Papers by richard guillande
characteristics of peak ground acceleration from fault trace of the 1999 Kocaeli (Turkey) earthqu... more characteristics of peak ground acceleration from fault trace of the 1999 Kocaeli (Turkey) earthquake and comparison of spectral acceleration with seismic design code
JRC Scientific and …, 2011
The mission of the JRC-IPSC is to provide research results and to support EU policy-makers in the... more The mission of the JRC-IPSC is to provide research results and to support EU policy-makers in their effort towards global security and towards protection of European citizens from accidents, deliberate attacks, fraud and illegal actions against EU policies.
SIGLECNRS T Bordereau / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueFRFranc
JRC Scientific and …, 2011
... According to documents provided by the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Indian Oc... more ... According to documents provided by the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (ICG/IOTWS, 2007), a tsunami hazard scenario is built up by specifying the various characteristics of a tsunamigenic source. ...
Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 1991
Fractional Brownian motion is a surface model through which the topographic surface may be descri... more Fractional Brownian motion is a surface model through which the topographic surface may be described. This model provides a simple method for estimating the fractal dimension of a digital elevation model. By computing the fractal dimension value at different directions, interpolation artifacts may be revealed, contributing to digital elevation model quality assessment.
Etude stratigraphique et structurale de la haute vallee du rio magdalena avec reconstitution de l... more Etude stratigraphique et structurale de la haute vallee du rio magdalena avec reconstitution de l'evolution geodynamique du jurassique a l'eocene de cette region. Ces etudes diffractometriques permettent de caracteriser les diageneses, une modelisation gravimetrique de 3 profils de croute transverses aux cordilleres permet de proposer des hypotheses sur les zones de raccourcissement correspondant aux phases tectoniques. Une etude des documents satellitaires permet d'elargir les raisonnements a l'ensemble du domaine oriental colombien. Un accident majeur actif est reconnu comme prolongation probable de la limite meridionale de la plaque caraibe
Bulletin De La Societe Geologique De France, 1994

The assessment of vulnerability and damaged caused by tsunamis are mostly expressed through damag... more The assessment of vulnerability and damaged caused by tsunamis are mostly expressed through damage functions for buildings and rarely through damage functions for other types of exposed objects or human being. Tsunami damage functions usually provide, for a specific building typology, the level of damage for a given tsunami flow depth. A new set of buildings damage functions was proposed in SCHEMA project by our team. However, it is recognised that linking flow depth and damage is not sufficient and other factors should be considered. Some authors have worked on the influence of the flow pressure on buildings’ damage assessment. Floating objects are also important sources of damages to buildings but this is rarely taken into account. Human being can also be swept away by very low flow depths with floating material arriving at high velocity as seen on videos captured in Banda Aceh. We propose to combine modelled flow depth and velocity in a new approach for mapping tsunami impact for...
Bulletin De La Societe Geologique De France, 1993
Absrruct. - This paper presents a new method based on different types of digital data (SPOT satel... more Absrruct. - This paper presents a new method based on different types of digital data (SPOT satellite scene, digital geological map and digital terrain model) for multicriterial analysis and digital mapping of landslides hazards in the Tahiti Island (French Polynesia, southern Pacific). The interest of three dimensional views combining the digital terrain model and the SPOT image for instability assessment, is outlined. After visual recognition, data are processed numerically to extract individual map for each risk factor. Pattern recognition and geographical information system (GIS) tools are used and described. Binarised risk factors maps are crossed to produce maps of risk accumulation for landslides. Further developments and improvements of the method are proposed.

L'etude financee par le ministere de l'Ecologie et du Developpement durable vise a determ... more L'etude financee par le ministere de l'Ecologie et du Developpement durable vise a determiner une echelle d'intensite pour les phenomenes incendies de foret qui doit permettre de classer a posteriori tout phenomene incendie de foret survenant sur le territoire France metropolitaine et dans les DOM-TOM selon son degre d'intensite. L'article presente comment a ete elabore un premier prototype, aucune echelle d'intensite existante n'ayant ete recensee dans ce domaine. A partir d'une bibliographie internationale et des enquetes aupres d'experts, l'identification de quelques parametres physiques du feu et endommagements possibles sur des types d'enjeux a ete realisee, l'accessibilite des donnees visees a ete etudiee egalement. Le prototype se presente sous la forme d'un tableau ou se trouvent recapitulees pour chacun des six niveaux definis (tres faible, faible, moyen, eleve, tres eleve, exceptionnel) les valeurs des parametres physique...

Apres differentes catastrophes naturelles survenues en France ces dernieres annees, le ministere ... more Apres differentes catastrophes naturelles survenues en France ces dernieres annees, le ministere charge de l'environnement a voulu construire de nouvelles echelles d'intensite sur les differents risques naturels comme les phenomenes meteorologiques (tempete, cyclone, orage, grele...) hydrauliques (inondations, crues torrentielles, avalanches) eruptifs (volcaniques) ou de feux de forets. Le but etait de mieux qualifier chaque nouvel evenement vis-a-vis de ses predecesseurs. Les principaux criteres retenus sont: - quelques parametres physiques du phenomene lui-meme, - le dommage effectif ou possible sur les personnes, les bâtiments, infrastructures, espaces agricoles ou naturels, - d'autres criteres. L'echelle avalanche a 5 degres, de 1, tres faible, a 5, exceptionnel, avec une description specifique. Ces niveaux sont relativement independants de la vulnerabilite du site. Les non-specialistes du phenomene peuvent la comprendre et l'utiliser tres souvent. Pour un ev...
A microflora discovered in the uppermost layers of the marine Cretaceous deposits on the western ... more A microflora discovered in the uppermost layers of the marine Cretaceous deposits on the western margin of the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia, just below the first recognized continental levels, has given a Lower Maastrichtian age. This dating and sedimentologic arguments allow the proposal a withdrewal of the sea in a northeasterly direction with local uplifts corresponding to a Late Cretaceous tectonic event on the western rim of the South American continent. This tectonic event is correlated to the Late Cretaceous collision of a volcanic arc with the continent known farther north up to Central America
A method of computing dips and strikes of geological contacts from a coregistered digital terrain... more A method of computing dips and strikes of geological contacts from a coregistered digital terrain model (DTM) and geological map data is developed and assessed. Examination of perspective views of the three-dimensional geological map were used to assess registration quality. The dips and strikes were systematically computed on an entire map at all the geological contact/thalweg crossing points using a three-point method. On the whole, the computed values are close to the ground truth, but they are generally steeper. Quality of map digitization and superimposition have then to be improved
Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie
... Richard GUILLANDE, - Annalisa GARDI, - Nathalia VALENCIA, - Tugdual SALAUN ... Ces élémentsfo... more ... Richard GUILLANDE, - Annalisa GARDI, - Nathalia VALENCIA, - Tugdual SALAUN ... Ces élémentsfont l'objet d'une cartographie particulière qui permet de localiser les zones d'aggravation des dommages liés à leur présence et sont introduits dans les atlas de scénarios. ...
International Journal of Remote Sensing, 1997
SPOT XS and Panchromatic images are used jointly in order to map the lava flows of the Nevado Sab... more SPOT XS and Panchromatic images are used jointly in order to map the lava flows of the Nevado Sabancaya volcano (southern Peru). This mapping is achieved through two types of processing: the unsupervised multispectral clustering applied to the XS image, and some specific methods of image analysis (mathematical morphology, convolution filtering) applied to the Panchromatic image. The resulting images allowed us to identify flows and the two main morphological features of the flow areas: lava reliefs and flow lines. Therefore, our experience shows that image analysis can be a tool for thematic mapping which displays more capabilities than photointerpretation.
Papers by richard guillande