Papers by paulo maldonado

Inspiration Mining: Exploring Design Strategies - Part II
Ergonomics In Design
The article describes and presents the results of an atypical process of Design research strategy... more The article describes and presents the results of an atypical process of Design research strategy, tested for the third time in a Master in Design Course. It is intendedthat students explore ideas, concepts and themes - Inspiration Mining - taking as a starting point a set of 32 (30+2) reference titles, with the objective of discovering,through the establishment of more or less (im)probable relationships, possible points of interception, enhancers of new ideas. The objectives of the proposed work focus on thedevelopment of research and critical reflection in a collaborative environment of exploring the [apparently] unknown, in search of new meanings. During the process,the intersection of inspiring ideas leading to the transforming a set of existing ideas into new ones. This article replicates the title of the article published in 2021 (indicating as a differentiating element the number #2 of the series of papers intended to be published on this research strategy) and consists of th...
The main objective of this paper is to present the interface design concept of Inspaedia focused ... more The main objective of this paper is to present the interface design concept of Inspaedia focused on the user experience, to create knowledge in innovation and design and to facilitate collaborative intelligence. We consider innovation in the disciplinary context of the design to inspire new design processes and to expand and diversify the frame of references in order to stimulate ideation in design, as well as to offer to the inspaediers a stimulating interaction and knowledge experience. Whereas Inspaedia is malleable enough to inspire and operating a network of collaborative intelligence in the areas of innovation and design-the results achieved are a significant contribution to knowledge in design and (hopefully) to the science of design (since not all knowledge is science).
El artículo presenta un proyecto de doctorado en Diseño, en el ámbito en el cual se desarrolló el... more El artículo presenta un proyecto de doctorado en Diseño, en el ámbito en el cual se desarrolló el modelo de una nueva plataforma que designamos Inspædia. Se trata de una red de inteligencia colaborativa que podrá ser usada por cualquier persona, en cualquier lugar, con el propósito de generar procesos de innovación y de diseño, con acceso desde cualquier superficie interactiva con conexión a Internet. Será democrática, confiable, integradora, sin ideología, facilitadora de intercambio, colaborativa, amigable, centrada en los usuarios, no jerárquica, no lineal, inspiradora de aprendizaje. Será un repositorio dinámico de contenidos multimedia interrelacionados, un ágora para observadores permanentes, flâneurs elaboradores de contenidos involucrados en procesos de innovación y diseño. Abrirse a nuevos contenidos y/o nuevas relaciones entre contenidos
Advances in Usability, User Experience and Assistive Technology, 2018
The rapid change of the elements of context requires an urgent reflection on "Experience" and "Me... more The rapid change of the elements of context requires an urgent reflection on "Experience" and "Meaning with Value". The aim of this article is to critically review the User Experience Design (UXD) as a disciplinary field, and contribute by a Manifesto to an inspiring vision of the future. Some authors will be reviewed in order to list and discuss the different ideas to redefine the desirable skills to an enlightened practice and to influence a new ethos of "Be Innovation" to a better world. The article retrieves and revisits a Design Manifesto made on the basis of a strategic vision for Design based on distinctive design competencies. This Manifesto was in the origin of the platform
Advances in Ergonomics In Design, Usability and Special Populations: Part I, 2022
The main objective of this paper is to present the interface design concept of Inspædia focused o... more The main objective of this paper is to present the interface design concept of Inspædia focused on the user experience, to create knowledge in innovation and design and to facilitate collaborative intelligence. We consider innovation in the disciplinary context of the design to inspire new design processes and to expand and diversify the frame of references in order to stimulate ideation in design, as well as to offer to the inspædiers a stimulating interaction and knowledge experience. Whereas Inspædia is malleable enough to inspire and operating a network of collaborative intelligence in the areas of innovation and design - the results achieved are a significant contribution to knowledge in design and (hopefully) to the science of design (since not all knowledge is science).
Inspiration Mining: Exploring Design Research(ers) Strategies
Advances in Creativity, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Communication of Design, 2021
Inspædia: Changing the Landscape of Cultural Reflection and Influence Through User Experience Design
Advances in Ergonomics in Design, 2017
This article presents and encourages use of Inspaedia, the online platform for inspiring collabor... more This article presents and encourages use of Inspaedia, the online platform for inspiring collaborative and interactive intelligence. Inspaedia’s launch will take place in Los Angeles and will have the 8th AHFE as its backdrop. GET INSPIRED is the provocative and motivational call to action that appears when inspaediers (collaborative visual storytellers) access the online platform at This is the possible future that inspaediers, when using the platform, feed with new content, new relationships between content, collections of favorite things and navigation trails, helping to collaboratively generate (individual and collective) inspiration, as well as enriching new knowledge by proactively contributing to “BEING innovation”.

Inspædia Report: An Inspired Research Itinerary
Advances in Ergonomics in Design, 2017
This article summarizes the essentials of the design research path that led to the collaborative ... more This article summarizes the essentials of the design research path that led to the collaborative and interactive intelligence platform Inspaedia. Firstly, it discusses the concepts and contexts that favor innovation to understand the importance of entrepreneurship, exploring successful business models and identifying trends and patterns of excellence; some inspirational riffs to inspire other organizational contexts are selected; there is a review of authors who have emphasized the importance of designing and developing user-oriented business models – or rather, producers that are at the same time consumers (prosumers), connected by collaborative intelligence networks; creative and collaborative cognition in design is explored by presenting some strategies to activate divergent thinking, and the conceptual model of Inspaedia is described. Secondly, the article contextualizes and describes the research journey to redefine and simplify the conceptual model to bring the online platform to life. Finally, the results obtained and the feedback given by some inspaediers are presented.
Inspædia: inovação, design et cetera
FCT - Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia; CITAD - Centro de Investigacao em Territorio, Arqui... more FCT - Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia; CITAD - Centro de Investigacao em Territorio, Arquitetura e Design

Cubo: Communication System for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
The current research, focusing on Social Innovation and Inclusive Design, seeks to understand and... more The current research, focusing on Social Innovation and Inclusive Design, seeks to understand and explore the interpersonal communication of children with autism spectrum disorders. The main objective is to contribute to the development of the cognitive and social skills of these children, improving and facilitating their difficulties in three domains: verbal language and communication; interpersonal relationships and in the field of thought and behavior. In order to help solving these problems, Cubo has been developing, an innovative system of universal and inclusive communication, composed of a new universal and alternative/augmentative alphabet and digital object that promotes autonomy, social integration, personal development and interpersonal relationships. This first paper aims to inform and promote the discussion of the process and results of the ongoing research, describing the first phases of the design process itinerary and methods applied, as well as the description of th...
Entrepreneurship Education for Fashion Design
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2019
This paper imparts part of the results of an ongoing PhD research, which focuses on the promotion... more This paper imparts part of the results of an ongoing PhD research, which focuses on the promotion of entrepreneurship in Fashion Design education. The paper addresses the development of relevant skills that might prepare fashion design students for their upcoming careers in the fashion industry. The results, which were withdrawn from literature review and semi-structured questionnaires administered to alumni from our institution, suggest that there is a need for an immersive and hands-on approach to education so as to foster the development of entrepreneurial skills among the next generations of fashion designers, while giving them further preparation for the challenges of a career in this particular field.

Design, Objects and Memory: A Sustainability-Oriented Project Itinerary
Concerns related to sustainability are recurrent in Design. Questioning project practices, reasse... more Concerns related to sustainability are recurrent in Design. Questioning project practices, reassessing principles which are intrinsic to the design process, promoting the dissemination of sustainability-oriented actions, and contributing with a new awareness-raising process about consumption are attitudes that might help in the inclusion of environmental and social requirements in design practices. The relationship between sustainability and esthetic, symbolic and affective aspects is under explored in project elaboration. The project process that emphasizes subjective and material characteristics of objects with a view towards the appreciation of affective memories, through the analysis of users’ real-life experiences, might allow the designer to rethink time, tradition, aesthetics and perception to comprehend characteristics at play that are emotionally sustainable. This paper presents and discusses the ongoing research, whose main objective is to design a sustainability-oriented ...

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2019
This article aims to present a critical reflection on the collaborative curatorship of the exhibi... more This article aims to present a critical reflection on the collaborative curatorship of the exhibition "Intersecting Improbable Connections". It is a transdisciplinary exhibition covering architecture, design, arts, among other fields, and calls for non-linear productive thinking strategies. It explores the intersection of unlikely relationships to inspire memorable visits to museums, and it feeds the Inspaedia platform, creating a new landscape of reflection and cultural influence. It advocates a new concept of exhibition curation that minimizes costs (because it does not involve transportation or insurance for the pieces) and is intended to help stimulate creative processes. Based on a selection of content from the participating museums' permanent exhibitions, duly marked with QR Codes, visitors can access that content that is already available on the Inspaedia platform and explore potentially endless connections, without losing contact with the physical object (and vice versa).

Design e Tecnologia, Dec 30, 2017
New products development is a highly complex activity, where applying methodologies and tools to ... more New products development is a highly complex activity, where applying methodologies and tools to support the engineering design process is fundamental in conducting the numerous activities between the phases involved. The conceptual design phase is a critical moment for product success, where access to the existing design knowledge and the prior experience of the designer are the basis for building the creative process. Thus, the Design-by-Analogy (DbA) field is a design approach that uses analogous processes to stimulate ideas generation seeking innovative solutions through computational techniques and tools. In this context, this article aims to propose a model for a software development based on DbA techniques to stimulate and assist designers during project process. To fulfill this objective, literature review and existing state of the art DbA software survey establish the knowledge bases for this study. Given extracted information from these sources, analysis criteria were defined for the existing software quality characteristics evaluation. This, combined a set of desirable characteristics to establish the requirements that guided the elaboration of the proposed model, specifying its components and structure. The result of this paper is the model proposal, where combining existing techniques and new components that explore alternative paths will promote advances in DbA field. This model will guide the development of a software to aid and stimulate the conceptual phase of the project, allowing the registration of the knowledge generated during the development of projects so that they can be reused in future projects, adds new possibilities giving continuity to the studies in digital tools to support the engineering design process.
Procedia Manufacturing, 2015
The Inspaedia moto is to inspire a collaborative intelligence network on innovation and design pr... more The Inspaedia moto is to inspire a collaborative intelligence network on innovation and design processes. This paper is focused on Inspaedia user centered design features. We will describe how users can access the web platform, add, explore, relate, and share the Inspaedia contents. It will be a unique, memorable and inspiring collaborative knowledge experience that will facilitate several creative activities. Inspaedia is the natural consequence and development of the prototype resulting from the research in Design PhD thesis entitled "Innovation, design et cetera". Therefore, the new platform is being developed under the post-doctoral Design in FA/UL-Faculty of Architecture of the University of Lisbon (Portugal); Science Without Borders Program with a Special Visiting Researcher fellowship from CAPES (Brazil) at the PGDesign UFRGS
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2016
The aim of this paper is to disclose the new research developments and the results from the syste... more The aim of this paper is to disclose the new research developments and the results from the systematization of experience and user interaction with the Inspaedia (a new web knowledge "Agora"), to inspire a dynamic, collaborative, and interactive intelligence among the inspaediers. We will explain in detail and describe the design process and discuss the ultimate design interaction concept & development regarding (almost everything about) simplicity and playfulness of the inspaediers' experience to transform relevant information (related > meanfull > useful) in productive knowledge (inspiration > insight > foresight) in a very easy and quick way (usability: learnability; understandability; operability; attractiveness…), with a smile in the face (satisfaction) and a wow in the mind (or in the soul).
Papers by paulo maldonado