This study aimed to analyze the factors that influence the development gaps among districts in th... more This study aimed to analyze the factors that influence the development gaps among districts in the Bondowoso regency in the period of 2006-2012 with the dependent variable of income inequality and two independent variables of economic growth and the Human Development Index (HDI). The data used in this research is the analysis of panel data with Fixed Effect Model approach. In describing disparities among districts several approaches with utilized Williamson index, Bonet Index and Klassen typology. The results of the analys of this study indicated that economic growth and human development index influence on the index of income inequality among districts in the regency. There was a positive relationship between the variables of economic growth and an index of relative income inequality, which any increase in economic growth on average by 1% will increase the index of income inequality among districts of 1.5% and there was a negative relationship between the variables of human development index and the index of income inequality relative, that every increase in the average Human Development Index by 1% would reduce income inequality among district Index of 11.76%., Jakarta: Sekitar 80 persen dari 28,8 juta penduduk miskin Indonesia mengandalkan... more, Jakarta: Sekitar 80 persen dari 28,8 juta penduduk miskin Indonesia mengandalkan mata pencaharian dari lahan pertanian. Lantaran itu, pemerintah diminta memberi perhatian khusus pada lahan pertanian agar para petani tak lagi hidup dalam kemiskinan.
This study aimed to analyze the factors that influence the development gaps among districts in th... more This study aimed to analyze the factors that influence the development gaps among districts in the Bondowoso regency in the period of 2006-2012 with the dependent variable of income inequality and two independent variables of economic growth and the Human Development Index (HDI). The data used in this research is the analysis of panel data with Fixed Effect Model approach. In describing disparities among districts several approaches with utilized Williamson index, Bonet Index and Klassen typology. The results of the analys of this study indicated that economic growth and human development index influence on the index of income inequality among districts in the regency. There was a positive relationship between the variables of economic growth and an index of relative income inequality, which any increase in economic growth on average by 1% will increase the index of income inequality among districts of 1.5% and there was a negative relationship between the variables of human development index and the index of income inequality relative, that every increase in the average Human Development Index by 1% would reduce income inequality among district Index of 11.76%., Jakarta: Sekitar 80 persen dari 28,8 juta penduduk miskin Indonesia mengandalkan... more, Jakarta: Sekitar 80 persen dari 28,8 juta penduduk miskin Indonesia mengandalkan mata pencaharian dari lahan pertanian. Lantaran itu, pemerintah diminta memberi perhatian khusus pada lahan pertanian agar para petani tak lagi hidup dalam kemiskinan.
Papers by sigit banendra
Drafts by sigit banendra