Papers by ririen arinalhaq

JISIP (Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan), 2022
Discipline is a concept that must be instilled from an early age. How to teach discipline to chil... more Discipline is a concept that must be instilled from an early age. How to teach discipline to children at the age of 3-6 years is usually taught in simple things such as tidying up toys, accepting consequences for doing wrong or right, obeying the guidance of parents around, and others. Education aims to train children so that children can be responsible and can realize if there are mistakes they have made. Reward and punishment is an effective way to teach discipline to children. This article aims to describe or conceptually describe the application of reward and punishment to early childhood to train discipline. The method used is a literature study or literature study which contains the opinions of various experts regarding a particular problem which is then examined, compared with the research and researchers who draw conclusions. In this article, the author only analyzes two of them. Several findings from previous studies illustrate that offering these rewards and punishments ca...

This paper is based on the problem that there has been an increase in violence against children d... more This paper is based on the problem that there has been an increase in violence against children during the pandemic of the corona viruse desease-19 which is popular with covid-19. The review begins with the development of Covid-19 in Indonesia and the world and is continued with Covid-19 on violence perpetrated by the environment against children. Children are entrusted by the Almighty who must be cared for and considered for their growth and development. It is not uncommon for violence against children from adults to be broadcast on mass media or social media in the form of physical violence "physical abuse" and "physical abuse" psychological violence. There are three places where violence against children occurs, namely: 1) household; 2) schools, and 3) communities. In each of these areas, violence can be committed by children of the same age, older children, adults, or people with mental disorders. It is the duty of all parties to take precautions against viol...

YINYANG: Jurnal Studi Islam, Gender dan Anak, 2017
Early childhood education management aims to make the organization's management work well. One of... more Early childhood education management aims to make the organization's management work well. One of the indicators of good early childhood education management is to provide effective services for early childhood education. The things above greatly affect the performance of early childhood education services. In its development, pragmatic aspects such as competition, institutional imaging and the like, became the decisive factors in the management of early childhood education institutions. As a result, many early childhood educational institutions no longer function in accordance with their objectives. In early childhood education management has a service orientation in the form of health and nutrition services, growth, intelligence and psychological services, social services and attitudes (Emotional), religious services and spiritualization. It aims at early childhood to have learning experience, optimal developing brain, healthy physical growth, and positive psychosocial development. The substance of early childhood education management includes: the competence of educators, the pattern of coaching, development, and dismissal of educators and education as well as human resource management.

This study aims are creating of a thematic creation song at early childhood for children’s cognit... more This study aims are creating of a thematic creation song at early childhood for children’s cognitive development in kindergarten. There are two songs developed in accordance with the theme of animals sub theme land animals and theme plant sub theme wild plants. Type of the research is Research and Development (R and D) in accordance with the design forward by Plomp consitsts of three phases : prelimenary research, development/ prototyping phase and assassement phase. Assassement phase limited to levels One to One, so this research can provided information about the validity dan practicality of the product. Data on validity was obtain from music, media and subject matter axperts from Department of PG PAUD FIP Universitas Negeri Padang, and information about practicality taken from Teacher of Kindergarten. Data analysis techniques are combination of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, which qualitative analysis used at prelimenary research and development/prototyping ...
Papers by ririen arinalhaq