Papers by sri lestari linawati

Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam Al-Thariqah
Penambahan kasus covid 19 diawal tahun 2021 meningkat 9000 kasus per hari. Kemendikbud yang awaln... more Penambahan kasus covid 19 diawal tahun 2021 meningkat 9000 kasus per hari. Kemendikbud yang awalnya menginstruksikan pembelajar tatap muka akhirnya harus dibatalkan dan tetap melaksanakan pembelajaran secara daring. Masalah yang muncul saat pembelajaran daring adalah belum siapnya sumber daya dosen dalam mendisain konten e-learning serta tidak seragamnya media daring yang digunakan, belum lagi kondisi mahasiswa yang bermasalah dengan jaringan internet. Tujuan Penelitian ini ingin mengungkap proses pembelajaran Al-Islam Kemuhammadiyahan di dua Perguruan Tinggi Muhammadiyah Aisyiyah yaitu Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo dan Universitas Aisyiyah Yogjakarta di masa pandemi. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian Kuantitatif menggali dan menganalisis data dengan pendekatan Statistik Deskriptif untuk mengungkapkan implementasi pembelajaran AIK melalui e-learning. Ternyata dari hasil penelitian ini bisa diketahui bahwa pembelajaran menggunakan E-learning pada matakuliah AIK belum bis...

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Program Pengabdian Masyarakat, 2019
Paper ini bertujuan mendiskusikan bagaimana proses Pendidikan komunitas yang juga dipertukarkan d... more Paper ini bertujuan mendiskusikan bagaimana proses Pendidikan komunitas yang juga dipertukarkan dengan pengetahuan di dalam Komunitas literasi bernama Rumah baca Komunitas. Warga belajar atau peserta didik mendapat bekal dari pengasuh dalam berbagai ketrampilan fungsional, ilmu pengetahuan, dan beragam sift skill serta hard skill di dalam memperlakukan sumber daya alam di lingkungan. Melalui proses belajar partisipatif selama kurang lebih 3 bulan dengan beragam aktifitas dapat disimpulkan tiga hal utama. Pertama, Gerakan literasi merupakan salah satu konsep kunci untuk memahami perkembangan struktur sosial, koheren dengan proses demokratisasi, di mana partisipasi masyarakat sipil menjadi bagian penting dalam proses ini. Gerakan literasi pasca tahun 2000an memainkan peranan penting dalam perkembangan sosial di Indonesia, menciptakan jenis solidaritas berbasis komunitas, di mana tidak sekedar membuka akses peminjaman buku, manuskrip, atau bahan-bahan bacaan, melainkan menjadi sarana bagi ekspresi-ekspresi politik tertentu. Kedua, Gerakan literasi berada di antara berbagai praktik-praktik yang sangat variatif. Beragamnya praktik-praktik yang dapat ditemui melalui platform gerakan literasi, menunjukkan bahwa gerakan literasi tidak memiliki bentuk tunggal. Selama ini Taman Baca Masyarakat (TBM) menjadi satu-satunya identitas dominan mengenai gerakan literasi. Perubahan karakteristik volunterisme di dalam advokasi sosial akibat dari meluasnya kesempatan mengartikulasikan ekspresi-ekspresi politik, memungkinkan individu-individu untuk membentuk sejenis kemandirian dalam praktik aktivisme. Ketiga, pemangku kepentingan baik desa, warga, pemuda, dan kelompok perempuan serta mahasiswa adalah dinamisator dan agency yang sangat menentukan bekerjanya Komunitas untuk pemberdayaan pengetahuan masyarakat.

Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences
BACKGROUND: The disease caused by coronavirus-19 (COVID-19) has been stated as a global epidemic ... more BACKGROUND: The disease caused by coronavirus-19 (COVID-19) has been stated as a global epidemic by the WHO. The COVID-19 pandemic adds many risk factors to maternal mental health during the perinatal period. The impact of anxiety during pregnancy is adverse obstetric consequences such as premature birth, inadequate antenatal care, requests for elective cesarean delivery, low APGAR scores of infants, and postpartum depression. Nursing interventions to overcome anxiety can be done through spiritual and religious intervention approaches. One of the spiritual interventions for the Muslim population to improve religious coping is Qur’anic Bibliotherapy (QB) as Islamic bibliotherapy. AIM: This study aimed to explore the use of QB interventions for pregnant women experiencing anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic. METHODS: A qualitative exploratory study was conducted to explore the experience of the intervention given to the informant. The qualitative samples were ten respondents with mod...

Dharma Raflesia : Jurnal Ilmiah Pengembangan dan Penerapan IPTEKS, 2018
Using this curriculum it is expected that students have creativity and entrepreneurial product ex... more Using this curriculum it is expected that students have creativity and entrepreneurial product expertise competencies. In order to achieve these competencies students of class X SMK obtain digital simulation and communication subjects. In this lesson students learn communication in online networks, online communication applications, virtual classes, virtual classroom learning, video presentations, video presentations for branding and marketing, visual simulations, preproduction stage visual simulation processing applications, visual stage simulation processing applications production, stage visual simulation processing applications, postproduction, digital books, digital book formats, and digital book publications. Therefore, to support students having these competencies, internet marketing or online marketing is needed. Muhammadiyah 2 Yogyakarta Vocational School has a business charity to support students' abilities in the form of computer and laptop services. The computer and laptop service services are located next to Muhammadiyah 2 Vocational School in Yogyakarta. The results of these computer and laptop service services have not been maximized due to lack of marketing (marketing). Students of Muhammadiyah 2 Yogyakarta Vocational School after graduating in large part did not continue to the undergraduate level, they chose to work immediately. But the Regional Minimum Wage for vocational school graduates is relatively low, therefore they need additional income by entrepreneurship. The existence of these problems, the authors provide solutions with internet marketing training to support the competence of the students' expertise. This training is also useful for students of Muhammadiyah 2 Yogyakarta Vocational School to supplement their income by entrepreneurship using the use of internet marketing as a promotional media.

Journal of Al-Islam and Muhammadiyah Studies
This article discusses the role of Baitul Arqom in Building the character of University Students ... more This article discusses the role of Baitul Arqom in Building the character of University Students Of Muhammadiyah Pekajangan Pekalongan. This article was written using a qualitative descriptive approach with data collection techniques such as observation, documentation study and interviews. Through this method, this article found that Baitul Arqom was very instrumental in Building the character of the students of the University of Muhammadiyah Pekajangan, Pekalongan, both in terms of religion, science, social life and leadership. The formation of religious character is shown by changing the character of students to be more obedient in worship such as prayer in congregation, especially the dawn prayer, tadarus, and tahajud prayer. The formation of scientific characters is shown by changing the character of students to be more have a high ethos of learning, but it also makes students think moderate, not fanatical which actually makes the ice in thinking. The formation of social communi...
Papers by sri lestari linawati