Papers by Nannapaneni Siva Kumar

If language is a big highway, the words in it are the vehicles without which it looks empty. It i... more If language is a big highway, the words in it are the vehicles without which it looks empty. It is applicable to any language and English is no exception to it. As the English language has been the professional language that connects people globally, learners are obliged to master it to communicate and even to procure their dream careers in India or abroad. But mastery of a language is proportional to the enhancement of its vocabulary which is the currency of one's communication. We know our words are our ambassadors which program us for either success or failure. But in a traditional classroom, we often tend to see some students become hard up for vocabulary while speaking or writing English. With COVID-19 wreaking havoc, the chances of getting students synchronously to improve their vocabulary slowed down. Yet this pandemic compelled the teachers to have dug out a plethora of tools of educational technology to sustain the lost spirit of teaching and learning. Kahoot! is one of the various Edtech tools which has been instituted exclusively to gamify learning in the form of quizzes of various types. Our research analyzes the role of Kahoot! in enriching students' English vocabulary online and further, brings forth the outcome of experimentation with Kahoot! through a new approach to asynchronous teaching and learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Code Switching is a linguistic phenomenon claimed to be the most prevalent and common mode of int... more Code Switching is a linguistic phenomenon claimed to be the most prevalent and common mode of interaction among bilingual speakers. This paper focuses on how and why teaching English using Code Switching can be an effective teaching and communicative approach and to what extent it helps the students to improve their proficiency of the target language. It also explores how far Code Switching is useful to the teachers of the English language to facilitate students' comprehension. The paper describes Code Switching, Bidialectalism Code Switching and Vernacular Code Switching, difference between Code Switching and Code Mixing, difference between Bilingual Method and Code Switching. The paper presents some of the major factors of Code Switching. Since Code Switching is widely construed as an effective social skill in communication, it is worthwhile to introduce in classrooms and analyze the relevant theory so that students will be benefited.

International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM)
Research on Vocabulary is prominent, and it helps learners find many diverse ways to learn vocabu... more Research on Vocabulary is prominent, and it helps learners find many diverse ways to learn vocabulary to a greater extent. However, the research on vocabulary in recent years gradually diminishes as students age and get to higher education [1]. Many researchers recommend the effective use of digital tools to motivate students to participate actively in learning [9], and digital gamification makes quite an impact by creating student interest in word learning [1] [12]. At this juncture, our research serves the need for improving the vocabulary of Engineering students through digital gamification using 'Quizizz' in their Practice tests and Google Forms with 'AutoProctor' to preclude their malpractice during their assessment test-taking. This study was carried out based on quantitative research by collecting and analyzing numerical data of a couple of research groups, the control group (n1=45) and experimental group (n2=69), and also through a closed-ended questionnaire ...

Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews, 2019
Purpose of the study: The aim of the study is to find the similarities between the welfare scheme... more Purpose of the study: The aim of the study is to find the similarities between the welfare schemes of Indian and Saudi governments, and the burden of these schemes and their impact on society. This study aims to compare and contrast the welfare schemes of two altogether different types of economy. Methodology: This study applies the methodology of comparative analysis by employing descriptive analysis to study both the similarities and dissimilarities of the welfare schemes of Saudi Arabia and India. Main Findings: Indian and Saudi governments have been spending a lot of welfare schemes of their respective GDPs. The intention of these governments is to help the poor to lead a minimum quality of life. Though the intention is genuine and appreciable, in terms of implementation, the two governments have not yet achieved any desired results even after 60 years of introduction. Applications of this study: India and Saudi Arabia can learn from each other in designing and distributing welf...

International Journal of English Linguistics, 2019
The purpose of the present study is to examine the effect of conducting De Bono’s six thinking ha... more The purpose of the present study is to examine the effect of conducting De Bono’s six thinking hats activity on developing the paragraph writing skills of university students. Two groups of students studying the course Technical Writing in Business (NAJM 167) of Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University were chosen to achieve this objective. Pre- and post-tests were conducted for both the groups to determine the difference in their mean scores. Both the groups were given the task of writing a paragraph as a pre-test before conducting the activity. Then, in the experiment section, six thinking hats activity was conducted six times, each time changing the hat color of the groups. As the students had class for 100 minutes three times a week, the experimental group did the activity six times for two weeks. The control group was taught the textbook verbatim. The two groups were given the task of writing a paragraph again as a post-test. The paragraphs were evaluated. At 5% significance leve...

Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues
The urge to grow and oil price volatility lead Saudi Arabia to structurally reform itself. Among ... more The urge to grow and oil price volatility lead Saudi Arabia to structurally reform itself. Among many things, this transformation calls for diversification away from oil and indigenization of the workforce. Saudi Arabia is one of the countries with considerable number of expatriate workers. The new policy is to replace expatriates with locals in various fields. Alas, are the Saudi students (prospective employees) ready to replace the expatriates in all the sectors? In this paper, the researchers tried to explore through a questionnaire the attitude of the students in replacing the expatriates with the help of Theory of Planned Behavior. In the process the study identifies the obstacles to overcome in order to achieve localization. The findings offer some insights to the academicians need to do more to prepare students for the workplace by providing basic skills and career orientation needed to succeed in private sector jobs after they graduate.

Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues
The urge to grow and oil price volatility lead Saudi Arabia to structurally reform itself. Among ... more The urge to grow and oil price volatility lead Saudi Arabia to structurally reform itself. Among many things, this transformation calls for diversification away from oil and indigenization of the workforce. Saudi Arabia is one of the countries with considerable number of expatriate workers. The new policy is to replace expatriates with locals in various fields. Alas, are the Saudi students (prospective employees) ready to replace the expatriates in all the sectors? In this paper, the researchers tried to explore through a questionnaire the attitude of the students in replacing the expatriates with the help of Theory of Planned Behavior. In the process the study identifies the obstacles to overcome in order to achieve localization. The findings offer some insights to the academicians need to do more to prepare students for the workplace by providing basic skills and career orientation needed to succeed in private sector jobs after they graduate.

The urge to grow and oil price volatility lead Saudi Arabia to structurally reform itself. Among ... more The urge to grow and oil price volatility lead Saudi Arabia to structurally reform itself. Among many things, this transformation calls for diversification away from oil and indigenization of the workforce. Saudi Arabia is one of the countries with considerable number of expatriate workers. The new policy is to replace expatriates with locals in various fields. Alas, are the Saudi students (prospective employees) ready to replace the expatriates in all the sectors? In this paper, the researchers tried to explore through a questionnaire the attitude of the students in replacing the expatriates with the help of Theory of Planned Behavior. In the process the study identifies the obstacles to overcome in order to achieve localization. The findings offer some insights to the academicians need to do more to prepare students for the workplace by providing basic skills and career orientation needed to succeed in private sector jobs after they graduate. He has around twenty-five research papers, over six conference presentations and another six funded university projects to his credit. He has a rich experience of using software like SPSS, Stata, and Eviews for both multivariate analysis and econometric analysis. His research interests are macroeconomics and developmental economics
Code Switching is a linguistic phenomenon claimed to be the most prevalent and common mode of int... more Code Switching is a linguistic phenomenon claimed to be the most prevalent and common mode of interaction among bilingual speakers. This paper focuses on how and why teaching

The purpose of the present study is to examine the effect of conducting De Bono's six thinking ha... more The purpose of the present study is to examine the effect of conducting De Bono's six thinking hats activity on developing the paragraph writing skills of university students. Two groups of students studying the course Technical Writing in Business (NAJM 167) of Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University were chosen to achieve this objective. Pre-and post-tests were conducted for both the groups to determine the difference in their mean scores. Both the groups were given the task of writing a paragraph as a pre-test before conducting the activity. Then, in the experiment section, six thinking hats activity was conducted six times, each time changing the hat color of the groups. As the students had class for 100 minutes three times a week, the experimental group did the activity six times for two weeks. The control group was taught the textbook verbatim. The two groups were given the task of writing a paragraph again as a post-test. The paragraphs were evaluated. At 5% significance levels, two-tailed test was applied. The scores of the control group were much lower than the experimental group in the paragraph writing test. The statistics also showed significant differences between mean scores of the two groups. The results prove the effectiveness of six thinking hats activity in developing writing skills of university students. Therefore, the present study recommends that it is appropriate for EFL teachers in Saudi Arabia to make students do the six thinking hats activity along with other activities given in the textbook in order to improve their writing skills.

Purpose of the study: The aim of the study is to find the similarities between the welfare scheme... more Purpose of the study: The aim of the study is to find the similarities between the welfare schemes of Indian and Saudi governments, and the burden of these schemes and their impact on society. This study aims to compare and contrast the welfare schemes of two altogether different types of economy. Methodology: This study applies the methodology of comparative analysis by employing descriptive analysis to study both the similarities and dissimilarities of the welfare schemes of Saudi Arabia and India. Main Findings: Indian and Saudi governments have been spending a lot of welfare schemes of their respective GDPs. The intention of these governments is to help the poor to lead a minimum quality of life. Though the intention is genuine and appreciable, in terms of implementation, the two governments have not yet achieved any desired results even after 60 years of introduction. Applications of this study: India and Saudi Arabia can learn from each other in designing and distributing welfare schemes like Saudi Arabia should focus to have targeted compensation and India to use its unique identification numbers to reduce leakages in its schemes. Instead of focusing on giving subsidies, it is better to devise a strategy with a timeframe to reduce poverty by creating many opportunities for the poor to improve their standard of living. Novelty/Originality of this study: The novelty in this study is a comparison of welfare schemes between two countries with two different types of political systems. While both countries are developing in nature, Saudi Arabia falls under a very high-income category country and India falls under the lower-middle-income category country.
Purpose of the study: The aim of the study is to find the similarities between the welfare scheme... more Purpose of the study: The aim of the study is to find the similarities between the welfare schemes of Indian and Saudi governments, and the burden of these schemes and their impact on society. This study aims to compare and contrast the welfare schemes of two altogether different types of economy.
Papers by Nannapaneni Siva Kumar