Papers by shikha pachouly

International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology, 2022
Today, and possibly for a long time in the near future, the complete driving task is too complex ... more Today, and possibly for a long time in the near future, the complete driving task is too complex an activity to be fully formalized as a sensing-acting robotics system that can be explicitly solved using model-based and learning-based approaches in order to achieve fully unconstrained vehicle autonomy. This is especially true for unconstrained, real-time operations where the permissible range of error is extremely small and the number of limiting cases is extremely large. Until these problems are solved, human beings will remain an inevitable part of the driving task, monitoring the AI system as it performs anywhere from 0 to just under 100 percent of the driving. Overtaking and lane-changing is a critical part of vehicle automation. Though automation in automobiles has increased security and decreased environmental issues, it causes driver to be less active generating passive fatigue. This passive fatigue can lead to failure in responding quickly if needed. This led automation to k...

ARTICLE INFO In personal computing devices that rely on a cloud storage environment for data back... more ARTICLE INFO In personal computing devices that rely on a cloud storage environment for data backup, an imminent challenge facing source deduplication for cloud backup services is the low deduplication efficiency due to a combination of the resource intensive nature of deduplication and the limited system resources. An Application-aware data deduplication scheme that improves data deduplication effciency by exploiting application awareness, and further combines local and global duplicate detection to strike a good balance between cloud storage capacity saving and deduplication time reduction. Our scheme can significantly improve deduplication ffciency over the stateof-the-art methods with low system overhead, resulting in shortened backup window, increased power effciency and reduced cost for cloud backup services of personal storage. Keywords—Private storage, cloud backup, deduplication efficiency, application awareness. Article History Received :8th March 2016 Received in revised ...
In cloud computing environment, data owners usually host huge data on the cloud servers where cli... more In cloud computing environment, data owners usually host huge data on the cloud servers where clients access the data without knowing actual location. Due to this data outsourcing on un-trusted servers, efficient and reliable verification of the outsourced data becomes an open challenge in data security of Cloud Storage. Additionally, the integrity checking protocol must be efficient in order to save the verifier’s cost. This triggered huge set of research activities, resulting in amount of proposals. Integrity verification of client data is achieved commonly by using a technique called Provable Data Possession (PDP). This paper provides overview of current variations in PDP technique by specifying models, functionality, strengths and weaknesses. Keywords— Cloud Computing, Provable Data Possession (PDP), Integrity Verification, Cloud Storage Security

2016 International Conference on Computing Communication Control and automation (ICCUBEA), 2016
Attribute base Encryption is the cryptographic conducting tool to assurance data owners enduring ... more Attribute base Encryption is the cryptographic conducting tool to assurance data owners enduring control above their data in public cloud storage. The proposed ABE plans include one and only power (Authority) to keep up the entire trait (Key) set, which can carry a solitary (single) point bottleneck on both safety and execution. In this way, some multi-power (Multi-Authority) plans are proposed, in which various powers independently keep up disjoint trait subsets. In any case, the single-point bottleneck issue stays unsolved. In this paper, from another point of view, we lead an edge multi-power CP-ABE access control plan for open distributed storage, named TMACS, in which various powers together deal with a uniform characteristic set. In [9] TMACS, exploiting (t; n) limit mystery sharing, the expert (Master) key can be shared among numerous powers, and a legitimate client can produce his/her mystery (Private) key by cooperating with any t powers. Security and execution investigation results demonstrate that system is not just undeniable secure when not as much as t powers are traded off, additionally dynamic when no not as a great deal as t powers are alive in the framework. Besides, by proficiently joining the customary multi-power plan with system, we build a half and half one, which fulfils the situation of traits originating from various powers and accomplishing security and framework level strength.
1,2,3,4,5Department of Computer Engineering, AISSMS-COE, Pune -----------------------------------... more 1,2,3,4,5Department of Computer Engineering, AISSMS-COE, Pune -------------------------------------------------------------------------***-----------------------------------------------------------------------Abstract A person while driving a vehicle if does not have proper sleep or rest, is more inclined to fall asleep which may cause a traffic accident. This is why a system is required which will detect the drowsiness of the driver. In this system, it will take the image of face of the driver through the camera on regular intervals and examine the changes that happen in the eye. These images will be processed through an algorithm which will compare them with the dataset of images. If the comparison matches the predefined percentage of match, then drowsiness is detected and alert is sent to driver.
Nowadays, computing devices that rely on a cloud storage environment for data backup, an imminent... more Nowadays, computing devices that rely on a cloud storage environment for data backup, an imminent challenge facing waste of upload bandwidth, storage space due to large amount of redundant data. In this paper, we present Intelligent Backup System, an intelligent data backup scheme that improves data deduplication efficiency by exploiting application awareness, and further combines client and cloud duplicate detection to strike a good balance between cloud storage capacity saving and deduplication time reduction.
In our modern day and age, many enterprises are embracing cloud computing. However, one of the ma... more In our modern day and age, many enterprises are embracing cloud computing. However, one of the major concerns regarding cloud computing has always been security. Encryption in cloud is still in a state of flux and infancy. Some vendors provide encryption, while others don’t. There are different kinds of encryption schemes for securing data in the cloud, sometimes integrated within a system. Whenever a company decides it move its applications to the cloud, it considers several pros and cons before doing this paper various cloud data security policies like Mediated certification ,Role based access control, data deduplication and data selfdestruction are presented which assist in protection of data in cloud.

International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 2019
Heart disease is a common problem which can be very severe in old ages and also in people not hav... more Heart disease is a common problem which can be very severe in old ages and also in people not having a healthy lifestyle. With regular check-up and diagnosis in addition to maintaining a decent eating habit can prevent it to some extent. In this paper we have tried to implement the most sought after and important machine learning algorithm to predict the heart disease in a patient. The decision tree classifier is implemented based on the symptoms which are specifically the attributes required for the purpose of prediction. Using the decision tree algorithm, we will be able to identify those attributes which are the best one that will lead us to a better prediction of the datasets. The decision tree algorithm works in a way where it tries to solve the problem by the help of tree representation. Here each internal node of the tree represents an attribute, and each leaf node corresponds to a class label. The support vector machine algorithm helps us to classify the datasets on the basi...

International Journal Of Scientific Research And Education, 2015
The cloud-based outsourced storage relieves the client's load of storage management and preservat... more The cloud-based outsourced storage relieves the client's load of storage management and preservation by providing an equivalently flexible, inexpensive, location-independent platform. As clients no longer have physical control of data, outsourced data integrity checking is of crucial importance in cloud storage. It allows the clients to verify data intactness and correctness without downloading the entire data. As the verification is to be done at client end, the integrity checking protocol must be efficient to save client's time. Another aspect of the protocol is flexibility, which improves the quality of integrity checking by allowing user specific block partition size. Moreover in case of company oriented scenario, maintaining log records of each verification request can help in security analysis. Taking these three points into consideration, we have proposed the flexible, automated and log based RDPC model as: Automated ID-DIC as automatic ID based Data Integrity Checking model for single-cloud storage. The proposed model is based on bilinear pairings and RDPC technique. The approach eliminates certification management with the help of Identity management and additionally provides log management towards data integrity. The model makes client free from initiating verification request and keeps track of previous records which reduces client's time. The principle concept here is to make data integrity checking a painless job for any client. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.

International Journal of Computer Applications, 2015
Cloud-based outsourced storage relieves the client's load of storage management and preservation ... more Cloud-based outsourced storage relieves the client's load of storage management and preservation by providing an equivalently flexible, inexpensive, location-independent platform. As clients no longer have physical control of data, outsourced data integrity checking is of crucial importance in cloud storage. It allows the clients to verify data intactness and correctness without downloading the entire data. As the verification is to be done at client end, the integrity checking protocol must be efficient to save client's time. Another aspect of the protocol is flexibility, which improves the quality of integrity checking by allowing user specific block partition size. Moreover in case of company oriented scenario, maintaining log records of each verification request can help in security analysis. Taking these three points into consideration, we have proposed the flexible, automated and log based RDPC model as: Auto ID-RDPC model for singlecloud storage. The proposed model is based on bilinear pairings and RDPC technique. The approach eliminates certification management with the help of Identity management and additionally provides log management towards data integrity. The model makes client free from initiating verification request and keeps track of previous records which reduces client's time. The principle concept here is to make data integrity checking a painless job for any client. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.

International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology, 2022
Economy of the country is greatly driven by the prices of houses in that country. Both buyers and... more Economy of the country is greatly driven by the prices of houses in that country. Both buyers and sellers depend on the pricing strategies. Ask an emptor to explain the factors they think are considered for pricing the house at that price and that they probably start with railways and end with various attributes. Over here it proves that more factors will be applied on the pricing strategies of the house. The aim of the project is to predict the house prices with various regression models. Nowadays Machine Learning is a booming technology. Data is the heart of Machine Learning. AI and Machine Learning holds the key position in the technological market. All industries are moving towards automation. So we have considered ML as a main predicting subject in our project and worked using it. These days everything fluctuates. Starting with crypto and various business models varies day by day which includes real estate as well so in this project house prediction depends on real estate data and ML techniques. Many people want to buy a good house within the budget. But the disadvantage is that the present system doesn't calculate the house predictions so well and end up in loss of money. So, the goal of our project is to reduce money loss and buy good house. Many factors are there to be considered in order to predict the house price which includes budget factors and fewer house modifications according to the buyer. So, we are considering all of those factors and predicted using various machine learning techniques like SVR, KNN, SGB regression, CatBoost regression, Random forest regression
Papers by shikha pachouly