. In other words, every environment can play a considerable role in the enhancement and improvement and/or reduction of behavior. The present study seeks to find the factors influencing the increase in the affor-dance of an environment. The study has been conducted based on a descriptive-analytical method. The investigation of the first-hand resources, library documents and observations account for a notable quotient of the study goals' advancement. In the end, the results show that the creation of factors like the supply of physical needs, attachment to a place, memo-rability, sociability of the spaces, legibility in the attachments to a place and contribution to the growth of the social environment affordances is influential.
Shabestan research center, 2019

Shabestan research center, 2019
Increasing Environmental-Urban Challenges: Social-Anthropological Analysis The present study soug... more Increasing Environmental-Urban Challenges: Social-Anthropological Analysis The present study sought to discover and reflect the environmental challenges and issues of the urban space. The various urban communities are faced with different types of environmental urban issues and this is per se in need of common solutions. Issues like water and land are currently being frequently seen especially in the cities of the developing countries. Similarly, the supply of the citizens' financial needs is amongst the challenges increasingly reflected and manifested in the urban communities. The emergence of a set of urban challenges would be followed by novel and newly emerging issues. Considering the increase in the city dwelling population, these spots need new management and adoption of effective plans and policies. Following the increase in the world's population since the second half of the twentieth century and following the change in the population's lifestyle, particularly of the city-dwellers, these citizens have encountered new and unprecedented challenges and any hesitation in responding to their needs would be per se accompanied by new and more problems for them. During the three past centuries, the city's health and comfortability have been largely jeopardized. The qualitative and quantitative changes in the city's population during the era after industrial revolution rendered the cities themselves vulnerable from various respects in such a way that various organizations have to be coherently search for a cure and solution to such problems. While only sixteen cities worldwide had populations above one million people until 1900, the number of cities with multi-million populations has increased since then which has directly influenced the ascending trend of the urban challenges. Although there are numerous urban challenges, environmental problems are more widely observed than the other bottlenecks.

Shabestan research center, 2019
In modern cities, various issues show up. One of them is consumption, which is deeply interlaced ... more In modern cities, various issues show up. One of them is consumption, which is deeply interlaced with modernity as the city's prevalent culture in its sociological sense. Amongst the most important manifestations of consumption in today's cities is the consumption of the elements that are applied by the assistance of urban policies and parallel to the beauti-fication of the public spaces , which have been called aesthetical elements' consumption in the current article. It is now for a while that Tehran has offered different urban aesthetical elements in the public spaces. Considering the necessity of recognizing the extent to which urban aesthetical elements are consumed as well as their interrelationships with the indi-viduals' citizenship identity, the present article aimed to evaluate the urban cultural policies through a survey research in three neighborhoods in Tehran, namely Niavaran, Jannat Abad and Yaft Abad. The study sample volume included 390 individuals from the foresaid three neighborhoods to whom a questionnaire was administered as the data collection instrument. In the end, the results indicated that there was a significant relationship between the urban aesthetical elements' consumption and citizens' identities. The interpretation of the form of this relationship would allow the researchers evaluate the effectiveness of the urban cultural policies. The results of this evaluation have been offered in the conclusion section of the current research paper.

Shbestan research center, 2019
The present study was conducted with the aim of elaborating on the cultural implications of Tehra... more The present study was conducted with the aim of elaborating on the cultural implications of Tehran's comprehensive development plan vision based on a content analysis method. The study seeks an answer to the question as to how much Tehran's development plan vision caters for the cultural issues in the metropolitan area. The scope of this research is the entire provisions of the second five-year development plan of Tehran's municipality (2014-2018). The explicit and implicit themes indicating the culture-related issues were separated and, considering their interrelationships, the explicit themes were explored. The data collection tool was the content analysis checklist and its reliability was confirmed by external auditors based on convergence coefficient in the course of coding. The results indicated that a considerable part of Tehran's development plan is directed at modern morphological and structural elements, urban requirements, civil development and urban control and supervision policies and a lower deal of attention has been paid to the cultural, hypothetical and soft topics. These findings show that Tehran is still trapped in physicalism development and culture decline.

Socio-spatial studies journal, 2017
Contrastive study on the elements of traditional houses in different times, is an effective metho... more Contrastive study on the elements of traditional houses in different times, is an effective method in understanding the culture and design factor, the architectural evolution, space organization, ornaments and the structure of the historical buildings and it describes that different features and distinguishing factors in traditional houses were usually closely related to the political, economy, and social issues of that region. Synchronized with historical dynasties, traditional houses are thus, easily distinguishable regarding their architectures and the manner of architectural pattern can be followed regarding the historical evolution. As Isfahan was the capital of Iran in Safavid time, building magnificent palace-like houses were the trend; in Qajar dynasty as well architecture had its own unique elements. The present study enjoyed the mixed methods of descriptive and analytical methods as well as case study. The problem was examined based on observation, field studies, and documentation; the results then were compared and contrasted. The architectural design of these houses are introverted (mainly) as well as extroverted (in jolfa). The main front of the houses are in southern part and having porch, straight sky line, rectangular garden, rectangular rooms, sometimes octagonal houses, abundant ornamentations in central halls, using natural colors, easier use of bricks as the main material are some features of these houses. The present study aims to analyze and evaluate how the privacy of entrances in both Safavid and Qajar houses as one of the most significant elements of architectural times formed.

Socio-spatial studies journal, 2017
Many parts of the world are affected by unusual events, natural disasters and incidents that aim ... more Many parts of the world are affected by unusual events, natural disasters and incidents that aim for people's life, property, and comfort and threaten their life and survival. Crises cause abundant and sometimes irreparable damages to countries and people along with adverse effects on social indexes.Therefore, identifying, appropriate planning, and optimal Resilient crisis management are of the highest priorities in various countries.Due to its great destruction power, expansion of the destruction area, lack of the possibility of predicting the occurrence time, continued losses and threats in the form of aftershocks, extensive injuries, and numerous problems in disaster relief, considering the destruction of the infrastructural installations and essential arteries, earthquake is a very important factor in crisis management. Meanwhile, based on the existing information 69% of Iran's surface is affected by active faults and is considered to be one of the countries prone to having earthquakes. Besides, the general weakness of structures has caused extensive casualties in disasters. In these situations control and managing crisis especially earthquakes are of extreme importance in the field of recognition, prediction and preparation before the occurrence, planning, control and guidance after the occurrence. Obviously, achieving this aim requires rapid and simple access to correct and updated information and complicated analysis carried out by specialists and managers. On the other hand, more than 80% of the required information in crises is spatial-natured and earth-referenced. Applying GIS and related technologies can be of considerable help in collection, storage, classification and analysis of related spatial and descriptive data; and play a determining role in identifying and direct application in both prediction and prevention, and direct dealing with events. In this article, we will study the role of GIS In planning urban Resilient and promotion helping dominate crises and their proper management, in order to reduce financial losses and injuries. Besides we try to examine the methods to identify and classify historical and worn structures with the aim of planning and priority setting of seismic improvements and retrofitting buildings against earthquakes. Given the fact that the greatest concentration of resilience in crises is on improving the city's cultural, social, economic, physical and organizational dimensions, the use of the capabilities of the GIS system is very useful given the rich information layers.

Socio-spatial studies journal, 2017
The major style of urbanization in Isfahan has been always conventionally based and focused on pe... more The major style of urbanization in Isfahan has been always conventionally based and focused on pedestrianism. This city whose frame and structure is organized and nearly completed in the Seljuk and Safavid eras, still (particularly in the old areas) is under a system based upon evaluation of the qualitative properties of districts and maximum connection between people and environment .Though from early 20th century and the start of modern transformations in architecture and urbanization in Iran, building new and modern districts with central focus being on maximum usage of land to build infrastructure and paths for passing cars, the pedestrians are less valued .Regarding this point that city development and description of new necessities by humans has inevitably new activities and utilizations in definition of districts, by comparing the new and old districts of Isfahan we can significantly come to the conclusion that how eachonès frame work properties can satisfy today human beings' requirements and interactions and what the strategies for their adjustment and promotion are .This article compares the capacity of pedestrianism and social interactions between an old and a new-fashioned district in Isfahan in order to discuss the strengths and foibles of them. The discussed titles are: aim of research and the way of that, reviewing the supplies about new urbanization and walkability, checking pedestrianism in two districts of Isfahan, and the results of the research .The final parts discuss the results of the review and physical position of two intended districts. Finally, the implications will be presented as guidance principles to design new-fashioned neighborhoods in order to improve the quality of neighborhood and social interactions due to the walkability.

Socio-spatial studies journal, 2017
Basically, relationship of the interior and exterior spaces of architecture, also, the relationsh... more Basically, relationship of the interior and exterior spaces of architecture, also, the relationship is always an indication of the architecture type. Corbusier believed that all historical background of the architecture just focus on osmium of the wall. Size of the opened space is an indication of its correlation with the adjacent environment; namely, entrance is a combination of differently structured spaces rather than just an opening and "Porch" is one of the mentioned elements of the Iranian architecture. It is multifunctional; the porch separates the entrance from the corridor and the courtyard; it is an independent space including stone benches for seating and social interactions. This paper is defining the porch, to know why and how the independent element is developed in Iranian residential architecture. The porch is analyzed for its function and form; some concepts are discussed in the process of porch development including: privacy, climate, joint and so forth.

Socio-spatial studies journal, 2017
Nowadays, urban planners are encountered with Urban sprawl in the large cities, especially in the... more Nowadays, urban planners are encountered with Urban sprawl in the large cities, especially in the developing countries. In order to control this condition they have taken different policies, one of these policies are increase density. The aim of this research is to determine the optimal building density in Isfahan's fifth district. To analyze this subject, firstly the selected district was divided into several quarters (neighborhoods), the indicators in each quarter were studied and weighted according to their suitability for the proposed density, then the weight of each index was established by the use of comparison matrix and eventually the suitability of each quarter was determined to propose the increase of density. The findings of the presented research indicate that because of the specific qualifications of the district, such as the existence of the valuable historic fabric of Jolfa and its neighborhood with Zayande-Rood, the historical center of the ChaharBagh-e-Bala and width of the passages and …, it`s better to avoid the increase of density in this district; and finally some suggestions is presented in order to determine an optimal density for this region.

Socio-spatial studies journal, 2017
The main purpose in this research is A Study on Socioeconomic status Effects on Private Universit... more The main purpose in this research is A Study on Socioeconomic status Effects on Private Universities Architecture Students' Educational Motivation. Since students could have a great role in reconstructing and improving the society through proper planning, studying students' issues and their attitudes toward higher education with an insight of internal motivation and talents is among the main duties for higher education programmers. Considering the issue significance, the following research tries to study socioeconomic status effects on private universities architecture students' educational motivation. Using the determining factors in students' socioeconomic status, the research studies the relation between this status and students' major, educational motivation, motivations in entering private universities and their job prospects. The statistical society for this research included 12 public and private universities and 306individuals were selected to answer the research questions through stratified random sampling. To analyze the data, descriptive and inferential statistics (Chi-square) were used. Results suggest that there is a significant relation between university type and major on the one hand and students' socioeconomic status. But there is no significant relation between educational motivation and job prospective with students' socioeconomic status. Abstract B. Daryoush et al. 2

Socio-spatial studies journal, 2017
Crises have always caused many, and sometimes irreparable, damages and injuries to human nations ... more Crises have always caused many, and sometimes irreparable, damages and injuries to human nations having had adverse impacts on indices of society, economy and environment. Therefore analysis and optimum management of these crises are the priorities in the states around the world.Access to valid and up-to-date information plays the pivotal role in proper and timely programming and performance on managers' and responsible organizations' side in various phases of the crisis management cycle. While more than 80% of the required information in crises actually have a local and geographical nature, utilizing the modern technology of GIS with special capabilities in modeling, combining and analyzing the data can be effective and impasse-breaking while analyzing vast layers of information in both phases of prediction and strike of crises.A good knowledge of the crisis-causing factors before their strike or prediction of the essential arrangements to prevent or reduce their affects or aftermaths to the least is one of the base procedures in the management of unexpected events. In this direction, precision in properly locating the installations and passages of the pipes and canals would be immensely important; bearing in mind the key role of continuation of serving essential arteries; particularly water and sewage installations, in controlling and preventing the expansion of crises, and preserving public health and hygiene on the one hand, and the significant expenses of construction or reconstruction of these systems on the other. Thus, through this study, we have discussed how to exploit the creation and production procedures in purposefully locating water and sewage installations and also their other usages in designing, management, programming and development of these installations, in addition to introducing the geographical information systems and clarifications of the creation and production procedures. The location of urban water and sewage facilities is very effective in increasing the resilience of natural disasters through the use of the geographical information system.

Socio-spatial studies journal, 2017
Crises have always caused many, and sometimes irreparable, damages and injuries to human nations ... more Crises have always caused many, and sometimes irreparable, damages and injuries to human nations having had adverse impacts on indices of society, economy and environment. Therefore analysis and optimum management of these crises are the priorities in the states around the world.Access to valid and up-to-date information plays the pivotal role in proper and timely programming and performance on managers' and responsible organizations' side in various phases of the crisis management cycle. While more than 80% of the required information in crises actually have a local and geographical nature, utilizing the modern technology of GIS with special capabilities in modeling, combining and analyzing the data can be effective and impasse-breaking while analyzing vast layers of information in both phases of prediction and strike of crises.A good knowledge of the crisis-causing factors before their strike or prediction of the essential arrangements to prevent or reduce their affects or aftermaths to the least is one of the base procedures in the management of unexpected events. In this direction, precision in properly locating the installations and passages of the pipes and canals would be immensely important; bearing in mind the key role of continuation of serving essential arteries; particularly water and sewage installations, in controlling and preventing the expansion of crises, and preserving public health and hygiene on the one hand, and the significant expenses of construction or reconstruction of these systems on the other. Thus, through this study, we have discussed how to exploit the creation and production procedures in purposefully locating water and sewage installations and also their other usages in designing, management, programming and development of these installations, in addition to introducing the geographical information systems and clarifications of the creation and production procedures. The location of urban water and sewage facilities is very effective in increasing the resilience of natural disasters through the use of the geographical information system.

Socio-spatial studies journal, 2017
Information technology by removing the barriers and omitting geographical boundaries washes out t... more Information technology by removing the barriers and omitting geographical boundaries washes out the physical distances and dissolves many problems. But at the same time this concern is existed that information technology causes more separation between social classes and so creates a society that divides into two groups that one group is "possessed" and the other "do not possessed" the technology. Accordingly, one of the main challenging issues that social universe has encountered with, is inequality of information and communication technology indicators among regions, which called "digital gap". In order to achieve standard development and to provide geographical and spatial justice, removing the digital gap between regions, and equal and public accessibility of geographical units must be considered as the main priority of planning in field of ICT. The presented research by purpose of spatial analysis and ranking of counties in Isfahan province tries to improve information and communication technology and reduce digital gap. The research method is descriptive analytic and for ranking and rate of difference among counties the Topsis algorithm is used. The results show that level of possessing ICT was not equal among counties in a way that counties divided into four groups of very high, medium, low and very low, that only the counties of Isfahan is located in very high group. The dispersal coefficient between counties is 5% that confirms the difference in spatial distribution of indicators. And also there is a direct relationship between development of ICT and population and urbanization percentage, in a way that most of facilities are located in a counties with high percentage of urbanization. At the end some solution is suggested in order to remove the digital gap between counties.

Socio-spatial studies journal, 2017
The main purpose in this research is recognition of dimensions of sustainable architecture. Today... more The main purpose in this research is recognition of dimensions of sustainable architecture. Today, one of the most necessary complicated and delicate specifications of architecture that architects face with is the issue of stability in various types of its comments and interpretations. The issue of sustainability is interpretable and general from many aspects. Therefore, it is necessary to recognize the qualified of this adjective (architecture and its related categories). In the record of bringing this discussion up, we face with titles such as Green architecture, Sustainable development, etc. But the purpose of this article is the study of the nature and recognizing the circumstances and essence of sustainability in all fields that architecture involves in. The innovation of this study is attentive to creating the recognition and feeling the fact of dimensions of sustainability that is studied in procedure of library research, a case sample, and proposal of common but insufficient ideas related to this discussion. This article is devoted to 3 point of views including main environmental, cultural (value), and technical, and it tries to take the proposed topics under the subjection of this 3 factors in an orderly way (presenting a modern pattern) and the minor factors are studied under the subjection of these 3 main factors.

Socio-spatial studies journal, 2017
In land use and transportation planning, mixed land uses usually are those various and consistent... more In land use and transportation planning, mixed land uses usually are those various and consistent land uses which have been within a single structure or close to each other. Mixed land uses in different societies are used for different purposes. In some of these societies, mixed land uses are appropriate strategies in mixing the housing types in a small scale in order to enhance the identity of old cities. In other societies they are used as a mean to revive the worn out areas and speed up economic developments. Even some societies use them to create the suburbs' centers. In this regard, the aim of this study is to evaluate the mixed land uses in Tehran's Bryanak neighborhood. For this purpose, the most important criteria and sub-criteria are compiled to determine the situation of the mixing land uses in this neighborhood, and by using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and questionnaire an appropriate and measurable framework is provided to measure and present strategies for the preservation and promotion of mixed land uses. The results indicate that the final score of this neighborhood was calculated as 3.08 that is very close to the "average" and indicates that the situation of mixed land uses in Bryanak neighborhood is average and some actions should be taken to improve conditions for the development of mixed land uses in this neighborhood.

Socio-spatial studies journal, 2017
One of the most fundamental executive policies of governments during development programs is crea... more One of the most fundamental executive policies of governments during development programs is creating balanced regional development. Regional inequalities are cited as reasons for growing social unrests, political instabilities, and disintegration. In Iran, these inequalities have been growing at an alarming rate leading to serious problems. So, analysis of development level of regions and consequently, identifying interregional and intraregional inequalities is of great importance in the way of adopting appropriate development policies. The aim of this study is evaluating development level of sub-provinces of Iran and exploring existent inequalities. A system of 54 indicators of different dimensions of regional development was constructed and submitted to Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) for this purpose. Analysis of Coefficient of Variation (CV) was also applied to reveal regional inequalities about different dimensions of development. The results of this research showed that there are obvious differentiations among sub-provinces in development level. In addition , spatial distribution of sub-provinces with regards development level indicates that an intensive system of core and periphery exists in the country. So, it is necessary to reduce regional inequalities in Iran to pave way for greater national integration, increase in economic growth and more political stability.

Socio-spatial studies journal, 2018
Traditional Iranian houses, especially Esfahan, have very special cultural patterns, such as priv... more Traditional Iranian houses, especially Esfahan, have very special cultural patterns, such as privacy entrance but contemporary houses in Isfahan, because of changes in the methods of designing and building houses, importance of entrance reduced to such level that now in contemporary houses entrance is just a door. Entrance correlates indoor safe space of house and outdoors. It`s importance lays in controlling entry, exit, territory and hierarchy. Since house owners were satisfied with traditional form of entrance, it is a good idea to learn from them in designing new entrances. The purpose of this research is to find a way for designing appropriate entrances for Isfahan contemporary houses. Isfahan city is from margin of desert and the origin of traditional houses. Analysis showed that blockage of visual and phonic relation, creating a space between outdoor public space and indoor private space, creating access patterns to internal spaces and traits that separate in and out were the most significant properties of traditional entrances. All these traits are ignored in contemporary entrances. Suggestions made for design include creating public meeting space in yard and creating a separate entrance space for each house in apartments.
Papers by socio-spatialstudies journal