Papers by sanjay venugopal
Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology, 2013

Brazilian Dental Journal, 2013
This paper describes the autologous transplantation of a mandibular right third molar to replace ... more This paper describes the autologous transplantation of a mandibular right third molar to replace the residual roots of the second molar in the same quadrant, preserving function and aesthetics. A 5-year clinical and radiographic follow-up was undertaken. After transplantation, the donor tooth received endodontic treatment and placement of calcium hydroxide, which was periodically replaced every 3 months until the filling of the root canals, totalizing a period of 1-year, when apical closure was confirmed. The tooth was in perfect functional and aesthetic conditions 5 years after beginning of treatment. Autotransplantation is a feasible option for replacing missing teeth when a donor tooth is available. The autotransplantation of a right mandibular third molar with compromised function and aesthetics to replace the residual roots resulting from coronal destruction due to extensive carious lesion of the second molar in the same quadrant was a viable treatment alternative.

Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology, 2014
Central odontogenic fibroma (COF), which has been categorized under the subheading of odontogenic... more Central odontogenic fibroma (COF), which has been categorized under the subheading of odontogenic tumors of ectomesenchyme, is such an uncommon neoplasm that much of its nature is left uncharted. COF is a rare tumor that accounts for 0.1% of all odontogenic tumors. Clinically, the lesion grows slowly and leads to cortical expansion. Radiologically, the lesion may be unilocular or multilocular. In some cases, it may be associated with root resorption or displacement. Histopathologically, the lesion is characterized by mature collagen fibers and numerous fibroblasts. A case of COF of the mandible in a male patient aged 49 years is described in this report. The patient showed no symptoms, no history of swelling discomfort or pain, and was unaware of the presence of the lesion. Orthopantomogram (OPG) showed generalized bone loss along with a unilocular radiolucent area, with a clear sclerotic lining and angular bone loss. Surgical enucleation of the lesion along with placement of osseo-graft, which is a bioresorbable demineralized bone matrix (DMBM), and platelet-rich fibrin was carried out in the defect site. Following surgery, patient was recalled for revaluation of the lesion; the surgical site showed good healing and an increase in bone height was seen.

RGUHS Journal of Dental Sciences
Background and aim In patients with periodontitis biomarkers in gingival crevicular fluid saliva ... more Background and aim In patients with periodontitis biomarkers in gingival crevicular fluid saliva and serum plasma have been analyzed. In the assessment of oral diseases particularly periodontal diseases saliva has emerged as a potential diagnostic tool. Salivary leptin concentration has not been analyzed in populations with chronic periodontitis to observe changes regarding the effect of periodontal therapy. Therefore the objective of this in vivo interventional study was to evaluate the effect of non-surgical periodontal therapy NSPT on the levels of leptin in individuals with periodontitis.Methodology Twenty four participants included in the study were divided equally between healthy controls n12 and patients with chronic periodontitis n12. Clinical parameters such as probing depth clinical attachment levels plaque index gingival index and modified sulcular bleeding index were measured. Before and one month after periodontal therapy salivary leptin levels were estimated. Using the...

RGUHS Journal of Dental Sciences
Background: Today several mouthwashes are flooding the market including various herbal products. ... more Background: Today several mouthwashes are flooding the market including various herbal products. It is important to know their antimicrobial efficacy before the clinical use. Hence in the current investigation, we compared the antimicrobial efficacy of three commercially available herbal mouthwashes against four periopathogens. Methodology: In this in vitro study, comparative evaluation of antimicrobial efficacy of three commercially available herbal mouthwashes i.e Oramint herbal mouthwash, Hiora mouthwash and Colgate plax fresh tea mouthwash were tested against four different microbial strains namely Streptococcus mutans, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Candida albicans and Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans. Determination of microbial sensitivity was done using ditch plate diffusion method and the zone of inhibition was measured. Results: The tested herbal mouthwashes demonstrated varying degree of antimicrobial activity against the selected pathogens. The zone of inhibition was con...

Journal of Advanced Clinical & Research Insights, 2015
Background: Evaluation of existing oral health services showed that it is predominantly urban ori... more Background: Evaluation of existing oral health services showed that it is predominantly urban oriented, mostly curative in nature and accessible mainly to small a part of population, i.e., privileged few. Periodontal diseases are more prevalent in a rural population than the urban population. The socio demographic profile is highly contrasting between the urban and rural population. It is essential to know whether these sociodemographic factors influence periodontal disease by comparing periodontal status of urban and rural population. Objective: The objective of the study is to assess and compare the periodontal status and treatment needs of rural and urban population in Tumkur district. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study based on the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines. The sample consisted of 1500 subjects among which 750 subjects were selected from the rural population and 750 from urban population of Tumkur district. The data was collected by modified WHO oral health assessment form and clinical examination was conducted by using CPITN C probe. Results: It was found that the urban population had better periodontal health than rural population and this relationship was statistically significant (P < 0.05). Conclusion: India is a country with a population having diverse culture, life style and religious beliefs which might influence the health status of the individuals significantly. Hence, it is necessary to conduct such surveys in different parts of the country and develop a strategy to improve the periodontal status of the population as a whole.
Background and Objectives: The purpose of the present study was to determine the microbial atmosp... more Background and Objectives: The purpose of the present study was to determine the microbial atmospheric contamination during initial periodontal treatment using a modern piezoelectric scaler and to evaluate the efficacy of two commercially available mouth rinses (0.2% Chlorhexidine mouth rinse and Listerine) in reducing bacterial contamination when used as a pre-procedural rinse, with and without high volume evacuation (Aerosol reduction device).
Revista Pan-Amazônica de Saúde, 2010
Doença periodontal materna e parto pré-termo: um estudo de caso-controle Enfermedad periodontal m... more Doença periodontal materna e parto pré-termo: um estudo de caso-controle Enfermedad periodontal materna y parto pretérmino: un estudio de caso-control
Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association, 1973
Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology, 2013
Concrescence is a developmental anomaly of dental hard tissues. It is a condition showing union o... more Concrescence is a developmental anomaly of dental hard tissues. It is a condition showing union of adjacent teeth by cementum. The concrescence leads to a loss of gingival architecture leading to the development of funnels, which may cause plaque accumulation thus, resulting in periodontal tissue destruction. There is a slight predilection for the mandible especially in the premolar area followed by the molar and anterior regions. Awareness of these developmental disturbances with proper diagnosis and treatment is very essential because it can compromise the periodontal attachment and can lead to the tooth loss. This article highlights the presence of a concrescence between mandibular second molar and the supernumerary fused teeth with their clinical and radiographic findings, along with its management.

Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology, 2014
Central odontogenic fibroma (COF), which has been categorized under the subheading of odontogenic... more Central odontogenic fibroma (COF), which has been categorized under the subheading of odontogenic tumors of ectomesenchyme, is such an uncommon neoplasm that much of its nature is left uncharted. COF is a rare tumor that accounts for 0.1% of all odontogenic tumors. Clinically, the lesion grows slowly and leads to cortical expansion. Radiologically, the lesion may be unilocular or multilocular. In some cases, it may be associated with root resorption or displacement. Histopathologically, the lesion is characterized by mature collagen fibers and numerous fibroblasts. A case of COF of the mandible in a male patient aged 49 years is described in this report. The patient showed no symptoms, no history of swelling discomfort or pain, and was unaware of the presence of the lesion. Orthopantomogram (OPG) showed generalized bone loss along with a unilocular radiolucent area, with a clear sclerotic lining and angular bone loss. Surgical enucleation of the lesion along with placement of osseo-graft, which is a bioresorbable demineralized bone matrix (DMBM), and platelet-rich fibrin was carried out in the defect site. Following surgery, patient was recalled for revaluation of the lesion; the surgical site showed good healing and an increase in bone height was seen.

Journal of Young Pharmacists, Jun 1, 2016
Background: A recent innovation in dentistry is the use of second generation platelet concentrate... more Background: A recent innovation in dentistry is the use of second generation platelet concentrate which is an autologous platelet rich fibrin gel (PRF) with growth factors and cicatricial properties for root coverage procedures. The aim of this study was to determine the addition of an autologous plateletrich fibrin membrane (PRF) to coronally advanced flap (CAF) (site A) would improve the clinical outcome compared to an CAF alone (Site B) for the treatment of isolated Miller's Class I or II gingival recessions. Materials and Methods: Ten subjects, presenting isolated bilateral Miller Class I or II gingival recessions of similar extent were enrolled in the study. The mean recession depth value at baseline was 3.30 ± 0.95 mm for test sites and 3.30 ± 0.95 mm for control sites. Each patient was treated on both sides by CAF technique; the combination treatment (with PRF membrane) was applied on the test side. Probing depth (PD), recession width, clinical attachment level (CAL), keratinized gingival width, and gingival/mucosal thickness (GTH) were measured at baseline, 1 month, 3 months and at 6 months post-surgery. Results: At 6 months, complete root coverage was obtained at 73.86% of the sites treated with the test (site A) procedure but 67.52% of root coverage at the site B. A statistically significant difference between the two sites (A & B) in relation to gingival thickness was observed at 3 and 6 months. At 6 months, the increase in GTH was statistically significant when comparing the test sites (from 1.13 ± 0.08 mm at baseline to 1.58 ± 0.12 mm at 6 months) to the control sites (from 1.13 ± 0.08 mm at baseline to 1.31 ± 0.07 mm at 6 months). In the case of Recession width, PD, CAL and Width of keratinized gingiva (WKG) there was no significant difference. Conclusion: The addition of PRF membrane with CAF provides superior root coverage with additional benefits of gain in CAL and WKG at 6 months postoperatively.
World Journal of Dentistry, 2015
Ankyloglossia (AG) commonly known as tongue-tie. This congenital anomaly characterized by an abno... more Ankyloglossia (AG) commonly known as tongue-tie. This congenital anomaly characterized by an abnormal short lingual frenulum attached to floor of mouth. Though the ankyloglossia is not a serious issue, but it may cause problems, like feeding diffi culties, speech disorders, and hamper quality of life through affecting their social life and confidence. Hence, management of ankyloglossia should be considered at age, which should include surgical management as well as efforts should be made to improve the quality of life of the patient. The purposes of this report to describe about ankyloglossia, its management for the better clinical approach and improve the quality of life of the patient.

Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology, 2015
Preterm birth (PTB) is an important issue in public health and is a major cause for infant mortal... more Preterm birth (PTB) is an important issue in public health and is a major cause for infant mortality and morbidity. There is a growing consensus that systemic diseases elsewhere in the body may influence PTB. Recent studies have hypothesized that maternal periodontitis could be a high-risk factor for PTB. The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between maternal periodontitis on PTB. Forty systemically healthy primiparous mothers aged 18-35 years were recruited for the study. Based on inclusion and exclusion criteria, they were categorized into PTB group as cases and full term birth group (FTB) as controls. PTB cases (n = 20) defined as spontaneous delivery before/&lt;37 completed weeks of gestation. Controls (FTB) were normal births at or after 37 weeks of gestation. Data on periodontal status, pregnancy outcome variables, and information on other factors that may influence adverse pregnancy outcomes were collected within 2 days of labor. Data were subjected to Student&#39;s t-test and Pearson&#39;s correlation coefficient statistical analysis. Statistically significant difference with respect to the gestational period at the time of delivery and birth weight of the infants in (PTB) group (&lt;0.001) compared to (FTB) group was observed. Overall, there was statistically significant poor periodontal status in the (PTB) group compared to (FTB) group. The statistical results also showed a positive correlation between gestational age and clinical parameters. An observable relationship was noticed between periodontitis and gestational age, and a positive correlation was found with respect to PTB and periodontitis. Further studies should be designed to establish periodontal disease as an independent risk factor for PTB/preterm low birth weight.
Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry

RGUHS Journal of Dental Sciences, 2021
Background: Our study aimed to assess the efficacy of 0.1% Octenidine mouthwash as an anti-plaque... more Background: Our study aimed to assess the efficacy of 0.1% Octenidine mouthwash as an anti-plaque agent and to assess its effect on gingival inflammation and staining of teeth when compared to 0.2% chlorhexidine gluconate by evaluating the impact on plaque and gingival inflammation as well as on microbial load. Materials and Methods: A three week double blind study was conducted on 69 subjects, aged 20-50 years, with moderate to severe gingivitis. The study population was divided into three groups with 23 subjects in each group: Group A - control subjects received only scaling, Group B received 0.2% chlorhexidine gluconate in addition to scaling and Group C received 0.1% Octenidine mouthwash along with scaling. Clinical and microbiological parameters were recorded at baseline, on 14th day and on 21st day. Subjective and objective criteria were assessed on the 14th day and 21st day. Results: There was a statistically significant reduction in all the tested parameters within all the t...

Journal of Young Pharmacists, 2016
Background: A recent innovation in dentistry is the use of second generation platelet concentrate... more Background: A recent innovation in dentistry is the use of second generation platelet concentrate which is an autologous platelet rich fibrin gel (PRF) with growth factors and cicatricial properties for root coverage procedures. The aim of this study was to determine the addition of an autologous plateletrich fibrin membrane (PRF) to coronally advanced flap (CAF) (site A) would improve the clinical outcome compared to an CAF alone (Site B) for the treatment of isolated Miller's Class I or II gingival recessions. Materials and Methods: Ten subjects, presenting isolated bilateral Miller Class I or II gingival recessions of similar extent were enrolled in the study. The mean recession depth value at baseline was 3.30 ± 0.95 mm for test sites and 3.30 ± 0.95 mm for control sites. Each patient was treated on both sides by CAF technique; the combination treatment (with PRF membrane) was applied on the test side. Probing depth (PD), recession width, clinical attachment level (CAL), keratinized gingival width, and gingival/mucosal thickness (GTH) were measured at baseline, 1 month, 3 months and at 6 months post-surgery. Results: At 6 months, complete root coverage was obtained at 73.86% of the sites treated with the test (site A) procedure but 67.52% of root coverage at the site B. A statistically significant difference between the two sites (A & B) in relation to gingival thickness was observed at 3 and 6 months. At 6 months, the increase in GTH was statistically significant when comparing the test sites (from 1.13 ± 0.08 mm at baseline to 1.58 ± 0.12 mm at 6 months) to the control sites (from 1.13 ± 0.08 mm at baseline to 1.31 ± 0.07 mm at 6 months). In the case of Recession width, PD, CAL and Width of keratinized gingiva (WKG) there was no significant difference. Conclusion: The addition of PRF membrane with CAF provides superior root coverage with additional benefits of gain in CAL and WKG at 6 months postoperatively.

Journal of Young Pharmacists, 2015
Objective: Dental diseases are a result of two main factors, the microbial colonization in the or... more Objective: Dental diseases are a result of two main factors, the microbial colonization in the oral cavity and the overactive orofacial musculature. The hyperactive orofacial musculature exerts excessive biting forces and dental trauma which results in various forms of damage to the teeth and periodontium such as bruxism, TMJ disorders asymmetrical smiles, oromandibular disorders and excessive gingival display and many others.These muscle generated damages can be managed both by non surgical and surgical methods, but are invasive, irreversible and expensive for most of the patients. Hence, there is clearly a pronounced need to improve the options available for preventive treatment of muscle generated dental diseases which requires effective and safe agents that have minimal side effects which are well tolerated for long term use and will eliminate or reduce the need to use other irreversible treatment modalities. Recently, injections of Botulinum toxin or botox have shown promising results in managing the hyperactive orofacial musculature. Thus the purpose of this article is to review the nature, mechanism of action and applications of botulinum toxin in dentistry.

World Journal of Dentistry, 2015
Ankyloglossia (AG) commonly known as tongue-tie. This congenital anomaly characterized by an abno... more Ankyloglossia (AG) commonly known as tongue-tie. This congenital anomaly characterized by an abnormal short lingual frenulum attached to floor of mouth. Though the ankyloglossia is not a serious issue, but it may cause problems, like feeding difficulties, speech disorders, and hamper quality of life through affecting their social life and confidence. Hence, management of ankyloglossia should be considered at age, which should include surgical management as well as efforts should be made to improve the quality of life of the patient. The purposes of this report to describe about ankyloglossia, its management for the better clinical approach and improve the quality of life of the patient. How to cite this article Roopavathi KM, VenuGopal S, Pushpalatha G, Bennadi D, Santosh R, Madhura AS. Ankyloglossia and Quality of Life. World J Dent 2015;6(2):112-115.

Journal of Young Pharmacists, 2015
Background: The use of antimicrobial chemotherapeutic agent has been proposed as a means of reduc... more Background: The use of antimicrobial chemotherapeutic agent has been proposed as a means of reducing the levels of oral bacteria. Many chemotherapeutic agents claim to have antimicrobial properties. Hence this in vitro study had been undertaken. Methods: This in vitro study comprised of seven toothpastes which have been tested for their antimicrobial activity against three oral pathogens namely, Streptococcus mutans, Escherichia coli and Candida albicans by well agar diffusion assay at the dilution of 1:1, 1:2, 1:4, 1:8 and 1:16. Results: Study results showed that toothpaste 'five' with sodium fluoride and sylodent as main ingredients showed maximum zone of inhibition against Streptococcus mutans where as against Candida albicans, toothpaste 'six' with xylitol and sodium fluoride as main ingredients showed maximum zone of inhibition. And against E. coli, toothpaste 'one' with Triclosan and Zinc sulphate as main ingredients showed maximum zone of inhibition among all toothpastes. It was observed that tooth paste 'six' with sodium fluoride and Neem, Meswak as main ingredient showed minimum zone of inhibition against Streptococcus mutans at 1:1 dilution among seven toothpastes used in the present study. Conclusion: In the present study, it has been demonstrated that triclosan containing toothpastes formulations are more effective in control of oral micro flora.
Papers by sanjay venugopal