Papers by sebastianus menggo

Widya Laksana, Jan 30, 2023
Bahasa dan budaya memiliki hubungan erat, tidak ada performansi ritus budaya tanpa menggunakan ba... more Bahasa dan budaya memiliki hubungan erat, tidak ada performansi ritus budaya tanpa menggunakan bahasa. Performansi aneka ritus budaya, tidak dapat dipisahkan dari kemampuan berbahasa. Kecakapan berbahasa Inggris berimplikasi pada interpretasi makna atas pertunjukkan ritus budaya. Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini bertujuan mendorong peningkatan partisipasi masyarakt desa untuk mampu menarasikan aneka performansi ritusritus budaya lokal dalam bahasa Inggris kepada wisatawan dan kesadaran untuk pemertahanan nilai-nilai budaya. Peserta atau suyek PkM ini berjumlah 30 orang. Pengabdian ini dijalankan di dua tempat, yakni Kapela Kenda dan SDI Kenda selama dua bulan. Ceramah, bermain peran, diskusi kelompok kecil, serta presentasi merupakan metode yang diterapkan untuk mencapai tujuan PkM. Hasilnya mengindikasikan bahwa peserta mampu menjelaskan dalam bahasa Inggris tradisi budaya lokal mereka dan tersedianya teks-teks tertulis untuk sejumlah ritus budaya.

VELES (Voices of English Language Education Society), Apr 29, 2024
The current study assessed the effectiveness of employing a Picture Dictionary to enhance the voc... more The current study assessed the effectiveness of employing a Picture Dictionary to enhance the vocabulary acquisition of junior high school learners. A significant improvement in vocabulary comprehension was found to have been correlated with learners taking advantage of a visual dictionary compared to those who did not use such a resource. This idea points out that visual dictionaries could be a good option for students to enhance their vocabulary acquisition efforts. This research used a quasi-experimental design and the test as the research instrument to determine the students' vocabulary mastery. In this research, the test is the research instrument to determine the student's vocabulary mastery. This research has been conducted on seventh-grade students in the academic year 2022-2023 with a total sample of sixty respondents. A random sampling technique was employed to determine the group of respondents. The experimental and control groups' average scores differ, as determined by the data analysis. By comparison, the control group attained an average score of 61.7, but the group participating in the experiment attained a mean score 80. The average scores indicate that the group participating in the experiment achieved a mean score greater than the control class.

: Semiotic construction has an enormous influence on the latest studies in promoting intercultura... more : Semiotic construction has an enormous influence on the latest studies in promoting intercultural communication. Understanding all symbols of traditional rites and fostering mutual respect, compassion, sympathy and empathy for other cultures is understood as a new angle. Moreover, semiotic construction is a contact tool for cultural qualities. This research aims to explore and reveal the multicultural values that are contained in the Tiba Meka rite. The analysis examines 50 custom spokespersons over the period of February to December 2019 and uses interviews, stationery collection, field notes and audio-visual recordings. Three research results concerning the Tiba Meka rite were found. First, semiotic meanings used in Tiba Meka rites are semiotic expressions that invite national or international outsiders, government guests, religious leaders and community leaders. Second, the philosophy relates to the theory, personality and morality of economics behind semiotic spoken words. This philosophy is influenced by the following main philosophies: pragmatism and indoctrism. Third, the Tiba Meka rite’s multicultural values include respect, gender, politics, solidarity, faith, tolerance, political, social, economic, authority and familiarity, and these values promote intercultural communication. The six steps used by the Manggarai people to welcome outsiders include these concepts.

Missio, Jan 27, 2016
The Effect Of Discussion Technique and English Learning Motivation Toward Students' Speaking Abil... more The Effect Of Discussion Technique and English Learning Motivation Toward Students' Speaking Ability. The aim of this study is to investigate (1) whether there is a difference in the speaking abilitybetween students who are taught by usingdiscussion technique and those taught by using the conventional technique; (2) an interactional effect between the speakingtechniques applied and English learning motivation toward students' speaking ability; (3) a difference in speaking ability between students with high English learning motivation who are taught by using discussion technique and those taught by using the conventional technique; and (4) a difference in speaking ability between students with low English learning motivation who are taught by using discussion technique and those taught by using the conventional technique. The study used a 2X2 factorial design, which involved a sample of 124 students. The data were collected by using questionnaire and a speaking test then analyzed by Two-way ANOVA. The result indicates that (1) there was a significant difference in speaking ability between the students who were taught by using discussion technique and those taught by using the conventional technique; (2) there was a significant interactional effect between the teaching techniques applied and students' motivation toward their speaking ability; (3) there was a significant difference in speaking ability between students with high English learning motivation who were taught by using discussion technique and those taught with the conventional technique; and (4) there was significant difference in speaking ability between the students with low English learning motivation who were taught by using discussion technique and those taught with the conventional technique.

: Semiotic construction has an enormous influence on the latest studies in promoting intercultura... more : Semiotic construction has an enormous influence on the latest studies in promoting intercultural communication. Understanding all symbols of traditional rites and fostering mutual respect, compassion, sympathy and empathy for other cultures is understood as a new angle. Moreover, semiotic construction is a contact tool for cultural qualities. This research aims to explore and reveal the multicultural values that are contained in the Tiba Meka rite. The analysis examines 50 custom spokespersons over the period of February to December 2019 and uses interviews, stationery collection, field notes and audio-visual recordings. Three research results concerning the Tiba Meka rite were found. First, semiotic meanings used in Tiba Meka rites are semiotic expressions that invite national or international outsiders, government guests, religious leaders and community leaders. Second, the philosophy relates to the theory, personality and morality of economics behind semiotic spoken words. This philosophy is influenced by the following main philosophies: pragmatism and indoctrism. Third, the Tiba Meka rite’s multicultural values include respect, gender, politics, solidarity, faith, tolerance, political, social, economic, authority and familiarity, and these values promote intercultural communication. The six steps used by the Manggarai people to welcome outsiders include these concepts.

Interdisciplinary Journal of Sociality Studies
Politeness is crucial to communicating among individuals or between groups in a speech community.... more Politeness is crucial to communicating among individuals or between groups in a speech community. This research mainly explores the politeness of welcoming guests in the Manggaraian speech community. Video recording and interviews were the techniques used to collect the data. Eight videos were recorded and transcribed in text. The data were interpreted in socio-pragmatics theory. The findings reveal that the Manggaraian speech community tend to apply positive and off-the-record politeness strategies. A positive politeness strategy was mainly employed to build a close relationship and friendliness and to show respect to a guest. The use of a positive politeness strategy was marked in honorifics such as ite, mori, ema, and downtoner yo. An off-the-record politeness strategy was utilised to designate generosity, modesty, and approbation to a guest. This politeness strategy was indicated in metaphorical expressions. The social factors that determine the use of those politeness strategie...

Journal of Language Teaching and Research
Code-mixing is viewed as using two or more languages in daily interaction. Code-mixing is highly ... more Code-mixing is viewed as using two or more languages in daily interaction. Code-mixing is highly intriguing to investigate as it has become an unquestionable option for particular speech communities worldwide. However, an analysis of insertion in code-mixing phenomenon on WhatsApp Group Chat of university students has not been supported by current empirical studies. The evidence indicates that the insertion of code-mixing usage is a great tactic to show the speaker's communication strategy, intimacy, and limited linguistic competence. This study aimed to analyze the types, functions, and values of insertion in code-mixing use on WhatsApp Group Chat among university students. This study used the descriptive-qualitative method. Twenty-two students of two WhatsApp Group Chats were chosen as respondents in this study. Moreover, the researchers used documentation, interviews, and field observations to obtain data from respondents. The findings demonstrate that insertion functions in ...

Jurnal Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Missio
The aim of this preliminary research is to know and describe the phonology acquisition toward ear... more The aim of this preliminary research is to know and describe the phonology acquisition toward early childhood on 15 until 20 months age old in Santo Paulus Preschool, Singaraja, Bali which altogether 7 children. Purposive procedure was applied in this study. Then data were collected through observation, field note, and natural recorded when the respondents were playing and interacting each other in school park. Data collection were done during four days and only certain utterances of those respondents were recorded. The utterances recorded are expected to be representative of the whole 7 children’s phonology acquisition. Utterances repeated by students were recorded precisely by the researcher. The result showed that, children on 15 until 20 months old age generally have acquired vocal phonemes (u, i, e, o). Then, the structure of utterances by this age from easy to difficult phonemes. The distinction of phonem difficulty referenced to the how child articulated the total of di...
Indonesian journal of EFL and linguistics, Nov 25, 2022

International Journal of Information and Education Technology
With their audio-visual capacity, linguistic and non-linguistic content, WhatsApp group video cal... more With their audio-visual capacity, linguistic and non-linguistic content, WhatsApp group video calls appear to have great potential for encouraging EFL learners' speaking development. However, the literature has yet to establish the degree to which WhatsApp group video calls promote English learning motivation and self-efficacy, reduce English speaking anxiety, authentic self-assessment, or urge teachers and students to improve their digital literacy. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the effect of using WhatsApp group video calls to improve students' speaking skills and reveal the extent of this media's impact on student learning. The pre-/post-test, the two-group quantitative explanatory research design was undertaken, featuring one hundred and nineteen students from four classes. A test and questionnaires were used for data collection, and then data were analyzed by using SPSS 24.0. The findings reveal that WhatsApp group video calls have been helpful for increasin...
Muhammadiyah University Press, Apr 4, 2017
VELES: Voices of English Language Education Society
Think-Aloud Protocol Analysis: Revealing The Student's Problem in Reading Comprehension

EduLite: Journal of English Education, Literature and Culture
Culture is about human existence and the way of life, while language is about the communication s... more Culture is about human existence and the way of life, while language is about the communication system between people in a particular society or community. Language use usually reflects the habits of society, the way of thinking, the work of the brain, the history of society, and the internal relationship in society. The use of personal pronoun inclusive we it� in Manggarai language helps speakers find out the relationship between linguistic aspects and cultural values. Based on these arguments, this study aims to analyze the relationship between the two aspects that are being addressed. The data were collected through observations and interviews of the ten traditional spokespersons, then analyzed qualitatively. The finding indicates that the use of it� in all of its forms reflects the etiquette of people in Manggarai, Indonesia. Referring to the data stated, this study, therefore, concludes that the first personal pronoun plural inclusive we it�, in Manggarai language and culture d...

Jurnal Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Missio, 2016
The aim of this study is to investigate whether there is (1) a difference in the speaking ability... more The aim of this study is to investigate whether there is (1) a difference in the speaking ability between students who are taught by using discussion technique and those taught by using the conventional technique; (2) an effect of interaction between the speaking techniques applied and English learning motivation toward students' speaking ability; (3) a difference in speaking ability between students with high English learning motivation who are taught by using discussion technique and those taught by using the conventional technique; and (4) a difference in speaking ability between students with low English learning motivation who are taught by using discussion technique and those taught by using the conventional technique. The study used a 2X2 factorial design, which involved a sample of 96 students. The data were collected by using questionnaire and a speaking test then analyzed by Two-way ANOVA. The result indicates that (1) there was a significant difference in speaking ability between the students who were taught by using discussion technique and those taught by using the conventional technique; (2) there was a significant interactional effect between the teaching techniques applied and students' motivation toward their speaking ability; (3) there was a significant difference in speaking ability between students with high English learning motivation who were taught by using discussion technique and those taught with the conventional technique; and (4) there was significant difference in speaking ability between the students with low English learning motivation who were taught by using discussion technique and those taught with the conventional technique.

Nyimak: Journal of Communication
This study is concerned with discourse semantic analysis of three selected victory speeches of th... more This study is concerned with discourse semantic analysis of three selected victory speeches of the US Presidents. It was conducted for and aimed at describing, explaining, and analyzing the field, the interpersonal meaning (tenor) the mode of the texts, the schematic structure, and the unity of the texts by using Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) as the basis of analysis. The speech texts were changed into clauses and then analyzed. The results of the analysis found that the register category of field is similar. The transitivity patterns of the grammar, reference, and lexical string analysis share common features that is the realization of experiential action done by the speaker and audience for the progress of America. The interpersonal meaning of the texts is slightly different, in which, Joe Biden and Barack Obama established an intimate relationship with the audience, while in Donald trump’s text, the sense of intimacy and the distance with the audience are far. Since the n...

JEELS (Journal of English Education and Linguistics Studies)
Blended learning necessitates a digitization technology on the part of both instructors and stude... more Blended learning necessitates a digitization technology on the part of both instructors and students, the use of up-to-date instructional strategies, adaptable learning procedures, the efficiency of the processes, space, and financial resources, as well as learner motivation and independence; all of these factors lead to a rise in learner academic achievement. Unfortunately, the results ofthe most recent empirical studies do not support the idea that blended learning help learners enhance their English proficiency and their level of learning independence. There is proof that blended learning impacts the English proficiency, learning independence, enthusiasm, and ICT skills of students. This article analyzed and quantified the effectiveness of blended learning in English as a Foreign Language (EFL). This study is a quantitative explanatory research type with a pre-test and post-test design. One hundred eighty students from the Agronomy Study Program at Universitas Katolik Indonesia S...

Englisia : Journal of Language, Education and Humanities, Apr 30, 2022
The 21 st-century education emphasizes a number of indicators that teachers, students, parents, a... more The 21 st-century education emphasizes a number of indicators that teachers, students, parents, and other education stakeholders should completely understand. English teachers should be encouraged to be able to integrate the intended 21 st-century competency indicators into instructional materials that are preceded by a needs analysis stage. Needs analysis is crucial in designing English materials as it serves as a valuable tool for practitioners to create English materials aligned with students' target and learning needs. As a consequence, needs analysis is seen as a necessary component of the teaching practice. The purposes of this study are to examine and reveal the numerous types of students' target needs and learning needs for English material development. This study examined two English lecturers and 206 students enrolled in the primary education department. The data collection instrument was a questionnaire and the data were analyzed using a software program, namely an excel chart data series. Findings indicated that the students' target needs included necessities, lacks, and wants, * Corresponding author Integrating 21st-century skills in English material development: What do college students really need?

VELES Voices of English Language Education Society
Needs analysis is essential in designing English materials. A powerful teaching-learning tool for... more Needs analysis is essential in designing English materials. A powerful teaching-learning tool for practitioners, it allows them to produce English resources linked to students' needs. It is therefore viewed as an essential part of the teaching process for conducting need analysis. This study aims to expose academic studies related to the types of teaching materials and learning activities desired by students. This study examined 232 students enrolled in five different study programs of Universitas Katolik Indonesia Santu Paulus Ruteng. The instruments were questionnaire and interview, then the data were analyzed using a software program, namely an excel chart data series. The findings revealed that the types of teaching materials and learning activities required by students highlighted the importance of providing English materials in promoting 21st-century education themes. English materials should be adapted to match the needs of students, with an emphasis on the six themes of ...

Adaptasi para praktisi pendidikan merupakan haluan strategis dalam mendorong eksistensi profesi d... more Adaptasi para praktisi pendidikan merupakan haluan strategis dalam mendorong eksistensi profesi dan ketercapaian kompetensi peserta didiknya. Esensi sikap adaptif tersebut tentu bermuara pada ketercapaian kompetensi yang diinginkan. Ketika instruktur pembelajaran menampilkan konsep ketercapaian kompetensi maka reformasi pembelajaran yang ditawarkan kepadanya menjadi opsi yang mutlak tak terkecuali instruktur pemelajaran bahasa Inggris. Menampilkan kompetensi komunikatif yang proporsional merupakan orientasi dari pembelajaran bahasa Inggris pada era sekarang. Proporsionalitas kompetensi komunikatif dalam suatu tuturan merupakan tuntutan mutlak bagi setiap penutur dalam kegiatan berbahasa dalam pelbagai situasi. Representasi tersebut merupakan citra identitas personal dalam menampilkan satuan lingual secara berterima dalam suatu komunitas bahasa tertentu. Setiap leksikon yang diujarkan dapat menuntun mitra tuturnya memahami pelbagai intensi yang ada dalam benak sang penutur. Namun...

Hepatología, 2022
Los eventos fisiopatológicos de la cirrosis hepática alteran drásticamente los procesos de hemost... more Los eventos fisiopatológicos de la cirrosis hepática alteran drásticamente los procesos de hemostasia primaria, secundaria y fibrinólisis. Antiguamente se conceptuaba que dichas alteraciones predisponían exclusivamente a un estado de hipocoagulabilidad, debido a la baja producción hepática de factores procoagulantes y a la trombocitopenia característica. Actualmente existe evidencia de mecanismos de compensación que llevan a un reequilibrio hemostático, que es inestable y fácilmente desregulado ante comorbilidades, complicaciones y progresión de la enfermedad, conduciendo a fenómenos prohemorrágicos o protrombóticos, como trombosis venosa portal, tromboembolismo venoso, etc. Para determinar eficazmente si un paciente cirrótico tiene riesgo de sangrado, no son de utilidad las pruebas de coagulación convencionales. El tratamiento dependerá del estado hipo o hipercoagulable del paciente. Para ello desarrollamos una revisión de los fenómenos hemostáticos en la cirrosis, con el fin de da...
Papers by sebastianus menggo