An innovative flood-prediction framework is developed using Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission p... more An innovative flood-prediction framework is developed using Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission precipitation forcing and a proxy for river discharge from the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for Earth Observing System (AMSR-E) onboard the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Aqua satellite. The AMSR-E-detected water surface signal was correlated with in situ measurements of streamflow in the Okavango Basin in Southern Africa as indicated by a Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.90. A distributed hydrologic model, with structural data sets derived from remote-sensing data, was calibrated to yield simulations matching the flood frequencies from the AMSR-E-detected water surface signal. Model performance during a validation period yielded a Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency of 0.84. We concluded that remote-sensing data from microwave sensors could be used to supplement stream gauges in large sparsely gauged or ungauged basins to calibrate hydrologic models. Given the global availability of all required data sets, this approach can be potentially expanded to improve flood monitoring and prediction in sparsely gauged basins throughout the world.
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2011
The rapid increase of information technology usage demands the high level of security in order to... more The rapid increase of information technology usage demands the high level of security in order to keep the data resources and equipments of the user secure. In this current era of networks, there is an eventual stipulate for development of consistent, extensible, easily manageable and have low maintenance cost solutions for Intrusion Detection. Network Intrusion Detection based on rules formulation is an efficient approach to classify various type of attack. DoS or Probing attack are relatively more common and can be detected more accurately if contributing parameters are formulated in terms of rules. Genetic Algorithm is used to devise such rule. It is found that accuracy of rule based learning increases with the number of iteration.
Study of hydro-climatology at a range of temporal scales is important in understanding and ultima... more Study of hydro-climatology at a range of temporal scales is important in understanding and ultimately mitigating the potential severe impacts of hydrological extreme events such as floods and droughts. Using daily in-situ data over the last two decades combined with the recently available multiple-years satellite remote sensing data, we analyzed and simulated, with a distributed hydrologic model, the hydro-climatology in Nzoia, one of the major contributing sub-basins of Lake Victoria in the East African highlands. The basin, with a semi arid climate, has no sustained base flow contribution to Lake Victoria. The short spell of high discharge showed that rain is the prime cause of floods in the basin. There is only a marginal increase in annual mean discharge over the last 21 years. The 2-, 5-and 10-year peak discharges, for the entire study period showed that more years since the mid 1990's have had high peak discharges despite having relatively less annual rain. The study also presents the hydrologic model calibration and validation results over the Nzoia basin. The spatiotemporal variability of the water cycle components were quantified using a hydrologic model, with in-situ and multi-satellite remote sensing datasets. The model is calibrated using daily observed discharge data for the period between 1985 and 1999, for which model performance is estimated with a Nash Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSCE) of 0.87 and 0.23% bias. The model validation showed an error metrics with NSCE of 0.65 and 1.04% bias. Moreover, the hydrologic capability of satellite precipitation (TRMM-3B42 V6) is evaluated. In terms of reconstruction of the water cycle components the spatial distribution and time series of modeling results for precipitation and runoff showed considerable agreement with the monthly
Flood monitoring was conducted using multi-sensor data from space-borne optical, and microwave se... more Flood monitoring was conducted using multi-sensor data from space-borne optical, and microwave sensors; with cross-validation by ground-based rain gauges and streamflow stations along the Indus River; Pakistan. First; the optical imagery from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) was processed to delineate the extent of the 2010 flood along Indus River; Pakistan. Moreover; the all-weather all-time capability of higher resolution imagery from the Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar (ASAR) is used to monitor flooding in the lower Indus river basin. Then a proxy for river discharge from the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR-E) aboard NASA's Aqua satellite and rainfall estimates from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) are used to study streamflow time series and precipitation patterns. The AMSR-E detected water surface signal was cross-validated with ground-based river
Flood disasters have significant impacts on the development of communities globally. This study d... more Flood disasters have significant impacts on the development of communities globally. This study describes a public cloud-based flood cyber-infrastructure (CyberFlood) that collects, organizes, visualizes, and manages several global flood databases for authorities and the public in real-time, providing location-based eventful visualization as well as statistical analysis and graphing capabilities. In order to expand and update the existing flood inventory, a crowdsourcing data collection methodology is employed for the public with smartphones or Internet to report new flood events, which is also intended to engage citizen-scientists so that they may become motivated and educated about the latest developments in satellite remote sensing and hydrologic modeling technologies. Our shared vision is to better serve the global water community with comprehensive flood information, aided by the state-ofthe-art cloud computing and crowd-sourcing technology. The CyberFlood presents an opportunity to eventually modernize the existing paradigm used to collect, manage, analyze, and visualize water-related disasters.
The objective of this study is to evaluate the potential utility of the USGS Global Data Assimila... more The objective of this study is to evaluate the potential utility of the USGS Global Data Assimilation System (GDAS) 1-degree, daily reference Evapotranspiration (ET 0) products by comparing them with observed Oklahoma mesonet daily ET 0 over a 2 year period (2005-2006). The comparison showed a close match between the two independent ET 0 products, with bias within a range of 10% for most of the sites and the overall bias of −2.80%. The temporal patterns are strongly correlated, with a correlation coefficient above 0.9 for all groups. In summary, we conclude that (1) the consistent low bias shows the original GDAS ET 0 products have high potentials to be used in land surface modeling; (2) the high temporal correlations demonstrate the capability of GDAS ET 0 to represent the major atmospheric processes that control the daily variation of surface hydrology; (3) The temporal
Actual evapotranspiration (AET) estimation using satellite sensors can improve water resources pl... more Actual evapotranspiration (AET) estimation using satellite sensors can improve water resources planning and water regulation in irrigated areas. This paper evaluates an AET estimation algorithm developed by integrating satellite remote sensing and an environmental monitoring network in Oklahoma, USA for operational daily water management purpose. First, a surface energy balance evapotranspiration (ET) algorithm is implemented to estimate actual ET by integrating the twice-daily overpass of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensor data and Oklahoma's world-class environmental monitoring network-Mesonet-with 5minute data acquisition in real time. Second, accuracy of the estimated ET is evaluated at the site scale using Ameriflux tower latent heat flux and Mesonet site crop ET on daily, 8-day and seasonal basis. The results showed that MODIS/ Mesonet-AET (MM-AET) estimation showed agreement with ground observations, with daily ET bias less than 15% and seasonal bias less than 8%. Additionally, actual ET modelled from a water balance budget analysis in a heavily instrumented basin compares favourably (bias , 3%) with the MM-AET at catchment scales with an order of several hundreds square kilometres. This study demonstrates that (1) the MM-AET estimation is acceptable for daily actual ET estimation and (2) it is feasible to implement the proposed MM-AET algorithm in real time for irrigational water resources management at the scale of irrigation projects in Oklahoma.
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2011
Floods are among the most catastrophic natural disasters around the globe impacting human lives a... more Floods are among the most catastrophic natural disasters around the globe impacting human lives and infrastructure. Implementation of a flood prediction system can potentially help mitigate flood-induced hazards. Such a system typically requires implementation and calibration of a hydrologic model using in situ observations (i.e., rain and stream gauges). Recently, satellite remote sensing data have emerged as a viable alternative or supplement to in situ observations due to their availability over vast ungauged regions. The focus of this study is to integrate the best available satellite products within a distributed hydrologic model to characterize the spatial extent of flooding and associated hazards over sparsely gauged or ungauged basins. We present a methodology based entirely on satellite remote sensing data to set up and calibrate a hydrologic model, simulate the spatial extent of flooding, and evaluate the probability of detecting inundated areas. A raster-based distributed hydrologic model, Coupled Routing and Excess STorage (CREST), was implemented for the Nzoia basin, a subbasin of Lake Victoria in Africa. Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Terra-based and Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer-based flood inundation maps were produced over the region and used to benchmark the distributed hydrologic model simulations of inundation areas. The analysis showed the value of integrating satellite data such as precipitation, land cover type, topography, and other products along with space-based flood inundation extents as inputs to the distributed hydrologic model. We conclude that the quantification of flooding spatial extent through optical sensors can help to calibrate and evaluate hydrologic models and, hence, potentially improve hydrologic prediction and flood management strategies in ungauged catchments.
Full terms and conditions of use: ... more Full terms and conditions of use: This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution , reselling , loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae and drug doses should be independently verified with primary sources. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of this material.
An innovative flood-prediction framework is developed using Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission p... more An innovative flood-prediction framework is developed using Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission precipitation forcing and a proxy for river discharge from the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for Earth Observing System (AMSR-E) onboard the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Aqua satellite. The AMSR-E-detected water surface signal was correlated with in situ measurements of streamflow in the Okavango Basin in Southern Africa as indicated by a Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.90. A distributed hydrologic model, with structural data sets derived from remote-sensing data, was calibrated to yield simulations matching the flood frequencies from the AMSR-E-detected water surface signal. Model performance during a validation period yielded a Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency of 0.84. We concluded that remote-sensing data from microwave sensors could be used to supplement stream gauges in large sparsely gauged or ungauged basins to calibrate hydrologic models. Given the global availability of all required data sets, this approach can be potentially expanded to improve flood monitoring and prediction in sparsely gauged basins throughout the world.
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2011
The rapid increase of information technology usage demands the high level of security in order to... more The rapid increase of information technology usage demands the high level of security in order to keep the data resources and equipments of the user secure. In this current era of networks, there is an eventual stipulate for development of consistent, extensible, easily manageable and have low maintenance cost solutions for Intrusion Detection. Network Intrusion Detection based on rules formulation is an efficient approach to classify various type of attack. DoS or Probing attack are relatively more common and can be detected more accurately if contributing parameters are formulated in terms of rules. Genetic Algorithm is used to devise such rule. It is found that accuracy of rule based learning increases with the number of iteration.
Study of hydro-climatology at a range of temporal scales is important in understanding and ultima... more Study of hydro-climatology at a range of temporal scales is important in understanding and ultimately mitigating the potential severe impacts of hydrological extreme events such as floods and droughts. Using daily in-situ data over the last two decades combined with the recently available multiple-years satellite remote sensing data, we analyzed and simulated, with a distributed hydrologic model, the hydro-climatology in Nzoia, one of the major contributing sub-basins of Lake Victoria in the East African highlands. The basin, with a semi arid climate, has no sustained base flow contribution to Lake Victoria. The short spell of high discharge showed that rain is the prime cause of floods in the basin. There is only a marginal increase in annual mean discharge over the last 21 years. The 2-, 5-and 10-year peak discharges, for the entire study period showed that more years since the mid 1990's have had high peak discharges despite having relatively less annual rain. The study also presents the hydrologic model calibration and validation results over the Nzoia basin. The spatiotemporal variability of the water cycle components were quantified using a hydrologic model, with in-situ and multi-satellite remote sensing datasets. The model is calibrated using daily observed discharge data for the period between 1985 and 1999, for which model performance is estimated with a Nash Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSCE) of 0.87 and 0.23% bias. The model validation showed an error metrics with NSCE of 0.65 and 1.04% bias. Moreover, the hydrologic capability of satellite precipitation (TRMM-3B42 V6) is evaluated. In terms of reconstruction of the water cycle components the spatial distribution and time series of modeling results for precipitation and runoff showed considerable agreement with the monthly
Flood monitoring was conducted using multi-sensor data from space-borne optical, and microwave se... more Flood monitoring was conducted using multi-sensor data from space-borne optical, and microwave sensors; with cross-validation by ground-based rain gauges and streamflow stations along the Indus River; Pakistan. First; the optical imagery from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) was processed to delineate the extent of the 2010 flood along Indus River; Pakistan. Moreover; the all-weather all-time capability of higher resolution imagery from the Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar (ASAR) is used to monitor flooding in the lower Indus river basin. Then a proxy for river discharge from the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR-E) aboard NASA's Aqua satellite and rainfall estimates from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) are used to study streamflow time series and precipitation patterns. The AMSR-E detected water surface signal was cross-validated with ground-based river
Flood disasters have significant impacts on the development of communities globally. This study d... more Flood disasters have significant impacts on the development of communities globally. This study describes a public cloud-based flood cyber-infrastructure (CyberFlood) that collects, organizes, visualizes, and manages several global flood databases for authorities and the public in real-time, providing location-based eventful visualization as well as statistical analysis and graphing capabilities. In order to expand and update the existing flood inventory, a crowdsourcing data collection methodology is employed for the public with smartphones or Internet to report new flood events, which is also intended to engage citizen-scientists so that they may become motivated and educated about the latest developments in satellite remote sensing and hydrologic modeling technologies. Our shared vision is to better serve the global water community with comprehensive flood information, aided by the state-ofthe-art cloud computing and crowd-sourcing technology. The CyberFlood presents an opportunity to eventually modernize the existing paradigm used to collect, manage, analyze, and visualize water-related disasters.
The objective of this study is to evaluate the potential utility of the USGS Global Data Assimila... more The objective of this study is to evaluate the potential utility of the USGS Global Data Assimilation System (GDAS) 1-degree, daily reference Evapotranspiration (ET 0) products by comparing them with observed Oklahoma mesonet daily ET 0 over a 2 year period (2005-2006). The comparison showed a close match between the two independent ET 0 products, with bias within a range of 10% for most of the sites and the overall bias of −2.80%. The temporal patterns are strongly correlated, with a correlation coefficient above 0.9 for all groups. In summary, we conclude that (1) the consistent low bias shows the original GDAS ET 0 products have high potentials to be used in land surface modeling; (2) the high temporal correlations demonstrate the capability of GDAS ET 0 to represent the major atmospheric processes that control the daily variation of surface hydrology; (3) The temporal
Actual evapotranspiration (AET) estimation using satellite sensors can improve water resources pl... more Actual evapotranspiration (AET) estimation using satellite sensors can improve water resources planning and water regulation in irrigated areas. This paper evaluates an AET estimation algorithm developed by integrating satellite remote sensing and an environmental monitoring network in Oklahoma, USA for operational daily water management purpose. First, a surface energy balance evapotranspiration (ET) algorithm is implemented to estimate actual ET by integrating the twice-daily overpass of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensor data and Oklahoma's world-class environmental monitoring network-Mesonet-with 5minute data acquisition in real time. Second, accuracy of the estimated ET is evaluated at the site scale using Ameriflux tower latent heat flux and Mesonet site crop ET on daily, 8-day and seasonal basis. The results showed that MODIS/ Mesonet-AET (MM-AET) estimation showed agreement with ground observations, with daily ET bias less than 15% and seasonal bias less than 8%. Additionally, actual ET modelled from a water balance budget analysis in a heavily instrumented basin compares favourably (bias , 3%) with the MM-AET at catchment scales with an order of several hundreds square kilometres. This study demonstrates that (1) the MM-AET estimation is acceptable for daily actual ET estimation and (2) it is feasible to implement the proposed MM-AET algorithm in real time for irrigational water resources management at the scale of irrigation projects in Oklahoma.
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2011
Floods are among the most catastrophic natural disasters around the globe impacting human lives a... more Floods are among the most catastrophic natural disasters around the globe impacting human lives and infrastructure. Implementation of a flood prediction system can potentially help mitigate flood-induced hazards. Such a system typically requires implementation and calibration of a hydrologic model using in situ observations (i.e., rain and stream gauges). Recently, satellite remote sensing data have emerged as a viable alternative or supplement to in situ observations due to their availability over vast ungauged regions. The focus of this study is to integrate the best available satellite products within a distributed hydrologic model to characterize the spatial extent of flooding and associated hazards over sparsely gauged or ungauged basins. We present a methodology based entirely on satellite remote sensing data to set up and calibrate a hydrologic model, simulate the spatial extent of flooding, and evaluate the probability of detecting inundated areas. A raster-based distributed hydrologic model, Coupled Routing and Excess STorage (CREST), was implemented for the Nzoia basin, a subbasin of Lake Victoria in Africa. Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Terra-based and Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer-based flood inundation maps were produced over the region and used to benchmark the distributed hydrologic model simulations of inundation areas. The analysis showed the value of integrating satellite data such as precipitation, land cover type, topography, and other products along with space-based flood inundation extents as inputs to the distributed hydrologic model. We conclude that the quantification of flooding spatial extent through optical sensors can help to calibrate and evaluate hydrologic models and, hence, potentially improve hydrologic prediction and flood management strategies in ungauged catchments.
Full terms and conditions of use: ... more Full terms and conditions of use: This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution , reselling , loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae and drug doses should be independently verified with primary sources. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of this material.
Papers by sadiq khan