This paper addresses the critical issue of global bacterial coral reef disease, which has dire im... more This paper addresses the critical issue of global bacterial coral reef disease, which has dire implications for food security and ecosystems worldwide. The antidote is intertwined with balancing aggressive colour consciousness and the evolving visual abilities of young children, as explored by the Science Art Centre. The economic toll of diseased coral reefs, amounting to $375 billion annually, underscores the urgency of this issue. Understanding the formation of calcium carbonate reefs before climate-induced ocean level rises offers insights into potential solutions. The role of bacteriophages in combating the disease is crucial. Rising ocean levels have transformed rainforest bacteria into toxic threats, affecting the health of oceanic plumes and leading to potential global pandemics if not addressed. The discovery of non-toxic bacterial paint offers a potential antidote by revitalising health-promoting plumes. This innovative approach could prevent the collapse of a $30 billion industry and avert a global ecological disaster akin to the Black Plague. The Science Art Centre's research, linking 4D paintings and evolving consciousness, offers a promising pathway to remedy this global crisis.
This paper is the introduction to the following paper entitled UNLESS HUMAN COLOUR CONSCIOUSNESS ... more This paper is the introduction to the following paper entitled UNLESS HUMAN COLOUR CONSCIOUSNESS INCLUDES ITS FEMININE COUNTERPART CLIMATE CHANGE WILL MAKE HUMANITY EXTINCT, referred to hereafter as the attachment. This attachment contains visual proof that the universe is a multidimensional, symmetrical, fractal mathematical reality evolving to infinity. That is well beyond Einstein's mechanistic quark colour science and technology demanding our obedience to his entropic extinction of humanity dictum. The Science Art Research Centre of Australia, by using inexpensive ChromaDepth 3D glasses to view its 3D coloured holographic paintings instantly reveals a complex 4D and 5D fractal, biological, mathematical structure of curving coloured forms floating well above their canvas habitat. This biological fact cannot exist within Einstein's limited mechanistic colour consciousness needed to help make atomic bombs.
This paper is specifically written to any Australian billionaire with a heartfelt compassion to e... more This paper is specifically written to any Australian billionaire with a heartfelt compassion to establish a private university to replace the worldwide governmental universities worshiping of Einstein's now obsolete Art of War peer review entropic extinction dictum.
Reptilian/Primitive Brain This region of the brain has also been called the dinosaur brain (McKee... more Reptilian/Primitive Brain This region of the brain has also been called the dinosaur brain (McKee & Miller, 2018). The dinosaur brain is made up of the brainstem and other parts that work together as a system. This system of the brain is responsible for the most basic survival functions, such as heart rate, breathing, body temperature, and awareness of your body in relation to your surroundings in space (The Science of Psychotherapy (SOP), 2019). Other parts of our evolving brain are associated with the functioning of the spinal cord's ability to consciously participate within a multidimensional reality evolving to infinity, which was well beyond Einstein's killer ape's mentality to comprehend. Professor William Clifford (1845-1878) correctly predicted that an Einstein (1879-1955) would emerge to link his colour technology to an Art of War. This would later become subservient to a superior Art of Creativity awareness of a universal biological colour structure evolving to infinity rather than to Einstein's obedience to his extermination of humanity dictum. Clifford considered that poets, painters and musicians' creative consciousness was associated with the spinal cord's heartfelt colour emotions evolving a creative consciousness to infinity, being relayed to the human dinosaur brain. His genius made him a world famous scientist at the age of 23 and was further developed by other great scientific minds. He became an opponent of all priesthood and dogmatic religios human extinction dictums associated with Einstein's now collapsing obsolete, destructive, mechanistic, quark coloured survival of the fittest law.
Albert Einstein's destructive, artistic invention of mechanistic quark colours were used successf... more Albert Einstein's destructive, artistic invention of mechanistic quark colours were used successfully to build atomic bombs before the artist, Adolph Hitler, could build one. Despite DNA demonstrating that all humans now belong to a single species, thousands of ever more highly destructive nuclear weapons are being manufactured worldwide. While the age-old survival of the fittest law in nature had suddenly changed to unite all of humanity, this very obvious biological fact was not apparent to public universities around the world.
When DNA told us that all human tribes belonged to a single species dedicated to dropping atomic ... more When DNA told us that all human tribes belonged to a single species dedicated to dropping atomic bombs upon itself, Einstein's rational Art of War, along with his followers' obedience to the ruthless survival of the fittest law in nature, was classified as being medically and emotionally diseased. The human tribal compulsion to kill its own kind, once a survival necessity, including the enslavement of other tribal children or simply killing them outright, was in obedience to the now obsolete, ruthless survival of the fittest law in nature. That now obsolete mentality was diagnosed by the Nobel Laureate in neurological medicine, Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, to be a carcinogenic, emotional disease associated with the instant red rag to a bull phenomena. He wrote three books entitled The Crazy Ape to try and save our children from Einstein's tribal mentality. The red rag colour element belongs to the use of Einstein's destructive quark colours, needed to build the atomic bomb before the artist, Adolph Hitler, intuitively did so.
The asymmetrical female mentality's love and care of children has been proven to be far scientifi... more The asymmetrical female mentality's love and care of children has been proven to be far scientifically superior to Einstein's prevailing symmetrical, masculine Art of War demanding his extinction of humanity dictum. The painting below completely validates the 2021 discovery of a new NASA Educational System, in which Dr Ken Robinson discovered that 4 to 5 year old children posses a genius colour potential, belonging to a new human survival science and technology. His test results were incredible. 98% of 4 to 5 year old children fell into the "genius category of imagination", but as they grew older, their crucial creative human survival intuition was progressively destroyed by the prevailing education system. 'The Multi Dimensions Belong to the Colours of Spacetime'
Civilisation is still governed by Einstein's mechanistic law of entropic destruction belonging to... more Civilisation is still governed by Einstein's mechanistic law of entropic destruction belonging to the age-old Art of War's survival of the fittest dictum. He had no idea that the time had arrived when DNA clearly demonstrated that humanity belonged to a single species that no longer needed to obey that ancient tribal law.
Modern education is based upon Einstein's mathematical logic. The Nobel Laureate in neurological ... more Modern education is based upon Einstein's mathematical logic. The Nobel Laureate in neurological medicine, Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, in his book The Crazy Ape diagnosed Einstein's emotional mathematical disposition as belonging to his inheritance of his chimpanzee killer ape's compulsion to kill its own kind. As DNA also demonstrated that humans had also inherited our chimpanzee bonobo ape's ancestry, that never killed its own kind, Einstein's mechanistic worldview of reality was seen to be completely unbalanced. Governmental universities worldwide use a peer review system idolising Einstein's killer ape's mechanistic reality. Although he was awarded a Nobel Prize for discovering that sunlight upon a metallic surface could generate an electromagnetic current, he did not know that both sunlight and moonlight rainbows upon contact with the retina at the back of the eye generated ethical emotional feelings that have been romantically written about for centuries.
Einstein'sis mechanistic worldview was diagnosed by a Nobel Laureate in Neurological Medicine to ... more Einstein'sis mechanistic worldview was diagnosed by a Nobel Laureate in Neurological Medicine to be insane. The survival of our humanity’s children depends upon developing the new biological science and technology as soon as is possible.
the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences warned that warming of the planet beyond 1.5°... more the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences warned that warming of the planet beyond 1.5° C will be devastating for humanity, as billions of people will be unable to survive. According to interdisciplinary research from the Penn State College of Health and Human Development, Purdue, if global temperatures increase by 1° C or more then billions of people will be exposed to heat and humidity so extreme they will be unable to naturally cool themselves. Climate change is now our common enemy. It cannot possibly be dealt with by universities worldwide idolising Einstein's human extinction dictum, preparing itself in Ukraine to bring about a nuclear WW3.
The Australian Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese, has passed a law that it is illegal to denigrate... more The Australian Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese, has passed a law that it is illegal to denigrate the Australian First People’s longest tribal culture in human history. The First People’s cultural lore includes the concept that colour consciousness evolves to infinity. From a modern day scientific perspective the Prime Minister’s law in itself is unquestionably an illegal nonsense associated with his governmental financial utilisation of Einstein’s prevailing human extinction dictum. Rock solid proof exists that our First People’s intuitive evolving colour to infinity is indeed correct. It is not a toy to employ empty political grandstanding when Einstein’s incorrect worldview is creating global havoc in Ukraine in preparation for a 3rd World War.
Scientists recording the temperature of the sea-ice surrounding Antarctica have just announced th... more Scientists recording the temperature of the sea-ice surrounding Antarctica have just announced that it is now melting far below any previous winter level. Its floating ice now has lost 1.5 sq km less than the 17 million sq km September average. They have pointed out that if this transformation continues then Antarctica will become a radiator instead of a refrigerator. That extinction of humanity occurrence is now in accordance with Einstein’s incorrect dictum that humanity must become extinct. However, it is nonetheless fulfilling its destructive programming by exterminating men, women, and children and other forms of life in Ukraine, now preparing itself to go nuclear.
Isaac Newton’s rejection of his earlier mechanistic gravitational idea of evolution evolving to t... more Isaac Newton’s rejection of his earlier mechanistic gravitational idea of evolution evolving to the extinction of humanity was based upon the ancient Greek discovery of science belonging to Thales of Melitus and his followers, Plato and Anaxagoras’ science, which held that the life-force was evolving to infinity. Within his famous Principia’s 28th Query Discussions, Newton completely changed his idea that gravity was caused by the mass of objects. He also explained that biologically life cannot exist without its Supreme Creator, Water. Therefore, it follows that the life-science for the further human evolution from life in sea water oceans cannot be based upon Einstein’s fraudulent, mechanistic gibberish, which denies the very existence of a biological life-force.
Plato’s system of education of arithmetic, plane geometry, solid geometry, astronomy and harmonic... more Plato’s system of education of arithmetic, plane geometry, solid geometry, astronomy and harmonics was designed as an introduction to the development of ethical spiritual technologies serving human betterment. He used the term spiritual to refer to the primordial life-force within magnetic lodestone’s ability to interact intelligently in an electromagnetic language of attraction and repulsion with iron. Plato’s ethical sacred geometry is electromagnetic (Ida N. (2015). He held that an ethical artistic mathematical message in association with harmonics was hidden within plane geometry for the betterment of civilization. Scientists such as David Bohm, Max Born and their colleague Kun Huang used Plato’s research as the basis of the evolution of consciousness within the workings of a living infinite holographic universe.
Einstein’s atomic physics worldview was morally needed to help build the atomic bomb before the p... more Einstein’s atomic physics worldview was morally needed to help build the atomic bomb before the psychotic Nazi regime did so. The evolution of tribal scientific intellect for thousands of years has been forced to obey the survival of the fittest law seen in nature. Within tribal science “The art of war is of vital importance to the State. It is a matter of life and death, a road either to safety or to ruin. Hence it is a subject of inquiry which can on no account be neglected”. This common sense quote was taken from the oldest military treatise in the world. The economy supporting tribal science that finances the building of weaponry and religious or secular dogma provides the artistic rhetoric, ceremony and pageantry to evoke an emotional willingness to participate in deadly murderous tribal conflict.
From a neurological perspective the basis for this inherited tribal science became obsolete when DNA revealed that all human tribes actually belong to a single species dedicated to harming itself. Centuries of aggressive hereditary information encoded into DNA exists alongside intuitive feelings of global compassion concerning economic stratagems that are inflicting incredible pain and suffering upon millions of people. Tribal science, capable of incredible ingenuity, needs to undergo a transformation away from supporting aggressive tribal conflict. From this new perspective the crucial transformation to a human survival science involves a neurological remedy.
In 2013 the European Space Agency’s Planck Observatory revealed that aspects of asymmetric electr... more In 2013 the European Space Agency’s Planck Observatory revealed that aspects of asymmetric electromagnetic reality associated with the functioning of an electromagnetic universal field rotated anticlockwise during the birth of the universe. In 1857 the molecular biologist, Louis Pasteur, wrote that such an asymmetric consciousness phenomenon was the first-cause principle governing the universe. In 1905 Einstein incorrectly assumed that the first-light principle, governing all universal dynamics, was rotating clockwise. The Planck Observatory’s findings suggest that “A perplexing asymmetry in relic radiation may point to new physics”.
Worldwide concern continues to grow as nation states seem incapable of solving chronic global thr... more Worldwide concern continues to grow as nation states seem incapable of solving chronic global threats to future health and well-being of the world’s people. These range from diseases such as cancer and heart disease, deplorable poverty and injustice, violent conflicts devastating whole nations and displacing millions, disruptive economic competition and growing environmental concerns such as climate change.
This paper points to a fundamental error in the dominant scientific culture that underlies the popular view of reality that forms the basis of social, economic and governmental thinking. It goes to the heart of the problem and shows where the solution lies in revealing that Einstein was himself party to consolidating the fundamental misunderstanding regarding the essence of creation and the First-Cause Principle. Correcting this foundational premise can lead directly to establishing the life affirming science that Plato envisaged in the early days of our Western culture As this paper shows there is now a vast array of evidence and solid argument from Plato to numerous scientists over centuries up to observations made recently at the European Space Agency’s Plank Observatory that exposes the misconception foundational to the lack of understanding of the reality we must align our world societies with.
The philosopher of science, Immanuel Kant, based the Electromagnetic Golden Age of Danish Science... more The philosopher of science, Immanuel Kant, based the Electromagnetic Golden Age of Danish Science upon Plato’s concept that ethical artistic geometrical wisdom had evolutionary predominance over unethical aesthetics. An example of unethical aesthetics is the pomp and circumstance associated with the tribal artistic glorification of war. Plato’s concept only became evident when DNA demonstrated that all humans belong to a single species. A species harming itself is considered to be acting unethically. Emmanuel Levinas, Kant’s contemporary, declared that Plato’s artistic ethical geometrical wisdom, as outlined by Kant, was describing a First-Cause principle governing the dynamics of universal reality. From an electromagnetic perspective this was the voice of the First Light of Creation as a living force rotating anticlockwise, declaring its purpose after emerging from the dark void of universal chaos.
Global social sciences are being dominated by a pandemic of aggressive dysfunctional information demonstrating an emotional compulsion to wage war. Many people realize that global plutocracies are using the financial system to form fossil fuel alliances in order to enforce military stratagems. Moreover, this fossil fuel economic mindset is seen to be supporting a greater enemy threatening global civilization, climate change.
The Science-Art Research Centre of Australia has been internationally acclaimed for having made quantum biological medical discoveries that are recognized as being essential for the development of an antidote to this chaotic scientific dilemma.
The Centre’s discoveries are consistent with the findings of the European Planck Space Observatory on the 21st of March, 2013. The Observatory recorded that the First Light created in the universe was asymmetrical (NASA/ Jet Propulsion Laboratory, March 21, 2013) meaning that it was a biological force field rotating anticlockwise in order to govern the life-force dynamics throughout the universe. This fact completely rewrites prevailing science, which is incorrectly based upon the First-Cause Light being a lifeless symmetric mechanistic electromagnetic field rotating clockwise.
Attempting to discuss bringing about a rebirth of ancient Greek artistic mathematical physics is ... more Attempting to discuss bringing about a rebirth of ancient Greek artistic mathematical physics is practically impossible. We know that Plato’s ethical mathematics is relevant to evolving consciousness within the workings of David Bohm’s infinite universe. Scientists have pointed out that Plato was developing Anaxagoras’ infinite fractal geometrical mathematics from a biological perspective. However, prevailing science cannot tolerate such ideas. Einstein had a moral tribal obligation to develop his science in accordance to his mechanistic worldview. This was necessary to prevent the inhuman Nazi regime from being the first to build the atomic bomb. DNA now shows that all human tribes belong to a single species. A species dedicated to harming itself is obviously suffering from some form of mental disease. Plato’s human survival science, whilst providing the medical antidote shows we are living in a confused state of scientific schizophrenia. The co-founder of the American National Cancer Research Foundation, the Nobel Laureate in Medicine, Albert Szent-Györgyi in his his book The Crazy Ape, points out that man “the more he progresses technologically, seems the more to regress psychologically and socially, until he resembles his [tribal] primate ancestors in a state of high schizophrenia” and “most of scientific research that is done to elevate human life serves in the end to destroy it”1. Obtaining the antidote to this medical problem is not difficult but the prevailing tribal science mentality simply means that the humanitarian academic will to obtain it does not exist. As superstitious tribal science and human survival science are both integral aspects of human evolution, they can be entangled within a computer program governed by universal first- cause principle logic in order to generate sustainable human survival blueprint simulations. The survival blueprints will guarantee wealth and power beyond the limitations of primitive tribal science. Such a reality can be used to negotiate sharing armistice information between tribal nations preparing for military conflict. This crucial antidote science appears to belong to neurological medical scientists using Plato’s asymmetric mathematical information functioning under the auspices of an acceptable international medical agreement.
This paper addresses the critical issue of global bacterial coral reef disease, which has dire im... more This paper addresses the critical issue of global bacterial coral reef disease, which has dire implications for food security and ecosystems worldwide. The antidote is intertwined with balancing aggressive colour consciousness and the evolving visual abilities of young children, as explored by the Science Art Centre. The economic toll of diseased coral reefs, amounting to $375 billion annually, underscores the urgency of this issue. Understanding the formation of calcium carbonate reefs before climate-induced ocean level rises offers insights into potential solutions. The role of bacteriophages in combating the disease is crucial. Rising ocean levels have transformed rainforest bacteria into toxic threats, affecting the health of oceanic plumes and leading to potential global pandemics if not addressed. The discovery of non-toxic bacterial paint offers a potential antidote by revitalising health-promoting plumes. This innovative approach could prevent the collapse of a $30 billion industry and avert a global ecological disaster akin to the Black Plague. The Science Art Centre's research, linking 4D paintings and evolving consciousness, offers a promising pathway to remedy this global crisis.
This paper is the introduction to the following paper entitled UNLESS HUMAN COLOUR CONSCIOUSNESS ... more This paper is the introduction to the following paper entitled UNLESS HUMAN COLOUR CONSCIOUSNESS INCLUDES ITS FEMININE COUNTERPART CLIMATE CHANGE WILL MAKE HUMANITY EXTINCT, referred to hereafter as the attachment. This attachment contains visual proof that the universe is a multidimensional, symmetrical, fractal mathematical reality evolving to infinity. That is well beyond Einstein's mechanistic quark colour science and technology demanding our obedience to his entropic extinction of humanity dictum. The Science Art Research Centre of Australia, by using inexpensive ChromaDepth 3D glasses to view its 3D coloured holographic paintings instantly reveals a complex 4D and 5D fractal, biological, mathematical structure of curving coloured forms floating well above their canvas habitat. This biological fact cannot exist within Einstein's limited mechanistic colour consciousness needed to help make atomic bombs.
This paper is specifically written to any Australian billionaire with a heartfelt compassion to e... more This paper is specifically written to any Australian billionaire with a heartfelt compassion to establish a private university to replace the worldwide governmental universities worshiping of Einstein's now obsolete Art of War peer review entropic extinction dictum.
Reptilian/Primitive Brain This region of the brain has also been called the dinosaur brain (McKee... more Reptilian/Primitive Brain This region of the brain has also been called the dinosaur brain (McKee & Miller, 2018). The dinosaur brain is made up of the brainstem and other parts that work together as a system. This system of the brain is responsible for the most basic survival functions, such as heart rate, breathing, body temperature, and awareness of your body in relation to your surroundings in space (The Science of Psychotherapy (SOP), 2019). Other parts of our evolving brain are associated with the functioning of the spinal cord's ability to consciously participate within a multidimensional reality evolving to infinity, which was well beyond Einstein's killer ape's mentality to comprehend. Professor William Clifford (1845-1878) correctly predicted that an Einstein (1879-1955) would emerge to link his colour technology to an Art of War. This would later become subservient to a superior Art of Creativity awareness of a universal biological colour structure evolving to infinity rather than to Einstein's obedience to his extermination of humanity dictum. Clifford considered that poets, painters and musicians' creative consciousness was associated with the spinal cord's heartfelt colour emotions evolving a creative consciousness to infinity, being relayed to the human dinosaur brain. His genius made him a world famous scientist at the age of 23 and was further developed by other great scientific minds. He became an opponent of all priesthood and dogmatic religios human extinction dictums associated with Einstein's now collapsing obsolete, destructive, mechanistic, quark coloured survival of the fittest law.
Albert Einstein's destructive, artistic invention of mechanistic quark colours were used successf... more Albert Einstein's destructive, artistic invention of mechanistic quark colours were used successfully to build atomic bombs before the artist, Adolph Hitler, could build one. Despite DNA demonstrating that all humans now belong to a single species, thousands of ever more highly destructive nuclear weapons are being manufactured worldwide. While the age-old survival of the fittest law in nature had suddenly changed to unite all of humanity, this very obvious biological fact was not apparent to public universities around the world.
When DNA told us that all human tribes belonged to a single species dedicated to dropping atomic ... more When DNA told us that all human tribes belonged to a single species dedicated to dropping atomic bombs upon itself, Einstein's rational Art of War, along with his followers' obedience to the ruthless survival of the fittest law in nature, was classified as being medically and emotionally diseased. The human tribal compulsion to kill its own kind, once a survival necessity, including the enslavement of other tribal children or simply killing them outright, was in obedience to the now obsolete, ruthless survival of the fittest law in nature. That now obsolete mentality was diagnosed by the Nobel Laureate in neurological medicine, Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, to be a carcinogenic, emotional disease associated with the instant red rag to a bull phenomena. He wrote three books entitled The Crazy Ape to try and save our children from Einstein's tribal mentality. The red rag colour element belongs to the use of Einstein's destructive quark colours, needed to build the atomic bomb before the artist, Adolph Hitler, intuitively did so.
The asymmetrical female mentality's love and care of children has been proven to be far scientifi... more The asymmetrical female mentality's love and care of children has been proven to be far scientifically superior to Einstein's prevailing symmetrical, masculine Art of War demanding his extinction of humanity dictum. The painting below completely validates the 2021 discovery of a new NASA Educational System, in which Dr Ken Robinson discovered that 4 to 5 year old children posses a genius colour potential, belonging to a new human survival science and technology. His test results were incredible. 98% of 4 to 5 year old children fell into the "genius category of imagination", but as they grew older, their crucial creative human survival intuition was progressively destroyed by the prevailing education system. 'The Multi Dimensions Belong to the Colours of Spacetime'
Civilisation is still governed by Einstein's mechanistic law of entropic destruction belonging to... more Civilisation is still governed by Einstein's mechanistic law of entropic destruction belonging to the age-old Art of War's survival of the fittest dictum. He had no idea that the time had arrived when DNA clearly demonstrated that humanity belonged to a single species that no longer needed to obey that ancient tribal law.
Modern education is based upon Einstein's mathematical logic. The Nobel Laureate in neurological ... more Modern education is based upon Einstein's mathematical logic. The Nobel Laureate in neurological medicine, Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, in his book The Crazy Ape diagnosed Einstein's emotional mathematical disposition as belonging to his inheritance of his chimpanzee killer ape's compulsion to kill its own kind. As DNA also demonstrated that humans had also inherited our chimpanzee bonobo ape's ancestry, that never killed its own kind, Einstein's mechanistic worldview of reality was seen to be completely unbalanced. Governmental universities worldwide use a peer review system idolising Einstein's killer ape's mechanistic reality. Although he was awarded a Nobel Prize for discovering that sunlight upon a metallic surface could generate an electromagnetic current, he did not know that both sunlight and moonlight rainbows upon contact with the retina at the back of the eye generated ethical emotional feelings that have been romantically written about for centuries.
Einstein'sis mechanistic worldview was diagnosed by a Nobel Laureate in Neurological Medicine to ... more Einstein'sis mechanistic worldview was diagnosed by a Nobel Laureate in Neurological Medicine to be insane. The survival of our humanity’s children depends upon developing the new biological science and technology as soon as is possible.
the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences warned that warming of the planet beyond 1.5°... more the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences warned that warming of the planet beyond 1.5° C will be devastating for humanity, as billions of people will be unable to survive. According to interdisciplinary research from the Penn State College of Health and Human Development, Purdue, if global temperatures increase by 1° C or more then billions of people will be exposed to heat and humidity so extreme they will be unable to naturally cool themselves. Climate change is now our common enemy. It cannot possibly be dealt with by universities worldwide idolising Einstein's human extinction dictum, preparing itself in Ukraine to bring about a nuclear WW3.
The Australian Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese, has passed a law that it is illegal to denigrate... more The Australian Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese, has passed a law that it is illegal to denigrate the Australian First People’s longest tribal culture in human history. The First People’s cultural lore includes the concept that colour consciousness evolves to infinity. From a modern day scientific perspective the Prime Minister’s law in itself is unquestionably an illegal nonsense associated with his governmental financial utilisation of Einstein’s prevailing human extinction dictum. Rock solid proof exists that our First People’s intuitive evolving colour to infinity is indeed correct. It is not a toy to employ empty political grandstanding when Einstein’s incorrect worldview is creating global havoc in Ukraine in preparation for a 3rd World War.
Scientists recording the temperature of the sea-ice surrounding Antarctica have just announced th... more Scientists recording the temperature of the sea-ice surrounding Antarctica have just announced that it is now melting far below any previous winter level. Its floating ice now has lost 1.5 sq km less than the 17 million sq km September average. They have pointed out that if this transformation continues then Antarctica will become a radiator instead of a refrigerator. That extinction of humanity occurrence is now in accordance with Einstein’s incorrect dictum that humanity must become extinct. However, it is nonetheless fulfilling its destructive programming by exterminating men, women, and children and other forms of life in Ukraine, now preparing itself to go nuclear.
Isaac Newton’s rejection of his earlier mechanistic gravitational idea of evolution evolving to t... more Isaac Newton’s rejection of his earlier mechanistic gravitational idea of evolution evolving to the extinction of humanity was based upon the ancient Greek discovery of science belonging to Thales of Melitus and his followers, Plato and Anaxagoras’ science, which held that the life-force was evolving to infinity. Within his famous Principia’s 28th Query Discussions, Newton completely changed his idea that gravity was caused by the mass of objects. He also explained that biologically life cannot exist without its Supreme Creator, Water. Therefore, it follows that the life-science for the further human evolution from life in sea water oceans cannot be based upon Einstein’s fraudulent, mechanistic gibberish, which denies the very existence of a biological life-force.
Plato’s system of education of arithmetic, plane geometry, solid geometry, astronomy and harmonic... more Plato’s system of education of arithmetic, plane geometry, solid geometry, astronomy and harmonics was designed as an introduction to the development of ethical spiritual technologies serving human betterment. He used the term spiritual to refer to the primordial life-force within magnetic lodestone’s ability to interact intelligently in an electromagnetic language of attraction and repulsion with iron. Plato’s ethical sacred geometry is electromagnetic (Ida N. (2015). He held that an ethical artistic mathematical message in association with harmonics was hidden within plane geometry for the betterment of civilization. Scientists such as David Bohm, Max Born and their colleague Kun Huang used Plato’s research as the basis of the evolution of consciousness within the workings of a living infinite holographic universe.
Einstein’s atomic physics worldview was morally needed to help build the atomic bomb before the p... more Einstein’s atomic physics worldview was morally needed to help build the atomic bomb before the psychotic Nazi regime did so. The evolution of tribal scientific intellect for thousands of years has been forced to obey the survival of the fittest law seen in nature. Within tribal science “The art of war is of vital importance to the State. It is a matter of life and death, a road either to safety or to ruin. Hence it is a subject of inquiry which can on no account be neglected”. This common sense quote was taken from the oldest military treatise in the world. The economy supporting tribal science that finances the building of weaponry and religious or secular dogma provides the artistic rhetoric, ceremony and pageantry to evoke an emotional willingness to participate in deadly murderous tribal conflict.
From a neurological perspective the basis for this inherited tribal science became obsolete when DNA revealed that all human tribes actually belong to a single species dedicated to harming itself. Centuries of aggressive hereditary information encoded into DNA exists alongside intuitive feelings of global compassion concerning economic stratagems that are inflicting incredible pain and suffering upon millions of people. Tribal science, capable of incredible ingenuity, needs to undergo a transformation away from supporting aggressive tribal conflict. From this new perspective the crucial transformation to a human survival science involves a neurological remedy.
In 2013 the European Space Agency’s Planck Observatory revealed that aspects of asymmetric electr... more In 2013 the European Space Agency’s Planck Observatory revealed that aspects of asymmetric electromagnetic reality associated with the functioning of an electromagnetic universal field rotated anticlockwise during the birth of the universe. In 1857 the molecular biologist, Louis Pasteur, wrote that such an asymmetric consciousness phenomenon was the first-cause principle governing the universe. In 1905 Einstein incorrectly assumed that the first-light principle, governing all universal dynamics, was rotating clockwise. The Planck Observatory’s findings suggest that “A perplexing asymmetry in relic radiation may point to new physics”.
Worldwide concern continues to grow as nation states seem incapable of solving chronic global thr... more Worldwide concern continues to grow as nation states seem incapable of solving chronic global threats to future health and well-being of the world’s people. These range from diseases such as cancer and heart disease, deplorable poverty and injustice, violent conflicts devastating whole nations and displacing millions, disruptive economic competition and growing environmental concerns such as climate change.
This paper points to a fundamental error in the dominant scientific culture that underlies the popular view of reality that forms the basis of social, economic and governmental thinking. It goes to the heart of the problem and shows where the solution lies in revealing that Einstein was himself party to consolidating the fundamental misunderstanding regarding the essence of creation and the First-Cause Principle. Correcting this foundational premise can lead directly to establishing the life affirming science that Plato envisaged in the early days of our Western culture As this paper shows there is now a vast array of evidence and solid argument from Plato to numerous scientists over centuries up to observations made recently at the European Space Agency’s Plank Observatory that exposes the misconception foundational to the lack of understanding of the reality we must align our world societies with.
The philosopher of science, Immanuel Kant, based the Electromagnetic Golden Age of Danish Science... more The philosopher of science, Immanuel Kant, based the Electromagnetic Golden Age of Danish Science upon Plato’s concept that ethical artistic geometrical wisdom had evolutionary predominance over unethical aesthetics. An example of unethical aesthetics is the pomp and circumstance associated with the tribal artistic glorification of war. Plato’s concept only became evident when DNA demonstrated that all humans belong to a single species. A species harming itself is considered to be acting unethically. Emmanuel Levinas, Kant’s contemporary, declared that Plato’s artistic ethical geometrical wisdom, as outlined by Kant, was describing a First-Cause principle governing the dynamics of universal reality. From an electromagnetic perspective this was the voice of the First Light of Creation as a living force rotating anticlockwise, declaring its purpose after emerging from the dark void of universal chaos.
Global social sciences are being dominated by a pandemic of aggressive dysfunctional information demonstrating an emotional compulsion to wage war. Many people realize that global plutocracies are using the financial system to form fossil fuel alliances in order to enforce military stratagems. Moreover, this fossil fuel economic mindset is seen to be supporting a greater enemy threatening global civilization, climate change.
The Science-Art Research Centre of Australia has been internationally acclaimed for having made quantum biological medical discoveries that are recognized as being essential for the development of an antidote to this chaotic scientific dilemma.
The Centre’s discoveries are consistent with the findings of the European Planck Space Observatory on the 21st of March, 2013. The Observatory recorded that the First Light created in the universe was asymmetrical (NASA/ Jet Propulsion Laboratory, March 21, 2013) meaning that it was a biological force field rotating anticlockwise in order to govern the life-force dynamics throughout the universe. This fact completely rewrites prevailing science, which is incorrectly based upon the First-Cause Light being a lifeless symmetric mechanistic electromagnetic field rotating clockwise.
Attempting to discuss bringing about a rebirth of ancient Greek artistic mathematical physics is ... more Attempting to discuss bringing about a rebirth of ancient Greek artistic mathematical physics is practically impossible. We know that Plato’s ethical mathematics is relevant to evolving consciousness within the workings of David Bohm’s infinite universe. Scientists have pointed out that Plato was developing Anaxagoras’ infinite fractal geometrical mathematics from a biological perspective. However, prevailing science cannot tolerate such ideas. Einstein had a moral tribal obligation to develop his science in accordance to his mechanistic worldview. This was necessary to prevent the inhuman Nazi regime from being the first to build the atomic bomb. DNA now shows that all human tribes belong to a single species. A species dedicated to harming itself is obviously suffering from some form of mental disease. Plato’s human survival science, whilst providing the medical antidote shows we are living in a confused state of scientific schizophrenia. The co-founder of the American National Cancer Research Foundation, the Nobel Laureate in Medicine, Albert Szent-Györgyi in his his book The Crazy Ape, points out that man “the more he progresses technologically, seems the more to regress psychologically and socially, until he resembles his [tribal] primate ancestors in a state of high schizophrenia” and “most of scientific research that is done to elevate human life serves in the end to destroy it”1. Obtaining the antidote to this medical problem is not difficult but the prevailing tribal science mentality simply means that the humanitarian academic will to obtain it does not exist. As superstitious tribal science and human survival science are both integral aspects of human evolution, they can be entangled within a computer program governed by universal first- cause principle logic in order to generate sustainable human survival blueprint simulations. The survival blueprints will guarantee wealth and power beyond the limitations of primitive tribal science. Such a reality can be used to negotiate sharing armistice information between tribal nations preparing for military conflict. This crucial antidote science appears to belong to neurological medical scientists using Plato’s asymmetric mathematical information functioning under the auspices of an acceptable international medical agreement.
Papers by Robert Pope
The Science Art Research Centre of Australia, by using inexpensive ChromaDepth 3D glasses to view its 3D coloured holographic paintings instantly reveals a complex 4D and 5D fractal, biological, mathematical structure of curving coloured forms floating well above their canvas habitat. This biological fact cannot exist within Einstein's limited mechanistic colour consciousness needed to help make atomic bombs.
system idolising Einstein's killer ape's mechanistic reality. Although he was awarded a Nobel Prize for discovering that sunlight upon a metallic surface could generate an electromagnetic current, he did not know that both sunlight and moonlight rainbows upon contact with the retina at the back of the eye generated ethical emotional feelings that have been romantically written about for centuries.
From a neurological perspective the basis for this inherited tribal science became obsolete when DNA revealed that all human tribes actually belong to a single species dedicated to harming itself. Centuries of aggressive hereditary information encoded into DNA exists alongside intuitive feelings of global compassion concerning economic stratagems that are inflicting incredible pain and suffering upon millions of people. Tribal science, capable of incredible ingenuity, needs to undergo a transformation away from supporting aggressive tribal conflict. From this new perspective the crucial transformation to a human survival science involves a neurological remedy.
This paper points to a fundamental error in the dominant scientific culture that underlies the popular view of reality that forms the basis of social, economic and governmental thinking. It goes to the heart of the problem and shows where the solution lies in revealing that Einstein was himself party to consolidating the fundamental misunderstanding regarding the essence of creation and the First-Cause Principle. Correcting this foundational premise can lead directly to establishing the life affirming science that Plato envisaged in the early days of our Western culture As this paper shows there is now a vast array of evidence and solid argument from Plato to numerous scientists over centuries up to observations made recently at the European Space Agency’s Plank Observatory that exposes the misconception foundational to the lack of understanding of the reality we must align our world societies with.
Global social sciences are being dominated by a pandemic of aggressive dysfunctional information demonstrating an emotional compulsion to wage war. Many people realize that global plutocracies are using the financial system to form fossil fuel alliances in order to enforce military stratagems. Moreover, this fossil fuel economic mindset is seen to be supporting a greater enemy threatening global civilization, climate change.
The Science-Art Research Centre of Australia has been internationally acclaimed for having made quantum biological medical discoveries that are recognized as being essential for the development of an antidote to this chaotic scientific dilemma.
The Centre’s discoveries are consistent with the findings of the European Planck Space Observatory on the 21st of March, 2013. The Observatory recorded that the First Light created in the universe was asymmetrical (NASA/ Jet Propulsion Laboratory, March 21, 2013) meaning that it was a biological force field rotating anticlockwise in order to govern the life-force dynamics throughout the universe. This fact completely rewrites prevailing science, which is incorrectly based upon the First-Cause Light being a lifeless symmetric mechanistic electromagnetic field rotating clockwise.
The co-founder of the American National Cancer Research Foundation, the Nobel Laureate in Medicine, Albert Szent-Györgyi in his his book The Crazy Ape, points out that man “the more he progresses technologically, seems the more to regress psychologically and socially, until he resembles his [tribal] primate ancestors in a state of high schizophrenia” and “most of scientific research that is done to elevate human life serves in the end to destroy it”1. Obtaining the antidote to this medical problem is not difficult but the prevailing tribal science mentality simply means that the humanitarian academic will to obtain it does not exist.
As superstitious tribal science and human survival science are both integral aspects of human evolution, they can be entangled within a computer program governed by universal first- cause principle logic in order to generate sustainable human survival blueprint simulations. The survival blueprints will guarantee wealth and power beyond the limitations of primitive tribal science. Such a reality can be used to negotiate sharing armistice information between tribal nations preparing for military conflict. This crucial antidote science appears to belong to neurological medical scientists using Plato’s asymmetric mathematical information functioning under the auspices of an acceptable international medical agreement.
The Science Art Research Centre of Australia, by using inexpensive ChromaDepth 3D glasses to view its 3D coloured holographic paintings instantly reveals a complex 4D and 5D fractal, biological, mathematical structure of curving coloured forms floating well above their canvas habitat. This biological fact cannot exist within Einstein's limited mechanistic colour consciousness needed to help make atomic bombs.
system idolising Einstein's killer ape's mechanistic reality. Although he was awarded a Nobel Prize for discovering that sunlight upon a metallic surface could generate an electromagnetic current, he did not know that both sunlight and moonlight rainbows upon contact with the retina at the back of the eye generated ethical emotional feelings that have been romantically written about for centuries.
From a neurological perspective the basis for this inherited tribal science became obsolete when DNA revealed that all human tribes actually belong to a single species dedicated to harming itself. Centuries of aggressive hereditary information encoded into DNA exists alongside intuitive feelings of global compassion concerning economic stratagems that are inflicting incredible pain and suffering upon millions of people. Tribal science, capable of incredible ingenuity, needs to undergo a transformation away from supporting aggressive tribal conflict. From this new perspective the crucial transformation to a human survival science involves a neurological remedy.
This paper points to a fundamental error in the dominant scientific culture that underlies the popular view of reality that forms the basis of social, economic and governmental thinking. It goes to the heart of the problem and shows where the solution lies in revealing that Einstein was himself party to consolidating the fundamental misunderstanding regarding the essence of creation and the First-Cause Principle. Correcting this foundational premise can lead directly to establishing the life affirming science that Plato envisaged in the early days of our Western culture As this paper shows there is now a vast array of evidence and solid argument from Plato to numerous scientists over centuries up to observations made recently at the European Space Agency’s Plank Observatory that exposes the misconception foundational to the lack of understanding of the reality we must align our world societies with.
Global social sciences are being dominated by a pandemic of aggressive dysfunctional information demonstrating an emotional compulsion to wage war. Many people realize that global plutocracies are using the financial system to form fossil fuel alliances in order to enforce military stratagems. Moreover, this fossil fuel economic mindset is seen to be supporting a greater enemy threatening global civilization, climate change.
The Science-Art Research Centre of Australia has been internationally acclaimed for having made quantum biological medical discoveries that are recognized as being essential for the development of an antidote to this chaotic scientific dilemma.
The Centre’s discoveries are consistent with the findings of the European Planck Space Observatory on the 21st of March, 2013. The Observatory recorded that the First Light created in the universe was asymmetrical (NASA/ Jet Propulsion Laboratory, March 21, 2013) meaning that it was a biological force field rotating anticlockwise in order to govern the life-force dynamics throughout the universe. This fact completely rewrites prevailing science, which is incorrectly based upon the First-Cause Light being a lifeless symmetric mechanistic electromagnetic field rotating clockwise.
The co-founder of the American National Cancer Research Foundation, the Nobel Laureate in Medicine, Albert Szent-Györgyi in his his book The Crazy Ape, points out that man “the more he progresses technologically, seems the more to regress psychologically and socially, until he resembles his [tribal] primate ancestors in a state of high schizophrenia” and “most of scientific research that is done to elevate human life serves in the end to destroy it”1. Obtaining the antidote to this medical problem is not difficult but the prevailing tribal science mentality simply means that the humanitarian academic will to obtain it does not exist.
As superstitious tribal science and human survival science are both integral aspects of human evolution, they can be entangled within a computer program governed by universal first- cause principle logic in order to generate sustainable human survival blueprint simulations. The survival blueprints will guarantee wealth and power beyond the limitations of primitive tribal science. Such a reality can be used to negotiate sharing armistice information between tribal nations preparing for military conflict. This crucial antidote science appears to belong to neurological medical scientists using Plato’s asymmetric mathematical information functioning under the auspices of an acceptable international medical agreement.