International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 2021
The term monsoon seems to have been derived either from the Arabic mausim or from the Malayan mon... more The term monsoon seems to have been derived either from the Arabic mausim or from the Malayan monsin. As first used it was applied to southern Asia and the adjacent waters, where it referred to the seasonal surface air streams which reverse their directions between winter and summer, southwest in summer and north east in winter in this area. During the summer the continent is heated, leading to rising motion and lower pressure. This induces airflow from sea to land at low elevations. India is basically an agricultural country and the success or failure of the harvest and water scarcity in any year is always considered with the greatest concern. Several researchers studied on variability and trends in rainfall across the world. Nicholson (2000) observed that one of the most important contrasts in rainfall is the multi-decadal persistence of anomalies over northern Africa. Nicholson and Grist (2001) had identified several changes in the general atmospheric circulation that have accomp...
Chhattisgarh state located in central India covers total area of about 13.5 million hectares. The... more Chhattisgarh state located in central India covers total area of about 13.5 million hectares. The region has a great variety and diversity of weather conditions. Three major agro-climatic zones has been demarcated in the state viz., Chhattisgarh plains zone, Bastar plateau ACZ and Northern hill region. Here an analysis of rainfall for some representative districts has been made and interpretation drawn regarding pre-dominant crop rice cultivation. On observation it has been found that the annual rainfall decreases from east to west. The annual rainfall in the eastern part of the state varies from 1300-1600 mm. This covers Mahasamund, Raipur, Janjgir, Korba, Raigarh, Jashpur and Surguja districts. On examining the CV for the annual rainfall, it has been found to be the least at Bilaspur followed by Jagdalpur, Raipur and Ambikapur. Similarly the dependable rainfall quantity and periods have been calculated. Farm tanks and OFRs can be developed to preserve surplus water to optimiz...
Current Advances in Agricultural Sciences(An International Journal), 2015
Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is the most important grain crop both in regard to its antiquity and its u... more Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is the most important grain crop both in regard to its antiquity and its use as a source of human food grown in Chhattisgarh state as major crop. The experiment was carried out at Department of Agrometeorology, Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur (Chhattisgarh) during kharif season of 2007–08. The phenology, LAI, biomass and grain yield of rice simulated by model were compared with that observed in the rainfed condition under field situation. Sensitivity analysis was also carried out in different temperature scenarios by increasing or decreasing daily temperature by 1°, 2° and 3°C. Results of the sensitivity analysis showed that while increasing the temperature by 1°, 2° and 3°C grain yield increased by 7, 17 and 22% under rainfed condition, respectively. While, decreasing the temperature by 1°, 2° and 3°C grain yield decreased by 10, 11 and 15% under rainfed condition, respectively. The grain yields were highly affected by changing the temperature in cultivar ARB-8 of rice crop.
The temperature and rainfall trends are analysed for meteorological data of Labandi station, Raip... more The temperature and rainfall trends are analysed for meteorological data of Labandi station, Raipur district in Chhattisgarh, India over approximately last three decades stretching between years 1971 to 2013. The long–term change in temperature and rainfall has been assessed by linear trend analysis. The increasing trend in mean maximum temperature (MMAX) and total mean rainfall (TMRF) is confirmed by Mann-Kendall trend test. It is observed that in Raipur district of Chhattisgarh region, the December MMAX temperature has increased by 1.1008 0C and annual MMAX temperature has increased by 0.0256 0C whereas the highest decrease in TMRF occurs is observed in August @ 1.4385 mm per year (data base 1971-2013) and annual TMRF quantity has increased by 8.084 mm during the same period. Annual MMAX temperature has shown increasing trend which is statistically non- significant at 5% level of significance whereas annual TMRF has shown increasing trend which is statistically non- significant at...
Mustard is the second most important edible oilseed crop in India after groundnut and accounts fo... more Mustard is the second most important edible oilseed crop in India after groundnut and accounts for nearly 30 percent of the total oilseeds produced in the country. Weather parameters play major role in determining the crop growth, development and yield because weather strongly influences the physical expression of genetic potential of the crop. The present investigation aimed to find out relationship between maximum and minimum temperature during different stages of mustard crop and yield at three locations of Chhattisgarh state indicated that at Raipur maximum temperature during vegetative stage showed significant negative relation whereas at Jagdalpur significant positive relation was found. Maximum and minimum temperature at any crop growth stage did not have relation with yield at Ambikapur. At the same time, minimum temperature during reproductive stage of crop showed negative relation with mustard yield in all three locations though it was not significant one.
Chhattisgarh state located in central India covers total area of about 13.5 million hectares. The... more Chhattisgarh state located in central India covers total area of about 13.5 million hectares. The region has a great variety and diversity of weather conditions. Three major agro-climatic zones has been demarcated in the state viz., Chhattisgarh plains zone, Bastar plateau ACZ and Northern hill region. Here an analysis of rainfall for 16 districts has been made and interpretation drawn regarding predominant crop rice cultivation. Further stress has been made to conserve surplus monsoonal rainfall in On Farm Reservoirs (OFR's) as rainfall is occurring in intense storms and utilize this rainwater for sustainable crop production and also for enhancing cropping intensity. The high potential of OFR's and other harvesting structures in alleviating drought, increasing productivity and stability of rainfed ricelands has been tested in this region for meeting this challenge of rainfed rice production.
Rainfall data of recent forty three years (1971-2013) of Labhandi station, Indira Gandhi Krishi V... more Rainfall data of recent forty three years (1971-2013) of Labhandi station, Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidhyalaya Raipur, Chhattisgarh was analysed with the method of incomplete gamma probability. The data revealed that the average rainfall of labhandi station is 1202 mm spread over 61 rainy days. Out of this 1055, 68, 53 and 27 mm received from south west monsoon (June-September), north east (October-December), summer (March-May) and winter season (January -February) respectively. Probability for receiving more than 100 mm of rainfall can be expected only at 25% probability level and that too in four weeks which is leading to the interpretation that rainfed rice production is a challenging task in this region. it has been found that at 75 per cent assured probability level rainfall of more than 200 mms can be expected only in July and August months and this rainfall is hardly sufficient for meeting the water requirement in upland situations. However at 50 per cent probability which ...
Climate change is a natural phenomenon but in present decades its variability of change mainly du... more Climate change is a natural phenomenon but in present decades its variability of change mainly due to anthropogenic activities is alarming. Agriculture of Chhattisgarh state is mainly dependant on monsoon rain and its distribution. Considering this fact, the present study has been tried to analyze the most important climatic variables, viz., precipitation and temeperature for analyzing their trend in the area. The trends of maximum atmospheric temperature, rainfall and rainy days are analysed statistically for meteorological data of Jagdalpur station of Bastar district, over last three decades stretching between years 1980 to 2014. The long term change in temperature, rainfall and rainy days has been analysed by correlation and linear trend analysis. The annual MMAX temperature has decreased at a rate of -0.465 °C per year during this period at Jagdalpur station and decreasing trend for rainy days during monsoonal season (June to September) is also found and is confirm...
Abstrect: An attempt has been made in this paper to examine the economic analysis of improved pad... more Abstrect: An attempt has been made in this paper to examine the economic analysis of improved paddy cultivation in Bilaspur district of Chhattisgarh. The study was conducted in Bilaspur district of Chhattisgarh with thirty farmers who were selected by simple random sampling techniques from four villages. After selection of villages, a list of total paddy growers by traditional method was prepared separately and categorized in to three size group on the basis of their land holding size viz, small (up to 02 ha.) medium (02-04 ha.) and large (above 04 ha.). Ten farmers were selected from each of the size group to collect the required information. The primary data were collected from the paddy producers through well prepared interview schedule for the production year 2011-12. Study revealed that the, on an average material cost was estimated as Rs.8165.40 per ha in which 45.00 per cent share of total material cost constituted by the fertiliser material. The average cost of cultivation o...
A field experiment was conducted during rabi season of 2012-13 at Indira Gandhi Agriculture Unive... more A field experiment was conducted during rabi season of 2012-13 at Indira Gandhi Agriculture University, Raipur (C.G.), India to study the phenology, accumulated growing degree days, photo thermal unit helio thermal unit, heat use efficiency, radiation use efficiency and performance of wheat varieties grown under different sowing dates. The crop was on 25 November took maximum calendar days. Growing degree days, photo thermal unit, helio-thermal unit to attend different phonological stages till maturity, which reduced significantly with subsequent delay in sowing time. The grain yield recorded in 5 th December was statically at par with 15 December. The significant reduction in grain yield of timely sown varieties was recorded when sowing was delayed beyond 5 th January. Among the varieties higher grain yield of 2807 kg/ha was recorded in varieties Kanchan, which was significant superior over Sujata (2486 kg/ha), GW273 (2447kg/ ha) and Amar (2310 kg/ha) among the varieties Amar took ...
, entitled "Crop Weather Relationship in Different Cultivars of Black Gram. (Vigna mungo)" The ex... more , entitled "Crop Weather Relationship in Different Cultivars of Black Gram. (Vigna mungo)" The experiment was laid out in a FRBD where main plots were assigned to four sowing dates and sub-plots to three Cultivars of black gram, with twelve treatment combinations and replicated thrice. The treatment comprised the four date of sowing i.e. 24 th MW, 25 th MW, 26 th MW and 27 th MW and three cultivars, V 1 (BDU-1), V 2 (TAU-1) and V 3 (AKU-15). In the present investigation the biometric observations viz. plant height, number of leaves per plant, Number of branches per plant, Number of pods per plant was recorded from the different Cultivars and date of sowing. Treatment D 1 (24 th MW) and cultivar V 3 (AKU-15) was found significantly superior over all other treatments and Cultivars respectively. The grain yield and biomass yield were recorded highest in D 1 (24 th MW) and Cultivar V 3 (AKU-15). The treatment D 2 (25 th MW) and Cultivar V 1 (BDU-1) was found second in the order of merit. The highest total GDD was observed with D 4 (MW 27) sowing date and Cultivar V 2 (TAU-1) similarly the highest HTU was observed with D 1 (MW 24) sowing date and Cultivar V 2 (TAU-1). PTU observed during total crop growth period was highest in D 1 (MW 24) as compare to remaining treatments. In case of Cultivars PTU was highest in V 2 (TAU-1). The highest GDD, HTU and PTU was observed in V 2 (TAU-1) as compare to other three Cultivars. In case of date of sowing the highest GDD in D 4 (MW 27) and HTU, PTU was highest in D 1 (MW 24).
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 2021
Rice (Oryza sativa) is the principal food for more than 50% people and contributes about one-fift... more Rice (Oryza sativa) is the principal food for more than 50% people and contributes about one-fifth to the total calories consumption of the world. The statistics showed that during the crop year 2016-17 india produced 110.15 million metric tonnes of milled rice from 43.19 million ha area, making the country the world’s second largest producer of rice. To meet the food and nutritional requirement, India alone would need about 156 metric tonne of rice by 2030 at an annual increment of 3 metric tonnes in the current rice production. There are several constraints to achieve desired potential of rice but in SRI methods help increase fields by over 50% while using 40% less water than conventional method. The SRI methods increase yield the productivity of water since yield can double or more with only half as much water, the productivity of water in greatly increased this is especially important in countries or places where water is becoming scarcer.
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 2021
The term monsoon seems to have been derived either from the Arabic mausim or from the Malayan mon... more The term monsoon seems to have been derived either from the Arabic mausim or from the Malayan monsin. As first used it was applied to southern Asia and the adjacent waters, where it referred to the seasonal surface air streams which reverse their directions between winter and summer, southwest in summer and north east in winter in this area. During the summer the continent is heated, leading to rising motion and lower pressure. This induces airflow from sea to land at low elevations. India is basically an agricultural country and the success or failure of the harvest and water scarcity in any year is always considered with the greatest concern. Several researchers studied on variability and trends in rainfall across the world. Nicholson (2000) observed that one of the most important contrasts in rainfall is the multi-decadal persistence of anomalies over northern Africa. Nicholson and Grist (2001) had identified several changes in the general atmospheric circulation that have accomp...
Chhattisgarh state located in central India covers total area of about 13.5 million hectares. The... more Chhattisgarh state located in central India covers total area of about 13.5 million hectares. The region has a great variety and diversity of weather conditions. Three major agro-climatic zones has been demarcated in the state viz., Chhattisgarh plains zone, Bastar plateau ACZ and Northern hill region. Here an analysis of rainfall for some representative districts has been made and interpretation drawn regarding pre-dominant crop rice cultivation. On observation it has been found that the annual rainfall decreases from east to west. The annual rainfall in the eastern part of the state varies from 1300-1600 mm. This covers Mahasamund, Raipur, Janjgir, Korba, Raigarh, Jashpur and Surguja districts. On examining the CV for the annual rainfall, it has been found to be the least at Bilaspur followed by Jagdalpur, Raipur and Ambikapur. Similarly the dependable rainfall quantity and periods have been calculated. Farm tanks and OFRs can be developed to preserve surplus water to optimiz...
Current Advances in Agricultural Sciences(An International Journal), 2015
Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is the most important grain crop both in regard to its antiquity and its u... more Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is the most important grain crop both in regard to its antiquity and its use as a source of human food grown in Chhattisgarh state as major crop. The experiment was carried out at Department of Agrometeorology, Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur (Chhattisgarh) during kharif season of 2007–08. The phenology, LAI, biomass and grain yield of rice simulated by model were compared with that observed in the rainfed condition under field situation. Sensitivity analysis was also carried out in different temperature scenarios by increasing or decreasing daily temperature by 1°, 2° and 3°C. Results of the sensitivity analysis showed that while increasing the temperature by 1°, 2° and 3°C grain yield increased by 7, 17 and 22% under rainfed condition, respectively. While, decreasing the temperature by 1°, 2° and 3°C grain yield decreased by 10, 11 and 15% under rainfed condition, respectively. The grain yields were highly affected by changing the temperature in cultivar ARB-8 of rice crop.
The temperature and rainfall trends are analysed for meteorological data of Labandi station, Raip... more The temperature and rainfall trends are analysed for meteorological data of Labandi station, Raipur district in Chhattisgarh, India over approximately last three decades stretching between years 1971 to 2013. The long–term change in temperature and rainfall has been assessed by linear trend analysis. The increasing trend in mean maximum temperature (MMAX) and total mean rainfall (TMRF) is confirmed by Mann-Kendall trend test. It is observed that in Raipur district of Chhattisgarh region, the December MMAX temperature has increased by 1.1008 0C and annual MMAX temperature has increased by 0.0256 0C whereas the highest decrease in TMRF occurs is observed in August @ 1.4385 mm per year (data base 1971-2013) and annual TMRF quantity has increased by 8.084 mm during the same period. Annual MMAX temperature has shown increasing trend which is statistically non- significant at 5% level of significance whereas annual TMRF has shown increasing trend which is statistically non- significant at...
Mustard is the second most important edible oilseed crop in India after groundnut and accounts fo... more Mustard is the second most important edible oilseed crop in India after groundnut and accounts for nearly 30 percent of the total oilseeds produced in the country. Weather parameters play major role in determining the crop growth, development and yield because weather strongly influences the physical expression of genetic potential of the crop. The present investigation aimed to find out relationship between maximum and minimum temperature during different stages of mustard crop and yield at three locations of Chhattisgarh state indicated that at Raipur maximum temperature during vegetative stage showed significant negative relation whereas at Jagdalpur significant positive relation was found. Maximum and minimum temperature at any crop growth stage did not have relation with yield at Ambikapur. At the same time, minimum temperature during reproductive stage of crop showed negative relation with mustard yield in all three locations though it was not significant one.
Chhattisgarh state located in central India covers total area of about 13.5 million hectares. The... more Chhattisgarh state located in central India covers total area of about 13.5 million hectares. The region has a great variety and diversity of weather conditions. Three major agro-climatic zones has been demarcated in the state viz., Chhattisgarh plains zone, Bastar plateau ACZ and Northern hill region. Here an analysis of rainfall for 16 districts has been made and interpretation drawn regarding predominant crop rice cultivation. Further stress has been made to conserve surplus monsoonal rainfall in On Farm Reservoirs (OFR's) as rainfall is occurring in intense storms and utilize this rainwater for sustainable crop production and also for enhancing cropping intensity. The high potential of OFR's and other harvesting structures in alleviating drought, increasing productivity and stability of rainfed ricelands has been tested in this region for meeting this challenge of rainfed rice production.
Rainfall data of recent forty three years (1971-2013) of Labhandi station, Indira Gandhi Krishi V... more Rainfall data of recent forty three years (1971-2013) of Labhandi station, Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidhyalaya Raipur, Chhattisgarh was analysed with the method of incomplete gamma probability. The data revealed that the average rainfall of labhandi station is 1202 mm spread over 61 rainy days. Out of this 1055, 68, 53 and 27 mm received from south west monsoon (June-September), north east (October-December), summer (March-May) and winter season (January -February) respectively. Probability for receiving more than 100 mm of rainfall can be expected only at 25% probability level and that too in four weeks which is leading to the interpretation that rainfed rice production is a challenging task in this region. it has been found that at 75 per cent assured probability level rainfall of more than 200 mms can be expected only in July and August months and this rainfall is hardly sufficient for meeting the water requirement in upland situations. However at 50 per cent probability which ...
Climate change is a natural phenomenon but in present decades its variability of change mainly du... more Climate change is a natural phenomenon but in present decades its variability of change mainly due to anthropogenic activities is alarming. Agriculture of Chhattisgarh state is mainly dependant on monsoon rain and its distribution. Considering this fact, the present study has been tried to analyze the most important climatic variables, viz., precipitation and temeperature for analyzing their trend in the area. The trends of maximum atmospheric temperature, rainfall and rainy days are analysed statistically for meteorological data of Jagdalpur station of Bastar district, over last three decades stretching between years 1980 to 2014. The long term change in temperature, rainfall and rainy days has been analysed by correlation and linear trend analysis. The annual MMAX temperature has decreased at a rate of -0.465 °C per year during this period at Jagdalpur station and decreasing trend for rainy days during monsoonal season (June to September) is also found and is confirm...
Abstrect: An attempt has been made in this paper to examine the economic analysis of improved pad... more Abstrect: An attempt has been made in this paper to examine the economic analysis of improved paddy cultivation in Bilaspur district of Chhattisgarh. The study was conducted in Bilaspur district of Chhattisgarh with thirty farmers who were selected by simple random sampling techniques from four villages. After selection of villages, a list of total paddy growers by traditional method was prepared separately and categorized in to three size group on the basis of their land holding size viz, small (up to 02 ha.) medium (02-04 ha.) and large (above 04 ha.). Ten farmers were selected from each of the size group to collect the required information. The primary data were collected from the paddy producers through well prepared interview schedule for the production year 2011-12. Study revealed that the, on an average material cost was estimated as Rs.8165.40 per ha in which 45.00 per cent share of total material cost constituted by the fertiliser material. The average cost of cultivation o...
A field experiment was conducted during rabi season of 2012-13 at Indira Gandhi Agriculture Unive... more A field experiment was conducted during rabi season of 2012-13 at Indira Gandhi Agriculture University, Raipur (C.G.), India to study the phenology, accumulated growing degree days, photo thermal unit helio thermal unit, heat use efficiency, radiation use efficiency and performance of wheat varieties grown under different sowing dates. The crop was on 25 November took maximum calendar days. Growing degree days, photo thermal unit, helio-thermal unit to attend different phonological stages till maturity, which reduced significantly with subsequent delay in sowing time. The grain yield recorded in 5 th December was statically at par with 15 December. The significant reduction in grain yield of timely sown varieties was recorded when sowing was delayed beyond 5 th January. Among the varieties higher grain yield of 2807 kg/ha was recorded in varieties Kanchan, which was significant superior over Sujata (2486 kg/ha), GW273 (2447kg/ ha) and Amar (2310 kg/ha) among the varieties Amar took ...
, entitled "Crop Weather Relationship in Different Cultivars of Black Gram. (Vigna mungo)" The ex... more , entitled "Crop Weather Relationship in Different Cultivars of Black Gram. (Vigna mungo)" The experiment was laid out in a FRBD where main plots were assigned to four sowing dates and sub-plots to three Cultivars of black gram, with twelve treatment combinations and replicated thrice. The treatment comprised the four date of sowing i.e. 24 th MW, 25 th MW, 26 th MW and 27 th MW and three cultivars, V 1 (BDU-1), V 2 (TAU-1) and V 3 (AKU-15). In the present investigation the biometric observations viz. plant height, number of leaves per plant, Number of branches per plant, Number of pods per plant was recorded from the different Cultivars and date of sowing. Treatment D 1 (24 th MW) and cultivar V 3 (AKU-15) was found significantly superior over all other treatments and Cultivars respectively. The grain yield and biomass yield were recorded highest in D 1 (24 th MW) and Cultivar V 3 (AKU-15). The treatment D 2 (25 th MW) and Cultivar V 1 (BDU-1) was found second in the order of merit. The highest total GDD was observed with D 4 (MW 27) sowing date and Cultivar V 2 (TAU-1) similarly the highest HTU was observed with D 1 (MW 24) sowing date and Cultivar V 2 (TAU-1). PTU observed during total crop growth period was highest in D 1 (MW 24) as compare to remaining treatments. In case of Cultivars PTU was highest in V 2 (TAU-1). The highest GDD, HTU and PTU was observed in V 2 (TAU-1) as compare to other three Cultivars. In case of date of sowing the highest GDD in D 4 (MW 27) and HTU, PTU was highest in D 1 (MW 24).
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 2021
Rice (Oryza sativa) is the principal food for more than 50% people and contributes about one-fift... more Rice (Oryza sativa) is the principal food for more than 50% people and contributes about one-fifth to the total calories consumption of the world. The statistics showed that during the crop year 2016-17 india produced 110.15 million metric tonnes of milled rice from 43.19 million ha area, making the country the world’s second largest producer of rice. To meet the food and nutritional requirement, India alone would need about 156 metric tonne of rice by 2030 at an annual increment of 3 metric tonnes in the current rice production. There are several constraints to achieve desired potential of rice but in SRI methods help increase fields by over 50% while using 40% less water than conventional method. The SRI methods increase yield the productivity of water since yield can double or more with only half as much water, the productivity of water in greatly increased this is especially important in countries or places where water is becoming scarcer.
Papers by rajesh khavse