Papers by Oscar Matas Pareja

Gausac: Publicació del Grup d'Estudis Locals de Sant Cugat del Vallès, 2017
The expansion of a business park led to an archaeological follow-up of earth movements in an area... more The expansion of a business park led to an archaeological follow-up of earth movements in an area wherearchaeological findings had already appeared. The result of the excavation has shown that it is a place with a long continuity of settlement, starting with the middle Neolithic period and continuing through the Chalcolithic to the Final Bronze Age. Storage, housing and funeral structures have been located. It seems that the concrete place was abandoned in Iberian and Roman times, since they preferred to settle in another neighboring place. Later it was again occupied in the Middle Ages where the farmhouse of Mas Baixadors, was located, known for the documentation but whose exact location was unknown. The remains found show a three-body farmhouse built before the sixteenth century and that lasted throughout the eighteenth century. Their lands were absorbed by Can Fatjó dels Aurons, only 150 meters away.
Tribuna d'arqueologia , 2022
The archaeological intervention carried out in 2017 made it possible to identify the energy secto... more The archaeological intervention carried out in 2017 made it possible to identify the energy sector (boiler room, steam engine area, hydraulic and coal sector) and other areas of steam Gordils and Dalmau, later Hilaturas Viñas SA , from its origins in 1838-1839, in the midst of the industrial revolution, until the end of the twentieth century. The Gordils i Dalmau steamer was one of the first steam-powered industries in Catalonia and is currently one of the oldest preserved on the Peninsula.

GAUSAC, 2017
The expansion of a business park led to an archaeological follow-up of earth movements in an area... more The expansion of a business park led to an archaeological follow-up of earth movements in an area wherearchaeological findings had already appeared. The result of the excavation has shown that it is a place with a long continuity of settlement, starting with the middle Neolithic period and continuing through the Chalcolithic to the Final Bronze Age. Storage, housing and funeral structures have been located. It seems that the concrete place was abandoned in Iberian and Roman times, since they preferred to settle in another neighboring place. Later it was again occupied in the Middle Ages where the farmhouse of Mas Baixadors, was located, known for the documentation but whose exact location was unknown. The remains found show a three-body farmhouse built before the sixteenth century and that lasted throughout the eighteenth century. Their lands were absorbed by Can Fatjó dels Aurons, only 150 meters away.
Quinzenes Jornades d'Arqueologia de les Comarques de Girona, 2020
The archaeological campaign in Carrer de Banyoles, 1, Esponellà, made it possible to locate and d... more The archaeological campaign in Carrer de Banyoles, 1, Esponellà, made it possible to locate and document, part of a storage area, up to four silos, amortized between the 9th and 11th centuries AD, related to the population center around the parish church of Sancti Cipriani, already mentioned in the 10th century, and which would be the origin of the later castle of Esponellà at the end of the 14th century. An oil processing and pressing complex (between the 18th and 19th centuries) was also documented.
Can Sant Joan Sud-Est site (St.Cugat Vallès, Barcelona). Cronology: Prehistory and Roman preceden... more Can Sant Joan Sud-Est site (St.Cugat Vallès, Barcelona). Cronology: Prehistory and Roman precedents, and several medieval assentments between the IX and the XV cent.
El paratge arqueològic dels Pinetons es troba situat al terme municipal de Ripollet (Vallès Occid... more El paratge arqueològic dels Pinetons es troba situat al terme municipal de Ripollet (Vallès Occidental), a la vall baixa del riu Ripoll, just abans de la confluència d'aquest amb el riu Besòs, i limita a l'est i sud-est amb Montcada i Reixac, al nord amb Barberà del Vallès, i a l'oest i sud-oest amb Cerdanyola del Vallès.
Papers by Oscar Matas Pareja