The study population consisted of 40 academic members in the faculties of education of 20 differe... more The study population consisted of 40 academic members in the faculties of education of 20 different state universities and 10 academic unit administrators at different positions. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed using descriptive and content analysis. The findings showed that the academicians generally consider that these principles are not sufficiently taken into consideration during administrative implementations. It was found that human resources management is shaped according to the administrative cultures of faculties, personal characteristics, democratic attitudes and understandings of the administrators, and consciousness and awareness of the administered people and therefore significant differences exist between the faculties; and human resources management culture has not developed at all in many faculties.
International Journal of Educational Research Review
A basic qualitative research model was used in this study, which aims to determine the views of e... more A basic qualitative research model was used in this study, which aims to determine the views of educational administrators on political behaviors exhibited by the desire to gain legal power. The study group consists of 3 provincial national education deputy directors, 3 district national education directors, 6 branch managers, 11 school principals and 7 deputy principals working in Van Provincial Directorate of National Education and central districts in the 2020-2021 academic year, using the maximum diversity sampling method. The data collection tool is a semi-structured interview form developed by the researchers. As a result of the research, the participants stated that individual reasons came to the fore in the desire to gain legal power, they had more social benefits, and they had a positive effect on their professional and career development. They stated that the use of power out of purpose has negative consequences, the society imposes the meaning of respect and dignity on le...
This study aims to determine the relationship between faculty members’ perceptions of their acade... more This study aims to determine the relationship between faculty members’ perceptions of their academic titles and job stress, and the variables affecting their perceptions. Designed as a survey, the quantitative method was used in the study. The research sample consisted of faculty members working at ten public universities. The data were collected via two scales named “Scale of Academic Title Perception” and “Scale of Academics’ Job Stress”. The obtained data were analyzed by frequency and percentage values, t-test, ANOVA, correlation and regression analysis. A significant difference was found in terms of faculty members’ titles and subject areas and perceptions of the faculty members were differentiated by components of the Scale of Academic Title Perception. Likewise, there was a significant difference between faculty members’ perceptions regarding their job stress levels and their academic titles, seniorities and genders. Moreover, there was a significant negative correlation betw...
In this study, academic motivation levels of students in different sociometric statuses were exam... more In this study, academic motivation levels of students in different sociometric statuses were examined. The sample of the study consisted of a total of 977 students, 493 males and 484 females, who continued their education in the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grades of the province of Malatya in the academic year of 2014-2015. Sociometric test and academic motivation scale were used in the research. At the end of the research; There was a significant positive correlation between sociometric status and academic motivation levels of students. In terms of sociometric status, the level of academic motivation was found to be higher than that of peers, non-speakers and students with peer acceptance. Again, the level of academic motivation of female students who received peer acceptance was higher than that of male students. Based on the research findings; It can be said that teachers can increase the level of academic motivation by including students who are away from social groups and social groups.
Evaluation has an important place in education and teaching activities. Measurement is necessary ... more Evaluation has an important place in education and teaching activities. Measurement is necessary in order to make a decision about quality. Evaluation in education expresses the quality of the work or activity in quantitative terms. Supervision in education is, in a way, the same as evaluation in education.In understanding contemporary and scientific supervision, evaluation aims not to only control, but is also done to improve the system and the process of education and training. For this reason evaluation of the supervision process should be carried out with diagnosis, evaluation and the function of development. An evaluation can not be expected to be objective and healthy without taking all the input of the system into consideration.The atmosphere of education and evaluation of the pupils' knowing, hearing and psycho-motor abilities, is closely related to the teachers' evaluation. The evaluation of in-class activities therefore has a vital importance in connection with the...
G İRİŞ lışmaları hakkında bir sonuç elde edilir, bir yargıya vaEğitim-öğretim etkinliklerinde değ... more G İRİŞ lışmaları hakkında bir sonuç elde edilir, bir yargıya vaEğitim-öğretim etkinliklerinde değerlendirmenin Bazı durumlarda değerlendirmeden söz edilirken; önemli bir yeri vardır. Karara varmak için bir niteliğe ait ölçme, gözlem, kıymet ve değer biçme kavramları debazı ölçmeler yapılması zorunludur. Eğitim denetiminde ğerlendirmenin yerine kullanılmaktadır. Aslında, bu yapılan değerlendirme, çalışmaların niteliğini nicelikle ifade edilenler tamamen değerlendirme değil, deifade olanağı sağlar. Eğitimde denetim bir anlamda değerlendirmenin birer öğesidir (Turgut, 1990, 220-249). ğerlendirme ile aynı anlamı ifade eder. Değerlendirmenin Eğitimde teftişin değerlendirme boyutunu öne çıamaç, işleyiş ve ürün olan üç boyutu birbiri ile yakından kardığımızda beklenen amaç iki noktada toplanabilir: ilişkili olup, hepsi birlikte ele alındığında kurum çaİlki, eğitimden beklenen sonuçlarla elde edilen sonuçlar (*) (*) Bu makale KTÜ tarafından Trabzon'da düzenlenen VIII. Ulusal Eğitim Bili...
Oz Ilkogretim mufettislerinin calisma usul ve esaslari ile teftis kurulunun yapisi, isleyisi ve i... more Oz Ilkogretim mufettislerinin calisma usul ve esaslari ile teftis kurulunun yapisi, isleyisi ve islevlerini duzen leyen yasal dayanak "MEB Ilkogretim Mufettisleri Baskanliklari Yonetmeligi" dir. 13 Agustos 1999 tari hinde yururluge giren bu yonetmelik, onceki yonetmelige gore bircok degisiklik getirmistir. Bu arastirimda, MEB Ilkogretim Mufettisleri Baskanliklari Yonetmeligi'nin, yururlukten kalkan 27 Ekim 1990 tarihli "MEB Ilkogretim Mufettisleri Kumlu Yonetmeligi" ile bir karsilastirmasini yaparak getirdigi degisiklikleri belirlemek, yeni yonetmelik hakkinda mufettislerin gorusleri isiginda bir degerlendirme yap mak amaclanmistir. Hazirlanan veri toplama araci Turkiye genelinde gorev yapan ve 2000 yili Temmuz ve Agustos aylarinda Turkiye'nin her ilinden gelerek Isparta'da duzenlenen hizmetici egitim kursuna katilan 300 ilkogretim mu- fetusine uygulanmistir. Veriler "SPSS for Windows" paket istatistik programi ile cozumlenmistir. Arastir...
In this research, it is aimed to determine the level of organizational forgiveness and organizati... more In this research, it is aimed to determine the level of organizational forgiveness and organizational commitment of teachers and their relation. Descriptive method was used in the research. The working population of the research: Teachers who work in primary schools and high schools in the Battalgazi and Yeşilyurt district centers in Malatya province during the 2017-2018 academic year. A total of 450 teachers from 6 primary schools and 6 high schools selected by means of population sampling were included in the study. Two scales, "organizational forgiveness" and "organizational commitment", were used to collect the data of the study. In the analysis of the data, arithmetic mean standard deviation calculation, t-test and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) were performed. According to the findings obtained as a result of the research, it was seen that there was a significant difference between school type, education status and occupational seniority variables while there was no significant difference between teachers' organizational forgiveness and gender, marital status, number of children and field of study. Participants' organizational commitment levels were low at both overall sum and dimensions. There was a low level of positive relationship between organizational forgiveness and organizational commitment. Based on these findings, teachers' awareness about organizational forgiveness and the necessity of providing jobs in order to increase school commitment and suggestions such as personal rights, profession promotion, purchasing power and working conditions can be improved.
Bu bulgulara dayalı olarak, öğretmenlik mesleğinde; özlük hakları, meslekte yükselme, alım gücü, ... more Bu bulgulara dayalı olarak, öğretmenlik mesleğinde; özlük hakları, meslekte yükselme, alım gücü, çalışma koşulları ve kendini geliştirme imkânları açısından sağlanacak iyileştirici düzenlemelerle, öz yeterlik inancı geliştirilip, mesleki tükenmişlik önlenebilir.
In this study, it is aimed to develop a scale tool (validity and reliability were tested) in orde... more In this study, it is aimed to develop a scale tool (validity and reliability were tested) in order to determine the faculty members’ perceptions on their academic titles. The scale development study was started with a literature review, thus a draft form was developed. The draft form which consists of 42 articles were presented to the specialists to receive their opinions. In line with the feedbacks from the specialists, the content validity rates of items were determined. The items which had value under .80 content validity rate were excluded from the content of the study. Therefore, remaining 30 items trial form were applied to 195 faculty members who are working in the İnönü and Hatay Mustafa Kemal Universities. In the analysis of the research data, descriptive and predictive statistical methods were used. In the process of developing the scale; construct validity, content validity, scale validity, retest-test reliability, two-half reliability and Cronbach’s alpha reliability wer...
The International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 2016
The study population consisted of 40 academic members in the faculties of education of 20 differe... more The study population consisted of 40 academic members in the faculties of education of 20 different state universities and 10 academic unit administrators at different positions. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed using descriptive and content analysis. The findings showed that the academicians generally consider that these principles are not sufficiently taken into consideration during administrative implementations. It was found that human resources management is shaped according to the administrative cultures of faculties, personal characteristics, democratic attitudes and understandings of the administrators, and consciousness and awareness of the administered people and therefore significant differences exist between the faculties; and human resources management culture has not developed at all in many faculties.
... sağlayacak, onu güvence altına cak ve ondan ödün vermeyecek bir yapı Anahtar sözcükler: ünive... more ... sağlayacak, onu güvence altına cak ve ondan ödün vermeyecek bir yapı Anahtar sözcükler: üniversite, özerklik, akademik özgürlük, bilim ... Bu kuruluşlar her modelde de üniversitenin dahaözgür ve verimli çalışmasını sağlamak adına oluşturulmalarına özerklik ...
The study population consisted of 40 academic members in the faculties of education of 20 differe... more The study population consisted of 40 academic members in the faculties of education of 20 different state universities and 10 academic unit administrators at different positions. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed using descriptive and content analysis. The findings showed that the academicians generally consider that these principles are not sufficiently taken into consideration during administrative implementations. It was found that human resources management is shaped according to the administrative cultures of faculties, personal characteristics, democratic attitudes and understandings of the administrators, and consciousness and awareness of the administered people and therefore significant differences exist between the faculties; and human resources management culture has not developed at all in many faculties.
International Journal of Educational Research Review
A basic qualitative research model was used in this study, which aims to determine the views of e... more A basic qualitative research model was used in this study, which aims to determine the views of educational administrators on political behaviors exhibited by the desire to gain legal power. The study group consists of 3 provincial national education deputy directors, 3 district national education directors, 6 branch managers, 11 school principals and 7 deputy principals working in Van Provincial Directorate of National Education and central districts in the 2020-2021 academic year, using the maximum diversity sampling method. The data collection tool is a semi-structured interview form developed by the researchers. As a result of the research, the participants stated that individual reasons came to the fore in the desire to gain legal power, they had more social benefits, and they had a positive effect on their professional and career development. They stated that the use of power out of purpose has negative consequences, the society imposes the meaning of respect and dignity on le...
This study aims to determine the relationship between faculty members’ perceptions of their acade... more This study aims to determine the relationship between faculty members’ perceptions of their academic titles and job stress, and the variables affecting their perceptions. Designed as a survey, the quantitative method was used in the study. The research sample consisted of faculty members working at ten public universities. The data were collected via two scales named “Scale of Academic Title Perception” and “Scale of Academics’ Job Stress”. The obtained data were analyzed by frequency and percentage values, t-test, ANOVA, correlation and regression analysis. A significant difference was found in terms of faculty members’ titles and subject areas and perceptions of the faculty members were differentiated by components of the Scale of Academic Title Perception. Likewise, there was a significant difference between faculty members’ perceptions regarding their job stress levels and their academic titles, seniorities and genders. Moreover, there was a significant negative correlation betw...
In this study, academic motivation levels of students in different sociometric statuses were exam... more In this study, academic motivation levels of students in different sociometric statuses were examined. The sample of the study consisted of a total of 977 students, 493 males and 484 females, who continued their education in the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grades of the province of Malatya in the academic year of 2014-2015. Sociometric test and academic motivation scale were used in the research. At the end of the research; There was a significant positive correlation between sociometric status and academic motivation levels of students. In terms of sociometric status, the level of academic motivation was found to be higher than that of peers, non-speakers and students with peer acceptance. Again, the level of academic motivation of female students who received peer acceptance was higher than that of male students. Based on the research findings; It can be said that teachers can increase the level of academic motivation by including students who are away from social groups and social groups.
Evaluation has an important place in education and teaching activities. Measurement is necessary ... more Evaluation has an important place in education and teaching activities. Measurement is necessary in order to make a decision about quality. Evaluation in education expresses the quality of the work or activity in quantitative terms. Supervision in education is, in a way, the same as evaluation in education.In understanding contemporary and scientific supervision, evaluation aims not to only control, but is also done to improve the system and the process of education and training. For this reason evaluation of the supervision process should be carried out with diagnosis, evaluation and the function of development. An evaluation can not be expected to be objective and healthy without taking all the input of the system into consideration.The atmosphere of education and evaluation of the pupils' knowing, hearing and psycho-motor abilities, is closely related to the teachers' evaluation. The evaluation of in-class activities therefore has a vital importance in connection with the...
G İRİŞ lışmaları hakkında bir sonuç elde edilir, bir yargıya vaEğitim-öğretim etkinliklerinde değ... more G İRİŞ lışmaları hakkında bir sonuç elde edilir, bir yargıya vaEğitim-öğretim etkinliklerinde değerlendirmenin Bazı durumlarda değerlendirmeden söz edilirken; önemli bir yeri vardır. Karara varmak için bir niteliğe ait ölçme, gözlem, kıymet ve değer biçme kavramları debazı ölçmeler yapılması zorunludur. Eğitim denetiminde ğerlendirmenin yerine kullanılmaktadır. Aslında, bu yapılan değerlendirme, çalışmaların niteliğini nicelikle ifade edilenler tamamen değerlendirme değil, deifade olanağı sağlar. Eğitimde denetim bir anlamda değerlendirmenin birer öğesidir (Turgut, 1990, 220-249). ğerlendirme ile aynı anlamı ifade eder. Değerlendirmenin Eğitimde teftişin değerlendirme boyutunu öne çıamaç, işleyiş ve ürün olan üç boyutu birbiri ile yakından kardığımızda beklenen amaç iki noktada toplanabilir: ilişkili olup, hepsi birlikte ele alındığında kurum çaİlki, eğitimden beklenen sonuçlarla elde edilen sonuçlar (*) (*) Bu makale KTÜ tarafından Trabzon'da düzenlenen VIII. Ulusal Eğitim Bili...
Oz Ilkogretim mufettislerinin calisma usul ve esaslari ile teftis kurulunun yapisi, isleyisi ve i... more Oz Ilkogretim mufettislerinin calisma usul ve esaslari ile teftis kurulunun yapisi, isleyisi ve islevlerini duzen leyen yasal dayanak "MEB Ilkogretim Mufettisleri Baskanliklari Yonetmeligi" dir. 13 Agustos 1999 tari hinde yururluge giren bu yonetmelik, onceki yonetmelige gore bircok degisiklik getirmistir. Bu arastirimda, MEB Ilkogretim Mufettisleri Baskanliklari Yonetmeligi'nin, yururlukten kalkan 27 Ekim 1990 tarihli "MEB Ilkogretim Mufettisleri Kumlu Yonetmeligi" ile bir karsilastirmasini yaparak getirdigi degisiklikleri belirlemek, yeni yonetmelik hakkinda mufettislerin gorusleri isiginda bir degerlendirme yap mak amaclanmistir. Hazirlanan veri toplama araci Turkiye genelinde gorev yapan ve 2000 yili Temmuz ve Agustos aylarinda Turkiye'nin her ilinden gelerek Isparta'da duzenlenen hizmetici egitim kursuna katilan 300 ilkogretim mu- fetusine uygulanmistir. Veriler "SPSS for Windows" paket istatistik programi ile cozumlenmistir. Arastir...
In this research, it is aimed to determine the level of organizational forgiveness and organizati... more In this research, it is aimed to determine the level of organizational forgiveness and organizational commitment of teachers and their relation. Descriptive method was used in the research. The working population of the research: Teachers who work in primary schools and high schools in the Battalgazi and Yeşilyurt district centers in Malatya province during the 2017-2018 academic year. A total of 450 teachers from 6 primary schools and 6 high schools selected by means of population sampling were included in the study. Two scales, "organizational forgiveness" and "organizational commitment", were used to collect the data of the study. In the analysis of the data, arithmetic mean standard deviation calculation, t-test and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) were performed. According to the findings obtained as a result of the research, it was seen that there was a significant difference between school type, education status and occupational seniority variables while there was no significant difference between teachers' organizational forgiveness and gender, marital status, number of children and field of study. Participants' organizational commitment levels were low at both overall sum and dimensions. There was a low level of positive relationship between organizational forgiveness and organizational commitment. Based on these findings, teachers' awareness about organizational forgiveness and the necessity of providing jobs in order to increase school commitment and suggestions such as personal rights, profession promotion, purchasing power and working conditions can be improved.
Bu bulgulara dayalı olarak, öğretmenlik mesleğinde; özlük hakları, meslekte yükselme, alım gücü, ... more Bu bulgulara dayalı olarak, öğretmenlik mesleğinde; özlük hakları, meslekte yükselme, alım gücü, çalışma koşulları ve kendini geliştirme imkânları açısından sağlanacak iyileştirici düzenlemelerle, öz yeterlik inancı geliştirilip, mesleki tükenmişlik önlenebilir.
In this study, it is aimed to develop a scale tool (validity and reliability were tested) in orde... more In this study, it is aimed to develop a scale tool (validity and reliability were tested) in order to determine the faculty members’ perceptions on their academic titles. The scale development study was started with a literature review, thus a draft form was developed. The draft form which consists of 42 articles were presented to the specialists to receive their opinions. In line with the feedbacks from the specialists, the content validity rates of items were determined. The items which had value under .80 content validity rate were excluded from the content of the study. Therefore, remaining 30 items trial form were applied to 195 faculty members who are working in the İnönü and Hatay Mustafa Kemal Universities. In the analysis of the research data, descriptive and predictive statistical methods were used. In the process of developing the scale; construct validity, content validity, scale validity, retest-test reliability, two-half reliability and Cronbach’s alpha reliability wer...
The International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 2016
The study population consisted of 40 academic members in the faculties of education of 20 differe... more The study population consisted of 40 academic members in the faculties of education of 20 different state universities and 10 academic unit administrators at different positions. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed using descriptive and content analysis. The findings showed that the academicians generally consider that these principles are not sufficiently taken into consideration during administrative implementations. It was found that human resources management is shaped according to the administrative cultures of faculties, personal characteristics, democratic attitudes and understandings of the administrators, and consciousness and awareness of the administered people and therefore significant differences exist between the faculties; and human resources management culture has not developed at all in many faculties.
... sağlayacak, onu güvence altına cak ve ondan ödün vermeyecek bir yapı Anahtar sözcükler: ünive... more ... sağlayacak, onu güvence altına cak ve ondan ödün vermeyecek bir yapı Anahtar sözcükler: üniversite, özerklik, akademik özgürlük, bilim ... Bu kuruluşlar her modelde de üniversitenin dahaözgür ve verimli çalışmasını sağlamak adına oluşturulmalarına özerklik ...
Papers by sevim öztürk