Papers by Fernando R Momo
Diversity, Jan 17, 2024
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

Marine Ecology Progress Series, Jun 29, 2023
The green crab Carcinus maenas (L., 1758) is a highly invasive species that has altered various c... more The green crab Carcinus maenas (L., 1758) is a highly invasive species that has altered various coastal marine ecosystems worldwide. Green crabs were first found on the Argentinian Patagonian coast in 2001 and were detected in Golfo Nuevo (Chubut, Argentina) in 2015. In this study, we described a rocky intertidal food web in the Golfo Nuevo and evaluated the effect of green crab invasion on the network. We assembled the intertidal food web from a compilation of diet studies and compared 2 scenarios: pre-invasion (without green crab) and post-invasion (with green crab). We calculated several structural network metrics to compare the scenarios. The green crab was positioned as a top predator in the intertidal food web, consuming prey from different trophic levels and exhibiting the capacity to exert top-down control. Green crab presence altered the structure and stability of the food web. Additionally, we evaluated the effect of potential competitive interactions between native species and the green crab on the food web. Possible competitive interactions increased the effect the green crab had on the structure of the food web. Our results show that green crab invasion decreased food web stability by reducing the capacity of the food web to contain small- and long-range disturbances. These results contribute to the assessment and monitoring of the possible effects of other factors of global change. The system is less stable than before green crab invasion, and the drastic changes in community composition already recorded in rocky intertidal ecosystems in Patagonia are more likely to amplify through the food web.
Revista Cubana de Pediatría, 1991

arXiv (Cornell University), Oct 19, 2021
Between 2019 and 2020, during the country's hottest and driest year on record, Australia experien... more Between 2019 and 2020, during the country's hottest and driest year on record, Australia experienced a dramatic bushfire season, with catastrophic ecological and environmental consequences. Several studies highlighted how such abrupt changes in fire regimes may have been in large part a consequence of climate change and other anthropogenic transformations. Here, we analyze the monthly evolution of the burned area in Australia from 2000 to 2020, obtained via satellite imaging through the MODIS platform. We find that the 2019-2020 peak is associated with signatures typically found near critical points. We introduce a modeling framework based on forest-fire models to study the properties of these emergent fire outbreaks, showing that the behavior observed during the 2019-2020 fire season matches the one of a percolation transition, where system-size outbreaks appear. Our model also highlights the existence of an absorbing phase transition that might be eventually crossed, after which the vegetation cannot recover.
Rangeland Ecology & Management

Between 2019 and 2020, during the country's hottest and driest year on record, Australia experien... more Between 2019 and 2020, during the country's hottest and driest year on record, Australia experienced a dramatic bushfire season, with catastrophic ecological and environmental consequences. Several studies highlighted how such abrupt changes in fire regimes, in terms of size and spreading, may have been in large part a consequence of climate change and other anthropogenic transformations. In this work, we analyze the monthly evolution of the burned area in Australia from 2000 to 2020, obtained via satellite imaging through the MODIS platform. We find that the 2019-2020 peak of the burned area, the highest of the historical data, is associated with signatures that are typically found near critical points. We introduce a modeling framework based on forest-fire models to study these emergent fire outbreaks properties, showing that the behavior observed during the 2019-2020 fire season matches the one of a percolation transition, where system-size outbreaks appear. Our model also highlights the existence of an absorbing phase transition that might be eventually crossed, after which the vegetation cannot recover.
Revista Argentina De Microbiologia, 1995
Libro de Resúmenes XVIII Reunión Argentina de Ornitología, 2019
This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License AJBSR.MS.ID.001770.
The file includes the respiration rate (milligrams of Oxygen per gram of dry mass (without tunic)... more The file includes the respiration rate (milligrams of Oxygen per gram of dry mass (without tunic) per day) of three antarctic solitary ascidians (Cnemidocarpa verrucosa, Molgula pedunculata and Ascidia challengeri) under increasing sediment concentrations (from natural seston (NS) to NS + Additional Suspended particulate matter (SPM) from 5 to 400 mg/L). Individuals were sampled carefully by SCUBA diving during austral summer 2006-2007 in Potter Cove (58°43'5.214"W; 62°14'24.184"S) at 20 m depth. Experiments where performed after acclimation to aquarium conditions in the Dallmann laboratory on Carlini station (58°43'5.214"W; 62°14'24.184"S).
Se tomaron muestras de lombrices de tierra en 14 fases de un suelo argiudol tipico sobre una supe... more Se tomaron muestras de lombrices de tierra en 14 fases de un suelo argiudol tipico sobre una superficie total de 250 has. Se midieron 13 parametros fisicoquimicos y se estudio su relacion con la presencia de diferentes especies de lombrices. Los factores que resultaron mas utiles en la prediccion de las especies de lombrices presentes fueron el pH, el contenido de materia organica, el contenido de fosforo asimilable, el contenido de nitrogeno y la resistencia electrica de la pasta. De las siete especies halladas, las de los generos Octolasion y Microscolex mostraron preferencia por los suelos con alto contenido de fosforo asimilable. Todas las especies encontradas son comunes en ambientes sometidos a erturbaciones agricolas. Aporrectodea caliginosa aparenta ser la especie pionera. La unica especie autoctona fue Microscolex dubius.

Ciencia & Investigación Forestal, 2012
El objetivo del trabajo es evaluar los atributos edafoambientales a nivel de micrositio y su rela... more El objetivo del trabajo es evaluar los atributos edafoambientales a nivel de micrositio y su relación con el crecimiento de los árboles y la heterogeneidad del rodal. El crecimiento de Eucalyptus camaldulensis fue medido en árboles plantados en dos rodales localizados en Jauregui, Lujan, Buenos Aires, Argentina. La altura y el diámetro a la altura del pecho (DAP) fueron medidos anualmente en 100 árboles el tercero, cuarto y quinto año de plantación de los rodales. La densidad de plantación es de 1111 arb/ha a un espaciamiento de 3 x 3 m. Al mismo tiempo, se evaluó atributos químicos y físicos del suelo a nivel del micrositio alrededor de cada árbol. Estos atributos fueron profundidad del primer horizonte (Horizonte A), del segundo horizonte (Horizonte B) y del tercer horizonte (Horizonte arcilloso Bt); contenido de materia orgánica, contenido de fósforo disponible y pH. Los datos fueron analizados usando análisis multivariado discriminante (DA) y luego corroborados mediante regresió...

Revista de Biología Tropical, 2018
Updated list of earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricina) from Santa Fe (Argentina) is presented in th... more Updated list of earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricina) from Santa Fe (Argentina) is presented in this work, including current data of species richness and territorial distribution status and information collected by Ljungström and collaborators 40 years ago. Field samplings were conducted between 2012 and 2015 at 23 sites, located in 11 of the 19 districts of the province. Earthworms were collected following a standard methodology (Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility). The conservation of specimens was done with 4 % formalin solution and their identification was performed according to taxonomy keys. Richness, similarity and complementarity of species between the phytogeographic provinces were analyzed. A total of 15 earthworm species were identified and grouped into ten genera and five families: Acanthodrilidae (Dichogaster bolaui, Microscolex dubius), Glossoscolecidae (Glossodrilus parecis), Lumbricidae (Aporrectodea caliginosa, Aporrectodea rosea, Aporrectodea trapezoides, Bimastos ...
Pedobiologia, 2018
Highlights Díaz Porres et al. Agriculture lowers the genetic variability in the woodlice Armadi... more Highlights Díaz Porres et al. Agriculture lowers the genetic variability in the woodlice Armadillidium vulgare. The genetic distance between individuals grows with geographic distance. Agriculture management produces bottleneck effects in soil organisms populations. Genetic variability in soil arthropods can be used as a disturbance bioindicator. Cattle raising produces an intermediate loss of genetic variability in A. vulgare.

Acta Oecologica, 2019
There is an increasing concern for the conservation of soil biodiversity and its ecosystem functi... more There is an increasing concern for the conservation of soil biodiversity and its ecosystem functions. In this context, it is crucial to comprehend the typical response times of the community (meso and macrofauna) to disturbances associated with different land uses. If we consider a disturbance as some degree of disorganization produced by an input of energy into the system, we realise that the issue is how the surplus of energy is dissipated, and with at what efficiency. Emerging properties of a community (diversity, resilience, stability) are affected by a cascade of processes that act at different spatial and temporal scales. To diagnose disturbance effects, it is necessary to use new tools of observation. One of these tools is the analysis of food webs that clearly shows the relationships among species and energy fluxes. We present here an example of the use of the food web approach to study the effects of foresting a naturalized pasture of the humid Argentinean Pampa with exotic species of trees (Eucalyptus camadulensis and Populus nigra). We show that the basic architecture of food webs remains similar under different treatments (related to the input of new detritus source) in a short time (60 days). However, the proposed approach in this study enables to design a simple decision scheme to formulate hypotheses about possible effects of stronger disturbances.

En el oeste de la Peninsula Antartica se ha registrado un retroceso de los sistemas glaciarios co... more En el oeste de la Peninsula Antartica se ha registrado un retroceso de los sistemas glaciarios como consecuencia de un incremento de la temperatura, de aproximadamente 2°C, en los ultimos 50 anos. Este hecho ha originado “nuevas areas libres de hielo” las cuales son aptas para la colonizacion de organismos bentonicos y presentan perturbaciones tales como el aumento de la descarga de sedimento. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar el balance diario metabolico de carbono (CB) de dos macroalgas que crecen en una nueva area libre de hielo de Caleta Potter, Antartida. El sitio de estudio es una pequena isla (Isla D) que presenta una elevada descarga de sedimento cuando se registra un aumento de la temperatura ambiental, ocasionando a la vez una disminucion en la penetracion de la luz en la columna de agua. Se realizaron mediciones de Radiacion Fotosinteticamente Activa (400-700nm) (PAR) en primavera y verano durante cuatro anos consecutivos (2011 hasta el presente) a 0, 5 y 10 m. A s...
Papers by Fernando R Momo
En este artículo te contamos sobre el “mapa de interacciones de alimentación” entre las algas, invertebrados, peces, aves y mamíferos marinos que habitan en la Antártida.