Papers by yessica siagian
AIP conference proceedings, 2024

Jurnal IPTEK Bagi Masyarakat, Aug 24, 2023
Learning Program Computer-Based National Assessment (ANBK) for grade 5 students. Principal of SD ... more Learning Program Computer-Based National Assessment (ANBK) for grade 5 students. Principal of SD Negeri 014689 explained that ANBK is a program to assess school quality, and an equality program at the primary and secondary levels from the Ministry of Education, Culture , Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek). Of course the school has prepared the facilities and infrastructure, namely computers complete with servers, to support the ANBK program. However, there is a need for training activities for SDN 014689 students to be more proficient and accustomed to dealing with computers, these activities are held as preparation for the implementation of ANBK. So that later it will improve student learning outcomes. Usually schools assessed in ANBK, he continued, would be measured according to literacy, numeracy and character learning outcomes, then the quality of the teaching-learning process, as well as the climate of the education unit that supports learning. From the above needs, the STMIK Royal PKM Lecturer team provided skills training activities basic Computer and Technology and Information on ANBK preparation.

JATI EMAS (Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik dan Pengabdian Masyarakat)
Community service for women of family welfare development, usually named women of PKK. In Air Jom... more Community service for women of family welfare development, usually named women of PKK. In Air Joman district, Asahan, is planned to provide training on the use of plants through eco-print education (i.e., leaf prints on cloth), which are environmentally eco-friendly to improve their creativity and skills. The participants were taught to recognize plants that can be used in eco-print techniques and understand the process of scouring and mordanting. Furthermore, the other objective is that they will be able to make plant trace motifs in the form of leaves and flowers on cloth and make it have a higher selling value for fashion needs and supporters. This training activity was carried out in direct practice by participants in June and July 2022 in 3 groups of 10. The first meeting will be presented to all groups using the offline direct exposure method. An eco-print expert will handle the training. The second meeting to the seventh meeting will be such a kind of workshop activity. The p...

Jurnal Teknik Informatika (Jutif)
Sales is the purchase of an item from one party to another by getting money from that party, whet... more Sales is the purchase of an item from one party to another by getting money from that party, whether in the form of electronics, clothing, food and others. One of the businesses engaged in the business of selling clothing which includes clothes, pants, bags, shoes and others that are sold to customers is Jannah Boutique. the need for a media in the form of a system that integrates marketing, ordering and customer service into an online-based application that can manage the relationship between the company and its customers. The method used in this research is the concept of Electronic Customer Relationship Management (E-CRM) because it can be a company solution in company service management and can utilize customer databases and their complaints to be input and improvement of the company and can make it easier for customers to place orders (orders) and serve as as a promotional media for company products that can save the company's costs in promoting products to customers. This ...

Zadama: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Pandemi Covid-19 memberikan dampak yang cukup besar dalam berbagai bidang termasuk bidang ... more Pandemi Covid-19 memberikan dampak yang cukup besar dalam berbagai bidang termasuk bidang pendidikan. Sebagai upaya untuk mengurangi persebaran Covid-19 di Indonesia, maka pemerintah Indonesia menerapkan suatu kebijakan physical distancing, yaitu anjuran  menjaga jarak diantara masyarakat, mengurangi  jenis aktivitas  yang  melibatkan banyak  orang  secara  langsung,  menghindari  kerumunan, perkumpulan, dan mengurangi berbagai aktivitas di ruang terbuka. Adanya penetapan kebijakan physical distancing selanjutnya menjadi dasar pelaksanaan pembelajaran secara online, mulai dari tingkat PAUD hingga jenjang perguruan tinggi. Kebijakan physical distancing tersebut menyebabkan guru dan siswa diwajibkan untuk beradaptasi dengan situasi dan kondisi selama pandemi dengan melakukan proses pembelajaran daring. Untuk itu dibutuhkan aplikasi seperti Zoom Meeting, sebagai multimedia interaktif dalam pembelajaran online di masa pandemi. Meskipun demiki...

Gapoktan Bina Tani Kepenghuluan Sintong is a group of farmers engaged in the business of livestoc... more Gapoktan Bina Tani Kepenghuluan Sintong is a group of farmers engaged in the business of livestock and selling cows, both beef cattle and live cattle for resale. Gapoktan Bina Tani Kepenghuluan Sintong provides cows of various types and sizes such as Simmental Cow, Angus, Brahma, and Limousin. Currently, Gapoktan Bina Tani Kepenghuluan Sintong already has many customers but has obstacles in marketing, promotion, sales, and customer data management activities. To maintain its business to compete with other competitors, Gapoktan Bina Tani Kepenghuluan Sintong must improve its business strategy. The methods used in this study are qualitative, with the type of research being descriptive and active. The purpose of descriptive research is to describe the business processes running in Gapoktan Bina Tani Kepenghuluan Sintong, which is then analyzed using the concept of E-CRM. The results of research on the implementation of E-CRM cow sales at Gapoktan Bina Tani Kepenghuluan Sintong can opti...

J-Com (Journal of Computer), 2021
Food is the most important foodstuff needed by humans, in addition to consumption, the production... more Food is the most important foodstuff needed by humans, in addition to consumption, the production of food crops can also be used as a source of business in the economy. This study aims to predict the production of food crops in the Agriculture Office of Asahan Regency. Based on data on food crop production from 2012 to 2019 at the Asahan District Agriculture Office experienced ups and downs, food crop production sometimes does not meet the consumption of people in Asahan Regency (devisit) and sometimes overproduction (surplus). So far, the Agriculture Office of Asahan Regency has predicted the production of food crops only with estimates so that the results are not accurate. Based on these problems, a proper forecasting system is needed so that it is able to predict the production rate of food crops quickly and accurately. Applications are built using Visual Basic Net 2010 and MySQL databases and use the Single Moving Average method. The results of this study can help the Agriculture Office of Asahan Regency in predicting the amount of food crop production in the next period according to the needs.

An expert system is a computer program that mimics thought processes and expert knowledge in reso... more An expert system is a computer program that mimics thought processes and expert knowledge in resolving a particular problem. Implementation of the expert system can be applied in health, one of them to conduct lung disease diagnosis. According to WHO the case of TBC sufferers in Indonesia in 2017 ranks the largest third in the world. The high incidence of pulmonary disease is caused by several factors, among which the medical personnel who are experts in the field of disease, lack of public awareness of lung health, if experiencing certain symptoms of disease often delay to conduct a medical examination. In addition, air pollution such as smoke from smokers, industrial smoke mills, and the smoke of motor vehicles, when inhalation may cause impaired pulmonary health conditions. Therefore, researchers intend to build an expert system application that can help resolve the problem using the Certainty Factor method. This method provides space on the expert in giving his or her confidence...
LKP Mandiri in selecting prospective instructors still uses the assessment system manually so tha... more LKP Mandiri in selecting prospective instructors still uses the assessment system manually so that all data selection of new instructor candidates does not have a fixed weight, is still subjective and often occurs errors in the calculation process and takes a relatively long time in calculating the value of the alternative. For that in this research applied weighted product (WP) method in determining new instructor candidates because the weighted product (WP) method is a method of completion by using multiplication to connect the attribute rating, where the rating must be raised first with the weight of the attribute in question, this process is the same as the normalization process. With the WP (Weighted Product) method implemented into the decision support system in LKP Mandiri facilitates calculation in making decisions to get prospective instructors.

Abstrak Pengenalan wajah seseorang merupakan suatu hal yang mudah dilakukan oleh manusia. Namun t... more Abstrak Pengenalan wajah seseorang merupakan suatu hal yang mudah dilakukan oleh manusia. Namun tidak demikian bagi sebuah mesin atau komputer yang belum dilengkapi dengan sistem cerdas. Proses pengidentifikasian wajah dimulai dari input citra dari web-camera, mengkonvolusi citra tersebut dengan kernel, menentukan lokasi titik ciri, dan sampai proses pengidentifikasian dengan menghitung kesamaan global antara wajah yang diuji dengan citra wajah yang ada pada referensi. Pencocokan wajah dilakukan dengan metode pengenalan wajah Gabor Wavelet, tujuan digunakannya metode Gabor Wavelet adalah untuk memunculkan ciri-ciri khusus dari citra wajah yang telah dikonvolusi terhadap kernel. Setelah dilakukan pengujian, diperolah hasil bahwa sistemini dapat mengidentifikasi wajah dengan tingkat akurasi baik. Beberapa kesalahan identifikasi terjadi karena ekspresi dan orientasi wajah pada saat pengujian berbeda dengan citra referensi.

Abstrak:Pengenalan sinyal wicara merupakan satu ranah penelitian yang menarik. Banyak sekali meto... more Abstrak:Pengenalan sinyal wicara merupakan satu ranah penelitian yang menarik. Banyak sekali metoda yang bisa digunakan dalam pengolahan sinyal untuk mendapatkan pengenalan sinyal wicara. Salah satu metoda yang bisa digunakan adalah analisis ceptral, untuk mendapatkan ceptral koefisien. Setiap koefisien yang dihasilkan oleh sinyal wicara memiliki pola suara yang bisa dikenali. Dalam analisis ini terdapat sederetan pemrosesan yang melibatkan hitungan rumit. Ceptral merupakan bentuk invers dari Fast Forier Transform (FFT).Selanjutnya diolah dengan metoda Linear Predictive Coding. Kemudian dilakukan autokorelasi ke dalam bentuk koefisien cepstral. Setelah itu koefisien tersebut akan disesuaikan ke dalam bentuk yang bisa dikenali oleh jaringan syaraf tiruan dengan metoda back propogation. Dari hasil serangkaian proses tersebut dihasilkan 297 koefisien cepstral untuk satu pola yang akan dikenali. Hasil pengujian dengan pola 297x25x1, learning rate 0.25, momentum 0,6 menghasilkan pola yan...

Abstrak : Wilayah Administrasi pada pemerintahan Kabupaten Asahan terdiri dari 25 kecamatan 177 d... more Abstrak : Wilayah Administrasi pada pemerintahan Kabupaten Asahan terdiri dari 25 kecamatan 177 desa dan 27 kelurahan dengan luasan yang berbeda-bed a. Jumlah penduduk Asahan pada tahun 2016 sebesar 712 684 jiwa , dengan laju pertumbuhan penduduk dari tahun 2011-201 6 sebesar 1 ,0 8 persen . Bila dilihat per kecamatan maka k ecamatan Kisaran Barat merupakan kecamatan dengan jumlah penduduk terbesar yaitu 59.071 jiwa, sedangkan Kecamatan Sei Kepayang Timur adalah yang terkecil yaitu 9.155 jiwa. Hal ini dapat dimaklumi karena k ecamatan Kisaran Barat terletak di ibukota Kabupaten Asahan . Perkembangan pertumbuhan penduduk pada satu wilayah sangat penting untuk dirincikan , karena data penduduk inilah yang seringkali dijadikan dasar untuk perencanaan ataupun sasaran pembangunan di masa yang akan dat a ng bagi Pemerintah Kabupaten Asahan. Peramalan atau forecasting merupakan cara untuk memperkirakan secara kuantitatif apa yang terjadi pada masa depan dengan menggunakan data yang relevan...

: Abstrak: UD. Gambaro Putro Air Joman, yang merupakan salah satu usaha dagang yang bergerak dibi... more : Abstrak: UD. Gambaro Putro Air Joman, yang merupakan salah satu usaha dagang yang bergerak dibidang produksi dan penjualan produk sapu lidi. Saat ini UD. Gambaro Putro Air Joman tidak memiliki aktifitas atau strategi khusus untuk menangani pemasaran produknya. Pemasaran produk hasil olahannya dilakukan secara manual dengan cara pembeli memberikan informasi tentang tempat, keunggulan dan produk hasil olahannya ke pembeli. Serta pelanggan yang harus datang langsung untuk melakukan pembelian produk. Hal ini berdampak pada informasi yang didapat dari antar pelanggan terkait dengan produk pada UD. Gambaro Putro Air Joman menjadi tidak akurat dan tidak update dan juga waktu yang tidak efesien ketika pelanggan melakukan pembelian produk dengan cara langsung ke UD. Gambaro Putro Air Joman. E-commerce dapat mengatasi masalah tersebut dengan memasarkan produk hasil olahan secara online dengan penyampaian informasi yang akurat. . Kata kunci : E-Commerce, Sapu Lidi, Internet

Sales performance evaluation is a stage in conducting an examination and assessment of informatio... more Sales performance evaluation is a stage in conducting an examination and assessment of information seeking performance or work results of employees / workers in the sales field of a company, this is done in an effort to streamline the company's operational costs because a salesperson is the peak in the achievement and turnover of an operational cost. company, carried out by a salesperson where a salesperson certainly sells products produced by the company or organization with a predetermined sales level, so it is necessary to conduct an assessment or evaluation of sales performance in order to appoint and find out the quality level of sales performance, to reward good sales performance will increase motivation and enthusiasm for sales work achievement so as to be able to streamline operational costs, a systemized selection is made using the MOORA (Multi-Objective Optimization On The Basis Of Ratio Analysis) method. in measuring sales performance evaluation so that the implementa...

Jurdimas (Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat) Royal, 2018
Community service activities in the form of training of multimedia-based interactive learning med... more Community service activities in the form of training of multimedia-based interactive learning media for teachers of SMAN 02 Tanjung BALAI aims to provide knowledge, skills, which are expected to result in changes in knowledge, skills and attitudes of teachers. So that learning and teaching process can run smoothly and easy. The target audience in community service activities are SMA N 02 TanjungBalai. Activity of multimedia-based interactive learning media is presented with the method of preaching, demonstration and question and answer. The availability of adequate lecturers, the enthusiasm of participants, and the support of headmaster is a supporter of the terrestrial activity of the PKM. The obstacles faced is the ability of participants to use the application is still low and computer resources owned by some participants do not meet the multimedia processing specifications should be. Benefits derived from this activity, among others, participants can know about the importance of interactive multimedia media and abractive media to improve motivation and achievement of students who are educated participants. With the creation of learning media, the learning process will be more interesting, the students will be more motivated and passionate in learning, so that teachers can explain the subject matter more easily and attractively.

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020
The Batch Training method is one of the methods of Artificial Neural Networks that can be used to... more The Batch Training method is one of the methods of Artificial Neural Networks that can be used to make predictions, especially in times series data. This method is able to make predictions by learning from data that has never happened before by forming the right network architecture model. Therefore, this research will discuss the best network architecture model that is appropriate for making predictions using the Batch Training method. The data used in this study is the data of Natural Disasters in Indonesia, sourced from the National Disaster Management Agency. There are 12 variables used, namely Time of disaster, Number of disasters, Death and missing victims, injured victims, victims suffering and displaced, seriously damaged houses, lightly damaged homes, submerged houses, damage to health facilities, damage to worship facilities, and damage to facilities education. Based on this data will be formed and determined the network architecture model used, including 4-5-1, 4-10-1 and...
Pesatnya pertumbuhan perumahan di Asahan ini justru menimbulkan persaingan bisnis antar pengemban... more Pesatnya pertumbuhan perumahan di Asahan ini justru menimbulkan persaingan bisnis antar pengembang perumahan yang tidak sehat. Permasalahan yang sering muncul akibat persaingan yang tidak sehat antar pengembang adalah pengembang berusaha memasarkan perumahannya tanpa memperhitungkan kualitas dan legalitas perumahan yang akan dibangun. Pemilihan perumahan ini dapat memberikan kemudahan kepada pihak konsumen dalam menentukan pilihan perumahan dari nilai perbandingan dari masing-masing perumahan yang dipilih oleh masyarakat. Permasalahan yang akan dibahas dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana memilih perumahan yang tepat menggunakan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP).
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2018
The research is conducting aimed at making it easier for customers to choose formula milk product... more The research is conducting aimed at making it easier for customers to choose formula milk products based on the nutrients most needed by infants. The method used to analyze the nutritional value data contained in formula milk products is Tahani model database fuzzy. Through several stages of the data calculation process for each variable that is determined, the final result of the processing is in the form of fire strenght or the highest value to the lowest value. The system recommends the right product based on the criteria required by the customer, ranging from the highest to the lowest, except for 0 (zero).
Papers by yessica siagian