Papers by Muhammad remy Othman

Henna is a type of plant that is normally used in our society as an accessory to paint their nail... more Henna is a type of plant that is normally used in our society as an accessory to paint their nails, hair and for men, beards. However, it is usually an accessory designed for women. Even so, there are some people in the society who use henna as a treatment for postpartum internal wounds. Through inductive and deductive analysis, the objective of this article is to analyse, from the fiqh al-hadith perspective, on the usage of henna that is explained in the hadiths in order to get a comprehensive explanation of the use of henna that was recommended by the Prophet PBUH so that the discussion can be related with the reality of the proper use of henna in society. The results of the study found that, from the fiqh al-hadith perspective, the discussion on the use of henna is [1] Henna as a hair dye to darken grey hair; [2] Henna also acts as an accessory designed for women whether it is for their nails or hair; [3] The law prohibits the use of the colour of henna for men as accessories tha...

Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Dec 30, 2022
Fakta kes, keterangan dari pihak-pihak, rujukan nas al-Quran dan Hadis serta pendapat fuqaha' mer... more Fakta kes, keterangan dari pihak-pihak, rujukan nas al-Quran dan Hadis serta pendapat fuqaha' merupakan perkara penting yang perlu diberi perhatian oleh Hakim Syarie sebelum sesuatu alasan penghakiman dibuat. Pemakaian Hadis merupakan antara sumber terpenting di dalam penghakiman kes Syariah dan turut menjadi asas bagi prosedur di Mahkamah Syariah yang terangkum di dalam Enakmen Tatacara Mal Mahkamah Syariah Selangor dan negeri-negeri lain. Hal ini dikuatkan lagi dengan keputusan kes-kes yang diputuskan di Mahkamah Syariah Malaysia. Kertas ini membincangkan pemakaian dan pengecualian Hadis di dalam alasan penghakiman dan prosedur dengan menggunakan kaedah empirical study menerusi peruntukan seksyen dan kes-kes yang diputuskan. Hasil kajian ini mendapati ada beberapa peruntukan seksyen dan kes-kes yang mengguna pakai dan mengecualikan prinsip Hadis ini. Bagi pengecualian, kertas kajian ini menghuraikan rasional bagi pengecualian pemakaian Hadis tersebut.

Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science
The insecticidal activities of extracts from 22 Malaysian medicinal plant extracts from 8 botanic... more The insecticidal activities of extracts from 22 Malaysian medicinal plant extracts from 8 botanical families were tested against rice weevil: Sitophilus oryzae (L.) and lesser grain borer: Rhyzopertha dominica (F.). The extracts were obtained using hexane, methanol, and dichloromethane to extract potential biopesticides from dried leaves. The toxicity levels were examined periodically based on antifeedant activity and contact toxicity assays using treated grain assay. Hexane extracts of Alpinia conchigera, Alpinia scabra, Curcuma mangga, Curcuma purpurascens, Goniothalamus tapisoides, Piper sarmentosum, and methanol extracts of Curcuma aeruginosa, C. mangga, and Mitragyna speciosa were the most potent extracts against S. oryzae and R. dominica with lethal concentration (LC50) values of ≤ 0.42 mg/mL and ≤ 0.49 mg/mL, respectively. The contact toxicity test results showed that methanol extracts of C. aeruginosa and C. mangga, dichloromethane extracts of Cryptocarya nigra, and hexane e...

‘Abqari Journal
Islamic revelation as the main reference in the exploration of knowledge has created scientific m... more Islamic revelation as the main reference in the exploration of knowledge has created scientific methods and thoughts based on tawḥīd. This can be seen through scientific discoveries by the legacy of Islamic scholars such as Jabir Ibn Hayyan, al-Khawarizmi, al-Bīrūnī, Ibn Sina, Ibn Qayyim, and many others who integrated the revelation and scientific knowledge to solve the problems faced by mankind. The objectives of this paper are to elaborate the benefits, preconditions and needs of the integration of turath and scientific knowledge as a contemporary da’wah initiative. In other words, scientific knowledge is made as a Manhaj Rabbani in the transformation of da’wah based on tawḥīd. The qualitative method is applied to collect information through the analysis of books, journals, and academic publications. The results of the findings show that the integration of turath and scientific knowledge in multidisciplinary research is very beneficial and serves as the contemporary da’wah medium...
Online Journal of Research in Islamic Studies, Apr 30, 2021
Flora is nature's valuable treasure. The importance of flora in preserving the ecosystem ... more Flora is nature's valuable treasure. The importance of flora in preserving the ecosystem is undeniable. Furthermore, there are several plants that have been mentioned in the Quran and hadiths. Some of them are camphor, basil, jujube, henna and pomegranate. The question is what are the characteristics of each plants mentioned above for them to have been placed in the religious texts? Thus, this research focusses on the potential scientific elements present in the plants to investigate its specialties. Based on the literature reviewed, it is found that previous researchs on camphor, basil, jujube, henna and pomegranate proved that each of the plants mentioned contains its own benefits. Hopefully, this article will open doors to further research that will bring profitable results for Malaysia.
Mohd Farhan Md Ariffin. et al. 2020. INAI MENURUT PERSPEKTIF HADIS DAN SAINS. Al-Basirah Journal,... more Mohd Farhan Md Ariffin. et al. 2020. INAI MENURUT PERSPEKTIF HADIS DAN SAINS. Al-Basirah Journal, Akademi Pengajian Islam Nilam Puri, Kelantan (ISSN: 2232-0423), bil. 10 (2): 37-56 (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)

Islamiyyat, 2021
Tumbuhan inai telah dikenali sejak dahulu sebagai tumbuhan pelbagai guna dan telah dilaporkan man... more Tumbuhan inai telah dikenali sejak dahulu sebagai tumbuhan pelbagai guna dan telah dilaporkan manfaatnya dalam hadith dan etnobotani Melayu. Walau bagaimanapun, kajian saintifik tentang potensi inai sebagai agen pencegahan luka masih terhad dan tidak meluas. Sebatian antioksida semulajadi di dalam tumbuhan adalah amat penting bagi proses penyembuhan luka. Secara umumnya antioksida berfungsi untuk melambatkan kesan keradangan kulit dan menghalang enzim tromboplastin daripada diserang oleh radikal bebas dalam proses penyembuhan luka oleh sistem kulit manusia. Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk membuktikan kewujudan sebatian antioksida dalam esktrak inai. Metode kajian yang digunapakai adalah dengan menguji kandungan antioksida dalam inai, berbanding dengan sebatian antioksida piawai iaitu quercetine dan gallic acid, melalui Ujian DPPH. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa kewujudan sebatian antioksida dalam inai, berfungsi membantu proses penyembuhan luka secara semulajadi seperti yang diama...

Islāmiyyāt, Jun 3, 2021
Tumbuhan inai telah dikenali sejak dahulu sebagai tumbuhan pelbagai guna dan telah dilaporkan man... more Tumbuhan inai telah dikenali sejak dahulu sebagai tumbuhan pelbagai guna dan telah dilaporkan manfaatnya dalam hadith dan etnobotani Melayu. Walau bagaimanapun, kajian saintifik tentang potensi inai sebagai agen pencegahan luka masih terhad dan tidak meluas. Sebatian antioksida semulajadi di dalam tumbuhan adalah amat penting bagi proses penyembuhan luka. Secara umumnya antioksida berfungsi untuk melambatkan kesan keradangan kulit dan menghalang enzim tromboplastin daripada diserang oleh radikal bebas dalam proses penyembuhan luka oleh sistem kulit manusia. Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk membuktikan kewujudan sebatian antioksida dalam esktrak inai. Metode kajian yang digunapakai adalah dengan menguji kandungan antioksida dalam inai, berbanding dengan sebatian antioksida piawai iaitu quercetine dan gallic acid, melalui Ujian DPPH. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa kewujudan sebatian antioksida dalam inai, berfungsi membantu proses penyembuhan luka secara semulajadi seperti yang diamalkan oleh Rasulullah SAW. Dapatan eksperimen ini amat penting untuk ujikaji selanjutnya seperti ujian tahap ketoksikan inai, dan ujian antikeradangan dalam perut tikus (gastroprotective) daripada ekstrak inai.

Al Hikmah International Journal of Islamic Studies and Human Sciences
Pendidikan merupakan teras utama dalam membina peradaban sesebuah negara. Pengajaran dan pembelaj... more Pendidikan merupakan teras utama dalam membina peradaban sesebuah negara. Pengajaran dan pembelajaran (PDP) yang berkesan menjadi asas utama dalam melahirkan modal insan. Bagi memastikan keberkesanan PDP, pelbagai pendekatan digunakan oleh pendidik antara membina hubungan komunikasi dengan pelajar. Pendekatan ini memerlukan sifat penyayang, pemurah dan penyabar dalam diri pendidik. Maka, objektif kajian ini ialah mengkaji penerimaan pendekatan sifat pemurah dan penyayang dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran berbanding sifat yang garang. Kajian rintis ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif melibatkan seramai 150 pelajar diploma di IPT. Analisis data yang diperolehi dianalisis kebolehpercayaan soal selidik menggunakan Program Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) versi 17.0. dan ditafsirkan dengan bantuan diagram. Analisis SPSS nilai Croanbach’s Alpha ialah 0.952 menunjukkan Kebolehpercayaan soal selidik yang tinggi. Hanya 9 pelajar memilih pensyarah garang berbanding 141 pelaja...

Golden dodder (Cuscuta campestris Yuncker) is a problematic weed in abandoned, derelict, open and... more Golden dodder (Cuscuta campestris Yuncker) is a problematic weed in abandoned, derelict, open and crop areas in Peninsular of Malaysia. In year 2009-2011, a research was conducted throughout the Peninsular of Malaysia. The objectives of the research are to list down the host of C. campestris, to identify the chemical compounds of active ingredients in C. campestris, to determine the allelopathy level of C. campestris, and to find out the types of protein that exist and the special features of C. campestris. The north part of Peninsular Malaysia had recorded 601.32 cm² of C. campestris population at 59 area involving 56 species of host followed by the East part of Peninsular Malaysia with dispersion of population at 92 area covering 118.32 cm2 involving 49 species and the Middle part of Peninsula Malaysia had recorded 3545.02 cm2 with 59 population area. Not more than 12 types of species of agricultural plant and 70 species of weed species become host of C. campestris. The species of...
Nano products are entering the industry including into the halal industry in many sectors. The ap... more Nano products are entering the industry including into the halal industry in many sectors. The application of nano product in halal industry that deserve the critical attention are largely in food and beverages industry, consumer goods, pharmaceutical, cosmetic and personal care. This paper start with the definition of nano and halal and then share findings on the available certified halal products that use the term Ânano and lastly to provide opinion from the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia about the management and certification of nano product in halal industry. This paper mainly shares the relevant law and procedure of halal certification for nano product in Malaysia.

Journal of Agricultural Science, 2012
Cuscuta campestris Yuncker, commonly known as Golden dodder is an annual problematic parasitic we... more Cuscuta campestris Yuncker, commonly known as Golden dodder is an annual problematic parasitic weed in abandoned and derelict areas in Malaysia. The weed is leafless plant, glabrous, yellow-white in colour, with haustoria, sucker-like attachments to the aerial parts of a wide range of host plants. This study was instituted to assess the allelopathic potentials of C. campestris on lettuce and radish as test plants. Three types of treatment using aqueous extract of fresh (fc), and dried s (dc) and ethanol extract of dried C. campestris (ec) were assayed for their allelopathic effects on radish (Raphanus sativus) and lettuce (Lactuca sativa) seeds. These extracts reduced seed germination, root and shoot lengths of both radish and lettuce. The roots of radish were more sensitive vis-à-vis the shoots when exposed to fc, while shoots were more sensitive than roots when exposed to dc. Dose-mediated differences in shoot and root lengths of radish were registered when treated with ec. The roots of lettuce were more sensitive compared with the shoots when exposed to ec, while no measurable effect was observed when roots and shoots of lettuce were exposed to fc and dc. The results demonstrated the allelopathic effects of dodder on the tested host plants. The potentials of these extracts and their chemical constituents as bioactive ingredients for new herbicides are implied.

Golden dodder (Cuscuta campestris Yuncker), commonly known as Rumput Emas in Malaysia is a parasi... more Golden dodder (Cuscuta campestris Yuncker), commonly known as Rumput Emas in Malaysia is a parasitic weed infesting many crops and weed species alike. A phytochemical study on the chemical constituents of C. campestris was carried out. Six compounds were isolated through chromatographic method and identified as sitosterol1, pinoresinol2, arbutin3, kaempferol4, quercetin5, and astragalin6. The ethanolic extract of C. camprestris displayed inhibitory allelopathic effects at doses 500 ppm and above by inhibiting seeds germination and seedling growth of lettuce, radish and weedy rice as the test plants. The allelopathic potential of three compounds isolated, viz. kaempferol4, sitosterol1 and pinoresinol2 were investigated. All the three compoundsat doses of 1-100μM showed stimulatory effects on plant growth of radish, lettuce and weedy rice seedlings. The response of all assayed species was dose-dependent.

Golden dodder (Cuscuta campestris Yuncker), commonly known as Rumput Emas in Malaysia is a parasi... more Golden dodder (Cuscuta campestris Yuncker), commonly known as Rumput Emas in Malaysia is a parasitic weed infesting many crops and weed species alike. A phytochemical study on the chemical constituents of C. campestris was carried out. Six compounds were isolated through chromatographic method and identified as sitosterol1, pinoresinol2, arbutin3, kaempferol4, quercetin5, and astragalin6. The ethanolic extract of C. camprestris displayed inhibitory allelopathic effects at doses 500 ppm and above by inhibiting seeds germination and seedling growth of lettuce, radish and weedy rice as the test plants. The allelopathic potential of three compounds isolated, viz. kaempferol4, sitosterol1 and pinoresinol2 were investigated. All the three compoundsat doses of 1-100μM showed stimulatory effects on plant growth of radish, lettuce and weedy rice seedlings. The response of all assayed species was dose-dependent.

ABSTRACT Dodder (Cuscuta campestris Yuncker) is a problematic weed in abandoned, derelict, open a... more ABSTRACT Dodder (Cuscuta campestris Yuncker) is a problematic weed in abandoned, derelict, open and crop areas in Malaysia. Surveys were conducted in 2008-2009 in the state of Johore, Peninsular Malaysia to assess the extent of spread and distribution of C. campestris, and enlist its host range and damage susceptibility among crop plants and weed species. No less than 12 crop plants and 70 weed species were hosts to C. campestris in about 45,500 ha of crop and non-crop land surveyed in Johore, Peninsular Malaysia. Asystasia gangetica, Mikania micrantha, and Chromolaena odorata were the most common hosts among weed species while dodder was prevalent among cover crops (Calopogonium mucunoides and Pueraria phaseoloides), young tapioca, oil palm, and rubber plants. There were site- and host-mediated differences in the extent of spatio-temporal spread of dodder throughout the areas surveyed, although no significant differences were registered on the extent of spread in the three consecutive surveys at 4-monthly intervals. The areas of spread range from about 0.36 to 250,000 . The dodder populations displayed highly clumped spatial distribution pattern with variance-mean-ratio values ranging from 38.17 for Segamat populations to 123776. 56 for Kota Tinggi equivalents. The parallel figures of Lloyd's patchiness index were 1.19 and 1.38. Leaf disc of weed and crop plants exposed to 1% or more of ethanol extracts of dodder indicated that A. gangetica, Ageratum conyzoides, Cassia alata, M. micrantha, Murdannia nudiflora, Phyllantus niruri, P. urinaria and Saccharum multiflorum were the most susceptible weed species, while Manihot esculenta was among the moderately susceptible crop plant.

Jabatan al-Quran dan al-Hadith, Akademi Pengajian Islam Universiti Malaya, 50603, Kuala Lumpur., 2016
Sunnah Food refers to the food from natural resources mentioned in the Quran and Hadith for examp... more Sunnah Food refers to the food from natural resources mentioned in the Quran and Hadith for example honey, dates, and raisin. Muslims put a high level of trust in sunnah food due to its health benefits and is viewed as a way to follow the conduct of Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h. As a result, many products labeled as sunnah food are produced and marketed in Malaysia. On 27th February 2016, JAKIM had made a press statement disallowing the labeling of products as sunnah food. This attracts public concerns which lead to discussions on legal issues in sunnah food labeling.This paper will outline the legal issues which have arisen such as the law that governs labeling, quality and standard of sunnah food, adulterated food, as well as the legal provisions which regulate the issue of food safety. This paper aims to promote innovation in the form of sunnah food but at the same time stresses on the importance of maintaining the food safety as required by law.

Penyelidikan Tentang Makanan: Perspektif Nabawi Dan Saintifik, 2016
Sunnah Food refers to the food from natural resources mentioned in the Quran and Hadith for examp... more Sunnah Food refers to the food from natural resources mentioned in the Quran and Hadith for example honey, dates, and raisin. Muslims put a high level of trust in sunnah food due to its health benefits and is viewed as a way to follow the conduct of Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h. As a result, many products labeled as sunnah food are produced and marketed in Malaysia. On 27th February 2016, JAKIM had made a press statement disallowing the labeling of products as sunnah food. This attracts public concerns which lead to discussions on legal issues in sunnah food labeling.This paper will outline the legal issues which have arisen such as the law that governs labeling, quality and standard of sunnah food, adulterated food, as well as the legal provisions which regulate the issue of food safety. This paper aims to promote innovation in the form of sunnah food but at the same time stresses on the importance of maintaining the food safety as required by law.
Papers by Muhammad remy Othman