Papers by alfanda rahmatullah

Figures early marriage in Situbondo, especially in Sub Arjasa fairly high. The high rates of earl... more Figures early marriage in Situbondo, especially in Sub Arjasa fairly high. The high rates of early marriage are backed by many factors, the most dominant cultural factors with proven already become hereditary. Early marriage can be defined as two people of the opposite sex who was a teenager in a family. Early marriage to the attention of many parties in view of the risks arising from early marriage is sex in young people, infectious diseases, and mental and emotional unstable that may be causing a conflict. This study used qualitative methods, namely descriptive analysis, in which the author wants to explain or describe some viewpoints about the wedding Angka pernikahan dini di Kabupaten Situbondo khususnya di Kecamatan Arjasa terbilang tinggi. Tingginya angka pernikahan dini tersebut dilatari oleh banyak faktor, yang paling dominan adalah faktor budaya dengan dibuktikan sudah menjadi turun-temurun. Pernikahan dini dapat diartikan sebagai dua insan lawan jenis yang masih remaja dal...
Papers by alfanda rahmatullah