Papers by setenay arzu yılmaz

Gynecological endocrinology : the official journal of the International Society of Gynecological Endocrinology, 2015
This study explores the relationship between clinical cardiovascular risk factors and clinical an... more This study explores the relationship between clinical cardiovascular risk factors and clinical androgen excess, with direct comparison to radial artery intima media thickness (rIMT). rIMT of 91 patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) were compared with 72 healthy women. Patients were divided into three groups with regard to body mass index (BMI). Group1 = 56 women (31 controls and 25 PCOS) with low BMI(18-22.49 kg/m(2)), Group2 = 36 women (15 controls and 21 PCOS) with normal BMI (22.5-24.99 kg/m(2)) and Group3 = 71 women (26 controls and 45 PCOS) with high BMI (25-30 kg/m(2)). rIMT was significantly higher in patients with PCOS (p = 0.007). rIMT was significantly higher group1 and group3 in patients with PCOS compared to controls (p = 0.007 and p = 0.042, respectively). There was a significant positive association between rIMT levels and fT in women with PCOS in group1 (r = 0.24, p = 0.04). rIMT levels correlated to fT levels in women with PCOS in group3 (r = 0.32, p = 0.03)...

Introduction:Copper-containing intrauterine device (IUD) is an efficient and safe contraceptive m... more Introduction:Copper-containing intrauterine device (IUD) is an efficient and safe contraceptive method with a low complication rate, which has been long well tolerated by majority of the women. During the insertion of IUD, the risk for perforation in a pelvic organ or in the abdominal cavity was reported to be 1-3 per 1000 insertions. Bladder perforation is a rare complication. IUD that migrates into the bladder may lead to calculus formation, as do all foreign particles. We present a case in which IUD migrated into the bladder and led to calculus formation. Case Report:A 43-year-old women, she had dysuria and urinary incontinence for 1 month. Urinary plain radiography revealed opacity of 2 cm at the end of the IUD in the pelvis, suggesting the presence of a calculus. The patient was diagnosed with urolithiasis and underwent cystoscopy. It was noticed that the horizontal arm of the IUD was embedded in the bladder wall and a free calculus of 2 cm was observed in the vertical arm of t...

Gynecology Obstetrics and Reproductive Medicine, 2013
Due to the lack of specific clinical and radiological signs, it is difficult to differentiate gen... more Due to the lack of specific clinical and radiological signs, it is difficult to differentiate genital tuberculosis from ovarian carcinomas and gastrointestinal diseases. Radiological evaluation and increased level of Ca125 may lead to misdiagnosis of disseminated ovarian cancer. A 30 year old women with the complaints of menstrual irregularity, abdominal pain and elevated levels of Ca-125, was evaluated for ovarian cancer. Pelvic magnetic resonance imaging showed minimal ascites fluid and multiple cysts in the right ovary. Intra-operative frozen-section analysis was performed on right paratubal mass and bilateral salphinx. As a result of the frozen-section analysis, granuloma that contained caseous necrosis was reported as tuberculosis. Bilateral salpingectomy, right paratubal mass extirpation and bilateral ovarian tubal tuberculosis. Surgeons should consider genital tuberculosis in the differential diagnosis by avoiding large surgical procedure and intra-operative frozen-section an...

Jinekolojik tumorler kadin reproduktif doneminin farkli donemlerinde ortaya cikabilen onemli sagl... more Jinekolojik tumorler kadin reproduktif doneminin farkli donemlerinde ortaya cikabilen onemli saglik sorunlari arasindadir. Basta endometrium kanseri olmak uzere over, serviks, vulva ve vajen kanserleri kadin genital sisteminin tumorleri arasindadir. Tedavilerinde multidisipliner yaklasim gerektiren bu tumorlerin insidansi son yillarda gelismis tani ve artan tarama yontemlerinin kullanilmasi nedeniyle artis gostermektedir. Gebelik doneminde de bu jinekolojik tumorlerin insidansi son yillarda onemli bir yukselis trendine girmistir. Tedavinin ana prensiplerini olusturan cerrahi, kemoterapi ve radyoterapi gebelere bazi farkliliklar goz onune alinarak uygulanabilmektedir. Gebeligin jinekolojik onkolojik tumorlerin prognozu uzerine olumsuz bir etkisi olmamakla birlikte fetal viabilite goz onune alinarak tedavide yapilan gecikmeler, tedavi zamanlamasinin yanlis yapilmasi ve bunlarin sonucunda tanida yasanan gecikmeler tedavinin cogunlukla postpartum doneme birakilmasina neden olmaktadir. B...

Aim: The measurements performed as a part of the diagnostic ultrasonography in pregnancy, has sig... more Aim: The measurements performed as a part of the diagnostic ultrasonography in pregnancy, has significant value in determining the reference ranges. In this study, we compared the distance of decidua basalis to uterine serosa and the distance of chorion to uterine serosa in early pregnancy to investigate whether these measurements have any effect on pregnancy outcome. Material and Methods: 50 patients were evaluated by ultrasonography who had pregnancies between 4 weeks 0 days and 12 weeks 6 days. The prognosis of pregnancies and perinatal outcomes of these cases were investigated from hospital records. The distances of the decidua and chorion to serosas of the uterine side walls and fundus were measured in the sagittal and transverse planes. Results: Decidua to side wall serosa distances in transverse sections were positively correlated with the term births (p=0.002). Fundal wall thickness of chorion to serosa in sagittal sections were also revealed significant difference between t...

OBJECTIVE To investigate the effect of closure types of the anterior abdominal wall layers in ce... more OBJECTIVE To investigate the effect of closure types of the anterior abdominal wall layers in cesarean section (CS) surgery on early postoperative findings. METHODS The present study was designed as a prospective cross-sectional study and was conducted at a university hospital between October 2018 and February 2019. A total of 180 patients who underwent CS for various reasons were enrolled in the study. Each patient was randomly assigned to one of three groups: Both parietal peritoneum and rectus abdominis muscle left open (group 1), parietal peritoneum closure only (group 2), and closure of the parietal peritoneum and reapproximation of rectus muscle (group 3). All patients were compared in terms of postoperative pain scores (while lying down and during mobilization), analgesia requirement, and return of bowel motility. RESULTS The postoperative pain scores were similar at the 2nd, 6th, 12th, and 18th hours while lying down. During mobilization, the postoperative pain scores at ...

Clinical and Experimental Obstetrics & Gynecology, 2021
Background: Diminished ovarian reserve (DOR) is a challenge for clinicians in IVF cycles and seve... more Background: Diminished ovarian reserve (DOR) is a challenge for clinicians in IVF cycles and several treatment modalities have been suggested to improve outcomes. The aim of this study was to compare live birth rates following ovarian stimulation using a luteal phase estradiol (E2)/gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) antagonist protocol (LPG group) with a letrozole/antagonist (LA group) protocol in patients with DOR. Methods: A total of 51 women with DOR, previously canceled IVF cycles and aged 40 years or less were investigated. In the LPG group (n = 26), a transdermal E2 patch was applied every other day starting 10 days after the luteinizing hormone (LH) surge. At day 11 after the LH surge, GnRH antagonists were administered for three consecutive days. In the LA group (n = 25), letrozole (5 mg/day) treatment was begun on the second day of menstruation and administered for 5 consecutive days. In both groups, gonadotropins were initiated on the second day of menstruation. Results for the two groups were compared using chi-square and Student's t-test, as appropriate. Results: Although the initial and total gonadotropin doses were significantly higher in the LPG group, the peak E2 levels, number of oocytes and fertilization rates and cancellation rates were similar. Trends toward improved live birth rates per transfer (23% vs. 11%) and per cycle (11.5% vs. 4%) were seen in the LPG group compared to the LA group, although the differences were not statistically significant. Discussion: DOR patients with previously canceled IVF cycles may be treated with either the LPG or LA protocols.
Van Medical Journal, 2020

Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Case Reports, 2018
lippel-Trenaunay syndrome (KTS) is a congenital disease that is characterized by vascular malform... more lippel-Trenaunay syndrome (KTS) is a congenital disease that is characterized by vascular malformations and localized disturbed growth of bone or soft tissue. 1 KTS has a rare incidence and estimated prevalence of 1 in 30 000-100 000 liveborn neonates. 2 The association of pregnancy with KTS is very rare. 3 The etiology of KTS is not well-understood; however, it is most likely the result of a somatic mosaic activating mutation in the PIK3CA gene. 4 Somatic mosaic mutations are typically not transmitted to offspring and KTS is considered to be a non-hereditary disease. 4 Several theories that have been proposed include abnormalities of the sympathetic nervous system and persistence of fetal microscopic small arterio-venous anastomoses. 5 KTS may also be accompanied by lymphatic drainage defects following extremity growth. 1 Both the disturbed growth and the vascular malformations in KTS generally affect the extremities; however, the vascular malformations often affect a larger area of the body and may extend to the trunk and pelvic region, including external and internal genitalia.

SiSli Etfal Hastanesi Tip Bulteni / The Medical Bulletin of Sisli Hospital, 2018
Objectives: Clinical evidence supports the association of toll-like receptor (TLR) with abnormal ... more Objectives: Clinical evidence supports the association of toll-like receptor (TLR) with abnormal cell proliferation and cancer. In this study, we investigated the expression of TLRs 2, 4, 5, and 6 in healthy endometrium and endometrium cancer to study the relationship of these receptors' expression with carcinogenesis. Methods: Patients who had undergone a hysterectomy owing to endometrium cancer (group 1, 66 patients), endometrial hyperplasia (group 2, 14 patients), and other reasons besides endometrium cancer (group 3, 20 patients as controls) were included. The cases in the first group were classified by histological type of the cancer, stage, grade, and size of the tumor. In all the cases, expressions of TLRs 2, 4, 5, and 6 were assessed, and the relationship of these receptors with clinicopathologic signs was analyzed. For immunohistochemical staining, nuclear and cytoplasmic stainings were considered positive. A Chi-squared test was used to assess the correlation of the groups. A p<0.05 was considered significant. Results: The mean ages of patients in groups 1, 2, and 3 were 59.8 (range 33-83), 48.3 (range 40-59), and 53.4 (range 38-84) years, respectively. All types of TLRs were highly expressed in both types of endometrium cancer (groups 1 and 2). TLR expression was observed with a ratio of 87.9% in group 1, 100% in group 2, and 35% in group 3. There was a statistically significant association of TLR 2 among the three groups (p=0.000). TLR 6 expression in both group 1 and group 2 was significantly higher than that in the control group (p=0.000, p=0.000, respectively). In addition, TLR 6 was higher in cases with late-stage cancer (p=0.033). Regarding tumor grade and the size of the tumor, no association was found between TLR 2 and TLR 6. Conclusion: TLR 2 and TLR 6 were significantly more expressed in cases with endometrium cancer and endometrial hyperplasia. In addition, the presence of TLR 6 may indicate the presence of late-stage endometrial cancer.

Bratislava Medical Journal, 2019
OBJECTIVE: We aimed to investigate the vasoactive effects of dexmedetomidine on isolated human um... more OBJECTIVE: We aimed to investigate the vasoactive effects of dexmedetomidine on isolated human umbilical arteries and possible mechanisms involved. METHODS: Human umbilical artery strips were suspended in Krebs-Henseleit solution and dose-response curves were obtained for cumulative dexmedetomidine before and after incubation with different agents; propranolol, atropine, yohimbine, prazosin, indomethacin, verapamil. Effects of calcium on cumulative dexmedetomidineinduced contractions were also studied. RESULTS: Cumulative dexmedetomidine resulted in dose dependent contraction responses. Incubation with propranolol (Emax: 93.3 ± 3.26 %), atropine (Emax: 92.0 ± 6.54 %), or indomethacin (Emax: 94.25 ± 2.62 %), did not attenuate dexmedetomidine-elicited contractions (p > 0.05). There were signifi cant decreases in the contraction responses of cumulative dexmedetomidine with yohimbine (Emax: 12.1 ± 11.9 %), prazosin (Emax: 28.8 ± 4.6 %) and verapamil (Emax: 11.2 ± 13.6 %) (p < 0.05). In Ca +2 free medium contraction responses to cumulative dexmedetomidine was insignifi cant (Emax: 5.20 ± 3.42 %). Addition of cumulative calcium to the Ca +2 free medium resulted in concentration dependent increase in contractions (Emax: 64.83 ± 37.7 %) (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Dexmedetomidine induces vasoconstriction in endothelial-free umbilical arteries via both, α 1and α 2-adrenergic receptors and also extracellular Ca +2 concentrations play a major role. β-adrenergic receptors, muscarinic cholinergic receptors, and inhibition of cyclooxygenase enzyme are not involved in this vasoconstriction

European journal of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive biology, 2017
We compared the fluid volume parameters in women undergoing gynaecological surgery for benign and... more We compared the fluid volume parameters in women undergoing gynaecological surgery for benign and malignant conditions before and after surgery using bioelectrical impedance vectors. A total of 181 patients were enrolled. In all, 89 patients had surgery for benign conditions and 92 patients underwent oncological procedures, including lymph node dissection, for malignant diseases. Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) parameters were measured on the day of hospitalisation before any treatment and at 24h and 1 month after the surgical intervention. The BIA parameters measured included extracellular water (ECW), intracellular water (ICW), and total body water (TBW). TBW increased significantly 1 month after surgery in all cases (p<0,05 in both group). ECW was significantly higher (p<0.05) and ICW was significantly lower (p<0,05) in the malignant group than the benign group. Radical gynaecological surgeries, including lymph node dissection, have a greater effect on body water ...

Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 2015
Background: The aims of this study were compare the serum visfatin and resistin levels between en... more Background: The aims of this study were compare the serum visfatin and resistin levels between endometrial cancer (EC) patients and controls and evaluate their power to predict prognosis. Materials and Methods: This prospective study was conducted between March 2013 to June 2014 on the Gynecologic Oncology Department of the University of Selcuk, Konya, Turkey. A total of 42 EC patients and 42 controls were included and assessed for differences in serum visfatin and resistin levels, along with prognostic factors. Results: Endometrial cancer patients had significantly higher visfatin levels than control s (p: 0.011), associated with deep myometrial invasion (p: 0.019). In contrast the serum level of resistin did not significantly differ between EC patients and controls (p: 0.362). However, high resistin level in EC patients was associated with increase lymph node metastasis (p: 0.009). On logistic regression analysis, we found that serum visfatin elevation was associated with risk of myometrial invasion (OR: 1,091; 95%CI: 1.021-1.166; p: 0.010) and serum resistin with risk of lymph node metastasis (OR: 1.018; 95%CI: 1.000-1.035; p: 0.046). For myometrial invasion prediction, a serum visfatin level greater than 26.8 ng/mL demonstrated a sensitivity and specificity of 66.6 % and 96.4%, respectively. For lymph node metastasis prediction, the best cutoff for serum resistin level was 599ng/mL. A serum resistin level greater than this demonstrated a sensitivity and specificity of 87.5% and 77.1%, respectively. Conclusions: Our data suggest that serum visfatin is elevated in patients with EC and serum visfatin and resistin levels could be used to predict the risk of advance stage lesions.

Archives Medical Review Journal, 2014
Assisted reproductive technologies(ART) are widely used in the treatment of infertility. Many adv... more Assisted reproductive technologies(ART) are widely used in the treatment of infertility. Many advances in ART have resulted in higher pregnancy rates for patients. The introduction of embryo cryopreservation and subsequently intracytoplasmic sperm injection(ICSI) in 1992 were the important developments in ART success. Development of preimplantation genetic diagnosis has facilitated the exclusion of genetically abnormal embryos but every development brought new risks about the manipulation of the oocyte, sperm or the embryo. The effects of different technologies used in in-vitro fertilization(IVF) on children conceived through ART are the topics of interest since the birth of the first IVF baby Louise Brown in 1978 and have been examined for years. There are many reasons why IVF babies might be exposed to greater risks than naturally conceived children. ART carries an increased risk of iatrogenic multiple pregnancies, which are associated with a higher rate of prematurity. However, adverse perinatal outcomes are not totally eliminated with applying single embryo transfer policies in daily practice and by reducing multiple pregnancy rates. Singleton children born after ART are also at risk for preterm delivery, low birth weight, neonatal mortality, and neonatal intensive care unit admission when compared to spontaneously conceived children. Technical factors, maternal age and underlying parental subfertility are likely to correlate to this risk but ART children are also at increased risk of congenital malformations even after adjustment for maternal age, subfertility or the parental characteristics. The aim of this review is to summarize perinatal outcomes and the congenital anomaly risk of IVF pregnancies and also examine the risks of different technologies including ICSI, blastocyst culture, and cryopreservation on this topic.

Perinatal Journal, 2015
Prenatal invaziv giriflimlerin de¤erlendirilmesi: Retrospektif olgular›n analizi Amaç: Bu çal›flm... more Prenatal invaziv giriflimlerin de¤erlendirilmesi: Retrospektif olgular›n analizi Amaç: Bu çal›flmam›zda amaç, klini¤imizde uygulanan prenatal invaziv giriflimlerin sonuçlar›n› sunmakt›r. Yöntem: Nisan 2011-2014 tarihleri aras›nda uygulanan prenatal invaziv giriflimlerin kay›tlar› retrospektif olarak tarand›, invaziv giriflimlerin endikasyonlar›, komplikasyonlar› ve karyotip sonuçlar› de¤erlendirildi. Bulgular: Ultrasonografide tespit edilen sadece minör ve/veya majör anomalisi olan 72 (%23.4) gebeye, tarama testlerinde artm›fl risk nedeniyle baflvuran 226 (%73.3) hastaya, aile öyküsü olan 5 (%1.6) hastaya ve ileri anne yafl› nedeniyle 5 (%1.6) hastaya prenatal invaziv giriflim uyguland›. Bu hastalar›n %81.8'ine (n=252) amniyosentez, %11.7'sine (n=36) koryon villus biyopsisi, %6.5'ine (n=20) ileri gebelik haftas› nedeniyle kordosentez uyguland›. Karyotip analizi sonuçlar› 278 (%90.2) hastada normal, 11 (%3.5) hastada sitogenetik sonuç al›namad› ve 19 (%6.2) hastada anöploidi, (%2.9 trizomi ve %3.3 di¤er genetik anormallikler/ varyasyonlar) olarak bildirildi. Karyotip sonucu, 46XX+22p ve 46XY,9qh olan 2 hasta takip edildi. Ultrasonografi de¤erlendirmesinde minör belirteç veya majör anomali saptanmayan hastalar›n sonuçlar› normal varyant olarak kabul edildi. Bu gebelikler sa¤l›kl› canl› do¤um ile sonuçland›. Ultrasonografi bulgular› da olan karyotip anomalileri termine edildi. Sonuç: Prenatal tarama testleri halen prenatal invaziv giriflimlerin ilk s›radaki endikasyonlar›n› oluflturmaktad›r. Ancak minör ve/veya majör anomaliler anöploidik fetüslerin büyük k›sm›nda görüntülenebilmektedir, bu nedenle prenatal tan› endikasyonu konulan fetüsler dikkatle de¤erlendirilmelidir.

Perinatal Journal, 2015
Prenatal invaziv giriflimlerin de¤erlendirilmesi: Retrospektif olgular›n analizi Amaç: Bu çal›flm... more Prenatal invaziv giriflimlerin de¤erlendirilmesi: Retrospektif olgular›n analizi Amaç: Bu çal›flmam›zda amaç, klini¤imizde uygulanan prenatal invaziv giriflimlerin sonuçlar›n› sunmakt›r. Yöntem: Nisan 2011-2014 tarihleri aras›nda uygulanan prenatal invaziv giriflimlerin kay›tlar› retrospektif olarak tarand›, invaziv giriflimlerin endikasyonlar›, komplikasyonlar› ve karyotip sonuçlar› de¤erlendirildi. Bulgular: Ultrasonografide tespit edilen sadece minör ve/veya majör anomalisi olan 72 (%23.4) gebeye, tarama testlerinde artm›fl risk nedeniyle baflvuran 226 (%73.3) hastaya, aile öyküsü olan 5 (%1.6) hastaya ve ileri anne yafl› nedeniyle 5 (%1.6) hastaya prenatal invaziv giriflim uyguland›. Bu hastalar›n %81.8'ine (n=252) amniyosentez, %11.7'sine (n=36) koryon villus biyopsisi, %6.5'ine (n=20) ileri gebelik haftas› nedeniyle kordosentez uyguland›. Karyotip analizi sonuçlar› 278 (%90.2) hastada normal, 11 (%3.5) hastada sitogenetik sonuç al›namad› ve 19 (%6.2) hastada anöploidi, (%2.9 trizomi ve %3.3 di¤er genetik anormallikler/ varyasyonlar) olarak bildirildi. Karyotip sonucu, 46XX+22p ve 46XY,9qh olan 2 hasta takip edildi. Ultrasonografi de¤erlendirmesinde minör belirteç veya majör anomali saptanmayan hastalar›n sonuçlar› normal varyant olarak kabul edildi. Bu gebelikler sa¤l›kl› canl› do¤um ile sonuçland›. Ultrasonografi bulgular› da olan karyotip anomalileri termine edildi. Sonuç: Prenatal tarama testleri halen prenatal invaziv giriflimlerin ilk s›radaki endikasyonlar›n› oluflturmaktad›r. Ancak minör ve/veya majör anomaliler anöploidik fetüslerin büyük k›sm›nda görüntülenebilmektedir, bu nedenle prenatal tan› endikasyonu konulan fetüsler dikkatle de¤erlendirilmelidir.
Arşiv Kaynak Tarama Dergisi, 2015
The number of cancer diagnosis during pregnancy is increasing as a result of becoming widespread ... more The number of cancer diagnosis during pregnancy is increasing as a result of becoming widespread of screening tests and advanced pregnancy age. Gynecologic oncologists and oncologist make effort for medical and surgical treatments of cancer without any side effect on fetal well-being. In this review, the diagnosis, treatments and fetal effects of gynecologic cancers during pregnancy was discussed.

Arşiv Kaynak Tarama Dergisi, 2014
Yardımcı üreme teknikleri (YÜT) infertilite tedavinde yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. YÜT' lerind... more Yardımcı üreme teknikleri (YÜT) infertilite tedavinde yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. YÜT' lerindeki ilerlemeler gebelik oranının artması ile sonuçlanmıştır. Embriyo dondurulması ve ardından 1992 yılında intrastoplazmik sperm enjeksiyonunun bulunması YÜT başarısında önemli gelişmelerdir. Preimplantasyon genetik tanının gelişmesi genetik olarak anormal embriyonun tanımlanmasını kolaylaştırmasına rağmen oosit, sperm veya embriyoya yapılan maniplasyonlar nedeni ile yeni riskleri de beraberinde getirmektedir. İn Vitro Fertilizasyon'da (IVF) kullanılan farklı teknolojilerin YÜT sonrası doğan çocuklar üzerine etkisi ilk IVF bebeği Louise Brown'un doğumundan beri yıllardır araştırılmaktadır. IVF gebeliklerinin doğal konsepsiyon sonucu olan gebeliklere göre daha büyük risklere maruz kalabileceğini gösteren birçok neden bulunmaktadır. YÜT sonucu çoğul gebelik riskinin artmasına bağlı prematüre riskide artmaktadır. Bununla beraber tek embriyo transferinin günümüzde yaygınlaşması ile çoğul gebelik oranının azalması kötü perinatal sonuçları tamamen elimine etmemektedir. YÜT sonrası doğan tekil gebelikler doğal yollar ile elde edilen gebelikler ile karşılaştırıldığında preterm doğum, düşük doğum ağırlığı, yenidoğan yoğun bakım ünite ihtiyacı, neonatal mortalite riskindeki artış devam etmektedir. Teknik faktörler, maternal yaş ve çiftlerin subinfertil durumu aynı zamanda bu artmış risk ile ilişkilidir fakat maternal yaş, subinfertilite veya çiftlerin özellikleri düzeltildiğinde bile hala ART çocuklarında konjenital malformasyon daha riski yüksektir. Bu derlemenin amacı IVF gebeliklerinde aynı zamanda intrastoplazmik sperm enjeksiyonu, blastosist kültürü ve kryoprezervasyon gibi farklı teknolojilerde perinatal sonuçları ve konjenital anomali riskini özetlemektir.

Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 2014
Post-operative ileus is a major complication that increases the morbidity in patients who had abd... more Post-operative ileus is a major complication that increases the morbidity in patients who had abdominal surgery. Several different procedures have been used to manage bowel function, including adequate pain control, prokinetic drugs and supportive strategies. The present study aimed to assess the effect of chewing gum on bowel recovery in patients undergoing gynaecologic abdominal surgeries. A total of 137 patients were randomised into gum-chewing and control groups. Patients in the gum-chewing group began chewing gum at post-operative 3rd h and chewed gum thereafter every 4 h daily, for 30 min each time. All patients received the same post-operative treatment. Primary outcome measures were the time to first passage of flatus and time to first passage of stool. The secondary outcome measures included the first hearing of normal bowel sounds, nausea and the time until discharge from the hospital. Compared with the control group, the time interval between operation and first flatus was shorter in the gum-chewing group (median, 33 h vs 30 h). However, the difference was not significant (p = 0.381). The first defaecation time was significantly shorter in the gum-chewing group. The median time to first defaecation was 67 (20-105) h in the control group and 45 (12-97) h in the gum-chewing group (p…
Papers by setenay arzu yılmaz