Computer-assisted instruction (CAI) is an interactive instructional technique whereby a computer ... more Computer-assisted instruction (CAI) is an interactive instructional technique whereby a computer is used to present the instructional material and monitor the learning that takes place. This study was designed to see the effect of computer-assisted instruction as a supplementing strategy on the academic achievement of secondary school students in the subject of science. The major objectives of the study were: (1) To find out the relative effects of computer-assisted instruction as a supplementing strategy on academic achievement in science; and (2) To investigate the difference between treatment effects on male and female students. To achieve the objectives of the study, the following null hypotheses were tested: (1) There is no significant difference between the mean scores of the students taught science with CAI as supplementing strategy and without CAI; and (2) There is no significant difference between the mean scores of male and female students of experimental and control groups. Secondary school students studying science subjects constituted the population of the study. The students of 9 th class of The City School, H-8, Islamabad, were selected as Language in India
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a prevailing nosocomial pathogen that is in... more Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a prevailing nosocomial pathogen that is increasingly isolated in community settings. It shows resistance against all beta-lactam drugs and has acquired mechanisms to resist other groups of antibiotics. To tackle this emerging issue of MRSA, there is an urgent need for antibiotic alternatives, and utilizing lytic bacteriophages is one of the most promising therapeutic approaches. In the present study, a lytic bacteriophage TSP was isolated from hospital wastewater against MRSA. The phage efficiently inhibited bacterial growth for up to 12 h at MOI of 1 and 10. TSP phage showed activity against various isolates of MRSA and MSSA, isolated from different clinical samples, with variable antibiotic susceptibility patterns. The bacteriophage TSP showed stability at varying temperatures (25 °C, 37 °C) and pH values (5–9), while its maximum storage stability was observed at 4 °C. It had a short latent period (20 min) and burst size of 10...
Multidrug-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae is a nosocomial pathogen, produces septicemia, pneumoni... more Multidrug-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae is a nosocomial pathogen, produces septicemia, pneumonia and UTI. Excessive use of antibiotics contributes towards emergence of multidrug-resistance. Bacteriophage-therapy is a potential substitute of antibiotics with many advantages. In this investigation, microbiological and genome characterization of TSK1 bacteriophage and its biofilm elimination capability are presented. TSK1 showed narrow host range and highest stability at pH 7 and 37 °C. TSK1 reduced the growth of K. pneumoniae during the initial 14 hours of infection. Post-treatment with TSK1 against different age K. pneumoniae biofilms reduced 85–100% biomass. Pre-treatment of TSK1 bacteriophage against the biofilm of Klebsiella pneumoniae reduced > 99% biomass in initial 24 hr of incubation. The genome of TSK1 phage comprised 49,836 base pairs with GC composition of 50.44%. Total seventy-five open reading frames (ORFs) were predicted, 25 showed homology with known functional pro...
The present study is aimed at analyzing the effects of peer tutoring on the academic achievement ... more The present study is aimed at analyzing the effects of peer tutoring on the academic achievement of students in the subject of biology at secondary level. The objectives of the study were: (1) To find out the effects of peer tutoring on the academic achievement of students in the subject of biology; and (2) To examine the effects of peer tutoring with respect to knowledge, comprehension and application levels in cognitive domain of Bloom Taxonomy. All 433,405 male students at secondary level of 10th grade of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa were the population of the study. Forty students were taken as the sample of the study from the Allied National Software Institute (ANSI) Mardan. The Posttest-Only Equivalent Group Design was used. The data collected from pretest and posttest were analyzed through an independent sample t-test. It was found that the mean score of the experimental group was significantly better than that of the control group. It was concluded that peer tutoring enhanced the acad...
The study reports findings drawn from an amended version of Wong & Law Emotional Intelligence Sca... more The study reports findings drawn from an amended version of Wong & Law Emotional Intelligence Scale (WLIS), university students' of Punjab. 600 students from three universities were selected as the sample for the study. Gender wise, the male students and qualification wise the B.Sc. degree holders were found significantly better than their counterparts. There were also some significant differences in terms of the university the students were studying in. The study concludes that the emotional intelligence is positively correlated with age, gender, qualification as well as the educational institution the student is enrolled in.
Community participation in schools mean positive contributions of parents, general public, people... more Community participation in schools mean positive contributions of parents, general public, people representatives and retired servants in enhancing enrollment, minimizing absenteeism, voluntary teaching, financing and monitoring construction works in schools .It is an important trend in education. Many countries are welcoming communities for the betterment of educational institutes. Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is also favouring the concept of community participation in education. It is providing millions of rupees for spending in schools through communities. The provincial government has clearly mentioned it in the job descriptions of District Education Officers of schools that they will involve community in improvement of schools. This study aims to judge that to what extent the said officers are fulfilling that objective effectively. Each district has three managers of schools, i.e. one is District Education Officers, second is Deputy District Education officer and the third ...
The main purpose of the study was to compare the achievement of male and female mathematics stude... more The main purpose of the study was to compare the achievement of male and female mathematics students of higher secondary schools and colleges at intermediate level in Punjab. The major objectives of the study were: To compare the achievement of male and female students in the subject of mathematics at higher secondary school level, to compare the achievement of male and female students in the subject of mathematics with respect to teachers’ teaching experience, to compare the achievement of male and female students in the subject of mathematics with respect to teachers’ qualifications and to examine gender difference, gender difference in positive attitude of teachers towards students. The population of the study comprised 1336 mathematics teachers and 73455 male and female mathematics students of higher secondary schools and colleges of Punjab province. The study was delimited to two Boards, i.e. Rawalpindi and Sargodha. The researchers used two questionnaires as research instrumen...
The study aimed at identifying the terrorism’s impact on the co-curricular activities of secondar... more The study aimed at identifying the terrorism’s impact on the co-curricular activities of secondary school students in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The study was significant because Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is the worst terrorism affected province. The major objective of the study was to examine the impact of terrorism on students’ participation in co-curricular activities of secondary school students in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan. To achieve this objective it was assumed that terrorism has impact on the co-curricular activities of secondary school students in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. For this purpose five hundred and sixty secondary school students their parents, and 112 class teachers were selected from 56 schools (28public and 28 private) of 7 districts but due to sensitive nature of study the sample was refined to 450 students their parents and 100 class teachers which made the sample size to be 1000. In order to collect the data, questionnaire with 5-point Likert scale was used as tool. Chi square...
This research study was performed to explore the weaknesses in existing evaluation techniques of ... more This research study was performed to explore the weaknesses in existing evaluation techniques of teaching practice of formal and non-formal teacher education institutions. The main objective was to find out the issues of evaluation of teaching practice and to recommend the ways for improvement of both the systems; in Punjab. For the sample of study, three formal while one non-formal including four regioal campuses were selected. The questionnaire was used to get the responses of teaching practice supervisors. Two hundred teaching practice supervisors were selected randomly in which 100 from formal institutions and 100 were selected from non-formal institutions. The problems and weaknesses of evaluation of teaching practice were found out by open ended items in the questionnaires which were analyzed by using ENVIVO. Majority of respondents said that duration of teaching practices is less and not sufficient. Few respondents expressed that prospective teachers are not being evaluated properly. Lack of qualified, experienced and expert supervisor is another major weakness in the current teaching practices in formal and non-formal system. Majority of teaching practice supervisors of formal system supposed that teaching practice supervisor involved the cooperating teacher in the evaluation while supervisors of non-formal system didn't. Major Suggestions were that time period of teaching practice should be increased up to 3 months; financial support (i.e. scholarship) should be provided. It was recommended that evaluation of teaching practice must be internal as well as external by experts. There is a need of continuous methods of evaluation of teaching practice for both institutions.
The study reports findings drawn from an amended version of Wong & Law Emotional Intelligence Sca... more The study reports findings drawn from an amended version of Wong & Law Emotional Intelligence Scale (WLIS), university students' of Sindh. 600 students from three universities were selected as the sample for the study. Gender wise, the male students and qualification wise the B.Sc. degree holders were found significantly better than their counterparts. There were also some significant differences in terms of the university the students were studying in. The study concludes that the emotional intelligence is positively correlated with age, gender, qualification as well as the educational institution the student is enrolled in.
Teachers are the bedrock of education of every nation with the responsibility to pass on knowledg... more Teachers are the bedrock of education of every nation with the responsibility to pass on knowledge from generation to generation. This study investigates teachers' satisfaction at the workplace of both public and private universities in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. It is assumed that a teacher will perform well if he/she is satisfied with his/her job. The purpose of the study was to differentiate the perceptions of public and private university teachers by their designation, work experience, academic qualification, gender and age about job satisfaction. The population of the study consisted of all teachers of public and private universities in Khyber Pakhtunkhawa. The researcher randomly selected 14 (7 public and 7 private) out of 25 universities. The sample size was 420 respondents. Questionnaire was used for data collection. Independent Sample t-test was applied for data analysis. No significant difference was found between the perceptions of public and private university teachers. It was concluded that the views of both the public and private university teachers were the same regarding their job satisfaction.
The purpose of this study was to determine learning styles of student teachers at Federal College... more The purpose of this study was to determine learning styles of student teachers at Federal College of Education in order to develop teaching strategies in them. Another purpose of this study was to find out if there is a significant difference on learning preferences among student teachers class wise and gender wise. Grasha-Riechmann learning style survey (LSS) was used to assess the learning styles preferences of student teachers this (LSS) was divided into six learning styles (independent, avoidant, collaborative, dependent, competitive, and participant. Population of this study was students at Federal College of Education. Sample of this study was randomly selected 230 student teachers. Data were collected from the student teachers by means of (LSS).Data was analyzed by using (SPSS) in terms of mean, independent sample t-test and ANOVA, the reliability of the inventory was 0.85 (Cronbach's Alpha). Results suggested that student teachers at Federal College of Education are low on independent, dependent participant learning styles, high on avoidant, collaborative and competitive learning style. Gender wise female student teachers are significantly better on all dimensions of (LSS) except avoidant and on class wise comparison there is a significant difference on all the dimensions of (LSS) among the classes.
Computer-assisted instruction (CAI) is an interactive instructional technique whereby a computer ... more Computer-assisted instruction (CAI) is an interactive instructional technique whereby a computer is used to present the instructional material and monitor the learning that takes place. This study was designed to see the effect of computer-assisted instruction as a supplementing strategy on the academic achievement of secondary school students in the subject of science. The major objectives of the study were: (1) To find out the relative effects of computer-assisted instruction as a supplementing strategy on academic achievement in science; and (2) To investigate the difference between treatment effects on male and female students. To achieve the objectives of the study, the following null hypotheses were tested: (1) There is no significant difference between the mean scores of the students taught science with CAI as supplementing strategy and without CAI; and (2) There is no significant difference between the mean scores of male and female students of experimental and control groups. Secondary school students studying science subjects constituted the population of the study. The students of 9 th class of The City School, H-8, Islamabad, were selected as Language in India
Flipped classroom make its liberty in the modern technological era to change the passive classroo... more Flipped classroom make its liberty in the modern technological era to change the passive classroom learning environment in active ones. Flipped classroom is reverse type of classroom learning situation where students do more actively participation. It is a natural phenomenon that every individual of this world has different form one another. Individual differences take place in real classroom situations, and it is also a fact that males and females has different in nature, likes and dislikes, responsibilities and so on. Therefore, present study was aimed to compare the performance of male and female prospective teachers in two different classroom situations. Sample of 48 prospective teachers selected from one of the affiliated college of education in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Pakistan) was divided in two equal groups. Where experimental group consist 16 males and 08 female prospective teachers and the control group was consisted 14 females and 10 males. True experimental research design was used and data was collected through pre-test and post-test. The t-test and ANOVA were used for the purpose of data analysis. Data reveled that there was found no gender difference within the groups while the performance of experimental group male and female were outstanding than the performance of control group males and females. The males of experimental group were achieved higher mean scores than the male of control group likewise, female of experimental group were achieved higher scores than the scores of females of control group. Findings of the study are in the favor of flipped classroom strategy therefore, it is recommended that the flipped classroom strategy should be focused by the university teachers as well as policy makers in Pakistan.
VFAST Transactions on Education and Social Sciences, 2015
One of the teaching learning purposes of schooling is the social and psychological development of... more One of the teaching learning purposes of schooling is the social and psychological development of a child. Every field of today's life is a slave of technology, which is in the state of flux. The role of physics is dominated of all other subjects in the school. Motivation of "doing" is important than simply acquiring knowledge. Physics suite is a set of strategies which enables the students 'to learn to do' in real life and enables them to be a socially active member of a society as well as psychologically sound personality. Main objective of the study was to examine the understanding of the learners taught by physics suite at secondary level in Pakistan. A null hypothesis "there is no significant difference between the mean scores of pupils taught with physics suite and those with traditional method". Post-test only equivalent group design was used for the collection of data. A group of 40 students was observed, as experimental and control group comprising 20 students each. After six weeks data was collected through post test and analyzed using t test. Significant difference was found between the mean scores of experimental and control groups and the null hypothesis was rejected.
School is a social agency that is entrusted with the task of transmitting cultural and social val... more School is a social agency that is entrusted with the task of transmitting cultural and social values and curriculum is an effective tool to achieve these goals. To gauge the effectiveness of this tool constant effort is needed. Therefore, revision and improvement in curriculum is necessary to meet the emerging challenges. This study aimed at eliciting Senior Secondary Teachers‟ views on secondary school curriculum in Pakistan. The specific objectives of the study were __ to determine Teachers‟ views regarding correspondence of curriculum with the needs and aspirations of the country, to examine the changes made in the curriculum from time to time and to analyze the existing position of secondary school curriculum. Senior Secondary Teachers of Federal Government and modal schools from the lists of Federal Directorate of Education were chosen that constituted the population of this study. As regards private schools, the institutions were identified personally. Major findings of the st...
Computer-assisted instruction (CAI) is an interactive instructional technique whereby a computer ... more Computer-assisted instruction (CAI) is an interactive instructional technique whereby a computer is used to present the instructional material and monitor the learning that takes place. This study was designed to see the effect of computer-assisted instruction as a supplementing strategy on the academic achievement of secondary school students in the subject of science. The major objectives of the study were: (1) To find out the relative effects of computer-assisted instruction as a supplementing strategy on academic achievement in science; and (2) To investigate the difference between treatment effects on male and female students. To achieve the objectives of the study, the following null hypotheses were tested: (1) There is no significant difference between the mean scores of the students taught science with CAI as supplementing strategy and without CAI; and (2) There is no significant difference between the mean scores of male and female students of experimental and control groups. Secondary school students studying science subjects constituted the population of the study. The students of 9 th class of The City School, H-8, Islamabad, were selected as Language in India
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a prevailing nosocomial pathogen that is in... more Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a prevailing nosocomial pathogen that is increasingly isolated in community settings. It shows resistance against all beta-lactam drugs and has acquired mechanisms to resist other groups of antibiotics. To tackle this emerging issue of MRSA, there is an urgent need for antibiotic alternatives, and utilizing lytic bacteriophages is one of the most promising therapeutic approaches. In the present study, a lytic bacteriophage TSP was isolated from hospital wastewater against MRSA. The phage efficiently inhibited bacterial growth for up to 12 h at MOI of 1 and 10. TSP phage showed activity against various isolates of MRSA and MSSA, isolated from different clinical samples, with variable antibiotic susceptibility patterns. The bacteriophage TSP showed stability at varying temperatures (25 °C, 37 °C) and pH values (5–9), while its maximum storage stability was observed at 4 °C. It had a short latent period (20 min) and burst size of 10...
Multidrug-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae is a nosocomial pathogen, produces septicemia, pneumoni... more Multidrug-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae is a nosocomial pathogen, produces septicemia, pneumonia and UTI. Excessive use of antibiotics contributes towards emergence of multidrug-resistance. Bacteriophage-therapy is a potential substitute of antibiotics with many advantages. In this investigation, microbiological and genome characterization of TSK1 bacteriophage and its biofilm elimination capability are presented. TSK1 showed narrow host range and highest stability at pH 7 and 37 °C. TSK1 reduced the growth of K. pneumoniae during the initial 14 hours of infection. Post-treatment with TSK1 against different age K. pneumoniae biofilms reduced 85–100% biomass. Pre-treatment of TSK1 bacteriophage against the biofilm of Klebsiella pneumoniae reduced > 99% biomass in initial 24 hr of incubation. The genome of TSK1 phage comprised 49,836 base pairs with GC composition of 50.44%. Total seventy-five open reading frames (ORFs) were predicted, 25 showed homology with known functional pro...
The present study is aimed at analyzing the effects of peer tutoring on the academic achievement ... more The present study is aimed at analyzing the effects of peer tutoring on the academic achievement of students in the subject of biology at secondary level. The objectives of the study were: (1) To find out the effects of peer tutoring on the academic achievement of students in the subject of biology; and (2) To examine the effects of peer tutoring with respect to knowledge, comprehension and application levels in cognitive domain of Bloom Taxonomy. All 433,405 male students at secondary level of 10th grade of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa were the population of the study. Forty students were taken as the sample of the study from the Allied National Software Institute (ANSI) Mardan. The Posttest-Only Equivalent Group Design was used. The data collected from pretest and posttest were analyzed through an independent sample t-test. It was found that the mean score of the experimental group was significantly better than that of the control group. It was concluded that peer tutoring enhanced the acad...
The study reports findings drawn from an amended version of Wong & Law Emotional Intelligence Sca... more The study reports findings drawn from an amended version of Wong & Law Emotional Intelligence Scale (WLIS), university students' of Punjab. 600 students from three universities were selected as the sample for the study. Gender wise, the male students and qualification wise the B.Sc. degree holders were found significantly better than their counterparts. There were also some significant differences in terms of the university the students were studying in. The study concludes that the emotional intelligence is positively correlated with age, gender, qualification as well as the educational institution the student is enrolled in.
Community participation in schools mean positive contributions of parents, general public, people... more Community participation in schools mean positive contributions of parents, general public, people representatives and retired servants in enhancing enrollment, minimizing absenteeism, voluntary teaching, financing and monitoring construction works in schools .It is an important trend in education. Many countries are welcoming communities for the betterment of educational institutes. Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is also favouring the concept of community participation in education. It is providing millions of rupees for spending in schools through communities. The provincial government has clearly mentioned it in the job descriptions of District Education Officers of schools that they will involve community in improvement of schools. This study aims to judge that to what extent the said officers are fulfilling that objective effectively. Each district has three managers of schools, i.e. one is District Education Officers, second is Deputy District Education officer and the third ...
The main purpose of the study was to compare the achievement of male and female mathematics stude... more The main purpose of the study was to compare the achievement of male and female mathematics students of higher secondary schools and colleges at intermediate level in Punjab. The major objectives of the study were: To compare the achievement of male and female students in the subject of mathematics at higher secondary school level, to compare the achievement of male and female students in the subject of mathematics with respect to teachers’ teaching experience, to compare the achievement of male and female students in the subject of mathematics with respect to teachers’ qualifications and to examine gender difference, gender difference in positive attitude of teachers towards students. The population of the study comprised 1336 mathematics teachers and 73455 male and female mathematics students of higher secondary schools and colleges of Punjab province. The study was delimited to two Boards, i.e. Rawalpindi and Sargodha. The researchers used two questionnaires as research instrumen...
The study aimed at identifying the terrorism’s impact on the co-curricular activities of secondar... more The study aimed at identifying the terrorism’s impact on the co-curricular activities of secondary school students in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The study was significant because Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is the worst terrorism affected province. The major objective of the study was to examine the impact of terrorism on students’ participation in co-curricular activities of secondary school students in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan. To achieve this objective it was assumed that terrorism has impact on the co-curricular activities of secondary school students in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. For this purpose five hundred and sixty secondary school students their parents, and 112 class teachers were selected from 56 schools (28public and 28 private) of 7 districts but due to sensitive nature of study the sample was refined to 450 students their parents and 100 class teachers which made the sample size to be 1000. In order to collect the data, questionnaire with 5-point Likert scale was used as tool. Chi square...
This research study was performed to explore the weaknesses in existing evaluation techniques of ... more This research study was performed to explore the weaknesses in existing evaluation techniques of teaching practice of formal and non-formal teacher education institutions. The main objective was to find out the issues of evaluation of teaching practice and to recommend the ways for improvement of both the systems; in Punjab. For the sample of study, three formal while one non-formal including four regioal campuses were selected. The questionnaire was used to get the responses of teaching practice supervisors. Two hundred teaching practice supervisors were selected randomly in which 100 from formal institutions and 100 were selected from non-formal institutions. The problems and weaknesses of evaluation of teaching practice were found out by open ended items in the questionnaires which were analyzed by using ENVIVO. Majority of respondents said that duration of teaching practices is less and not sufficient. Few respondents expressed that prospective teachers are not being evaluated properly. Lack of qualified, experienced and expert supervisor is another major weakness in the current teaching practices in formal and non-formal system. Majority of teaching practice supervisors of formal system supposed that teaching practice supervisor involved the cooperating teacher in the evaluation while supervisors of non-formal system didn't. Major Suggestions were that time period of teaching practice should be increased up to 3 months; financial support (i.e. scholarship) should be provided. It was recommended that evaluation of teaching practice must be internal as well as external by experts. There is a need of continuous methods of evaluation of teaching practice for both institutions.
The study reports findings drawn from an amended version of Wong & Law Emotional Intelligence Sca... more The study reports findings drawn from an amended version of Wong & Law Emotional Intelligence Scale (WLIS), university students' of Sindh. 600 students from three universities were selected as the sample for the study. Gender wise, the male students and qualification wise the B.Sc. degree holders were found significantly better than their counterparts. There were also some significant differences in terms of the university the students were studying in. The study concludes that the emotional intelligence is positively correlated with age, gender, qualification as well as the educational institution the student is enrolled in.
Teachers are the bedrock of education of every nation with the responsibility to pass on knowledg... more Teachers are the bedrock of education of every nation with the responsibility to pass on knowledge from generation to generation. This study investigates teachers' satisfaction at the workplace of both public and private universities in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. It is assumed that a teacher will perform well if he/she is satisfied with his/her job. The purpose of the study was to differentiate the perceptions of public and private university teachers by their designation, work experience, academic qualification, gender and age about job satisfaction. The population of the study consisted of all teachers of public and private universities in Khyber Pakhtunkhawa. The researcher randomly selected 14 (7 public and 7 private) out of 25 universities. The sample size was 420 respondents. Questionnaire was used for data collection. Independent Sample t-test was applied for data analysis. No significant difference was found between the perceptions of public and private university teachers. It was concluded that the views of both the public and private university teachers were the same regarding their job satisfaction.
The purpose of this study was to determine learning styles of student teachers at Federal College... more The purpose of this study was to determine learning styles of student teachers at Federal College of Education in order to develop teaching strategies in them. Another purpose of this study was to find out if there is a significant difference on learning preferences among student teachers class wise and gender wise. Grasha-Riechmann learning style survey (LSS) was used to assess the learning styles preferences of student teachers this (LSS) was divided into six learning styles (independent, avoidant, collaborative, dependent, competitive, and participant. Population of this study was students at Federal College of Education. Sample of this study was randomly selected 230 student teachers. Data were collected from the student teachers by means of (LSS).Data was analyzed by using (SPSS) in terms of mean, independent sample t-test and ANOVA, the reliability of the inventory was 0.85 (Cronbach's Alpha). Results suggested that student teachers at Federal College of Education are low on independent, dependent participant learning styles, high on avoidant, collaborative and competitive learning style. Gender wise female student teachers are significantly better on all dimensions of (LSS) except avoidant and on class wise comparison there is a significant difference on all the dimensions of (LSS) among the classes.
Computer-assisted instruction (CAI) is an interactive instructional technique whereby a computer ... more Computer-assisted instruction (CAI) is an interactive instructional technique whereby a computer is used to present the instructional material and monitor the learning that takes place. This study was designed to see the effect of computer-assisted instruction as a supplementing strategy on the academic achievement of secondary school students in the subject of science. The major objectives of the study were: (1) To find out the relative effects of computer-assisted instruction as a supplementing strategy on academic achievement in science; and (2) To investigate the difference between treatment effects on male and female students. To achieve the objectives of the study, the following null hypotheses were tested: (1) There is no significant difference between the mean scores of the students taught science with CAI as supplementing strategy and without CAI; and (2) There is no significant difference between the mean scores of male and female students of experimental and control groups. Secondary school students studying science subjects constituted the population of the study. The students of 9 th class of The City School, H-8, Islamabad, were selected as Language in India
Flipped classroom make its liberty in the modern technological era to change the passive classroo... more Flipped classroom make its liberty in the modern technological era to change the passive classroom learning environment in active ones. Flipped classroom is reverse type of classroom learning situation where students do more actively participation. It is a natural phenomenon that every individual of this world has different form one another. Individual differences take place in real classroom situations, and it is also a fact that males and females has different in nature, likes and dislikes, responsibilities and so on. Therefore, present study was aimed to compare the performance of male and female prospective teachers in two different classroom situations. Sample of 48 prospective teachers selected from one of the affiliated college of education in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Pakistan) was divided in two equal groups. Where experimental group consist 16 males and 08 female prospective teachers and the control group was consisted 14 females and 10 males. True experimental research design was used and data was collected through pre-test and post-test. The t-test and ANOVA were used for the purpose of data analysis. Data reveled that there was found no gender difference within the groups while the performance of experimental group male and female were outstanding than the performance of control group males and females. The males of experimental group were achieved higher mean scores than the male of control group likewise, female of experimental group were achieved higher scores than the scores of females of control group. Findings of the study are in the favor of flipped classroom strategy therefore, it is recommended that the flipped classroom strategy should be focused by the university teachers as well as policy makers in Pakistan.
VFAST Transactions on Education and Social Sciences, 2015
One of the teaching learning purposes of schooling is the social and psychological development of... more One of the teaching learning purposes of schooling is the social and psychological development of a child. Every field of today's life is a slave of technology, which is in the state of flux. The role of physics is dominated of all other subjects in the school. Motivation of "doing" is important than simply acquiring knowledge. Physics suite is a set of strategies which enables the students 'to learn to do' in real life and enables them to be a socially active member of a society as well as psychologically sound personality. Main objective of the study was to examine the understanding of the learners taught by physics suite at secondary level in Pakistan. A null hypothesis "there is no significant difference between the mean scores of pupils taught with physics suite and those with traditional method". Post-test only equivalent group design was used for the collection of data. A group of 40 students was observed, as experimental and control group comprising 20 students each. After six weeks data was collected through post test and analyzed using t test. Significant difference was found between the mean scores of experimental and control groups and the null hypothesis was rejected.
School is a social agency that is entrusted with the task of transmitting cultural and social val... more School is a social agency that is entrusted with the task of transmitting cultural and social values and curriculum is an effective tool to achieve these goals. To gauge the effectiveness of this tool constant effort is needed. Therefore, revision and improvement in curriculum is necessary to meet the emerging challenges. This study aimed at eliciting Senior Secondary Teachers‟ views on secondary school curriculum in Pakistan. The specific objectives of the study were __ to determine Teachers‟ views regarding correspondence of curriculum with the needs and aspirations of the country, to examine the changes made in the curriculum from time to time and to analyze the existing position of secondary school curriculum. Senior Secondary Teachers of Federal Government and modal schools from the lists of Federal Directorate of Education were chosen that constituted the population of this study. As regards private schools, the institutions were identified personally. Major findings of the st...
Papers by rabia tabassum