Thesis Chapters by shadreck phiri chisulo

In his victory speech, the President elect, soon be sworn in as the 7 th President of the Republi... more In his victory speech, the President elect, soon be sworn in as the 7 th President of the Republic of Zambia, dispelled the notion that he was going to receive "the instruments of power" but rather preferred to term them as "the mandate to serve" the people of Zambia. In my view, he was propagating a servant leadership approach to the governance on this nation! What then is servant leadership? What are some of the expectations as citizens of this nation? 2.0. LEADERSHIP DEFINATION The need for Leadership cannot be overemphasized. John Maxwell has said everything stands and falls on leadership. Munroe (2012) also argues that leadership is the number one need of the 21st century world. Furthermore leadership is not about control but service. Service is intangible and only results can be seen. The result can be either good governance or bad governance depends on the leadership quality or traits of the provider. Leadership is not about people you led, but purpose (Sakamba, 2011). Donald Clark has defined Leadership as a process by which a person influences others to accomplish the defined objectives in a way that makes it more solid and sound. Leaders are said to carry out this process by applying their leadership attributes such as beliefs, ethics, values, character, knowledge and skill. It is also important to note that leaders are made and not born. Good leaders will always endeavor to develop through self-study, education, training and experience. (Clark, 2005). Tom Marshal quoting Robert Greenleaf in his book Understanding Leadership puts it this way; 'A mark of leadership, an attribute that puts them in a position to show others the way and they are better than most at pointing the direction to go. Foresight is being in possession of the 'lead' that the leader should have. Once leaders lose this lead and events start to force their hand, then they become leaders in name only. (Marshal, 2003, p. 14) Apart from servant leadership, it is important to note that there are many leadership styles and approaches available that a leader can opt for. It was interesting to note that the incoming president chose servant leadership amongst the many other styles available.

In his victory speech, the President elect, soon be sworn in as the 7 th President of the Republi... more In his victory speech, the President elect, soon be sworn in as the 7 th President of the Republic of Zambia, dispelled the notion that he was going to receive "the instruments of power" but rather preferred to term them as "the mandate to serve" the people of Zambia. In my view, he was propagating a servant leadership approach to the governance on this nation! What then is servant leadership? What are some of the expectations as citizens of this nation? 2.0. LEADERSHIP DEFINATION The need for Leadership cannot be overemphasized. John Maxwell has said everything stands and falls on leadership. Munroe (2012) also argues that leadership is the number one need of the 21st century world. Furthermore leadership is not about control but service. Service is intangible and only results can be seen. The result can be either good governance or bad governance depends on the leadership quality or traits of the provider. Leadership is not about people you led, but purpose (Sakamba, 2011). Donald Clark has defined Leadership as a process by which a person influences others to accomplish the defined objectives in a way that makes it more solid and sound. Leaders are said to carry out this process by applying their leadership attributes such as beliefs, ethics, values, character, knowledge and skill. It is also important to note that leaders are made and not born. Good leaders will always endeavor to develop through self-study, education, training and experience. (Clark, 2005). Tom Marshal quoting Robert Greenleaf in his book Understanding Leadership puts it this way; 'A mark of leadership, an attribute that puts them in a position to show others the way and they are better than most at pointing the direction to go. Foresight is being in possession of the 'lead' that the leader should have. Once leaders lose this lead and events start to force their hand, then they become leaders in name only. (Marshal, 2003, p. 14) Apart from servant leadership, it is important to note that there are many leadership styles and approaches available that a leader can opt for. It was interesting to note that the incoming president chose servant leadership amongst the many other styles available.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) focuses on what organisations do that have a dire... more ABSTRACT
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) focuses on what organisations do that have a direct effect on the society in which it exists or operates
This research was aimed at assessing the effectiveness of the Pentecostal movement in CSR in Zambia. Five (5) Pentecostal churches were selected for the purpose of this research. Though this research cannot be said to be the first of its kind on CSR in Zambia since there has been some prior and similar research in the same field, this research was aimed at assessing the effectiveness of these CSR programs in Zambia amongst the Pentecostal movement.
The first part of the research was aimed at finding out what specific programs or activities these Pentecostal churches are involved in that are directed at addressing some of the social challenges in the communities they serve and how effective these programs have proved to be.
This research was also directed to finding out what role effective leadership and the practices of good governance play in ensuring that a church becomes more socially involved. Are certain leadership styles and qualities more inclined towards CSR activities where among some of the probing questions that begged for reasonable answers.
Finally, this research desired to find out whether these Pentecostal churches had a deliberate policy to address some of the social matters in the communities they were serving. The aim was to find out whether this policy stands as a guiding post for these Pentecostal churches in CSR matters. Policy always drives strategy.
The research concludes with the findings and recommendations to the stake holders.
Papers by shadreck phiri chisulo
Zambians will go to the polls in a few days, specifically on August 12th. The Electoral Commissio... more Zambians will go to the polls in a few days, specifically on August 12th. The Electoral Commission of Zambia has received nominations from 19 presidential contenders and their running mates. This article is not designed to be a legal analysis, but rather to shed further insight on the topic of Presidential running mates. The author is working on a thesis titled "Assessing the Influence of Political Cadres on Political Violence: A Case Study of Four (4) Political Parties in Zambia," as a PhD candidate in Leadership and Organizational Studies. The research was timed to coincide with this year's election, providing timely and useful information.

The need for Leadership cannot be overemphasized. John Maxwell has said everything stands and fa... more The need for Leadership cannot be overemphasized. John Maxwell has said everything stands and falls on leadership. Munroe (2012) also argues that leadership is the number one need of the 21st century world. Furthermore leadership is not about control but service. Service is intangible and only results can be seen. The result can be either good governance or bad governance depends on the leadership quality or traits of the provider. Leadership is not about people you led, but purpose (Sakamba, 2011).
The idea of servant leadership came to Greenleaf as an intuitive insight as he was contemplating Leo. Greenleaf describes a servant leader as the one who first senses a natural desire to serve. Then this individual makes a conscious choice to lead. This is in sharp contrast with people who are leaders first; including those whose decision to serve may come only after their leadership is established.
These are two extreme types, with shades in between. The difference manifests itself most clearly in that the servant leader makes sure that co-workers’ highest priority needs are being met. He further reveals the best test of whether a given leader is a servant leader is if her or his co-workers, while being served, grow as persons, become healthier, wiser, freer, more autonomous and likely themselves to become servants.
Zambians will go to the polls in a few days, specifically on August 12th. The Electoral Commissio... more Zambians will go to the polls in a few days, specifically on August 12th. The Electoral Commission of Zambia has received nominations from 19 presidential contenders and their running mates. This article is not designed to be a legal analysis, but rather to shed further insight on the topic of Presidential running mates. The author is working on a thesis titled "Assessing the Influence of Political Cadres on Political Violence: A Case Study of Four (4) Political Parties in Zambia," as a PhD candidate in Leadership and Organizational Studies. The research was timed to coincide with this year's election, providing timely and useful information.
Drafts by shadreck phiri chisulo
Thesis Chapters by shadreck phiri chisulo
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) focuses on what organisations do that have a direct effect on the society in which it exists or operates
This research was aimed at assessing the effectiveness of the Pentecostal movement in CSR in Zambia. Five (5) Pentecostal churches were selected for the purpose of this research. Though this research cannot be said to be the first of its kind on CSR in Zambia since there has been some prior and similar research in the same field, this research was aimed at assessing the effectiveness of these CSR programs in Zambia amongst the Pentecostal movement.
The first part of the research was aimed at finding out what specific programs or activities these Pentecostal churches are involved in that are directed at addressing some of the social challenges in the communities they serve and how effective these programs have proved to be.
This research was also directed to finding out what role effective leadership and the practices of good governance play in ensuring that a church becomes more socially involved. Are certain leadership styles and qualities more inclined towards CSR activities where among some of the probing questions that begged for reasonable answers.
Finally, this research desired to find out whether these Pentecostal churches had a deliberate policy to address some of the social matters in the communities they were serving. The aim was to find out whether this policy stands as a guiding post for these Pentecostal churches in CSR matters. Policy always drives strategy.
The research concludes with the findings and recommendations to the stake holders.
Papers by shadreck phiri chisulo
The idea of servant leadership came to Greenleaf as an intuitive insight as he was contemplating Leo. Greenleaf describes a servant leader as the one who first senses a natural desire to serve. Then this individual makes a conscious choice to lead. This is in sharp contrast with people who are leaders first; including those whose decision to serve may come only after their leadership is established.
These are two extreme types, with shades in between. The difference manifests itself most clearly in that the servant leader makes sure that co-workers’ highest priority needs are being met. He further reveals the best test of whether a given leader is a servant leader is if her or his co-workers, while being served, grow as persons, become healthier, wiser, freer, more autonomous and likely themselves to become servants.
Drafts by shadreck phiri chisulo
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) focuses on what organisations do that have a direct effect on the society in which it exists or operates
This research was aimed at assessing the effectiveness of the Pentecostal movement in CSR in Zambia. Five (5) Pentecostal churches were selected for the purpose of this research. Though this research cannot be said to be the first of its kind on CSR in Zambia since there has been some prior and similar research in the same field, this research was aimed at assessing the effectiveness of these CSR programs in Zambia amongst the Pentecostal movement.
The first part of the research was aimed at finding out what specific programs or activities these Pentecostal churches are involved in that are directed at addressing some of the social challenges in the communities they serve and how effective these programs have proved to be.
This research was also directed to finding out what role effective leadership and the practices of good governance play in ensuring that a church becomes more socially involved. Are certain leadership styles and qualities more inclined towards CSR activities where among some of the probing questions that begged for reasonable answers.
Finally, this research desired to find out whether these Pentecostal churches had a deliberate policy to address some of the social matters in the communities they were serving. The aim was to find out whether this policy stands as a guiding post for these Pentecostal churches in CSR matters. Policy always drives strategy.
The research concludes with the findings and recommendations to the stake holders.
The idea of servant leadership came to Greenleaf as an intuitive insight as he was contemplating Leo. Greenleaf describes a servant leader as the one who first senses a natural desire to serve. Then this individual makes a conscious choice to lead. This is in sharp contrast with people who are leaders first; including those whose decision to serve may come only after their leadership is established.
These are two extreme types, with shades in between. The difference manifests itself most clearly in that the servant leader makes sure that co-workers’ highest priority needs are being met. He further reveals the best test of whether a given leader is a servant leader is if her or his co-workers, while being served, grow as persons, become healthier, wiser, freer, more autonomous and likely themselves to become servants.