This publication is a Technical report by the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European Commissio... more This publication is a Technical report by the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European Commission's science and knowledge service. It aims to provide evidence-based scientific support to the European policymaking process. The scientific output expressed does not imply a policy position of the European Commission. Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is responsible for the use that might be made of this publication.
Starting from the conceptualization of ‘Cluster Index’ (CI), Villani et al. [16, 17] implemented ... more Starting from the conceptualization of ‘Cluster Index’ (CI), Villani et al. [16, 17] implemented the ‘Dynamic Cluster Index’ (DCI), an algorithm to perform the detection of subsets of agents characterized by patterns of activity that can be considered as integrated over time. DCI methodology makes possible to shift the attention into a new dimension of groups of agents (i.e. communities of agents): the presence of a common function characterizing their actions. In this paper we discuss the implications of the use in the domain of social sciences of this methodology, up to now mainly applied in natural sciences. Developing our considerations thanks to an empirical analysis, we discuss the theoretical implications of its application in such a different field.
In the three years after the 2012 earthquake in Emilia-Romagna, through the enactment of more tha... more In the three years after the 2012 earthquake in Emilia-Romagna, through the enactment of more than 350 ordinances, the Commissioner has structured interventions to cope with emergency and reconstruction. The intense law-making, essential to fill a legal vacuum, has enabled to overcome the uncertainties of the difficult phase of recovery. There is agreement among experts and policy makers that a large number of those ordinances was due to the absence of national rules governing the urgent intervention in case of natural disasters. On the push of actions taken in Emilia-Romagna, the Italian Parliament has reopened the debate on a national law on emergency after natural disasters. Through a systematic content analysis of the corpus of ordinances issued in Emilia-Romagna, in this paper we propose a contribution in drafting the decrees related to the law on emergency. Two main strands of analysis have been developed. In the first one, an automatic text analysis, supported by Taltac2, has...
This publication is a Technical report by the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European C ommissi... more This publication is a Technical report by the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European C ommission's science and k nowle dge service. It aims to provide e vidence-based scientific support to the European policymaking proce ss. The scientific output e xpressed does not imply a policy position of the European C ommission. Ne ither the European C ommission nor any person acting on behalf of the C ommission is re sponsible for the use that m ight be made of this publication. Contact information Addre ss: Edificio EXPO,
The 2018 PREDICT Key Facts Report provides a detailed analysis of the state of ICT RD the ICT man... more The 2018 PREDICT Key Facts Report provides a detailed analysis of the state of ICT RD the ICT manufacturing sector with the ICT services sector; each of the four ICT manufacturing, two ICT services, MC and RS sectors’ behaviour; the pace followed by each EU country; and the pattern of the EU in an international context, including the most relevant countries from the perspective of the role they play in the world economy today, especially from the ICT R&D perspective.
After the series of earthquakes that occurred in Emilia-Romagna (Italy) in May 2012, the research... more After the series of earthquakes that occurred in Emilia-Romagna (Italy) in May 2012, the research team based in the Department of Economics of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia started research activities to investigate the socio-economic impact due to the shock. When analysing the effects of the earthquake on the living and working conditions of the population, a critical issue is the availability of relevant data. Thus, within the applied research ‘Energie Sisma Emilia’, in 2015 the research team realized a survey on a sample of 400 families living in the area affected by the earthquake. The survey was based on the same questionnaire adopted in the previous research ICESmo3 (carried on in Summer 2012) investigating the socio-economic conditions of families living in the same area. The 2015 questionnaire includes additional sections on the effects of the earthquake on social capital and consumption behaviour. Data are under analysis and will be presented in public events a...
The detection of communities of agents that interacted over time through regional innovation poli... more The detection of communities of agents that interacted over time through regional innovation policies is analyzed through the application of three methodologies: Clique Percolation Method (CPM) by Palla et al. (2005), Infomap by Rosvall and Bergstrom (2008), and Dynamic Cluster Index analysis (DCI) by Villani et al. (2013). In a economic context of analysis centered on such a complex object as innovation, the three methodologies are applied to investigate different specific aspects of community organizations aimed at developing innovative activities. The investigation of relational structures (through CPM), of shared processes (through Infomap) and of integrated behaviors (through DCI analysis) allowed the identification of communities that reveal, respectively, meaningful characterizations in terms of agents' participations in specific waves of the policy, of agents' participations in projects operating in particular technological domains, and in terms of agents' institutional typologies. The case study regards the policy interventions implemented by region Tuscany (Italy) in 2000-2006 with the aim of supporting innovative network projects among local actors.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is spreading throughout our economies and societies in multiple ways... more Artificial Intelligence (AI) is spreading throughout our economies and societies in multiple ways, but the absence of standardized classifications prevents us from obtaining a measure of its pervasiveness. AI is not a part of a specific sector, but r a t h er a transversal technology because the fields in which it is applied do not have precise boundaries. In this work, we address the need for a deeper understanding of this complex phenomenon by investigating economic players’ involvement in industrial activities aimed to supply AI-related goods and services, and AI-related R&D processes in the form of patents and publications. In order t o conduct this extensive analysis, we use a complex systems approach, which identifies the core dimensions that should be considered. Therefore, by considering the geographic location of the involved players and their organisation types (i.e., firms, governmental institutions, and research institutes), we (i) provide an overview of the worldwide pr...
The detection of communities of agents that interacted over time through regional innovation poli... more The detection of communities of agents that interacted over time through regional innovation policies is analyzed through the application of three methodologies: Clique Percolation Method (CPM) by Palla et al. (2005), Infomap by , and Dynamic Cluster Index analysis (DCI) by Villani et al. (2013). The case study regards the policy interventions implemented by region Tuscany (Italy) in 2000-2006 with the aim of supporting innovative network projects among local actors. In a context of analysis centered on such a complex object as innovation, and affected by discontinuous temporal dynamics and changing configurations of partnerships of agents, the three methodologies are applied to investigate different specific aspects of community organizations aimed at developing innovative activities. For every methodology three models are developed. In CPM, the elaboration of three models following the observation of the features of all possible partitions makes it possible to overcome the problematic definition of the value of k. In Infomap, the observation of the chronological order in which funded projects were carried out is used to impose different restrictions on the circulation of simulated flows. Finally, the application of DCI analysis to a socio-economic context is developed through the elaboration of different variables describing agents' behavioral profiles, and through an original contribution in using a cluster analysis aimed at coping with the large quantity of results that the algorithm produces. The investigation of relational structures (through CPM), of shared processes (through Infomap) and of integrated behaviors (through DCI analysis) allowed the identification of communities that reveal, respectively, meaningful characterizations in terms of agents' participations in specific waves of the policy, of agents' participations in projects operating in particular technological domains, and in terms of agents' institutional typologies.
The detection of communities of agents that interacted over time through regional innovation poli... more The detection of communities of agents that interacted over time through regional innovation policies is analyzed through the application of three methodologies: Clique Percolation Method (CPM) by Palla et al. (2005), Infomap by Rosvall and Bergstrom (2008), and Dynamic Cluster Index analysis (DCI) by Villani et al. (2013). In a economic context of analysis centered on such a complex object as innovation, the three methodologies are applied to investigate different specific aspects of community organizations aimed at developing innovative activities. The investigation of relational structures (through CPM), of shared processes (through Infomap) and of integrated behaviors (through DCI analysis) allowed the identification of communities that reveal, respectively, meaningful characterizations in terms of agents' participations in specific waves of the policy, of agents' participations in projects operating in particular technological domains, and in terms of agents' institutional typologies. The case study regards the policy interventions implemented by region Tuscany (Italy) in 2000-2006 with the aim of supporting innovative network projects among local actors.
Innovation intermediaries can play an important role in policies aimed at promoting innovation wi... more Innovation intermediaries can play an important role in policies aimed at promoting innovation within local, regional and national innovation systems. However, the intermediaries' behaviour is strongly affected by the incentives that the policy creates, for example through the definition of performance indicators for the allocation of public funding. Drawing on the analysis of a policy programme in an Italian region, the paper highlights the distortive effects of such performance indicators, which induce behaviours that are not aligned with the policy's objectives. Using a system failure approach to the analysis of the objectives of publicly-funded innovation intermediaries, we argue that performance indicators should be clearly aligned with the policy objectives to remedy particular system failures, and we put forward a set of indicators that can be used for the purpose.
Policymakers wishing to enhance innovation processes in small and medium-sized enterprises increa... more Policymakers wishing to enhance innovation processes in small and medium-sized enterprises increasingly channel their interventions through innovation intermediaries. However, limited empirical research exists regarding the activities and performance of intermediaries, with most contributions taking a qualitative approach and focusing on the role of intermediaries as brokers. In this paper, we analyse the extent to which innovation intermediaries, through their engagement in different activities, support the creation of communities of other agents. We use multilayer network analysis techniques to simultaneously represent the many types of interactions promoted by intermediaries. Furthermore, by originally applying the Infomap algorithm to our multilayer network, we assess the contribution of the agents involved in different activities promoted by intermediaries, and we identify the emerging multilayer communities and the intercohesive agents that span across several communities. Our analysis highlights the potential and the critical features of multilayer analysis for policy design and evaluation.
The aim of this study is to capture a technology’s pathway by identifying emerging subdomains in ... more The aim of this study is to capture a technology’s pathway by identifying emerging subdomains in a complex system of economic processes. The objective is to uncover indirect latent relations among agents interacting in a specific techno-economic segment (TES). A methodology, including an “Extract-Transform-Load” (ETL) process preceding the two steps aimed for analysis, is developed to analyse a TES regarding R&D economic processes of the photonics technology. In the first step, economic relevant R&D activities (EU funded projects and patents) are analysed through a multilayer network (MLN) of agents, considering their interactions in three dimensions, which represent occurred and latent relationships: co-participations in economic activities, common geographical location provenance, common use of technological terms. Then communities are detected (Infomap Algorithm for MLN), and their ongoing within and between connections are studied, as potential factors that affect the entire str...
In this work we represent a techno-economic complex system based on the agent-artifact space theo... more In this work we represent a techno-economic complex system based on the agent-artifact space theoretical model. The objective is to structure a methodology to statistically investigate the presence of hierarchical order, as an emerging property of this system. To analyse the agent-artifact space, two statistical methodologies are initially employed. The first is a community detection method, employed with the objective to detect groups of agents that are likely to intensively exchange information within the considered complex system. The second is a natural language processing method, the LDA topic model, employed with the objective of identifying types of artifacts as technological subdomains through textual information that describes the activities of agents. After this initial part, we address the investigation of the structure of the agentartifact space by estimating the involvement of each community in the detected topics. This is effectuated by means of a statistic that considers the information flow percentage of agents, the fractional count of activities, and the probability of agents' activities to belong to topics. We then estimate the hierarchical order of the topics' distribution in communities, by computing its nestedness temperature, which is adopted by studies on ecological systems. This statistic's significance is finally evaluated with z -scores based on homogeneous systems. The case study is a system consisted of economic agents (e.g. firms, universities, governmental institutions) patenting in the technological domain of photonics. The analysis is effectuated over five time spans in the period 2000-2014. The observed values of nestedness temperature are proved statistically significant, which suggests that hierarchical order is an emerging property of the agent-artifact space. European Commission-The views expressed are purely those of the author and may not in any circumstances be regarded as stating an official position of the European Commission.
The detection of communities of agents that interacted over time through regional innovation poli... more The detection of communities of agents that interacted over time through regional innovation policies is analyzed through the application of three methodologies: Clique Percolation Method (CPM) by Palla et al. (2005), Infomap by Rosvall and Bergstrom (2008), and Dynamic Cluster Index analysis (DCI) by Villani et al. (2013). The case study regards the policy interventions implemented by region Tuscany (Italy) in 2000-2006 with the aim of supporting innovative network projects among local actors. In a context of analysis centered on such a complex object as innovation, and affected by discontinuous temporal dynamics and changing configurations of partnerships of agents, the three methodologies are applied to investigate different specific aspects of community organizations aimed at developing innovative activities. For every methodology three models are developed. In CPM, the elaboration of three models following the observation of the features of all possible partitions makes it poss...
Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2018
In order to enable the management of the large presence of similar groups of agents, namely masks... more In order to enable the management of the large presence of similar groups of agents, namely masks, resulting from the implementation of the Relevance Index (RI) algorithm, the 'PoSH-CADDy' threestep methodology is here proposed. The developed procedure is based on (i) several rounds of analysis to be performed over reducing sets of agents (with a Progressive Skimming procedure), (ii) the consideration of the overlaps among masks emerging from the output of each round (by means of a Hierachical Cluster Analysis), (iii) a final analysis of the masks remaining from the previous steps (by considering those with a minimum Degree of Dissimilarity). The methodology is implemented in a real socioeconomic complex network. Insights from a first explorative analysis are provided.
Three aspects have been addressed to characterize agents’ innovative interactions (Lane, 2011): r... more Three aspects have been addressed to characterize agents’ innovative interactions (Lane, 2011): relational structures, shared processes and common functions. A new methodological approach that allows their investigation is here developed. Each of the aforementioned aspects is separately analyzed through the implementation of one of the following community detection methodologies. Respectively, these algorithms are: Clique Percolation Method (CPM), Infomap (IM), and Relevance Index (RI). Areas of co-existence of the three aspects are investigated by considering those intersections determined by groups of agents that are simultaneously detected together by each of the three methodologies. Finally, the implementation of a linear regression model is used to analyze which types of interactions are associated with larger size of these intersections. This final analysis demonstrates that the proposed methodology leads to the identification of areas of the system in which statistically sign...
This publication is a Technical report by the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European Commissio... more This publication is a Technical report by the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European Commission's science and knowledge service. It aims to provide evidence-based scientific support to the European policymaking process. The scientific output expressed does not imply a policy position of the European Commission. Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is responsible for the use that might be made of this publication.
Starting from the conceptualization of ‘Cluster Index’ (CI), Villani et al. [16, 17] implemented ... more Starting from the conceptualization of ‘Cluster Index’ (CI), Villani et al. [16, 17] implemented the ‘Dynamic Cluster Index’ (DCI), an algorithm to perform the detection of subsets of agents characterized by patterns of activity that can be considered as integrated over time. DCI methodology makes possible to shift the attention into a new dimension of groups of agents (i.e. communities of agents): the presence of a common function characterizing their actions. In this paper we discuss the implications of the use in the domain of social sciences of this methodology, up to now mainly applied in natural sciences. Developing our considerations thanks to an empirical analysis, we discuss the theoretical implications of its application in such a different field.
In the three years after the 2012 earthquake in Emilia-Romagna, through the enactment of more tha... more In the three years after the 2012 earthquake in Emilia-Romagna, through the enactment of more than 350 ordinances, the Commissioner has structured interventions to cope with emergency and reconstruction. The intense law-making, essential to fill a legal vacuum, has enabled to overcome the uncertainties of the difficult phase of recovery. There is agreement among experts and policy makers that a large number of those ordinances was due to the absence of national rules governing the urgent intervention in case of natural disasters. On the push of actions taken in Emilia-Romagna, the Italian Parliament has reopened the debate on a national law on emergency after natural disasters. Through a systematic content analysis of the corpus of ordinances issued in Emilia-Romagna, in this paper we propose a contribution in drafting the decrees related to the law on emergency. Two main strands of analysis have been developed. In the first one, an automatic text analysis, supported by Taltac2, has...
This publication is a Technical report by the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European C ommissi... more This publication is a Technical report by the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European C ommission's science and k nowle dge service. It aims to provide e vidence-based scientific support to the European policymaking proce ss. The scientific output e xpressed does not imply a policy position of the European C ommission. Ne ither the European C ommission nor any person acting on behalf of the C ommission is re sponsible for the use that m ight be made of this publication. Contact information Addre ss: Edificio EXPO,
The 2018 PREDICT Key Facts Report provides a detailed analysis of the state of ICT RD the ICT man... more The 2018 PREDICT Key Facts Report provides a detailed analysis of the state of ICT RD the ICT manufacturing sector with the ICT services sector; each of the four ICT manufacturing, two ICT services, MC and RS sectors’ behaviour; the pace followed by each EU country; and the pattern of the EU in an international context, including the most relevant countries from the perspective of the role they play in the world economy today, especially from the ICT R&D perspective.
After the series of earthquakes that occurred in Emilia-Romagna (Italy) in May 2012, the research... more After the series of earthquakes that occurred in Emilia-Romagna (Italy) in May 2012, the research team based in the Department of Economics of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia started research activities to investigate the socio-economic impact due to the shock. When analysing the effects of the earthquake on the living and working conditions of the population, a critical issue is the availability of relevant data. Thus, within the applied research ‘Energie Sisma Emilia’, in 2015 the research team realized a survey on a sample of 400 families living in the area affected by the earthquake. The survey was based on the same questionnaire adopted in the previous research ICESmo3 (carried on in Summer 2012) investigating the socio-economic conditions of families living in the same area. The 2015 questionnaire includes additional sections on the effects of the earthquake on social capital and consumption behaviour. Data are under analysis and will be presented in public events a...
The detection of communities of agents that interacted over time through regional innovation poli... more The detection of communities of agents that interacted over time through regional innovation policies is analyzed through the application of three methodologies: Clique Percolation Method (CPM) by Palla et al. (2005), Infomap by Rosvall and Bergstrom (2008), and Dynamic Cluster Index analysis (DCI) by Villani et al. (2013). In a economic context of analysis centered on such a complex object as innovation, the three methodologies are applied to investigate different specific aspects of community organizations aimed at developing innovative activities. The investigation of relational structures (through CPM), of shared processes (through Infomap) and of integrated behaviors (through DCI analysis) allowed the identification of communities that reveal, respectively, meaningful characterizations in terms of agents' participations in specific waves of the policy, of agents' participations in projects operating in particular technological domains, and in terms of agents' institutional typologies. The case study regards the policy interventions implemented by region Tuscany (Italy) in 2000-2006 with the aim of supporting innovative network projects among local actors.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is spreading throughout our economies and societies in multiple ways... more Artificial Intelligence (AI) is spreading throughout our economies and societies in multiple ways, but the absence of standardized classifications prevents us from obtaining a measure of its pervasiveness. AI is not a part of a specific sector, but r a t h er a transversal technology because the fields in which it is applied do not have precise boundaries. In this work, we address the need for a deeper understanding of this complex phenomenon by investigating economic players’ involvement in industrial activities aimed to supply AI-related goods and services, and AI-related R&D processes in the form of patents and publications. In order t o conduct this extensive analysis, we use a complex systems approach, which identifies the core dimensions that should be considered. Therefore, by considering the geographic location of the involved players and their organisation types (i.e., firms, governmental institutions, and research institutes), we (i) provide an overview of the worldwide pr...
The detection of communities of agents that interacted over time through regional innovation poli... more The detection of communities of agents that interacted over time through regional innovation policies is analyzed through the application of three methodologies: Clique Percolation Method (CPM) by Palla et al. (2005), Infomap by , and Dynamic Cluster Index analysis (DCI) by Villani et al. (2013). The case study regards the policy interventions implemented by region Tuscany (Italy) in 2000-2006 with the aim of supporting innovative network projects among local actors. In a context of analysis centered on such a complex object as innovation, and affected by discontinuous temporal dynamics and changing configurations of partnerships of agents, the three methodologies are applied to investigate different specific aspects of community organizations aimed at developing innovative activities. For every methodology three models are developed. In CPM, the elaboration of three models following the observation of the features of all possible partitions makes it possible to overcome the problematic definition of the value of k. In Infomap, the observation of the chronological order in which funded projects were carried out is used to impose different restrictions on the circulation of simulated flows. Finally, the application of DCI analysis to a socio-economic context is developed through the elaboration of different variables describing agents' behavioral profiles, and through an original contribution in using a cluster analysis aimed at coping with the large quantity of results that the algorithm produces. The investigation of relational structures (through CPM), of shared processes (through Infomap) and of integrated behaviors (through DCI analysis) allowed the identification of communities that reveal, respectively, meaningful characterizations in terms of agents' participations in specific waves of the policy, of agents' participations in projects operating in particular technological domains, and in terms of agents' institutional typologies.
The detection of communities of agents that interacted over time through regional innovation poli... more The detection of communities of agents that interacted over time through regional innovation policies is analyzed through the application of three methodologies: Clique Percolation Method (CPM) by Palla et al. (2005), Infomap by Rosvall and Bergstrom (2008), and Dynamic Cluster Index analysis (DCI) by Villani et al. (2013). In a economic context of analysis centered on such a complex object as innovation, the three methodologies are applied to investigate different specific aspects of community organizations aimed at developing innovative activities. The investigation of relational structures (through CPM), of shared processes (through Infomap) and of integrated behaviors (through DCI analysis) allowed the identification of communities that reveal, respectively, meaningful characterizations in terms of agents' participations in specific waves of the policy, of agents' participations in projects operating in particular technological domains, and in terms of agents' institutional typologies. The case study regards the policy interventions implemented by region Tuscany (Italy) in 2000-2006 with the aim of supporting innovative network projects among local actors.
Innovation intermediaries can play an important role in policies aimed at promoting innovation wi... more Innovation intermediaries can play an important role in policies aimed at promoting innovation within local, regional and national innovation systems. However, the intermediaries' behaviour is strongly affected by the incentives that the policy creates, for example through the definition of performance indicators for the allocation of public funding. Drawing on the analysis of a policy programme in an Italian region, the paper highlights the distortive effects of such performance indicators, which induce behaviours that are not aligned with the policy's objectives. Using a system failure approach to the analysis of the objectives of publicly-funded innovation intermediaries, we argue that performance indicators should be clearly aligned with the policy objectives to remedy particular system failures, and we put forward a set of indicators that can be used for the purpose.
Policymakers wishing to enhance innovation processes in small and medium-sized enterprises increa... more Policymakers wishing to enhance innovation processes in small and medium-sized enterprises increasingly channel their interventions through innovation intermediaries. However, limited empirical research exists regarding the activities and performance of intermediaries, with most contributions taking a qualitative approach and focusing on the role of intermediaries as brokers. In this paper, we analyse the extent to which innovation intermediaries, through their engagement in different activities, support the creation of communities of other agents. We use multilayer network analysis techniques to simultaneously represent the many types of interactions promoted by intermediaries. Furthermore, by originally applying the Infomap algorithm to our multilayer network, we assess the contribution of the agents involved in different activities promoted by intermediaries, and we identify the emerging multilayer communities and the intercohesive agents that span across several communities. Our analysis highlights the potential and the critical features of multilayer analysis for policy design and evaluation.
The aim of this study is to capture a technology’s pathway by identifying emerging subdomains in ... more The aim of this study is to capture a technology’s pathway by identifying emerging subdomains in a complex system of economic processes. The objective is to uncover indirect latent relations among agents interacting in a specific techno-economic segment (TES). A methodology, including an “Extract-Transform-Load” (ETL) process preceding the two steps aimed for analysis, is developed to analyse a TES regarding R&D economic processes of the photonics technology. In the first step, economic relevant R&D activities (EU funded projects and patents) are analysed through a multilayer network (MLN) of agents, considering their interactions in three dimensions, which represent occurred and latent relationships: co-participations in economic activities, common geographical location provenance, common use of technological terms. Then communities are detected (Infomap Algorithm for MLN), and their ongoing within and between connections are studied, as potential factors that affect the entire str...
In this work we represent a techno-economic complex system based on the agent-artifact space theo... more In this work we represent a techno-economic complex system based on the agent-artifact space theoretical model. The objective is to structure a methodology to statistically investigate the presence of hierarchical order, as an emerging property of this system. To analyse the agent-artifact space, two statistical methodologies are initially employed. The first is a community detection method, employed with the objective to detect groups of agents that are likely to intensively exchange information within the considered complex system. The second is a natural language processing method, the LDA topic model, employed with the objective of identifying types of artifacts as technological subdomains through textual information that describes the activities of agents. After this initial part, we address the investigation of the structure of the agentartifact space by estimating the involvement of each community in the detected topics. This is effectuated by means of a statistic that considers the information flow percentage of agents, the fractional count of activities, and the probability of agents' activities to belong to topics. We then estimate the hierarchical order of the topics' distribution in communities, by computing its nestedness temperature, which is adopted by studies on ecological systems. This statistic's significance is finally evaluated with z -scores based on homogeneous systems. The case study is a system consisted of economic agents (e.g. firms, universities, governmental institutions) patenting in the technological domain of photonics. The analysis is effectuated over five time spans in the period 2000-2014. The observed values of nestedness temperature are proved statistically significant, which suggests that hierarchical order is an emerging property of the agent-artifact space. European Commission-The views expressed are purely those of the author and may not in any circumstances be regarded as stating an official position of the European Commission.
The detection of communities of agents that interacted over time through regional innovation poli... more The detection of communities of agents that interacted over time through regional innovation policies is analyzed through the application of three methodologies: Clique Percolation Method (CPM) by Palla et al. (2005), Infomap by Rosvall and Bergstrom (2008), and Dynamic Cluster Index analysis (DCI) by Villani et al. (2013). The case study regards the policy interventions implemented by region Tuscany (Italy) in 2000-2006 with the aim of supporting innovative network projects among local actors. In a context of analysis centered on such a complex object as innovation, and affected by discontinuous temporal dynamics and changing configurations of partnerships of agents, the three methodologies are applied to investigate different specific aspects of community organizations aimed at developing innovative activities. For every methodology three models are developed. In CPM, the elaboration of three models following the observation of the features of all possible partitions makes it poss...
Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2018
In order to enable the management of the large presence of similar groups of agents, namely masks... more In order to enable the management of the large presence of similar groups of agents, namely masks, resulting from the implementation of the Relevance Index (RI) algorithm, the 'PoSH-CADDy' threestep methodology is here proposed. The developed procedure is based on (i) several rounds of analysis to be performed over reducing sets of agents (with a Progressive Skimming procedure), (ii) the consideration of the overlaps among masks emerging from the output of each round (by means of a Hierachical Cluster Analysis), (iii) a final analysis of the masks remaining from the previous steps (by considering those with a minimum Degree of Dissimilarity). The methodology is implemented in a real socioeconomic complex network. Insights from a first explorative analysis are provided.
Three aspects have been addressed to characterize agents’ innovative interactions (Lane, 2011): r... more Three aspects have been addressed to characterize agents’ innovative interactions (Lane, 2011): relational structures, shared processes and common functions. A new methodological approach that allows their investigation is here developed. Each of the aforementioned aspects is separately analyzed through the implementation of one of the following community detection methodologies. Respectively, these algorithms are: Clique Percolation Method (CPM), Infomap (IM), and Relevance Index (RI). Areas of co-existence of the three aspects are investigated by considering those intersections determined by groups of agents that are simultaneously detected together by each of the three methodologies. Finally, the implementation of a linear regression model is used to analyze which types of interactions are associated with larger size of these intersections. This final analysis demonstrates that the proposed methodology leads to the identification of areas of the system in which statistically sign...
Papers by riccardo righi