Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, Apr 1, 2014
Bu sonuçlar yağ asidi gruplarının oranları arasındaki farkın istatistikî olarak önemli olduğunu g... more Bu sonuçlar yağ asidi gruplarının oranları arasındaki farkın istatistikî olarak önemli olduğunu göstermektedir(P<0.05). Kas dokularındaki ω3/ω6 oranı 1,285 olduğu bulunmuştur. Serban Baraj Gölü'ndeki S. cephalus'un yöre halkı için önemli bir ω3 PUFA (özellikle DHA, EPA ve AA) kaynağı olduğu ve filetolarındaki ω3/ω6 oranının önerilen değerler (1-4) arasında bulunduğu gözlenmiştir.
ABSTRACT The aim of the study was to evaluate the seasonal var-iations in both fatty acids compos... more ABSTRACT The aim of the study was to evaluate the seasonal var-iations in both fatty acids composition and ω6/ω3 ratio of polyunsaturated fatty acids in muscle of pike (Esox lucius) living in Karamık Lake, Turkey. The total amounts of saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids were found to be 26. win-ter, respectively. In winter, ω9 fatty acids amount was the lower than that of ω3 and ω6 fatty acids. .The ω6/ω3 fatty acids, arachidonic acid to eicosapentaenoic acids, ratios were 0.30 and 0.98 in spring, 0.38 and 0.97 in summer, 0.44 and 1.11 in autumn, and 0.43 and 1.34 in winter, respectively. The results obtained showed that the amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids in muscle tissue of pike is very high in all seasons, and this fish might be an impor-tant source of ω3 fatty acids for mankind.
This study was carried out in Apa Dam Lake between January 2001 and December 2001. Characteristic... more This study was carried out in Apa Dam Lake between January 2001 and December 2001. Characteristics of sexuality status, age groups, growth and reproduction as well as condition factor of Cyprinus carpio (L. 1758) population, which inhabits this dam lake and is of economic importance, was investigated. The age composition of Cyprinus carpio samples were determined to have ranged from I to VIII. Sexual distribution proved to be 41,83 % for females and 43,02 % for males. Minimum fork length of this species was found to be 138 (mm), minimum weight 51 (gr), maximum fork length 525 (mm), and maximum weight 2724 (gr). The highest agespecific number within the population was observed in age group III, whereas the lowest one was in age group VII. Minimum and maximum condition factors were found to be 1,69 in age group VI and 2,26 in age group III, respectively. As far as the seasons are concerned, minimum condition factor was observed 1,84 in July, whereas the maximum one was 2,17 in June. Sexual maturity age was found to be III in the males and IV in the females. Reproduction period was determined to be June and July. GSI values based on the months ranged from 1,64 to 18,78. Fecundity has increased, rising from the age group IV to VIII.
In the present study, sex and age distribution, growth, reproduction properties and condition fac... more In the present study, sex and age distribution, growth, reproduction properties and condition factor of Squalius cephalus (L., 1758), Inhabiting Apa Dam Lake, were investigated. The ages of S. cephalus were determined in the range of I to V. of the investigated samples, 45.36% were female and 43.46% were male. The minimum fork length of this species was 131 mm, the lowest weight was 30 g, the maximum fork length was 307 mm and the highest weight was 438 g. Relation between length and weight was calculated as W = 0.091 x L 2.43 (female+male). First sex maturity was attained at the age of II in males and III in females and spawning occurs between may and july. Monthly gonadosomatic index (GSI) values varied from 1.23 to 7.87. Fecundity increased with the age.
Zinc pyrithione (2-mercapto pyridine-N-oxide zinc salt), which has been used in cosmetic consumer... more Zinc pyrithione (2-mercapto pyridine-N-oxide zinc salt), which has been used in cosmetic consumer products including anti-dandruff shampoos in many countries for years, and more recently incorporated in antifouling paints for large boats and ships due to the ban on tributyltin. However, the toxicity of Zinc Pyrithione (ZnPT) remains uncertain. In this study, tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L., 1758) fingerlings exposed to 1/24 (2.5 μg/L) and 1/12 (5 μg/L) of the 96 hour LC50 value of ZnPT effects were investigated histopatologically. Results of histological examination, showed no histopatological findings in the gonad, heart, kidney, muscle, spleen and intestine tissues after subletal ZnPT exposure, however epithelial lifting, edema, telangiectasia and hyperplasia in gill tisue; passive hyperemia, hydropic degeneration, lymphocyte infiltration and fatty degeneration in liver; hyperemia in skin tissues and excessive bile accumulation in gall bladder were determined. These histopatholo...
Bu calismada Şubat 2010 tarihinde Serban Baraj Golu’ndeki 20 kefal (Squalius cephalus L., 1758) k... more Bu calismada Şubat 2010 tarihinde Serban Baraj Golu’ndeki 20 kefal (Squalius cephalus L., 1758) kas orneginin yag asidi bilesimi ?3/?6 orani belirlenmistir. Yag asidi bilesimi FID dedektor, kapiller kolon (DB-23), supelco (37 mix) standartve Gaz Kromatografisi (HP Agilent 7890 A) kullanilarak analiz edilmistir. Palmitik asit (PA,%19,374±0,631) ve stearik asit (SA,%5,760±0,476) en buyuk orandaki SFA’lardir. Oleik asit (OA,%16,825±0710) ve palmitoleik asit (PA, %13,601±0,371) en buyuk orandaki MUFA’lardir. Dokosaheksaenoik asit (DHA, %10,449±1,562), arasidonik asit (AA, %7,338±0,558), eikosapentaenoik asit (EPA, %5,954±0,916), linoleik asit (LA, %4,558±0,440) and linolenik asit (LNA, %3,061±0,449) en bol bulunan PUFA’lardir. Toplam SFA, toplam MUFA ve toplam PUFA’nin toplam lipitteki oranlari sirasiyla %28,414; %32,524; %38,197 olarak bulunmustur. Bu sonuclar yag asidi gruplarinin oranlari arasindaki farkin istatistiki olarak onemli oldugunu gostermektedir(P<0.05). Kas dokularin...
Bu calisma, Ocak-2001, Aralik-2001 tarihleri arasinda Apa Baraj Golu’nde yapilmistir. Bu baraj go... more Bu calisma, Ocak-2001, Aralik-2001 tarihleri arasinda Apa Baraj Golu’nde yapilmistir. Bu baraj golunde yasayan ve ekonomik oneme sahip Cyprinus carpio (L. 1758) populasyonunun esey durumu ve yas gruplari, buyume ve ureme ozellikleri ile kondisyon faktoru arastirilmistir. Cyprinus carpio’nun I-VIII yaslari arasinda dagilim gosterdigi belirlenmistir. Esey dagilimi %41,83 disi ve %43,02 erkek bireylerden olusmustur. Bu ture ait en kucuk catal boy uzunlugu 138 (mm), en kucuk agirlik 51 (gr), en buyuk catal boy uzunlugu 525 (mm), en buyuk agirlik 2724 (gr) olarak saptanmistir. Populasyonda en fazla bireye III yas grubunda, en az bireye ise VII yas grubunda rastlanilmistir. Kondisyon faktoru en dusuk VI. yasta 1,69, en yuksek III. yasta 2,26 ve aylara gore en dusuk Temmuz’da 1,84, en yuksek Haziran’da 2,17 olarak bulunmustur. Eseysel olgunluga ulasma yasi erkeklerde III. ve disilerde IV. yas olarak belirlenmistir. Ureme zamani ise Haziran-Temmuz olarak belirlenmistir. Aylara gore GSI dege...
In the present study, sex and age distribution, growth, reproduction properties and condition fac... more In the present study, sex and age distribution, growth, reproduction properties and condition factor of Squalius cephalus (L., 1758), Inhabiting Apa Dam Lake, were investigated. The ages of S. cephalus were determined in the range of I to V. of the investigated samples, 45.36% were female and 43.46% were male. The minimum fork length of this species was 131 mm, the lowest weight was 30 g, the maximum fork length was 307 mm and the highest weight was 438 g. Relation between length and weight was calculated as W = 0.091 x L 2.43 (female+male). First sex maturity was attained at the age of II in males and III in females and spawning occurs between may and july. Monthly gonadosomatic index (GSI) values varied from 1.23 to 7.87. Fecundity increased with the age.
Bu çalışma; Ayhanlar, Damsa ve Tatlarin Baraj Gölleri ve Kızılırmak Nehri'nin Nevşehir il sın... more Bu çalışma; Ayhanlar, Damsa ve Tatlarin Baraj Gölleri ve Kızılırmak Nehri'nin Nevşehir il sınırları içinde kalan bölümünün balık faunasının günümüzdeki durumunun ortaya çıkarılması amacıyla Aralık 2011 - Kasım 2012 tarihleri arasında yapılmıştır. Araştırma alanlarını temsil edecek şekilde Ayhanlar Baraj Gölü'nde 3, Damsa Baraj Gölü'nde 3, Tatlarin Baraj Gölü'nde 1 ve Kızılmak'ta 4 istasyon olmak üzere toplam 11 istasyondan balık örnekleri toplanmıştır. Çalışma süresince 3 farklı familyaya ait 9 tür ve 1 alttür olmak üzere 10 takson tespit edilmiştir. Bunlar Cyprinadae familyasından Cyprinus carpio, Tinca tinca, Carrasius gibelio, Carrasius auratus, Squalius cephalus, Capoeta tinca, Barbus plebejus escherichi, Capoeta sieboldii, Siluridae familyasından Silurus glanis ve Percidae familyasından Sander lucioperca türleridir. Araştırma alanında yakalanan türlerin ve alttürlerin teşhisinde kolaylık sağlamak amacıyla familya, tür ve alttür düzeyinde, ayırıcı karakterler...
Bu çalışmada, Apa Baraj Gölü (Konya)'nde yaşayan ve ekonomik öneme sahip Cyprinus carpio (L., 175... more Bu çalışmada, Apa Baraj Gölü (Konya)'nde yaşayan ve ekonomik öneme sahip Cyprinus carpio (L., 1758)'nun kas dokusu yağ asidi kompozisyonu araştırılmıştır. Sazan örnekleri Apa Baraj Gölü'nden 3 erkek ve 3 dişi olarak Temmuz 2001'de alınmıştır. Numuneler kapiler kolon (SP-2330), FID dedektör ve mix standart kullanılarak gaz kromatografisinde analiz edilmiştir. Yapılan çalışmada, sazanların kas dokusundaki toplam doymuş yağ asidi (SFA) erkeklerde %30,69 ve dişilerde %35,67 bulunmuştur. En yüksek SFA palmitik asit (%20,25 erkek; %23,70 dişi) ve stearik asittir (%4,88 erkek; %5,46 dişi). Toplam tekli doymamış yağ asidi (MUFA) erkeklerde %44,42 ve dişilerde %39,96 tespit edilmiştir. En yüksek MUFA oleik asit (%23,68 erkek; %20,82 dişi) ve palmitoleik asittir (%17,68 erkek; %15,36 dişi). Toplam çoklu doymamış yağ asidi (PUFA) erkeklerde %8,48 ve dişilerde %7,24 bulunmuştur. En yüksek PUFA linoleik asit (%3,76 erkek; %4,23 dişi), linolenik asit (%2,06 erkek; %1,32 dişi) ve eikozapentaenoik asittir (%1,34 erkek; %0,58). Erkek ve dişi sazanların kas dokularındaki yağ asidi kompozisyonları farklılık göstermiştir.
Bu calisma, Ocak 2001-Ocak 2002 tarihleri arasinda Apa Baraj Golu (Konya)’nde gerceklestirilmisti... more Bu calisma, Ocak 2001-Ocak 2002 tarihleri arasinda Apa Baraj Golu (Konya)’nde gerceklestirilmistir. Apa Baraj Golu’nun su kalitesini belirlemek amaciyla, hava sicakligi, su sicakligi, cozunmus oksijen, isik gecirgenligi, pH, sertlik, nitrit, nitrat, amonyum, elektriksel iletkenlik, sulfat, klorur, potasyum, sodyum, magnezyum, bikarbonat, organik madde ve orto fosfat, gibi parametreler bir yil boyunca aylik olarak olculmustur. Calisma sonuclari Apa Baraj Golu’nde onemli bir kirlilik olmadigini gostermistir, bununla birlikte, tarim alanlarinin sulanmasi nedeniyle yaz aylarinda su seviyesindeki bir azalma kirlilik parametreleri seviyesinde bir artisa neden olmustur
Bu calisma; Ayhanlar, Damsa ve Tatlarin Baraj Golleri ve Kizilirmak Nehri’nin Nevsehir il sinirla... more Bu calisma; Ayhanlar, Damsa ve Tatlarin Baraj Golleri ve Kizilirmak Nehri’nin Nevsehir il sinirlari icinde kalan bolumunun balik faunasinin gunumuzdeki durumunun ortaya cikarilmasi amaciyla Aralik 2011 - Kasim 2012 tarihleri arasinda yapilmistir. Arastirma alanlarini temsil edecek sekilde Ayhanlar Baraj Golu’nde 3, Damsa Baraj Golu’nde 3, Tatlarin Baraj Golu’nde 1 ve Kizilmak’ta 4 istasyon olmak uzere toplam 11 istasyondan balik ornekleri toplanmistir. Calisma suresince 3 farkli familyaya ait 9 tur ve 1 alttur olmak uzere 10 takson tespit edilmistir. Bunlar; Cyprinadae familyasindan Cyprinus carpio, Tinca tinca, Carrasius gibelio, Carrasius auratus, Squalius cephalus, Capoeta tinca, Barbus plebejus escherichi, Capoeta sieboldii, Siluridae familyasindan Silurus glanis ve Percidae familyasindan Sander lucioperca turleridir.Arastirma alaninda yakalanan turlerin ve altturlerin teshisinde kolaylik saglamak amaciyla familya, tur ve alttur duzeyinde, ayirici karakterlerden olusan tayin ana...
This study was carried out in Apa Dam Lake between January 2001 and December 2001. Characteristic... more This study was carried out in Apa Dam Lake between January 2001 and December 2001. Characteristics of sexuality status, age groups, growth and reproduction as well as condition factor of Cyprinus carpio (L. 1758) population, which inhabits this dam lake and is of economic importance, was investigated. The age composition of Cyprinus carpio samples were determined to have ranged from I to VIII. Sexual distribution proved to be 41,83 % for females and 43,02 % for males. Minimum fork length of this species was found to be 138 (mm), minimum weight 51 (gr), maximum fork length 525 (mm), and maximum weight 2724 (gr). The highest agespecific number within the population was observed in age group III, whereas the lowest one was in age group VII. Minimum and maximum condition factors were found to be 1,69 in age group VI and 2,26 in age group III, respectively. As far as the seasons are concerned, minimum condition factor was observed 1,84 in July, whereas the maximum one was 2,17 in June. S...
In the present study, several growth parameters of 338 Squalius cephalus (L., 1758) specimens col... more In the present study, several growth parameters of 338 Squalius cephalus (L., 1758) specimens collected from the Orenler dam lake (Turkey) between July 2005 and June 2006 were studied. The population comprised 50.74% males, 46.29% females, and 2.97% males+females. In the examined samples, the age of females and males ranged from I to VII and I to VI, respectively. The fork length and weight of females were 14.7-38.0 cm and 40.68-27.0 g, respectively; these values were 16.3-33.7 cm and 57.7-560.0 g, respectively, for males. The age-length and age-weight relationships at time t were calculated by the von Bertalanffy equation for females, and the following results were obtained: Lt = 37.12[1–e–0.36(t–(–0.96))], Wt = 775.6[1–e–0.36(t–(–0.96))]3.27, Lt = 43.59[1–e =1123.2[1–e–0.3356(t–(–0.719))]3.08. The calculated length-weight relationship was W = 0.36L3.27 –0.3356(t–(–0.719))for females and W = 0.03356L for males. The average condition factor was 1.412 for females and 1.284 for males....
Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, Apr 1, 2014
Bu sonuçlar yağ asidi gruplarının oranları arasındaki farkın istatistikî olarak önemli olduğunu g... more Bu sonuçlar yağ asidi gruplarının oranları arasındaki farkın istatistikî olarak önemli olduğunu göstermektedir(P<0.05). Kas dokularındaki ω3/ω6 oranı 1,285 olduğu bulunmuştur. Serban Baraj Gölü'ndeki S. cephalus'un yöre halkı için önemli bir ω3 PUFA (özellikle DHA, EPA ve AA) kaynağı olduğu ve filetolarındaki ω3/ω6 oranının önerilen değerler (1-4) arasında bulunduğu gözlenmiştir.
ABSTRACT The aim of the study was to evaluate the seasonal var-iations in both fatty acids compos... more ABSTRACT The aim of the study was to evaluate the seasonal var-iations in both fatty acids composition and ω6/ω3 ratio of polyunsaturated fatty acids in muscle of pike (Esox lucius) living in Karamık Lake, Turkey. The total amounts of saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids were found to be 26. win-ter, respectively. In winter, ω9 fatty acids amount was the lower than that of ω3 and ω6 fatty acids. .The ω6/ω3 fatty acids, arachidonic acid to eicosapentaenoic acids, ratios were 0.30 and 0.98 in spring, 0.38 and 0.97 in summer, 0.44 and 1.11 in autumn, and 0.43 and 1.34 in winter, respectively. The results obtained showed that the amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids in muscle tissue of pike is very high in all seasons, and this fish might be an impor-tant source of ω3 fatty acids for mankind.
This study was carried out in Apa Dam Lake between January 2001 and December 2001. Characteristic... more This study was carried out in Apa Dam Lake between January 2001 and December 2001. Characteristics of sexuality status, age groups, growth and reproduction as well as condition factor of Cyprinus carpio (L. 1758) population, which inhabits this dam lake and is of economic importance, was investigated. The age composition of Cyprinus carpio samples were determined to have ranged from I to VIII. Sexual distribution proved to be 41,83 % for females and 43,02 % for males. Minimum fork length of this species was found to be 138 (mm), minimum weight 51 (gr), maximum fork length 525 (mm), and maximum weight 2724 (gr). The highest agespecific number within the population was observed in age group III, whereas the lowest one was in age group VII. Minimum and maximum condition factors were found to be 1,69 in age group VI and 2,26 in age group III, respectively. As far as the seasons are concerned, minimum condition factor was observed 1,84 in July, whereas the maximum one was 2,17 in June. Sexual maturity age was found to be III in the males and IV in the females. Reproduction period was determined to be June and July. GSI values based on the months ranged from 1,64 to 18,78. Fecundity has increased, rising from the age group IV to VIII.
In the present study, sex and age distribution, growth, reproduction properties and condition fac... more In the present study, sex and age distribution, growth, reproduction properties and condition factor of Squalius cephalus (L., 1758), Inhabiting Apa Dam Lake, were investigated. The ages of S. cephalus were determined in the range of I to V. of the investigated samples, 45.36% were female and 43.46% were male. The minimum fork length of this species was 131 mm, the lowest weight was 30 g, the maximum fork length was 307 mm and the highest weight was 438 g. Relation between length and weight was calculated as W = 0.091 x L 2.43 (female+male). First sex maturity was attained at the age of II in males and III in females and spawning occurs between may and july. Monthly gonadosomatic index (GSI) values varied from 1.23 to 7.87. Fecundity increased with the age.
Zinc pyrithione (2-mercapto pyridine-N-oxide zinc salt), which has been used in cosmetic consumer... more Zinc pyrithione (2-mercapto pyridine-N-oxide zinc salt), which has been used in cosmetic consumer products including anti-dandruff shampoos in many countries for years, and more recently incorporated in antifouling paints for large boats and ships due to the ban on tributyltin. However, the toxicity of Zinc Pyrithione (ZnPT) remains uncertain. In this study, tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L., 1758) fingerlings exposed to 1/24 (2.5 μg/L) and 1/12 (5 μg/L) of the 96 hour LC50 value of ZnPT effects were investigated histopatologically. Results of histological examination, showed no histopatological findings in the gonad, heart, kidney, muscle, spleen and intestine tissues after subletal ZnPT exposure, however epithelial lifting, edema, telangiectasia and hyperplasia in gill tisue; passive hyperemia, hydropic degeneration, lymphocyte infiltration and fatty degeneration in liver; hyperemia in skin tissues and excessive bile accumulation in gall bladder were determined. These histopatholo...
Bu calismada Şubat 2010 tarihinde Serban Baraj Golu’ndeki 20 kefal (Squalius cephalus L., 1758) k... more Bu calismada Şubat 2010 tarihinde Serban Baraj Golu’ndeki 20 kefal (Squalius cephalus L., 1758) kas orneginin yag asidi bilesimi ?3/?6 orani belirlenmistir. Yag asidi bilesimi FID dedektor, kapiller kolon (DB-23), supelco (37 mix) standartve Gaz Kromatografisi (HP Agilent 7890 A) kullanilarak analiz edilmistir. Palmitik asit (PA,%19,374±0,631) ve stearik asit (SA,%5,760±0,476) en buyuk orandaki SFA’lardir. Oleik asit (OA,%16,825±0710) ve palmitoleik asit (PA, %13,601±0,371) en buyuk orandaki MUFA’lardir. Dokosaheksaenoik asit (DHA, %10,449±1,562), arasidonik asit (AA, %7,338±0,558), eikosapentaenoik asit (EPA, %5,954±0,916), linoleik asit (LA, %4,558±0,440) and linolenik asit (LNA, %3,061±0,449) en bol bulunan PUFA’lardir. Toplam SFA, toplam MUFA ve toplam PUFA’nin toplam lipitteki oranlari sirasiyla %28,414; %32,524; %38,197 olarak bulunmustur. Bu sonuclar yag asidi gruplarinin oranlari arasindaki farkin istatistiki olarak onemli oldugunu gostermektedir(P<0.05). Kas dokularin...
Bu calisma, Ocak-2001, Aralik-2001 tarihleri arasinda Apa Baraj Golu’nde yapilmistir. Bu baraj go... more Bu calisma, Ocak-2001, Aralik-2001 tarihleri arasinda Apa Baraj Golu’nde yapilmistir. Bu baraj golunde yasayan ve ekonomik oneme sahip Cyprinus carpio (L. 1758) populasyonunun esey durumu ve yas gruplari, buyume ve ureme ozellikleri ile kondisyon faktoru arastirilmistir. Cyprinus carpio’nun I-VIII yaslari arasinda dagilim gosterdigi belirlenmistir. Esey dagilimi %41,83 disi ve %43,02 erkek bireylerden olusmustur. Bu ture ait en kucuk catal boy uzunlugu 138 (mm), en kucuk agirlik 51 (gr), en buyuk catal boy uzunlugu 525 (mm), en buyuk agirlik 2724 (gr) olarak saptanmistir. Populasyonda en fazla bireye III yas grubunda, en az bireye ise VII yas grubunda rastlanilmistir. Kondisyon faktoru en dusuk VI. yasta 1,69, en yuksek III. yasta 2,26 ve aylara gore en dusuk Temmuz’da 1,84, en yuksek Haziran’da 2,17 olarak bulunmustur. Eseysel olgunluga ulasma yasi erkeklerde III. ve disilerde IV. yas olarak belirlenmistir. Ureme zamani ise Haziran-Temmuz olarak belirlenmistir. Aylara gore GSI dege...
In the present study, sex and age distribution, growth, reproduction properties and condition fac... more In the present study, sex and age distribution, growth, reproduction properties and condition factor of Squalius cephalus (L., 1758), Inhabiting Apa Dam Lake, were investigated. The ages of S. cephalus were determined in the range of I to V. of the investigated samples, 45.36% were female and 43.46% were male. The minimum fork length of this species was 131 mm, the lowest weight was 30 g, the maximum fork length was 307 mm and the highest weight was 438 g. Relation between length and weight was calculated as W = 0.091 x L 2.43 (female+male). First sex maturity was attained at the age of II in males and III in females and spawning occurs between may and july. Monthly gonadosomatic index (GSI) values varied from 1.23 to 7.87. Fecundity increased with the age.
Bu çalışma; Ayhanlar, Damsa ve Tatlarin Baraj Gölleri ve Kızılırmak Nehri'nin Nevşehir il sın... more Bu çalışma; Ayhanlar, Damsa ve Tatlarin Baraj Gölleri ve Kızılırmak Nehri'nin Nevşehir il sınırları içinde kalan bölümünün balık faunasının günümüzdeki durumunun ortaya çıkarılması amacıyla Aralık 2011 - Kasım 2012 tarihleri arasında yapılmıştır. Araştırma alanlarını temsil edecek şekilde Ayhanlar Baraj Gölü'nde 3, Damsa Baraj Gölü'nde 3, Tatlarin Baraj Gölü'nde 1 ve Kızılmak'ta 4 istasyon olmak üzere toplam 11 istasyondan balık örnekleri toplanmıştır. Çalışma süresince 3 farklı familyaya ait 9 tür ve 1 alttür olmak üzere 10 takson tespit edilmiştir. Bunlar Cyprinadae familyasından Cyprinus carpio, Tinca tinca, Carrasius gibelio, Carrasius auratus, Squalius cephalus, Capoeta tinca, Barbus plebejus escherichi, Capoeta sieboldii, Siluridae familyasından Silurus glanis ve Percidae familyasından Sander lucioperca türleridir. Araştırma alanında yakalanan türlerin ve alttürlerin teşhisinde kolaylık sağlamak amacıyla familya, tür ve alttür düzeyinde, ayırıcı karakterler...
Bu çalışmada, Apa Baraj Gölü (Konya)'nde yaşayan ve ekonomik öneme sahip Cyprinus carpio (L., 175... more Bu çalışmada, Apa Baraj Gölü (Konya)'nde yaşayan ve ekonomik öneme sahip Cyprinus carpio (L., 1758)'nun kas dokusu yağ asidi kompozisyonu araştırılmıştır. Sazan örnekleri Apa Baraj Gölü'nden 3 erkek ve 3 dişi olarak Temmuz 2001'de alınmıştır. Numuneler kapiler kolon (SP-2330), FID dedektör ve mix standart kullanılarak gaz kromatografisinde analiz edilmiştir. Yapılan çalışmada, sazanların kas dokusundaki toplam doymuş yağ asidi (SFA) erkeklerde %30,69 ve dişilerde %35,67 bulunmuştur. En yüksek SFA palmitik asit (%20,25 erkek; %23,70 dişi) ve stearik asittir (%4,88 erkek; %5,46 dişi). Toplam tekli doymamış yağ asidi (MUFA) erkeklerde %44,42 ve dişilerde %39,96 tespit edilmiştir. En yüksek MUFA oleik asit (%23,68 erkek; %20,82 dişi) ve palmitoleik asittir (%17,68 erkek; %15,36 dişi). Toplam çoklu doymamış yağ asidi (PUFA) erkeklerde %8,48 ve dişilerde %7,24 bulunmuştur. En yüksek PUFA linoleik asit (%3,76 erkek; %4,23 dişi), linolenik asit (%2,06 erkek; %1,32 dişi) ve eikozapentaenoik asittir (%1,34 erkek; %0,58). Erkek ve dişi sazanların kas dokularındaki yağ asidi kompozisyonları farklılık göstermiştir.
Bu calisma, Ocak 2001-Ocak 2002 tarihleri arasinda Apa Baraj Golu (Konya)’nde gerceklestirilmisti... more Bu calisma, Ocak 2001-Ocak 2002 tarihleri arasinda Apa Baraj Golu (Konya)’nde gerceklestirilmistir. Apa Baraj Golu’nun su kalitesini belirlemek amaciyla, hava sicakligi, su sicakligi, cozunmus oksijen, isik gecirgenligi, pH, sertlik, nitrit, nitrat, amonyum, elektriksel iletkenlik, sulfat, klorur, potasyum, sodyum, magnezyum, bikarbonat, organik madde ve orto fosfat, gibi parametreler bir yil boyunca aylik olarak olculmustur. Calisma sonuclari Apa Baraj Golu’nde onemli bir kirlilik olmadigini gostermistir, bununla birlikte, tarim alanlarinin sulanmasi nedeniyle yaz aylarinda su seviyesindeki bir azalma kirlilik parametreleri seviyesinde bir artisa neden olmustur
Bu calisma; Ayhanlar, Damsa ve Tatlarin Baraj Golleri ve Kizilirmak Nehri’nin Nevsehir il sinirla... more Bu calisma; Ayhanlar, Damsa ve Tatlarin Baraj Golleri ve Kizilirmak Nehri’nin Nevsehir il sinirlari icinde kalan bolumunun balik faunasinin gunumuzdeki durumunun ortaya cikarilmasi amaciyla Aralik 2011 - Kasim 2012 tarihleri arasinda yapilmistir. Arastirma alanlarini temsil edecek sekilde Ayhanlar Baraj Golu’nde 3, Damsa Baraj Golu’nde 3, Tatlarin Baraj Golu’nde 1 ve Kizilmak’ta 4 istasyon olmak uzere toplam 11 istasyondan balik ornekleri toplanmistir. Calisma suresince 3 farkli familyaya ait 9 tur ve 1 alttur olmak uzere 10 takson tespit edilmistir. Bunlar; Cyprinadae familyasindan Cyprinus carpio, Tinca tinca, Carrasius gibelio, Carrasius auratus, Squalius cephalus, Capoeta tinca, Barbus plebejus escherichi, Capoeta sieboldii, Siluridae familyasindan Silurus glanis ve Percidae familyasindan Sander lucioperca turleridir.Arastirma alaninda yakalanan turlerin ve altturlerin teshisinde kolaylik saglamak amaciyla familya, tur ve alttur duzeyinde, ayirici karakterlerden olusan tayin ana...
This study was carried out in Apa Dam Lake between January 2001 and December 2001. Characteristic... more This study was carried out in Apa Dam Lake between January 2001 and December 2001. Characteristics of sexuality status, age groups, growth and reproduction as well as condition factor of Cyprinus carpio (L. 1758) population, which inhabits this dam lake and is of economic importance, was investigated. The age composition of Cyprinus carpio samples were determined to have ranged from I to VIII. Sexual distribution proved to be 41,83 % for females and 43,02 % for males. Minimum fork length of this species was found to be 138 (mm), minimum weight 51 (gr), maximum fork length 525 (mm), and maximum weight 2724 (gr). The highest agespecific number within the population was observed in age group III, whereas the lowest one was in age group VII. Minimum and maximum condition factors were found to be 1,69 in age group VI and 2,26 in age group III, respectively. As far as the seasons are concerned, minimum condition factor was observed 1,84 in July, whereas the maximum one was 2,17 in June. S...
In the present study, several growth parameters of 338 Squalius cephalus (L., 1758) specimens col... more In the present study, several growth parameters of 338 Squalius cephalus (L., 1758) specimens collected from the Orenler dam lake (Turkey) between July 2005 and June 2006 were studied. The population comprised 50.74% males, 46.29% females, and 2.97% males+females. In the examined samples, the age of females and males ranged from I to VII and I to VI, respectively. The fork length and weight of females were 14.7-38.0 cm and 40.68-27.0 g, respectively; these values were 16.3-33.7 cm and 57.7-560.0 g, respectively, for males. The age-length and age-weight relationships at time t were calculated by the von Bertalanffy equation for females, and the following results were obtained: Lt = 37.12[1–e–0.36(t–(–0.96))], Wt = 775.6[1–e–0.36(t–(–0.96))]3.27, Lt = 43.59[1–e =1123.2[1–e–0.3356(t–(–0.719))]3.08. The calculated length-weight relationship was W = 0.36L3.27 –0.3356(t–(–0.719))for females and W = 0.03356L for males. The average condition factor was 1.412 for females and 1.284 for males....
Papers by ramazan mert