paul bali
i'm a Toronto-based philosopher.
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Papers by paul bali
i. a game we can't abstain from
ii. a sudden God, a Boltzmann God
iii. the Hard Problem & Humean causation
iv. Turing gave a recipe for consciousness
v. the Honeymoon Algorithm
vi. Tech Civ takes Earth in
vii. Borges, the Compressor
viii. Hollywood, where faeries enter
ix. in the age of Macbeth, magic
x. from King to this vile politician
xi. Medieval blue not our color blue
xii. the austerities prioritize braingrowth
xiii. taste is tactile
xiv. if God is a Drama Lord
xv. the Hero-Dragon story must be realized
also: the First Folio as Royalist propaganda.
ONT vol 1
i. short review: Beyond the Black Rainbow
ii. as you die, hold one thought
iii. short review: LA JETÉE
ONT vol 2
i. maya means
ii. short review: SANS SOLEIL
iii. vocab
iv. eros has an underside
v. short review: In the Mood for Love
ONT vol 3
i. weed weakens / compels me
ii. an Ender's Game after-party
iii. playroom is a realm of the dead
iv. a precise german History
v. short review: STATUES ALSO DIE
vi. Kenneth Clark, curator for Fascism
vii. a protest poem, in industry lit
viii. Lawrence and the English Romance
ONT vol 4
i. short review: The Eyes of Tammy Faye
ii. vR is efficient R
iii. all thru Asia, robes for monks
iv. same of God, and of the one God sent
v. i thought of the Messiah / muse would be
vi. conscience is strong
vii. a monk's exalted end
ONT vol 5
i. for Shakespeare's Richard the Third
ii. the truth is i pass over so many words
iii. the boori nazar / nadhar
iv. i've awe for jihaad
v. short review: Hail, Caesar!
vi. a minute of Nothing, gone from YouTube
vii. we were rivalrous friends, again
viii. my bardo pdf
ix. within i'm a weak old mandarin
ONT vol 6
i. short review: The Intern
ii. the confusion of Chinatown
iii. we'll remember water, in Theology
iv. Respironics versus ResMed
v. i'd bet my life for what
vi. the Mad Max deity
vii. they'd kill my rat, not heal him
ONT vol 7
i. Austen would eroticize all life
ii. Merchant/Ivory, a name oddly right
iii. Ellie Arroway / Agent Starling
iv. abattoir / l’abattoir / laboratoire
v. von Neumann's brain an anomaly
vi. was terrified of death, delighted in the a-bomb
vii. the Greatest Brain is variously named
ONT vol 8
i. the day they shot the sacrifice
ii. Yay or Nay, on Animal Testing
iii. an ought is an is / an is is an ought
iv. Behaviorism is for zombies
v. a finding from the neuro-lab, on empathy
vi. i’ve never had discernible abs
vii. a cowardice i'm assenting to perpetually
ONT vol 9
i. Day of the Locust / Triffids
ii. we're wide on a Paramount soundstage
iii. HOLLYWOOD, an ecologic history
iv. yet one more site of end-time art
v. he's "a bookworm with bulging lobes"
vi. apartment is my state of being apart
vii. enlightenment means a weight's release
ONT lates and xtras
i. re Gödel's ontological argument
ii. deep in pi's numeric noise
iii. from Nothing, something
iv. endless in the wrong direction, tragic
v. they give you all Eternity to answer
vi. what of God's mercy?
vii. informed consent and prayer
viii. i won't live on. a deed i've done may
ix. my selective memory
x. Janus means: in close-up foam, two faces
xi. a liveable world is a readable world
xii. what Supervenes from this?
xiii. at each extreme our naming is anachronism
xiv. Cat is a collapsing of the wave-function
xv. diminishing returns in the history of Experiment
xvi. all those undershared Nobels
xvii. ice preserves the Cold from heat
xviii.a desert spreads
xix. Pinker's wit, on jokes
xx. Rome surrounds St. Paul / Paul is now the center
xxi. each is a gathering Ministry
xxii. white boy shot execution-style
xxiii.the McDonald's Statement of Claim
xxiv.first & last: Don Quixote / Ulysses
xxv. The Summer of Rave
xxvi.this electro is intrinsically anonymous
xxvii.all thru Asia, Drake-Rihanna
i. death and the mask
ii. shifts in the TTC ad-space
iii. a virus in a superposition
iv. this virus has totally hacked us
v. a test of Bayesian competence
vi. a siege on the Local, by the Global
vii. re lab-leak theory: God did it
viii. we held ourselves apart by this telescope
ix. Google knows we'll all be dead
x. Uber gets us all to surveil
xi. Netflix pretends to be my friend
xii. can teleCOMM map my interior?
xiii. Library's a hi-rise, in lockdown
xiv. so could the A.I. announce itself
xv. N_BossTRON, Surveillance Daemon
xvi. prediction markets make War Profiteers
xvii. hide Fish in sea, Bird in forest
xviii. the DJ and the human, too much credit
xix. dumb TV, an ingenious production
xxi. Debt: The First 5,000 Years
xxii. Theses on Kingship
xxiii. when i google Zeus
xxiv. your Hardcore History
xxv. consumerism a pacification campaign
xxvi. fascism is quiet now
xxvii. a Chomsky need keep record
1. the Romantic fragment
2. life would want to die, a little
3. pain itself is the meaning, in Nietzsche
4. martyrs do not underrate the body
5. inwardly, an Actor prepares
5b. brother, bro: it's only you that overhears you
5c. J is like Hamlet / Herzog / Holden Caulfield / Raskolnikov
5d. they take him to a basement and they feed him METH
6. a surface is revealed / the depths are all inferred
6b. my Self is all depth: a long internal vertical
6c. Joyce knows not the inside of ideas
6d. perception of depth is maladaptive
7. by knowing Death, humans are the Woken Ones
8. all as straw, or graphomania
8b. i tend to write thru / tho unless i'm imitating English
9. Finnegans Wake as Literature's endgame
10. Hard Realism: Hemingway, Knausgård
11. the cause of pain, in Buddhism
11b. duḥkha is uh-hukha: the gut's double throb
appended with three 2018 Press Releases that provoked Sick Kids to contact Toronto police and ban me from their premises and from contacting their researchers.
ii. several responses to the Epimenides Paradox;
iii. the volitional solution to Russell's Paradox.
i. a game we can't abstain from
ii. a sudden God, a Boltzmann God
iii. the Hard Problem & Humean causation
iv. Turing gave a recipe for consciousness
v. the Honeymoon Algorithm
vi. Tech Civ takes Earth in
vii. Borges, the Compressor
viii. Hollywood, where faeries enter
ix. in the age of Macbeth, magic
x. from King to this vile politician
xi. Medieval blue not our color blue
xii. the austerities prioritize braingrowth
xiii. taste is tactile
xiv. if God is a Drama Lord
xv. the Hero-Dragon story must be realized
also: the First Folio as Royalist propaganda.
ONT vol 1
i. short review: Beyond the Black Rainbow
ii. as you die, hold one thought
iii. short review: LA JETÉE
ONT vol 2
i. maya means
ii. short review: SANS SOLEIL
iii. vocab
iv. eros has an underside
v. short review: In the Mood for Love
ONT vol 3
i. weed weakens / compels me
ii. an Ender's Game after-party
iii. playroom is a realm of the dead
iv. a precise german History
v. short review: STATUES ALSO DIE
vi. Kenneth Clark, curator for Fascism
vii. a protest poem, in industry lit
viii. Lawrence and the English Romance
ONT vol 4
i. short review: The Eyes of Tammy Faye
ii. vR is efficient R
iii. all thru Asia, robes for monks
iv. same of God, and of the one God sent
v. i thought of the Messiah / muse would be
vi. conscience is strong
vii. a monk's exalted end
ONT vol 5
i. for Shakespeare's Richard the Third
ii. the truth is i pass over so many words
iii. the boori nazar / nadhar
iv. i've awe for jihaad
v. short review: Hail, Caesar!
vi. a minute of Nothing, gone from YouTube
vii. we were rivalrous friends, again
viii. my bardo pdf
ix. within i'm a weak old mandarin
ONT vol 6
i. short review: The Intern
ii. the confusion of Chinatown
iii. we'll remember water, in Theology
iv. Respironics versus ResMed
v. i'd bet my life for what
vi. the Mad Max deity
vii. they'd kill my rat, not heal him
ONT vol 7
i. Austen would eroticize all life
ii. Merchant/Ivory, a name oddly right
iii. Ellie Arroway / Agent Starling
iv. abattoir / l’abattoir / laboratoire
v. von Neumann's brain an anomaly
vi. was terrified of death, delighted in the a-bomb
vii. the Greatest Brain is variously named
ONT vol 8
i. the day they shot the sacrifice
ii. Yay or Nay, on Animal Testing
iii. an ought is an is / an is is an ought
iv. Behaviorism is for zombies
v. a finding from the neuro-lab, on empathy
vi. i’ve never had discernible abs
vii. a cowardice i'm assenting to perpetually
ONT vol 9
i. Day of the Locust / Triffids
ii. we're wide on a Paramount soundstage
iii. HOLLYWOOD, an ecologic history
iv. yet one more site of end-time art
v. he's "a bookworm with bulging lobes"
vi. apartment is my state of being apart
vii. enlightenment means a weight's release
ONT lates and xtras
i. re Gödel's ontological argument
ii. deep in pi's numeric noise
iii. from Nothing, something
iv. endless in the wrong direction, tragic
v. they give you all Eternity to answer
vi. what of God's mercy?
vii. informed consent and prayer
viii. i won't live on. a deed i've done may
ix. my selective memory
x. Janus means: in close-up foam, two faces
xi. a liveable world is a readable world
xii. what Supervenes from this?
xiii. at each extreme our naming is anachronism
xiv. Cat is a collapsing of the wave-function
xv. diminishing returns in the history of Experiment
xvi. all those undershared Nobels
xvii. ice preserves the Cold from heat
xviii.a desert spreads
xix. Pinker's wit, on jokes
xx. Rome surrounds St. Paul / Paul is now the center
xxi. each is a gathering Ministry
xxii. white boy shot execution-style
xxiii.the McDonald's Statement of Claim
xxiv.first & last: Don Quixote / Ulysses
xxv. The Summer of Rave
xxvi.this electro is intrinsically anonymous
xxvii.all thru Asia, Drake-Rihanna
i. death and the mask
ii. shifts in the TTC ad-space
iii. a virus in a superposition
iv. this virus has totally hacked us
v. a test of Bayesian competence
vi. a siege on the Local, by the Global
vii. re lab-leak theory: God did it
viii. we held ourselves apart by this telescope
ix. Google knows we'll all be dead
x. Uber gets us all to surveil
xi. Netflix pretends to be my friend
xii. can teleCOMM map my interior?
xiii. Library's a hi-rise, in lockdown
xiv. so could the A.I. announce itself
xv. N_BossTRON, Surveillance Daemon
xvi. prediction markets make War Profiteers
xvii. hide Fish in sea, Bird in forest
xviii. the DJ and the human, too much credit
xix. dumb TV, an ingenious production
xxi. Debt: The First 5,000 Years
xxii. Theses on Kingship
xxiii. when i google Zeus
xxiv. your Hardcore History
xxv. consumerism a pacification campaign
xxvi. fascism is quiet now
xxvii. a Chomsky need keep record
1. the Romantic fragment
2. life would want to die, a little
3. pain itself is the meaning, in Nietzsche
4. martyrs do not underrate the body
5. inwardly, an Actor prepares
5b. brother, bro: it's only you that overhears you
5c. J is like Hamlet / Herzog / Holden Caulfield / Raskolnikov
5d. they take him to a basement and they feed him METH
6. a surface is revealed / the depths are all inferred
6b. my Self is all depth: a long internal vertical
6c. Joyce knows not the inside of ideas
6d. perception of depth is maladaptive
7. by knowing Death, humans are the Woken Ones
8. all as straw, or graphomania
8b. i tend to write thru / tho unless i'm imitating English
9. Finnegans Wake as Literature's endgame
10. Hard Realism: Hemingway, Knausgård
11. the cause of pain, in Buddhism
11b. duḥkha is uh-hukha: the gut's double throb
appended with three 2018 Press Releases that provoked Sick Kids to contact Toronto police and ban me from their premises and from contacting their researchers.
ii. several responses to the Epimenides Paradox;
iii. the volitional solution to Russell's Paradox.