Abstrak Sebagai negara berkembang, pemerintah Indonesia melakukan berbagai hal upaya peningkatan ... more Abstrak Sebagai negara berkembang, pemerintah Indonesia melakukan berbagai hal upaya peningkatan penerimaan APBN untuk pelaksanaan pembangunan tingkat nasional dan memobilisasi modal dari dalam negeri seperti dengan memberikan kebijakan-kebijakan. Salah satu cara untuk mencari nafkah adalah banyak orang memulai bisnis, salah satunya adalah berdagang dan usaha dibidang hiburan. Oleh karena itu di kota bandar lampung terdapat berbagai kegiatan usaha yang dimiliki oleh seorang pengusaha salah satunya yaitu usaha dibidang hiburan seperti diskotik, gaya hidup bebas ketika orang-orang dinegara maju mulai muncul, konsumsi minuman alkohol tidak lgi tabu di indonesia. Pada penelitian terdapat dua rumusan masalah yaitu bagaimana penerapan sanksi administratif dan faktor penghambat dalam penerapan sanksi administratif terhadap pelanggaran usaha diskotik di Bandar Lampung, pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian dengan melakukan 2 (dua) pendekatan, yaitu pendekatan secara yuridis norm...
Somephenomena ofthe problemis a fundamental differencebetweenAct Number25 of 1992 and ActNumber 1... more Somephenomena ofthe problemis a fundamental differencebetweenAct Number25 of 1992 and ActNumber 17 of2012with a viewofthe variousaspects ofthe substance of judicialand policy changes related to cooperativesso much,but the cooperative still has not shown changes and significant developments in konstribusionl again stnational economic. The main problemin this study include: a.What is the difference between Act Number25 of 1992 and Act Number 17 of 2012 concerning Cooperativesin Indonesian in terms ofsubstance, b. What are the positiveeffects of Act Number 17 of 2012 concerning Cooperatives, and what is the negative impact of Act Number 25 of 1992 concerning Cooperatives. Approach to the problems that are used in this research conducted by using the normative juridical approach and empirical. The data usedin this study secondary data obtained from library, and conducted field research with observation and interviews(interviews). Results ofthis study are: The difference between Act Number 25 of 1992 and Act Number 17 of 2012 concerning Cooperatives in Indonesiain termsof substance that coversthe principal in the definition, establishment, organization and cooperative capital. The positive impact of Act Number 17 of 2012 concerning Cooperatives Cooperatives which leads tothe development ofthe type and identity of cooperatives. This is in accordance with3 (three main base) cooperative development teffortthat is the basisof production, consumption and business baseservice business base. The legality of cooperative saslegal entitie sthrough the establishent ofa cooperative with authentic deed. The negative impactof Act Number 25 of 1992 concerning Cooperatives are weak under standing ofthe community in under standing the cooperative organization as social institution, indecisioninthe nomenclature of cooperative arrangement sandindecisionin defining criteria formembers of the cooperative. Suggestions in this study that the Governmentis expected tofostera cooperative linked to the cooperative arrangement policies in Indonesiathat carries implications fora very fundamental change.
Abstrak Sebagai negara berkembang, pemerintah Indonesia melakukan berbagai hal upaya peningkatan ... more Abstrak Sebagai negara berkembang, pemerintah Indonesia melakukan berbagai hal upaya peningkatan penerimaan APBN untuk pelaksanaan pembangunan tingkat nasional dan memobilisasi modal dari dalam negeri seperti dengan memberikan kebijakan-kebijakan. Salah satu cara untuk mencari nafkah adalah banyak orang memulai bisnis, salah satunya adalah berdagang dan usaha dibidang hiburan. Oleh karena itu di kota bandar lampung terdapat berbagai kegiatan usaha yang dimiliki oleh seorang pengusaha salah satunya yaitu usaha dibidang hiburan seperti diskotik, gaya hidup bebas ketika orang-orang dinegara maju mulai muncul, konsumsi minuman alkohol tidak lgi tabu di indonesia. Pada penelitian terdapat dua rumusan masalah yaitu bagaimana penerapan sanksi administratif dan faktor penghambat dalam penerapan sanksi administratif terhadap pelanggaran usaha diskotik di Bandar Lampung, pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian dengan melakukan 2 (dua) pendekatan, yaitu pendekatan secara yuridis norm...
Somephenomena ofthe problemis a fundamental differencebetweenAct Number25 of 1992 and ActNumber 1... more Somephenomena ofthe problemis a fundamental differencebetweenAct Number25 of 1992 and ActNumber 17 of2012with a viewofthe variousaspects ofthe substance of judicialand policy changes related to cooperativesso much,but the cooperative still has not shown changes and significant developments in konstribusionl again stnational economic. The main problemin this study include: a.What is the difference between Act Number25 of 1992 and Act Number 17 of 2012 concerning Cooperativesin Indonesian in terms ofsubstance, b. What are the positiveeffects of Act Number 17 of 2012 concerning Cooperatives, and what is the negative impact of Act Number 25 of 1992 concerning Cooperatives. Approach to the problems that are used in this research conducted by using the normative juridical approach and empirical. The data usedin this study secondary data obtained from library, and conducted field research with observation and interviews(interviews). Results ofthis study are: The difference between Act Number 25 of 1992 and Act Number 17 of 2012 concerning Cooperatives in Indonesiain termsof substance that coversthe principal in the definition, establishment, organization and cooperative capital. The positive impact of Act Number 17 of 2012 concerning Cooperatives Cooperatives which leads tothe development ofthe type and identity of cooperatives. This is in accordance with3 (three main base) cooperative development teffortthat is the basisof production, consumption and business baseservice business base. The legality of cooperative saslegal entitie sthrough the establishent ofa cooperative with authentic deed. The negative impactof Act Number 25 of 1992 concerning Cooperatives are weak under standing ofthe community in under standing the cooperative organization as social institution, indecisioninthe nomenclature of cooperative arrangement sandindecisionin defining criteria formembers of the cooperative. Suggestions in this study that the Governmentis expected tofostera cooperative linked to the cooperative arrangement policies in Indonesiathat carries implications fora very fundamental change.
Papers by rika santina