Papers by Sinem Utanır Altay
Hastane öncesi dergisi, Nov 5, 2023

Hastane öncesi dergisi, Apr 3, 2020
Effective communication skills can facilitate relationships in all kinds of human relationships a... more Effective communication skills can facilitate relationships in all kinds of human relationships and all kinds of professions. Communication, which forms the basis of interpersonal interaction, has an important place in every individual's life. Professionals' success depends on their communication skills. The real function of communication in health services is to make people get closer to each other by sharing emotions, thoughts and information as well as making meanings common. It is anticipated that pre-hospital emergency health services will be able to provide successful services in accordance with today's emergency medicine only with individuals who are trained in emergency medicine, have communication skills, and have a permanent staff. In this study, in which we focused on the role of communication in pre-hospital emergency health services, it aims to give information about how effective communication proceeds, and in particular, how to establish pre-hospital emergency healthcare staff with normative communication with patients and their relatives. In this context, this study is important in terms of revealing the possible aspects of communication between the patient and the emergency health personnel and suggesting possible solutions
Sayin Editor; 17. Paramedik Egitimi Koordinasyon Kurulu Toplantisi ve 1. Uluslararasi Paramedik E... more Sayin Editor; 17. Paramedik Egitimi Koordinasyon Kurulu Toplantisi ve 1. Uluslararasi Paramedik Egitimi Sempozyumu, 24 Eylul 2020 tarihinde Ege Universitesi ve Paramedik Egitiminde Standardizasyon ve Akreditasyon Dernegi (PESAD) isbirligi ile yapilmistir. Yuz yuze fiziki ortamda yapilmasi planlanan etkinlik, Covid 19 Kuresel Pandemisi nedeniyle Ege Universitesi Uzaktan Egitim Uygulama ve Arastirma Merkezi’nin vermis oldugu teknik alt yapi destegiyle cevrimici olarak gerceklestirilmistir. Toplanti ile ilgili sonuc bildirgesi ve gorseller asagida sunulmustur.

BACKGROUND: Violence against pre-hospital emergency health workers is a growing problem worldwide... more BACKGROUND: Violence against pre-hospital emergency health workers is a growing problem worldwide and negatively impacts the effectiveness of emergency services. The social distancing, isolation and quarantine measures that have been employed to reduce the spread of COVID-19 have also had economic and psychosocial effects. Therefore, it is important to explore how the negative repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic have influenced these violent incidents that interfere with the work of emergency medical services (EMS). OBJECTIVE: This study aims to evaluate how violence against EMS workers has been impacted by the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. METHODS: This study takes an interpretive social science approach, using the qualitative method of in-depth semi-structured interviewing. Audio of the interviews was recorded with the interviewee’s consent. Sound recordings were transcribed and their content was categorised into themes. Categorised texts were then evaluated using descripti...

BACKGROUND: Despite a high demand for people to participate in disaster volunteering, the extent ... more BACKGROUND: Despite a high demand for people to participate in disaster volunteering, the extent of contribution received from female volunteers in disaster response organisations constitutes an important debate. In the Elazığ earthquake on 24 January 2020, the role of female volunteers in rescuing a female victim from the wreckage once again demonstrated the importance of considering female volunteers when creating response capacities for disaster risks. OBJECTIVE: This qualitative study aims to evaluate the roles of female volunteers who play an active role in disaster response organisations in a society with gender equality issues. METHODS: This qualitative study included 15 National Medical Rescue Team (UMKE) female volunteers who took an active role in the Elazig earthquake and was performed between 15.07.2020 and 16.04.2021. Data were collected using an in-depth interview method. The data were analyzed using content analysis and the comments were given descriptively. RESULTS: ...

Öz: Günümüz toplumlarında kadın ve erkek kimliğinin şekillenmesinde toplumdaki ekonomik, ideoloji... more Öz: Günümüz toplumlarında kadın ve erkek kimliğinin şekillenmesinde toplumdaki ekonomik, ideolojik, politik ve kültürel ilişkilerin yanı sıra medyanın etkisi büyüktür. Medya yaşantımızda neler olup bittiğinin sürekli olarak insanlara aktaran ve bazı düşünce yapılarını insanlara öğreten bir araçtır. İdeoloji, söylem ve iktidar alanında yapılan disiplinlerarası çalışmalar için medyanın aracısı olan dil, vazgeçilmez bir kavram olarak ortaya çıkmaktadır. Dil öğrenmekle birlikte, bireylerin zihinleri de şekillenmeye başlamaktadır. Çünkü dilin soyutlama sistemini öğrenen bir birey düşünürken dahi dilsel kalıpların dışına çıkamamaktadır. Dilsel kalıplar; iktidar kalıplarını, hiyerarşileri ve erkek egemen düşünme sistemini de içermektedir. Dolayısıyla; birey özne olabilmek için kendi kimliğini dilsel kalıplarla, var olan ideolojileri ve erkek egemen dil sistemini içselleştirerek kurmak zorunda kalmaktadır. Kadını erkeğin "öteki"si olarak gören fallosentrik dil sistemi (erkek egemen dil sistemi) kadının ikincil konumunu meşrulaştırmaktadır. Medya metinler, yer verdiği kadın temsilleri ve kadına karşı kullandığı söylemler yoluyla erkek egemen dil sistemin yeniden üretmektedir. Bu çalışma, kişisel bakım ve sağlık ürünler sektöründe bir marka olan Orkid' n spor ve cinsiyet ayrımcılığını konu alan bir kampanya düzenlemesiyle kadın müşterilerini destekleyip "cinsiyet ayrımcılığına son" mesajını verirken "kız gibi" sloganıyla aslında bu ayrımcılığı yeniden yarattığı sorunsalına odaklanmaktadır. Kampanyada "Kız gibi" ifadesi olumlu bir anlama dönüştürülmüş ve "Super girl" tanımına destek olduğu ideolojisi buz dağının altında kalan kısım olmuştur. Çalışmada, "Reklam ve Halkla ilişkiler kampanyaları her ne kadar özgürlükten bahsetse de egemen sistemin devamlılığı yönündeki ataerkil söylemleri yeniden üretmektedir" hipotezi ile Orkid, "kız gibi" kampanya söylemleri çerçevesinde incelenecektir.

Etkili iletişim becerileri, her türlü insan ilişkisinde ve her türlü meslek alanında ilişkileri k... more Etkili iletişim becerileri, her türlü insan ilişkisinde ve her türlü meslek alanında ilişkileri kolaylaştırıcı olabilmektedir. Kişilerarası etkileşimin temelini oluşturan iletişimin her bireyin yaşamında önemli bir yeri vardır. Meslek sahiplerinin başarıları da onların iletişim becerilerine bağlıdır. Sağlık hizmetlerinde iletişimin gerçek işlevi, anlamları ortak kılmanın yanı sıra duygu, düşünce ve bilgileri paylaşarak insanların birbirlerine yakınlaşmalarını sağlamaktır. Hastane öncesi acil sağlık hizmetlerinin günümüz acil tıbbına uygun olarak başarılı hizmet verebilmesi de ancak acil tıp konusunda eğitimli, iletişim becerisine sahip, kalıcı bir kadroya sahip bireyler ile mümkün olacağı öngörülmektedir. Hastane öncesi acil sağlık hizmetlerindeki iletişimin rolüne odaklandığımız bu çalışmada, etkili iletişimin ne şekilde ilerlediği, daha da özelinde hastane öncesi acil sağlık personelinin, hasta ve hasta yakınları ile nasıl normatif iletişime geçmesi gerektiği ile ilgili bilgi vermeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu bağlamda bu çalışma hasta ile acil sağlık personeli arasında gerçekleşen iletişimin aksayabilecek yanlarını ortaya koyması ve olası çözümler önermesi açısından önem taşımaktadır. Abstract Effective communication skills can facilitate relationships in all kinds of human relationships and all kinds of professions. Communication, which forms the basis of interpersonal interaction, has an important place in every individual's life. Professionals' success depends on their communication skills. The real function of communication in health services is to make people get closer to each other by sharing emotions, thoughts and information as well as making meanings common. It is anticipated that pre-hospital emergency health services will be able to provide successful services in accordance with today's emergency medicine only with individuals who are trained in emergency medicine, have communication skills, and have a permanent staff. In this study, in which we focused on the role of communication in pre-hospital emergency health services, it aims to give information about how effective communication proceeds, and in particular, how to establish pre-hospital emergency healthcare staff with 1 Öğr.Gör.Journal of Pre-Hospital -Hastane Öncesi Dergisi JPH, APRIL 2020, 5(1):67-77 HOD, NİSAN 2020, Cilt 5 -Sayı 1, Sayfa No: 67-77 68 normative communication with patients and their relatives. In this context, this study is important in terms of revealing the possible aspects of communication between the patient and the emergency health personnel and suggesting possible solutions
Disiplinlerarası bir alan olan halkla ilişkiler, birçok farklı kapsamda ele alınarak çalışılmıştı... more Disiplinlerarası bir alan olan halkla ilişkiler, birçok farklı kapsamda ele alınarak çalışılmıştır. Tanım bağlamında daha çok yönetselliğine vurgu yapılan disiplinin ülkemizde meslekleşmesi, son yirmi yılı kapsamaktadır. Halkla ilişkilerin meslekleşmesinde her nekadar "kurucu baba figürü" olarak belli erkek isimleri ön plana çıkmış olsa da ismi arka planda kalmış kadınların, halkla ilişkilerin meslekleşmesinde önemli roller oynamalarına rağmen halkla ilişkiler tarih yazımında isimlerinden söz edilmemesi eleştirilen konular kapsamında yer almaktadır.

Özet Göç genel anlamıyla birey olarak insanın ve insan topluluklarının bulundukları bölgelerden, ... more Özet Göç genel anlamıyla birey olarak insanın ve insan topluluklarının bulundukları bölgelerden, geçici veya sürekli olmak üzere başka bölgelere gitmeleri ve yerleşmeleri sureti ile meydana gelen harekettir. Zorunlu göç ifadesi, 'mülteci'nin failliğini dışlarken, göç kavramı kendi içinde çelişkili bir şekilde, onu " seçim ve karar " ile ilişkilendirir (Turton 2003: 1). Göç, öncelikle erkekler ve emek göçü bağlamında tartışılırken, 1980'lerden itibaren kadınların göçü tartışılmaya, 2000'lerde ise çocukların göçü tartışılmaya başlanmıştır. Çocuklar, göçmenler arasında yeni bir grup olarak ortaya çıkmaktadır (Atasü Topçuoğlu, 2012:11). Bu çalışma, Irak'taki savaş sonrası zorunlu göç ile Türkiye'ye gelen, Türkmen bir ailenin çocuğu olan on dört yaşındaki Usame'nin savaş dönemi ve sonrasındaki gündelik hayatı mikro tarih çerçevesinde ele alınmıştır. Çalışmada derinlemesine görüşme tekniği uygulanmıştır. Çalışmada görüşme dahilinde Bourdieu'nun habitus, De Certeau strateji ve taktik ve Elias ve Scotson'ın dışlayıcı dedikodu kavramlarından yararlanılmıştır.

Concepts such as woman’s role in the producti- on and reproduction of social life, woman... more Abstract
Concepts such as woman’s role in the producti- on and reproduction of social life, woman’s labor and economical value of woman’s labor constitute a major part of discussions made by feminist approach that in- vestigates the patriarchal structure. According to this approach, social division of labor is one of the reasons of inequality between man and women. Within this di- vision of labor, in one hand women are directed to do- mestic works and on other hand the economical value of these works become invisible. Continuation of daily life practices in the family is due the invisible works of women. Concordantly, it is hard to say that woman’s la- bor can receive the required value in working life.
The researches made about the improvement of wo- man’s employment in Turkey in recent years assert that the major reason of women’s limited existence in for- mal labor market is unpaid work load. Woman’s labor that becomes productive again is a type of labor, which is not identified as a work in many fields or seen as a “compulsory work”. Within this context, nonexistence of woman’s labor that plays an important rol in econo- mics is generally criticized. Özay & Memiş assert that “invisible” character of woman’s labor is rooted in two fundamental reasons. One is the requirement to susta- in the power of dominant approach of economics, the other is the fact that the invisibility is the result of basic dynamics of capitalist economy (2013, p.8). In fact femi- nist approach in economics depends upon the totality of human life and researches all activities in economical life indiscriminatingly. This study evaluates the partici- pation of woman’s labor to market to find an economi- cal value and the transformation of woman’s life within the context of Ankara’s district, Beypazarı.
Beypazarı located in 99 km northwest of Ankara is a prominent district with its population of 52 thousand, historical structures and its culture (p.1). It experien- ces a process in which women present their domestic productions to the market with the support of local administration since 90’s. Having a conservative fabric politically and culturally, Beypazarı has become a brand with its local products and historical houses. The dist- rict is also an important place with regard to tourism. Hard attractions such as cost and soft attractions such as life quality and competitive power of work force have become major factors in branding. Within this process, women have brought these factors into prominence. Also lives of women and products in market have been deeply changed. This study aims to explain the role of women in the change of district and the transformation of women. It also stresses on the importance of women’s labor that is mostly ignored in many economical studies and tells about how an Anatolian town has created va- lue-added with its own means.
During the process aforementioned, interviews have been made with women from Beypazarı to comprehend what women have done with whom through which go- als. In the study, findings acquired from in-depth in- terviews made with 24 people who produce with the support of Municipality of Beypazarı. 19 of them are workwomen, four women work in local administrati- on, one is man. Four question have been asked and the role of woman’s labor has been evaluated through the example of Beypazarı within the framework of feminist approaches.
1- What are the reasons that encourage the women to bring their domestic products together with the market?
2- How did women’s life practices change when their products have gained value?
3- How did this change affect the cultural and econo- mical life of Beypazarı?
4- How do the women perceive the other factors that affect the social, economical and cultural structure of Beypazarı since 90’s?
In the interviews, it has been understood that the support of local administation was a major factor that encouraged the connection between women’s domestic labor and market. This fact is so important because it highlights the importance of it in the branding of local administration and empowerment of woman’s produc- tion. Besides, as the labor is paid, the self-confidence of women has increased, the concept of equality is unders- tood in a better way and the clothing has been changed. According to the statements of women, women have encouraged each other to present their products to the market, men who have not known the women’s labor began to respect to women’s works and to support them. In other words, the process have affected both women and man. All changes have been reflected to district within the context of economical and cultural trans- formation. As of 90’s, “locality has been explored aga- in”. As a result, Vocational School of Beypazarı has been established by Ankara University. Vocational courses have been opened. Besides, tourism has come into pro- minence. All of these factors have played a major role in the transformation of the district. According the sta- tements of women who were interviewed, those places in which the existence of women was condemned and appropriated by men before have been nonsexualized especially through the establishment of university and touristic visits. By these means, women have gained the opportunity to walk around in the places from which they have been excluded due to an inured “culture” for years and even to earn their livings in those places.
Feminist Approach, Women’s Labor, Local Admi- nistrations, Beypazarı, Social Change
Papers by Sinem Utanır Altay
Concepts such as woman’s role in the producti- on and reproduction of social life, woman’s labor and economical value of woman’s labor constitute a major part of discussions made by feminist approach that in- vestigates the patriarchal structure. According to this approach, social division of labor is one of the reasons of inequality between man and women. Within this di- vision of labor, in one hand women are directed to do- mestic works and on other hand the economical value of these works become invisible. Continuation of daily life practices in the family is due the invisible works of women. Concordantly, it is hard to say that woman’s la- bor can receive the required value in working life.
The researches made about the improvement of wo- man’s employment in Turkey in recent years assert that the major reason of women’s limited existence in for- mal labor market is unpaid work load. Woman’s labor that becomes productive again is a type of labor, which is not identified as a work in many fields or seen as a “compulsory work”. Within this context, nonexistence of woman’s labor that plays an important rol in econo- mics is generally criticized. Özay & Memiş assert that “invisible” character of woman’s labor is rooted in two fundamental reasons. One is the requirement to susta- in the power of dominant approach of economics, the other is the fact that the invisibility is the result of basic dynamics of capitalist economy (2013, p.8). In fact femi- nist approach in economics depends upon the totality of human life and researches all activities in economical life indiscriminatingly. This study evaluates the partici- pation of woman’s labor to market to find an economi- cal value and the transformation of woman’s life within the context of Ankara’s district, Beypazarı.
Beypazarı located in 99 km northwest of Ankara is a prominent district with its population of 52 thousand, historical structures and its culture (p.1). It experien- ces a process in which women present their domestic productions to the market with the support of local administration since 90’s. Having a conservative fabric politically and culturally, Beypazarı has become a brand with its local products and historical houses. The dist- rict is also an important place with regard to tourism. Hard attractions such as cost and soft attractions such as life quality and competitive power of work force have become major factors in branding. Within this process, women have brought these factors into prominence. Also lives of women and products in market have been deeply changed. This study aims to explain the role of women in the change of district and the transformation of women. It also stresses on the importance of women’s labor that is mostly ignored in many economical studies and tells about how an Anatolian town has created va- lue-added with its own means.
During the process aforementioned, interviews have been made with women from Beypazarı to comprehend what women have done with whom through which go- als. In the study, findings acquired from in-depth in- terviews made with 24 people who produce with the support of Municipality of Beypazarı. 19 of them are workwomen, four women work in local administrati- on, one is man. Four question have been asked and the role of woman’s labor has been evaluated through the example of Beypazarı within the framework of feminist approaches.
1- What are the reasons that encourage the women to bring their domestic products together with the market?
2- How did women’s life practices change when their products have gained value?
3- How did this change affect the cultural and econo- mical life of Beypazarı?
4- How do the women perceive the other factors that affect the social, economical and cultural structure of Beypazarı since 90’s?
In the interviews, it has been understood that the support of local administation was a major factor that encouraged the connection between women’s domestic labor and market. This fact is so important because it highlights the importance of it in the branding of local administration and empowerment of woman’s produc- tion. Besides, as the labor is paid, the self-confidence of women has increased, the concept of equality is unders- tood in a better way and the clothing has been changed. According to the statements of women, women have encouraged each other to present their products to the market, men who have not known the women’s labor began to respect to women’s works and to support them. In other words, the process have affected both women and man. All changes have been reflected to district within the context of economical and cultural trans- formation. As of 90’s, “locality has been explored aga- in”. As a result, Vocational School of Beypazarı has been established by Ankara University. Vocational courses have been opened. Besides, tourism has come into pro- minence. All of these factors have played a major role in the transformation of the district. According the sta- tements of women who were interviewed, those places in which the existence of women was condemned and appropriated by men before have been nonsexualized especially through the establishment of university and touristic visits. By these means, women have gained the opportunity to walk around in the places from which they have been excluded due to an inured “culture” for years and even to earn their livings in those places.
Feminist Approach, Women’s Labor, Local Admi- nistrations, Beypazarı, Social Change
Concepts such as woman’s role in the producti- on and reproduction of social life, woman’s labor and economical value of woman’s labor constitute a major part of discussions made by feminist approach that in- vestigates the patriarchal structure. According to this approach, social division of labor is one of the reasons of inequality between man and women. Within this di- vision of labor, in one hand women are directed to do- mestic works and on other hand the economical value of these works become invisible. Continuation of daily life practices in the family is due the invisible works of women. Concordantly, it is hard to say that woman’s la- bor can receive the required value in working life.
The researches made about the improvement of wo- man’s employment in Turkey in recent years assert that the major reason of women’s limited existence in for- mal labor market is unpaid work load. Woman’s labor that becomes productive again is a type of labor, which is not identified as a work in many fields or seen as a “compulsory work”. Within this context, nonexistence of woman’s labor that plays an important rol in econo- mics is generally criticized. Özay & Memiş assert that “invisible” character of woman’s labor is rooted in two fundamental reasons. One is the requirement to susta- in the power of dominant approach of economics, the other is the fact that the invisibility is the result of basic dynamics of capitalist economy (2013, p.8). In fact femi- nist approach in economics depends upon the totality of human life and researches all activities in economical life indiscriminatingly. This study evaluates the partici- pation of woman’s labor to market to find an economi- cal value and the transformation of woman’s life within the context of Ankara’s district, Beypazarı.
Beypazarı located in 99 km northwest of Ankara is a prominent district with its population of 52 thousand, historical structures and its culture (p.1). It experien- ces a process in which women present their domestic productions to the market with the support of local administration since 90’s. Having a conservative fabric politically and culturally, Beypazarı has become a brand with its local products and historical houses. The dist- rict is also an important place with regard to tourism. Hard attractions such as cost and soft attractions such as life quality and competitive power of work force have become major factors in branding. Within this process, women have brought these factors into prominence. Also lives of women and products in market have been deeply changed. This study aims to explain the role of women in the change of district and the transformation of women. It also stresses on the importance of women’s labor that is mostly ignored in many economical studies and tells about how an Anatolian town has created va- lue-added with its own means.
During the process aforementioned, interviews have been made with women from Beypazarı to comprehend what women have done with whom through which go- als. In the study, findings acquired from in-depth in- terviews made with 24 people who produce with the support of Municipality of Beypazarı. 19 of them are workwomen, four women work in local administrati- on, one is man. Four question have been asked and the role of woman’s labor has been evaluated through the example of Beypazarı within the framework of feminist approaches.
1- What are the reasons that encourage the women to bring their domestic products together with the market?
2- How did women’s life practices change when their products have gained value?
3- How did this change affect the cultural and econo- mical life of Beypazarı?
4- How do the women perceive the other factors that affect the social, economical and cultural structure of Beypazarı since 90’s?
In the interviews, it has been understood that the support of local administation was a major factor that encouraged the connection between women’s domestic labor and market. This fact is so important because it highlights the importance of it in the branding of local administration and empowerment of woman’s produc- tion. Besides, as the labor is paid, the self-confidence of women has increased, the concept of equality is unders- tood in a better way and the clothing has been changed. According to the statements of women, women have encouraged each other to present their products to the market, men who have not known the women’s labor began to respect to women’s works and to support them. In other words, the process have affected both women and man. All changes have been reflected to district within the context of economical and cultural trans- formation. As of 90’s, “locality has been explored aga- in”. As a result, Vocational School of Beypazarı has been established by Ankara University. Vocational courses have been opened. Besides, tourism has come into pro- minence. All of these factors have played a major role in the transformation of the district. According the sta- tements of women who were interviewed, those places in which the existence of women was condemned and appropriated by men before have been nonsexualized especially through the establishment of university and touristic visits. By these means, women have gained the opportunity to walk around in the places from which they have been excluded due to an inured “culture” for years and even to earn their livings in those places.
Feminist Approach, Women’s Labor, Local Admi- nistrations, Beypazarı, Social Change