Papers by paloma fernandez

Brain and Behavior, 2021
Background: Targeting leptin could represent a rational strategy to treat amyotrophic lateral scl... more Background: Targeting leptin could represent a rational strategy to treat amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), as previously clinical studies have shown its levels to be associated with a lower risk of ALS disease. However, very little is known about the potential influence of leptin in altering disease progression in ALS, as it has thus far been correlated with the protection exerted by increased fat mass stores. Methods: We studied the impact of leptin treatment beginning at 42-days of age (asymptomatic stage of disease) in the TDP-43 (TDP43 A315T) transgenic (Tg) ALS mouse model. Results: Our study shows that leptin treatment was associated with altered expression of adipokines and metabolic proteins in TDP43 A315T mice. We also observed that weight loss decline was less prominent after leptin treatment in TDP43 A315T mice relative to vehicle-treated animals. In TDP43 A315T mice treated with leptin the disease duration lasted longer along with an improvement in motor performance relative to vehicle-treated animals. Conclusions: Collectively, our results support leptin as a potential novel treatment approach for ALS. K E Y W O R D S amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), TAR DNA binding protein (TDP-43) 1 INTRODUCTION Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a motor neuron disease (MND) characterized by the selective and progressive loss of upper and lower motor neurons of the cerebral cortex, brainstem, and the spinal cord (Tapia, 2014). The estimated prevalence of this fatal neurological disorder is 5 per 100,000 in the United States, and approximately 2-3 people per 100,000 of the general population in Europe (Barcelo et al., 2021). Over 60% of patients die within 3-5 years of diagnosis. The majority of patients have sporadic ALS (sALS) (more than 90%) in which This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Este Diccionario politico y social del siglo XX espanol, formado por mas de un centenar de termin... more Este Diccionario politico y social del siglo XX espanol, formado por mas de un centenar de terminos, cierra una investigacion colectiva de trece anos sobre historia de los conceptos politicos y sociales en la Espana contemporanea, que dio lugar en su dia al Diccionario politico y social del siglo XIX espanol (Alianza Editorial, 2002). El nuevo volumen recoge lo esencial de un vocabulario sociopolitico que en gran medida sigue vigente a principios del siglo XXI. Voces ya consolidadas en el lenguaje politico de la modernidad, como «democracia», «liberalismo», «revolucion», «nacionalismo», «intelectual», «ciudadania», «socialista», «constitucion» o «partido», y otras mas recientes, como «globalizacion», «consenso» o «ecologismo», cobran vida en estas paginas en forma de breves ensayos en los que, como si de una biografia se tratara, se sigue el recorrido del concepto a lo largo del siglo XX. Junto a los directores de la obra, los catedraticos Javier Fernandez Sebastian y Juan Francisco Fuentes, autores de una treintena de voces, el Diccionario cuenta con la colaboracion de mas de cuarenta especialistas de reconocido prestigio, como Jose Alvarez Junco, Joaquin Varela Suanzes, Andres de Blas, Manuel Perez Ledesma, Gregorio Peces-Barba, Pedro Carlos Gonzalez Cuevas, Mercedes Cabrera y Santos Julia.
Ultimos Estudios Sobre Publicidad De Las Meninas a Los Tuits 2014 Isbn 9788470746215 Pags 35 48, 2010
La caida de la inversion y un receptor saturado, ha suscitado un aluvion de criticas hacia el mod... more La caida de la inversion y un receptor saturado, ha suscitado un aluvion de criticas hacia el modelo de publicidad clasica. Este fenomeno, ha llevado a una reflexion y adaptacion de la comunicacion publicitaria a una audiencia mas activa. En este ambito, el creativo pasa de ser un mero elaborador de discursos a erigirse en portavoz de necesidades que conecten con el publico. Se impone el modelo de marca util, entendida como una marca que aporta a la sociedad; mas alla de los bienes o servicios que se los pueda ofrecer. Bajo estas premisas surge el branded content. Nos acercamos al fenomeno estudiado los casos mas relevantes, la mayoria de ellos en el ambito dela ficcion televisiva.
L Avenc Revista De Historia I Cultura, 1996
A Anistia Na Era Da Responsabilizacao O Brasil Em Perspectiva Internacional E Comparada 2011 Isbn 9788585820077 Pags 394 427, 2011

Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention : a publication of the American Association for Cancer Research, cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology, 2003
Carcinogens present in tobacco smoke lead to several types of DNA damage in bronchial cells. In l... more Carcinogens present in tobacco smoke lead to several types of DNA damage in bronchial cells. In lung cancer, karyotype, allelotype, and fluorescence in situ hybridization analyses have demonstrated the common presence of aneuploidy, although its severity varies considerably among tumors. Deficiencies in the DNA-double strand break (DSB) repair system may be critical in the generation and persistence of chromosomal gains or losses during lung tumorigenesis. Therefore, we examined whether specific DSB repair gene polymorphisms were associated with an increase in tobacco-induced DNA damage, including gene mutations (p53 and KRAS) and chromosomal alterations. Nonsynonymous polymorphisms with a frequency higher that 0.1 at the XRCC3, NBS1, and BRCA2 genes were selected for the study. A PCR-RFLP analysis was performed to identify the Met241Thr, Glu185Gln, and Asn372His polymorphisms in the XRCC3, NBS1, and BRCA2 genes, respectively, in 109 lung cancer patients. Interestingly, the prevalen...

Cancer research, Jan 15, 2003
Germ-line mutations in LKB1 gene cause the Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (PJS), a genetic disease with i... more Germ-line mutations in LKB1 gene cause the Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (PJS), a genetic disease with increased risk of malignancies. Recently, LKB1-inactivating mutations have been identified in one-third of sporadic lung adenocarcinomas, indicating that LKB1 gene inactivation is critical in tumors other than those of the PJS syndrome. However, the in vivo substrates of LKB1 and its role in cancer development have not been completely elucidated. Here we show that overexpression of wild-type LKB1 protein in A549 lung adenocarcinomas cells leads to cell-growth suppression. To examine changes in gene expression profiles subsequent to exogenous wild-type LKB1 in A549 cells, we used cDNA microarrays. We detected deregulation of 100 genes involved in cell proliferation, apoptosis, and cell adhesion. Strikingly, modification of the expression of well-known p53-responsive genes such as GADD45, TOP2A, and p21 suggests that growth suppression in A549 cells overexpressing LKB1 may be mediated by p5...
Espacio Tiempo y Forma. Serie V, Historia Contemporánea, 2005
This article tries to prove the importance that the debate about the confirmation of the Regency ... more This article tries to prove the importance that the debate about the confirmation of the Regency in the person of Maria Cristina had, before the creation/reformation of the 1837 Constitution. The confirmation of said regency by the representatives in Congress proved how much the Crown depended on those who represented the Nation. On the other hand, the lack of respect and the non-appliance of the 192 article of the 1812 Constitution, showed the way this new Constitution was going to take in relation to the Monarchy.
European Journal of Biochemistry, 1993
Abbreviations. RCA60, Ricinus cornrnunis toxin ; RCAl20, Ricinus cornrnunis agglutinin.

Comunicar, 2011
The aim of this investigation is the study of publicity from the point of view of the archetypes,... more The aim of this investigation is the study of publicity from the point of view of the archetypes, following a hermeneutic model of analysis of the content; through this we have studied the presence of the Greek mythological figures in comparison with the characters that appear in the advertising messages of perfumes, which at first allows us to observe the analogy of the gods of the old Greek Mythology with real human archetypes; secondly, it allows us to dig deeper into these advertising contents to know if these stories are purely commercial or if they could be interpreted with other meanings. The results of this analysis show a high participation of the female archetype of the woman as a wife, related to the goddess Hera, and followed by the archetype of the sensuality represented by the Aphrodite goddess and that of the goddess Artemisia or goddess of liberty; in perfume commercials aimed at men, the biggest frequency in the myth of Zeus and of Narcissus is emphasized, as archet...

Revista ICONO14. Revista científica de Comunicación y Tecnologías emergentes, 2014
La publicidad como crisol en el que se combinan elementos de nuestra cultura visible con concepto... more La publicidad como crisol en el que se combinan elementos de nuestra cultura visible con conceptos e imágenes inconscientes, es analizada en esta investigación para conocer los elementos retóricos y narrativos que posibilitan que el mensaje sea más completo y universal que el anuncio de un producto o marca. En los anuncios del sector de la perfumería se aprecian relatos de gran complejidad que, siguiendo la teoría de los arquetipos de C. G. Jung, se concretan en modelos humanos intemporales. El modelo de análisis desarrollado se aplica al caso del anuncio del perfume J’Adore de Dior emitido entre 2008-12, evidenciando la utilización de recursos estilísticos y retóricos en un relato que se construye en torno al mito de Afrodita como materialización del concepto de la creatividad a través de la belleza y la sensualidad. El modelo de análisis analiza el contenido y la forma del discurso publicitario.

Medicina Clínica, 2006
FUNDAMENTO Y OBJETIVO: Analizar el impacto sobre el crecimiento fetal del tratamiento con glucoco... more FUNDAMENTO Y OBJETIVO: Analizar el impacto sobre el crecimiento fetal del tratamiento con glucocorticoides para acelerar la maduración del pulmón fetal, según el número de ciclos administrados. PACIENTES Y MÉTODO: Se ha utilizado la base de datos del Estudio Colaborativo Español de Malformaciones Congénitas (ECEMC) en una muestra de 29.557 recién nacidos vivos no gemelos sin defectos congénitos. Se compararon, mediante un análisis estratificado por edad gestacional al nacimiento, el peso, la talla y el perímetro cefálico de los expuestos prenatalmente a betametasona o dexametasona con los no expuestos. Para el control de factores de confusión o interacción (año de nacimiento, edad materna, edad gestacional, paridad, consumo de tabaco y/o bebidas alcohólicas, diabetes crónica, diabetes gestacional y otras enfermedades crónicas) se utilizó un modelo lineal general con efectos aleatorios, en el que la variable aleatoria fue el lugar de nacimiento. RESULTADOS: La exposición prenatal a 2 o más ciclos de glucocorticoides comporta una disminución del peso, la talla y el perímetro cefálico en prematuros. Concretamente, en la muestra analizada supone una pérdida del 22% del peso (p < 0,0001), del 5% de la talla (p = 0,002) y del 6% del perímetro cefálico al nacimiento (p = 0,0005). La exposición a un solo ciclo también comporta una pérdida significativa del peso y la talla, aunque no del perímetro cefálico. Asimismo, se ha observado una interacción significativa entre el tratamiento y la edad gestacional, lo cual indica que el impacto de la medicación es más acusado en los más prematuros. CONCLUSIONES: En este análisis retrospectivo la exposición prenatal a glucocorticoides para acelerar la maduración pulmonar fetal se asoció, en los recién nacidos prematuros, a un efecto negativo sobre el peso, la talla y el perímetro cefálico. Este efecto fue más acusado en los prematuros expuestos a más de un ciclo de glucocorticoides. Palabras clave: Glucocorticoides. Exposición prenatal. Crecimiento fetal. Parto pretérmino. Antenatal exposure to corticosteroids for fetal lung maturation and its repercussion on weight, length and head circumference in the newborn infant BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: To study the effects of antenatal corticosteroids treatment to promote fetal lung maturation, on fetal growth, depending on the number of the courses administered. PATIENTS AND METHOD: The study was based on data from the Spanish Collaborative Study of Congenital Malformations (ECEMC), analysing a sample of 29,557 singleton liveborn infants without congenital defects. An stratified analysis by gestational age was performed to compare the weight, length and head circumference at birth, in the exposed and unexposed infants to dexamethasone/betamethasone. To control confounding factors (year of birth, maternal age, gestational age, parity, maternal smoking and/or alcohol consumption, gestational diabetes, non-gestational diabetes and other maternal chronic diseases) we used a general linear model with random effects, being the randomised variable the place of birth. RESULTS: The exposure to more than one course of antenatal corticosteroids resulted in a significant reduction of birth weight, length and head circumference in singleton preterm infants. The birth weight decreased by 22% (p < 0.0001), the length 5% (p = 0.002) and the head circumference 6% (p = 0.0005). The treatment with only one course reduced also significantly the weight and length but not the head circumference. In addition, we observed a significant interaction between the treatment and gestational age at birth indicating that the effect of corticosteroids is stronger in the most premature babies. CONCLUSIONS: In this retrospective analysis, the antenatal exposure to corticosteroids to promote fetal maturation is associated with diminished weight, length and head circumference in the premature newborn infant. This negative effect was greater in those premature babies exposed to multiple courses.
Tetrahedron Letters, 1995
Enantiopure 2-sulfinyl dienes can be prepared via regio- and stereoselective hydrostannylation of... more Enantiopure 2-sulfinyl dienes can be prepared via regio- and stereoselective hydrostannylation of alkynylsulfoxides; after conversion to the corresponding vinyliodides these substrates may be coupled with vinylstannanes via Stille methodology in the presence of BHT.
Oncogene, 2004
protein kinase activation. In conclusion, our results reveal that several important factors contr... more protein kinase activation. In conclusion, our results reveal that several important factors contribute to LKB1mediated carcinogenesis in LADs, confirming previous observations and identifying new putative pathways that should help to elucidate the biological role of LKB1.
Papers by paloma fernandez