Papers by ravichand mandalapu

IEEE Explore, 2023
Modern methods, strategies, and applications from educational data mining significantly contribut... more Modern methods, strategies, and applications from educational data mining significantly contribute to the advancement of the learning environment. The most recent development offers useful resources for analyzing the educational environment of students by examining andusing data mining and machine learning methods to analyse educational data. In today's extremely competitive and complex world, academic institutions function. University administrators frequently struggle with performance evaluation, high-quality instruction, performance evaluation methodologies, and future course of action. In order to address issues that students face while pursuing their education, these colleges must establish student intervention strategies. This systematic review examines the pertinent EDM literature from 2009 to 2021 that relates to detecting kids at risk and dropouts. The review's findings showed that a variety of Deep Learning techniques are utilized to comprehend and address the fundamental issues, including forecasting students who are at danger of dropping out of school and students who will drop out altogether. Furthermore, the majority of studies incorporate data from online learning platforms and databases of student institutions and universities. When it comes to forecasting at-risk pupils and dropout rates, ML techniques have been shown to be crucial. This has improved the students' performance.

A Journal for New Zealand Herpetology, 2023
This paper explores the role of the Internet of Things (IoT) in enhancing work outcome and employ... more This paper explores the role of the Internet of Things (IoT) in enhancing work outcome and employee behavior through organizational support programs. The paper begins with an explanation of organizational support programs and their significance in enhancing employee performance and wellbeing. The impact of IoT technology on organizational support programs is then discussed, highlighting the various uses of IoT in organizations.The factors that influence work outcome and employee behavior are examined to understand the role of organizational support programs. The paper then focuses on the role of IoT in enhancing work outcome and employee behavior, discussing the various ways in which IoT can be utilized to improve employee performance. The challenges and limitations of using IoT for organizational support programs, including security and privacy concerns, compatibility issues, technical limitations, data overload, cost, reliance on technology, skill and training requirements, and legal and regulatory compliance. The potential benefits of using IoT for organizational support programs, while also acknowledging the importance of addressing the challenges and limitations associated with this technology. It provides insights into the effective use of IoT to enhance work outcome and employee behavior, which can help organizations improve their performance and meet their goals.

A Journal for New Zealand Herpetology, 2023
This review paper explores the role of technology in education, with a focus on automation, machi... more This review paper explores the role of technology in education, with a focus on automation, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. The paper provides an overview of the advantages and disadvantages of automation in education, including its ability to reduce workload for educators and ensure consistency in grading, as well as its potential to limit personalization and human interaction in education.The paper also examines the use of artificial intelligence in education, including its ability to provide personalized learning experiences and automate routine tasks. However, the paper highlights the ethical considerations associated with using AI in education, including concerns around data privacy, transparency, and the potential for AI to perpetuate existing social and economic inequalities.The paper concludes with a comparative analysis of automation, machine learning, and artificial intelligence in education, highlighting the unique benefits and challenges of each approach. The paper also discusses the challenges and ethical considerations associated with implementing these technologies in education, including concerns around bias, data privacy, and equity. A comprehensive overview of the use of technology in education and highlights the need for thoughtful consideration of the potential advantages and disadvantages of each approach, as well as the ethical implications of using these technologies in education.

IEEE Explore, 2023
Age and human activity are eroding old masonry constructions. Historic buildings need regular exa... more Age and human activity are eroding old masonry constructions. Historic buildings need regular examination and care to maintain their integrity; Visual inspection is expensive, time-consuming, and subjective. This paper proposes an autonomous image-based fracture identification method for masonry constructions. Previous crack detection methods used hand-crafted characteristics categorized by algorithms. This method mainly depends on vectors and it may fail due to extract hidden structures. This research integrates deep CNNs and S VMs to identify cracks (S VM). CNN extracts feature from RGB pictures, and S VM replaces a S oftMax classifier to improve the classification. Photographed Flaws in the masonry were using a visual aids and drones at ancient locations. The photos trained and validated the system. The combined CNN and S VM model detects objects in validation photos with an accuracy of 86%. The technology can automatically identify flaws in masonry photographs, which is essential for inspecting historic sites.

International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECSE), 2022
The current article investigates the various cultural items utilized to underline the theme of th... more The current article investigates the various cultural items utilized to underline the theme of the novel Seize the Day. A notable Nobel Laureate, Saul Bellow, uses a variation Approach that closely fits present literature. Using the story to convey content, we can discover new ways of thinking about and interpreting what we've already learned. This study offers a novel literacy theory that has the potential to expand the repertoire of literary criticism. Saul Bellow is an American author whose work focuses on the themes of family, race, gender injustice, and the challenges surrounding them. In his attempt to cope with his anxieties, Wilhelm's protagonist becomes embroiled in a triangle in the analysis of the novel Seize the Day. Tommy Wilhelm, the fading charmer, has reached his day of reckoning and is terrified. Even though he is in his forties, he is estranged from his wife and children, has a contentious relationship with his arrogant and successful father, has been unsuccessful in his acting career, and is in many financial problems. On one critical day, he reflects on his previous sins and spiritual malaise until a strange philosophizing con guy delivers him a wonderful, enlightening moment of truth and insight and offers him one last hope. Triangle is evident in the protagonist's fear of several sources. The study emphasizes outstanding writer Saul Bellow's narrative method, arguing that family systems theory is suited for critically examining literary works dealing with family issues.

journal of algebraic statistics, 2022
In the presence of an external magnetic field, a study of the effects of chemical reactions on he... more In the presence of an external magnetic field, a study of the effects of chemical reactions on heat and mass transfer in a Jeffrey fluid flow through a porous stretched sheet is done. Similarity variables may be used to translate the controlling nonlinear partial differential equations into nonlinear ordinary differential equations. The MATLAB BVP4c technique is used to generate numerical results. In a graphic representation, the impacts of different restrictions on flow velocity, temperature, and concentration are indicated. There are thus studies done on the friction factor, Nusselt and Sherwood numbers, radiation, and internal heat production or absorption based on various values of the Jeffrey, response rate, and magnetic fields as well as other system factors like as suction and porosity. The study's conclusions are widely accepted in the scientific community today.
journal of algebraic statistics, 2022

International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECS), 2022
The present situation all over the world has become very uncertain because of covid-19 impact. Ev... more The present situation all over the world has become very uncertain because of covid-19 impact. Everyone's wish is to be healthy and safe. All the countries are in need of medical services and all the nations want their people to be healthy. India being a second largest country, population wise, it is in need of huge medical facilities. The success of the health care sector depends upon the health care workers. Nurses play very important role in delivering the health care services. The major purpose of this study is to explore the reasons why the nurses are migrating to foreign countries. In this regard the researcher made an attempt to explore the relationship between job satisfaction, Loyalty, organizational commitment, Organizational citizenship behavior and their turnover intentions. From the review of literature the research gaps identified were Job satisfaction , Loyalty, organizational commitment were not used as a mediator in between the relationship of organizational commitment and turnover intentions and very few studies were conducted in the stream of nursing profession and in the Kerala state.. The CARIM-India RR2013/19 report highlights majority of the nurses were from Kerala state and majority of the migrations of nurses were also from Kerala state. Hence the author tried to know the job satisfaction levels of nurses in order to explore the reasons for migration and also studied the organizational commitment levels of nurses. The researcher also tried to see the insights of the relationship between job satisfaction, Loyalty, organizational commitment and turnover intentions of nurses of Kerala. Descriptive research design is used for extracting the opinions from the target respondents and the exploratory research design is used in reviewing the past literature which in turn exhibits an important part in designing the research gaps, identification of the problem as well the objectives of the study. Data is collected utilizing the two sources primary and secondary data sources. The target population is Nurses of Kerala State and the data is pooled from them by designing a structure questionnaire with four sections. Section A includes the demographic profile of the respondents; it includes "age, gender, marital status, type of family, job location, qualification, type of hospital, salary, number of dependents and working hours". Section B includes the scale related to the variable organizational commitment, where the organizational commitment is measured by using three dimensions "affective, continuance and normative commitment". Section C includes the scale related to the variable turnover intentions with 12 items in it. Section D includes the scale related to the variable job satisfaction, where the author chose 4 dimensions for measuring it, pay, career growth, leadership and working conditions. Section E includes the scale related to Loyalty and section F includes the scale related Organizational citizenship behavior. Secondary data usage was aimed at exploring the gaps from the past literatures. For this purpose the data was collected from 428 nurses from northern, southern and central zones of Kerala state. Especially the nurses working in NABH accredited hospitals of Kerala were chosen as the sample units for the study. The recent study showed that there is scarcity of 2.4millions of nurses in India and the same report also highlights 6 Lakhs nurses from India are working abroad. Regression analysis and Process Macro were the statistical tools used for analysis. It was observed from the study that "job satisfaction, organizational commitment and Loyalty" were mediating the relationship between "organizational citizenship behavior and turnover intentions"of nurses eliciting the importance of "job satisfaction, commitment and loyalty" levels of nurses. As well organizational citizenship behavior was having negative association with turnover intentions. Hence the government and management of private hospitals have been suggested to revise and reframe the policies in the hospitals which can provide the better working conditions.

Literary Insight (ISSN 0975-6248), 2019
, a Nobel Laureate's stories mirror human relationships that are directly or indirectly influence... more , a Nobel Laureate's stories mirror human relationships that are directly or indirectly influenced by the society. She journeys between an individual and the society to depict the human relationship. She masterly presents a subtle analysis of conflicting phases, underlying the reasons and to some extent, to suggest a way out of it. However, the woman occupies a central place in most of the short stories of Munro. Runaway and Haven are stories in which the central characters, young wives are influenced and further suppressed by their husbands. In these stories, she skillfully records the inner voice of young wives to present the different dimensions of the society. The present study explores the love-hate (power) relationship in Runaway and Haven from the view point of power relations proposed by Michel Foucault who states that observing the power in action is the relation between the individual and the society. Michel Foucault (1926-1984) was a historian, a philosopher, and a psychologist. He states the significant role of power in the relations between society, individuals, groups and institutions.

New Academia: An International Journal of English Language, Literature and Literary Theory, 2019
Testing and evaluation of language skills are as important as language teaching itself. Testing b... more Testing and evaluation of language skills are as important as language teaching itself. Testing becomes an integral part of teaching because it provides significant information or inputs about the growth and achievement of learner's difficulties, styles of learning and anxiety levels. Effective teaching and effective testing are two sides of the same coin. Test evaluates not only the progress and achievements of learners but also the effectiveness of the teaching materials and methods that are used. In response to the need for standardization of education systems and processes, many higher educational institutions in India has made a paradigm shift to implement Outcome-Based Education system in schools and colleges for testing and evaluating. This paper aims to identify the fundamentals and pros and cons of Outcome-Based Education and how outcomes demand paradigm shift in assessing and evaluating language teaching. The paper also deals with pitfalls and guidelines in implementing and carrying out the framework for the practice and methods of assessment and evaluation of student's performance in colleges.

Anveshana’s International Journal Of Research In Education, Literature, Psychology And Library Sciences, 2017
This article intends to show that Inhibited, Integrated and Evolving women in Alice Walker's nove... more This article intends to show that Inhibited, Integrated and Evolving women in Alice Walker's novels The Color Purple, Meridian and The Third Life of Grange Copeland. The black women in the Walker's novels are sufferers of sexual and public abuse and sometimes they are victims of their own minds. The important element of women is the suspended state and its impersonality which is not concerned with individual opponents, but with the unwilling system itself. Consequently each woman character assimilates one thing or other. The tradition and custom of the black people continues in spite of the destruction by the white. Some of these women characters try to liberate themselves through open movement. Though the individual sees the organized nature of her oppression, she has no systematic counter and withdraws into a hovering state of thought. The women here hatred any form of possession and any form of privilege. They feel themselves to be free persons and free moods. They do not believe in marriage for they feel the deposit of bondage so clear on it. They know the importance of education, the love of beauty, the respect for hard work and the freedom. Instead of becoming submissive to their fate, they always pursued creative solutions to their problems. These characters have a Universal attitude. This unconstrained awakening empowers these characters to emerge from the context of oppression and at least begin to proclaim to achieve their inherent latent to resolve their problems. Her works reflect her anxiety with racial and political issues, particularly with the struggle of black woman for transcendent and political stamina. Her writings reveal her anguish for black women and their families.

In Indian culture, Vedas and Upanishads take a prominent place and are considered as ancient. The... more In Indian culture, Vedas and Upanishads take a prominent place and are considered as ancient. These ancient scriptures teach us that "Maathru Devo Bhava" (Web) which means a mother is thefirst god and ought to be given utmost respects. This verse proves to be absurd inMahasweta Devi's short story "Breast Giver". Mahasweta Devi was a Bengali Fiction writer. In her writings, subaltern predicaments occupy a central position in general and the woman in particular. Her most accolade works are Hajar Churashir Maa, Rudali, and Aranyer Adhikar. "Breast Giver" is originally written in Bengali and translated into English by a feminist critic, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak. In the present story, Mahasweta Devi brings in the predicaments of a woman who sacrifices her life for bringing up the family as a bread winner and breathed her last as an orphan.The title of the story is used as a synonym for wet nurse. The present paper interprets "Breast Giver" from the point of view of power relations suggested by Michel Foucault (1926-1984) a Psychologist, a Philosopher, and a Historian.
Mosses Herzog is a disappointed middle-aged person. He always led his life in illusion. He is exp... more Mosses Herzog is a disappointed middle-aged person. He always led his life in illusion. He is expecting more from his life and wants to lead a happy life with family. But the things come to pass in his life are entirety fluctuate from his expectations. He spends the majority of his life time in illusion only. He has two wives and he predictable more affection and love from them, he disillusioned when he not get his expectations from them. At one stage he planned to murder his former wife. The protagonist, Professor Mosses Herzog has a tendency to write letters that will never be sent to the famous, the dead, his friends, and his family. A prolific Nobel Laureate Saul Bellow inspected the Moses mind with his unpublished letter. The writer exhibits the dissimilarity linking the expectations and reality of the protagonist life with his notable work Herzog.

International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 2019
No creation in the world is without argument and movement. The society itself is the posterior. E... more No creation in the world is without argument and movement. The society itself is the posterior. Even feminism is no exception. Feminist literature is a literary trend that has emerged with the idea that women should describe their experiences and feelings from a woman's perspective. Feminists allege that women are oppressed in the patriarchal system and that sexuality and fertility are patriarchal relationships. Feminist literature began with the aim of proving existence, intending to eradicate masculinity, protecting women's equal rights and freedoms in all spheres, and preventing women from falling prey to superstition. Feminism is a surge, a worldview, a social ideology. They are all feminists who can think on behalf of women! Feminism is a protest against patriarchy and not against men. It has been prominent in some of the arguments that have emerged in the journey to confront discrimination that has become problematic. Feminists freely express their feelings, their language style. No matter how many poetic movements came in literature, women were not taken into consideration. When 1975-85 was declared the "International Decade of Women" by the United Nations. In the West, especially in the United States, the woman Liberation Struggle (Women's Lib) began.
This Research Paper focusses on Bond's association with nature and his concern towards the sloppy... more This Research Paper focusses on Bond's association with nature and his concern towards the sloppy approach towards environment in the guise of development and advancement. Ruskin Bond conveys a subtle pain about the undergoing changes of nature's indigenous beauty. Bond's works focus on humanity and exploration of self. As per the author, man gives importance and significance based on his selfishness and individual priority but not based on broad natural framework and its functionality. Every literary work of Ruskin Bond is an ode to nature's beauty and a discovered uniqueness in the human beings that he encounters as a part of his routine. The sensibilities that he apply to study, learn, cherish and express about nature and human beings in an objective manner is a pleasure that need to be observed by his readers.

Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology, 2020
Love is a very strong emotion, affectionate feeling towards another person that include deeper un... more Love is a very strong emotion, affectionate feeling towards another person that include deeper understanding, faithfulness and a deep desire to give happiness to others. It has a special feeling for someone who is dear to us. Romantic love is generally depicted as a sort of love that is related to a deep desire for love, passion for sex. It is also a fascination to fulfil once desire immediately for a short period of time. Romantic love is unable to sunder in any way. The existence of love is an essential thing in any romantic relation to having a healthy relation. D.H. Lawrence presented love and romantic love relationships of different characters in an excellent. He portrays the characters way of showing their love especially attracting each other. This paper aims to analyse different thoughts of characters related to love, romantic love feelings and amorous satisfaction in a relationship with other characters in the novel women in love by D.H. Lawrence.
International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 2020
D.H. Lawrence was one of the influential novelists of his times, he has written a plenty of works... more D.H. Lawrence was one of the influential novelists of his times, he has written a plenty of works among them one of the notable work is Lady Chatterley's Lover. Thisnovel contains a lot of changes in the thoughts of characters especially related to their sexual life. He has depicted the real situation of people and intense desire for sex especially when one is forlorn in their marital life. Lawrence explores how characters psychologically deviates their mind to gain happiness and enter in a relation that was not approved by the society, they are searching for their happiness in different ways. This paper aims to analysis how characters thoughts are transform according to the situation in their life.

PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology, PJAEE, 2020
Concept and usage supplement each other like thinking and doing. The concept is an impression, al... more Concept and usage supplement each other like thinking and doing. The concept is an impression, almost the way area works,that permit to be expecting what will take area in the case to do something. The usage is doing what happens while making the difficulty. The better the concept, the higher inform the minds and predictions and what takes place in a workout. Thus the literary concept can be described as a strategy used to analyze and apprehend literature. Literature could flourish while expression is needed. Those end up being an introduced fee of the practice. Literary concepts are born of the preference to practice and the explicit pastime. This is a delivered value of interest. This is moreover a part of the exercise while something is done. It's also to be done when others need to present its order and beyond to practice. In this evaluation, Alice Walker's 'Concept of Womanism and Usage' in the novel "The Temple of My familiar" is given in a brand new shape, and the writer may also provide with it.

The writer of every society is currently looking into a new way of expression than his predecesso... more The writer of every society is currently looking into a new way of expression than his predecessor. With this discovery, there have been many great changes in the literary environment into new dimensions, especially when Marxism is applied in literature as a background. Marxism is the key to the development for writing outcome in present days. A new society has been made clear through practice for people who are tired of the social system that is rooted in traditional society. In order to give solutions for problems of women Fredrick Engle stretched Marxism to Marxist feminism. According to Marxist feminist philosophy, one of the reasons for women's oppression is the lack of prospects for women to produce and individual useable resources. Fredrick Engle mainly highlighted three major causes for women subjugated in his Marxist feminism. They are patriarchy, economic dispossession and capitalism. I have chosen the impact of patriarchy in Alice walker"s three novels for this research paper they are "The Meridian", "The Color Purple" and "The Temple of My Familiar."
Papers by ravichand mandalapu