Papers by rosa velasquez perez
Acta Otorrinolaringol Cir Cabeza Cuello, Sep 1, 2012
Boletin Latinoamericano Y Del Caribe De Plantas Medicinales Y Aromaticas, Mar 15, 2014
Hacia La Promocion De La Salud, Dec 1, 2010
Revista Hacia La Promocion De La Salud, 2010
Hacia La Promocion De La Salud, Dec 1, 2010
Experientia, 1975
Previous caution t h a t our results could be influenced b y the intrinsic a c t i v i t y of Ca+... more Previous caution t h a t our results could be influenced b y the intrinsic a c t i v i t y of Ca++ in modifying the b p a c t i v i t y appears to be unfounded, at least at t h e CaC12 c o n c e n t r a t i o n used. Moreover, t h e fact t h a t CaC12 e n h a n c e d t h e b p activity of ASh 1, V a P -A II b u t failed to significantly e n h a n c e t h e bp a c t i v i t y of the ValS-A I I a n d IIeS-A II, is f u r t h e r evidence against t h e possibility t h a t t h e peptides reach t h e vascular receptors in a 'bolus', n o t unlike t h e results of an earlier investigation 7.
Ieee Mtt S International Microwave Symposium Digest Ieee Mtt S International Microwave Symposium, 1995
Materials & Design, 2007
... a, Universitat Jaume I, Campus Riu Sec, 12071 Castellón, Spain. b, AIDIMA, Avda. BenjamínFran... more ... a, Universitat Jaume I, Campus Riu Sec, 12071 Castellón, Spain. b, AIDIMA, Avda. BenjamínFranklin, 13, Parque Tecnológico s/n, 46980 Paterna, Valencia, Spain. Received 6 May 2005; Accepted 17 October 2005. Available online 14 September 2007. Abstract. ...
Hacia La Promocion De La Salud, Dec 1, 2011

Analytical Methods, 2014
ABSTRACT A magnetic solid-phase extraction (mSPE) method, using palmitate coated magnetite nanopa... more ABSTRACT A magnetic solid-phase extraction (mSPE) method, using palmitate coated magnetite nanoparticles, coupled with gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry was developed for the extraction of 16 PAHs from soil leachates. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy analysis showed CH2 peaks in the region about 2900 cm−1 and CO peaks in the region about 1500 cm−1 which confirmed that palmitate was successfully attached to the surface of Fe3O4 particles. The optimal extraction conditions for these particles were: 200 mg of modified magnetite nanoparticles, 50 mL of soil leachate containing 2.5% of acetone, 45 min of mSPE and elution of the analytes with ethyl acetate. The efficiency of the nanoparticles for the extraction of PAHs from soil leachates was evaluated. Recoveries of these contaminants from soil leachates spiked at three different fortification levels, from 0.2 to 1 ng mL−1, were low for the four PAHs with lower molecular weights but satisfactory recoveries were obtained for the rest. The developed method provided a pre-concentration factor of, at least, 50 and the limits of detection ranged from 0.8 to 5.1 ng L−1. Finally, the developed method was successfully applied to examine soil leachates obtained from soils with different physico-chemical characteristics, the soil organic matter content being one important parameter that may explain, together with other factors, the amount of PAHs present in these leachates. The present work demonstrates the applicability of the developed method for the determination of PAHs in soil leachates, which is of interest for the mobility and bioavailability studies of these pollutants in soil.

Analytical Sciences, 2013
In this work, a rapid and sensitive method, based on ultrasound-assisted extraction of samples wi... more In this work, a rapid and sensitive method, based on ultrasound-assisted extraction of samples with a small volume of toluene, has been developed for the quantification of C60 and C70 fullerenes in soil and sediments. Good extraction efficiencies were obtained at all of the fortification levels studied (200, 100, 20 and 2 ng/g), which ranged from 72 to 104%. An important effect of the extraction temperature was observed on C60 recoveries, and an acceptable decrease in the recovery rates was observed in aged samples. In the case of wet samples, the extraction can be done by percolating a small volume of acetonitrile before extraction. The extraction yields of the developed method for the extraction of C60 and C70 from soil were compared with those obtained by pressurized liquid extraction. Finally, analyses of fullerenes in agricultural and industrial soils and sediments were carried out, but no fullerene residues were found.
Revista Cubana de …, 2004
... Patricia Varona Pérez,1 Dra. Rosa Marina García Pérez,2 Lic. Anai García Fariñas,3 Lic. ... W... more ... Patricia Varona Pérez,1 Dra. Rosa Marina García Pérez,2 Lic. Anai García Fariñas,3 Lic. ... Washington DC. 1994;3(4):3. Varona P, Fernández N, Bonet M, García R, Ibarra A, Chang M. Tabaquismo y sus características en trabajadores de la salud en el municipio Centro Habana. ...

Hiv Clin Trials, 2001
To evaluate a rescue therapy involving nevirapine plus nelfinavir plus two nucleoside reverse tra... more To evaluate a rescue therapy involving nevirapine plus nelfinavir plus two nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs) in patients with prior extensive antiretroviral therapy (AT) including protease inhibitors (PIs) but not nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs). Patients with failing regimens were prospectively enrolled. According to genotypic profile at baseline, two groups were identified: a highly resistant (HR) group, which included strains resistant to PI and NRTI, and a moderate nonresistant group (MR), which showed resistance only to PI or NRTI or no resistance. Twenty-two individuals were included. Average time of AT prior to enrollment was 3.7 years (range 1.4-7.6), median viral load 4.92 log(10) (interquartile range [IQR] 1.63 log(10)), and median CD4 cell count 64 cells/microL (IQR 94). After 16 weeks of treatment, seven patients (31%) achieved virological response, five of them (22.7%) with <500 c/mL (bDNA). Fourteen patients were studied for resistance. The HR group showed a poorer response than the MR group (0 vs. 7 responses; p =.034). We found a virological response in 31% of our patients, and mainly in those of the MR group some presented previous intolerance. These two factors probably reflect the number of drugs included in the rescue therapy to which the patient is sensitive. Treatment history as well as genotypic resistance assays are useful in identifying patients with the best chance of responding.
Gastroenterol Latinoam, Sep 1, 2005
Page 71. 243 Uso del sistema de soporte hepático extracorpóreo MARS en la falla hepática aguda so... more Page 71. 243 Uso del sistema de soporte hepático extracorpóreo MARS en la falla hepática aguda sobre crónica: Caso clínico Rosa M. Pérez A.(1), Patricio Downey C.(2), Patricio Ibáñez L.(1), Helmuth Goecke S.(2), Catherine ...

Semergen Revista Espanola De Medicina De Familia, 2009
INTRODUCCIÓN. Nuestros objetivos son describir el perfil sociodemográfico de las embarazadas segu... more INTRODUCCIÓN. Nuestros objetivos son describir el perfil sociodemográfico de las embarazadas seguidas en el centro de salud, estimar la frecuencia de la utilización de los servicios sanitarios y analizar los factores que puedan influir en la diferente utilización. PACIENTES Y MÉTODOS. Estudio descriptivo transversal con una segunda fase analítica. Centro de salud urbano. Población: embarazadas que hayan parido durante el año 2005. Variables: utilización de los servicios sanitarios, sociodemográficas, psicosociales, obstétricas y de morbilidad. Análisis estadístico: tablas de frecuencia para las variables cualitativas y resúmenes numéricos para las variables cuantitativas; análisis bivariante para relacionar cada variable independiente con cada una de las variables dependientes y creación de un modelo de regresión lineal multivariante para controlar los posibles factores de confusión.
Revista Colombiana De Psiquiatria, 2003
Prevalencia de la depresión, ansiedad y comportamiento suicida en la población estudiantil ○
Empresa Global Y Mercados Locales Xxi Congreso Anual Aedem Universidad Rey Juan Carlos Madrid 6 7 Y 8 De Junio De 2007 Vol 2 2007 Isbn 978 84 7356 500 4 Pag 13, 2007
El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo básico sentar las bases para la construcción de un modelo... more El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo básico sentar las bases para la construcción de un modelo de simulación, empleando la metodología de la dinámica de sistemas, que explique el crecimiento de las cadenas de franquicia de origen español. Por ello, se describen los bucles de realimentación básicos que interactúan para generar el patrón de comportamiento detectado de crecimiento asintótico que afecta al porcentaje de centros franquiciados.
Medicina Y Seguridad Del Trabajo, 2009
Rev Chil Cir, Feb 1, 2005
Pinturas Y Acabados Industriales Recubrimientos Organicos Y Metalicos, 2006
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Papers by rosa velasquez perez