salem alsalafy
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Papers by salem alsalafy
(A study in light of communication theory for Roman Jakobson)
Salem Abdulrab Alsalafi
Aden University - Yemen
This study aims at approaching classical Arabic poetic text from a modern criticism perspective. It also attempts to benefit from Roman Jakobson's communication theory to detect the dominant functios in structure of parenthesis and in classical Arabic poetry.
This study divided into two parts. The first is a brief theoretical background on the concept of parenthesis and the communication theory. The latter is a detailed practical part involving the six communication functions of language as per Jakobson's theory on the structure of parenthesis, and manifestation of each function in linguistic forms in the structure of parenthesis.
The methodlogy of the study is the structuralism which states that any successful communication should include six elements (sender, message, receiver, context, channel, code). Each element performs one of the six functions (emotive, poetic, conative, refrential, phatic, and metalinguistic) respectively.
(A study in light of communication theory for Roman Jakobson)
Salem Abdulrab Alsalafi
Aden University - Yemen
This study aims at approaching classical Arabic poetic text from a modern criticism perspective. It also attempts to benefit from Roman Jakobson's communication theory to detect the dominant functios in structure of parenthesis and in classical Arabic poetry.
This study divided into two parts. The first is a brief theoretical background on the concept of parenthesis and the communication theory. The latter is a detailed practical part involving the six communication functions of language as per Jakobson's theory on the structure of parenthesis, and manifestation of each function in linguistic forms in the structure of parenthesis.
The methodlogy of the study is the structuralism which states that any successful communication should include six elements (sender, message, receiver, context, channel, code). Each element performs one of the six functions (emotive, poetic, conative, refrential, phatic, and metalinguistic) respectively.