Papers by predrag lutovac
Godišnjak, Jan 6, 2022
Istraživanja su obavljena u razdoblju od 21. 11. do 24. 12. 2014. godine, a u stručnom timu Narod... more Istraživanja su obavljena u razdoblju od 21. 11. do 24. 12. 2014. godine, a u stručnom timu Narodnog muzeja su pored autora ovog teksta bili: mr Mitra Cerović-arheolog, Slobodan Obradović-dokumentarista, Vlado Lutovacstudent arheologije i Milija Pantović-konzervator. Sve ilustracije u ovom članku su djelo autora teksta.
In 2001 Polish archaeological mission started excavations at Rhizon (now Risan), Montenegro, the ... more In 2001 Polish archaeological mission started excavations at Rhizon (now Risan), Montenegro, the ancient capital of Illyrian queen Teuta. Work concentrated in three sections of the town: at the entrance to the modern hospital, where a Roman villa with mosaic pavements was unearthed, in the location of Carine (another 3rd cent. BC Roman villa complex including a well-preserved bathroom), and near the orthodox church in the place of a medieval necropolis; an 11th cent. AD masonry tomb with 5 inhumation burials was explored. In the vicinity of Risan a fragment of Roman road was located.
Zbornik radova Fakulteta tehničkih nauka u Novom Sadu
U radu su prikazane hidrološke i tehničke karakteristike za objekat mHE ''Stubljanska... more U radu su prikazane hidrološke i tehničke karakteristike za objekat mHE ''Stubljanska'', zatim je rađen hidraulički proračun i usvojeni su svi potrebni elementi trase i objekta. Na osnovu usvojenih elemenata i tehničkih karakteristika objekta izveden je predmjer i predračun radova, koji nam je bio glavni pokazatelj za donošenje zaključa o isplativosti objekta.

Editorial Committee SylwEStER CzopEK, januSz KRuK (pRzEwodniCząCy-ChaiRman), jan maChniK, SaRunaS... more Editorial Committee SylwEStER CzopEK, januSz KRuK (pRzEwodniCząCy-ChaiRman), jan maChniK, SaRunaS miliSauSKaS, johannES müllER, jaRoSlav pEŠKa, alEKSandER SytniK, pRzEmySław uRbańCzyK all articles published in this volume of Sprawozdania archeologiczne obtained approval of the following specialists: januSz CzEbRESzuK (institute of prehistory, adam mickiewicz university in poznań, poland) olEKSandR diaChEnKo (institute of archaeology, ukrainian national academy of Sciences, Kyiv, ukraine) EduaRd dRobERjaR (palacký university of olomouc, Czech Republic) hEnRyK głąb (institute of zoology, jagiellonian university in Krakow, poland) FloRin gogaltan (institutul de arheologie și istoria artei, Cluj-napoca, Romania) miKola KRyvaltSEviCh (institute of history, national academy of Sciences, minsk, belarus) jERzy libERa (institute of archaeology, maria Curie-Skłodowska university in lublin, poland) maRia lityńSKa-zająC (institute of archaeology and Ethnology, polish academy of Sciences, Kraków, poland) anna Rauba-buKowSKa (archeometria, Kraków, poland) andRzEj RozwałKa (institute of archaeology, Rzeszów university, poland) anna zaKośCiElna (institute of archaeology, maria Curie-Skłodowska university in lublin, poland) EngliSh pRooFREading: Caroline Cosgrove Redakcja techniczna i skład technical Editor and layout joanna KulCzyńSKa (ośrodek archeologii gór i wyżyn w Krakowie, instytut archeologii i Etnologii pan) na okładce: fragment zapinki brązowej, fot. przemysław dulęba adres Redakcji Editor's address ośRodEK aRChEologii góR i wyżyn, inStytut aRChEologii i Etnologii pan 31-016 KRaKów, ul. SławKowSKa 17 druk i oprawa: " SpółKa z o.o." Sp.K. ul. jacewska 89, 88-100 inowrocław nakład: 400 egz.

ABSTRACT Tumuli in Montenegro are regarded as Bronze and Early Iron Age structures, but the major... more ABSTRACT Tumuli in Montenegro are regarded as Bronze and Early Iron Age structures, but the majority of those sites have not been explored. The archaeological record indicates significant differences in their construction. The tumuli on Planinica — the first investigated stone burial mounds in Montenegro — regarding their construction, have analogies with the Early Bronze Age site of Rječani near Nikšić only, they do not compare with sites with a later chronology. Giving the state of research on the topic however, it should be pointed out that this is only hinted at. The Brillenspirale found in the sarcophagus of Tumulus II, based on finds from the comprehensively published site Velika Gruda near Tivat, indicates a much later date — to the Late Bronze Age. The minimum number of 7 individuals (probably males) buried in Tumulus II — fitting the ancestral pattern — encourages the interpretation of a long-term burial.

Sprawozdania Archeologiczne 66:385-398
Planinica - a hill situated on the edge of a vast mountain range delimited to the south-east by t... more Planinica - a hill situated on the edge of a vast mountain range delimited to the south-east by the Zeta Plain. It is a part of historical region known as Malesija inhabited mainly by the Albanians. During the field research on Planinica in 2012–2013 a group of stone structures was documented. It consists of circular stone tower surrounded by quadrilateral wall, several small enclosures of trapezoid or pentagonal plan and a network of roads leading to the top of the hill. The arrangement of the buildings indicates that the most likely function was military. They can be described as an observatory tower surrounded by small auxiliary forts. The complex of stone structures on Planinica was most probably built by the Turks after 1878 as a part of system of fortifications guarding newly established Turkish-Montenegrin border. The border survived until the Balkan War in 1912. After that Planinica was no longer been a point of military interest and the forts on its top have undergone progr...
Papers by predrag lutovac