shamsul Islam
Professional Writer
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Papers by shamsul Islam
This paper aims in directing the empirical existing literature as well as a theoretical model which will argue upon over the fact that technical change does not have to be skill-biased in developing countries. Instead, the extent to which adoption of technology in developing countries takes place and favors skilled workers is dependent upon various factors. Openness to free trade stimulates technology which favors skilled workers in those developing countries that are skill-abundant and that also favors unskilled workers within developing countries that are skill-scarce, hence amplifying the predictive wage impact of trade liberalization. Developing countries tend to experience technological changes which can be skill biased when imported technologies related to skill-biasness becomes cheaper. Increase supply of skills further biases technological changes in favor of skilled workers. All of these feature aid in understanding the increase in inequality in developing countries, lack of a significance downward impact of expanded educational attainment over skill premia as well as its differential impact over trade liberalization on inequality.
Drafts by shamsul Islam
The Internet of Things and IoT systems hold the potential to bring added value in the educational system (Johnson et al., 2015). Educational institutes can immensely benefit from IoT systems like incorporating building automation systems such as Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning HVAC, conservation and energy management systems, environmental controlling systems for larger research environments, space access system, safety and security of the students, academic learning systems, staff, faculty and for the public. However, if the implementation process is not thoughtful, value of IoT systems cannot be realized.
This paper aims in directing the empirical existing literature as well as a theoretical model which will argue upon over the fact that technical change does not have to be skill-biased in developing countries. Instead, the extent to which adoption of technology in developing countries takes place and favors skilled workers is dependent upon various factors. Openness to free trade stimulates technology which favors skilled workers in those developing countries that are skill-abundant and that also favors unskilled workers within developing countries that are skill-scarce, hence amplifying the predictive wage impact of trade liberalization. Developing countries tend to experience technological changes which can be skill biased when imported technologies related to skill-biasness becomes cheaper. Increase supply of skills further biases technological changes in favor of skilled workers. All of these feature aid in understanding the increase in inequality in developing countries, lack of a significance downward impact of expanded educational attainment over skill premia as well as its differential impact over trade liberalization on inequality.
The Internet of Things and IoT systems hold the potential to bring added value in the educational system (Johnson et al., 2015). Educational institutes can immensely benefit from IoT systems like incorporating building automation systems such as Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning HVAC, conservation and energy management systems, environmental controlling systems for larger research environments, space access system, safety and security of the students, academic learning systems, staff, faculty and for the public. However, if the implementation process is not thoughtful, value of IoT systems cannot be realized.