We explore a simple but extremely predictive extension of the scotogenic model. We promote the sc... more We explore a simple but extremely predictive extension of the scotogenic model. We promote the scotogenic symmetry Z2 to the flavour non-Abelian symmetry Σ(81), which can also automatically protect dark matter stability. In addition, Σ(81) leads to striking predictions in the lepton sector: only Inverted Ordering is realised, the absolute neutrino mass scale is predicted to be m lightest ≈ 7.5 × 10 −4 eV and the Majorana phases are correlated in such a way that |mee| ≈ 0.018 eV. The model also leads to a strong correlation between the solar mixing angle θ12 and δCP , which may be falsified by the next generation of neutrino oscillation experiments. The setup is minimal in the sense that no additional symmetries or flavons are required.
Studies have shown that the cerebellar vermis is involved in the perception of motion. However, i... more Studies have shown that the cerebellar vermis is involved in the perception of motion. However, it is unclear how the cerebellum influences motion perception. tDCS is a non-invasive brain stimulation technique that can reduce (through cathodal stimulation) or increase neuronal excitability (through anodal stimulation). To explore the nature of the cerebellar involvement on large-field global motion perception (i.e., optic flow-like motion), we applied tDCS on the cerebellar midline while participants performed an optic flow motion discrimination task. Our results show that anodal tDCS improves discrimination threshold for optic flow perception, but only for left-right motion in contrast to up-down motion discrimination. This result was evident within the first 10 minutes of stimulation and was also found post-stimulation. Cathodal stimulation did not have any significant effects on performance in any direction. The results show that discrimination of planar optic flow can be improve...
Toward obtaining a more comprehensive understanding of factors governing activation and/or functi... more Toward obtaining a more comprehensive understanding of factors governing activation and/or function during visceral leishmaniasis (VL), we have compared active disease (pre-treatment) versus post-chemotherapy immune response in VL patients by means of ex vivo staining with different cell markers. Our results show that during active disease, the frequency of T cells positive for CD25, CTLA-4 and CD45RO was significantly lower in VL patients compared with healthy controls, whereas cells staining positive for Annexin V and CD95 were significantly higher. In all cases, chemotherapy was able to restore these frequencies to normal levels. Interestingly, significant differences in the frequency of CD18 and in the frequency of CD45RO-positive cells were observed in the CD81 T cell subset. These two frequencies were also significantly higher in bone marrow when compared with peripheral blood, suggesting a possible compartmentalization of certain CD81 T cell populations during active disease. Given that CD81 T cells have been shown to play an essential role in immunity to infection with Leishmania, our data indicate that the lower frequency of CD181 and CD45RO1 lymphocytes in the bone marrow CD81 T cell subset may be considered a biomarker of acute VL.
To investigate the prevalence of congenital scoliosis (CS) in infants based on chest–abdomen radi... more To investigate the prevalence of congenital scoliosis (CS) in infants based on chest–abdomen radiographs. A retrospective review was conducted on infants in the emergency department (ED) of a tertiary children's hospital between February 2008 and September 2019. Patients who had undergone chest–abdomen X-rays were included. All films from the enrolled patients were screened for CS. Their demographic characteristics, type, and location of the vertebral and rib anomalies, and concomitant defects of other systems were analyzed. In total, 50,426 infants were enrolled; 89 (1.8‰) were diagnosed with CS, including 56 males and 33 females. There was no gender difference in CS prevalence. The visiting age of the CS patients (70 ± 98days) was significantly younger than that of the non-CS group (P < 0.05), with CS patients mainly visiting for digestive (53.9%) and respiratory symptoms (41.6%). Sixty-eight (76.4%) CS patients had main thoracic (T6–T11) vertebral malformations. Rib anomal...
When we move, our self-induced motion provides a constant “flow” of visual information (e.g. obje... more When we move, our self-induced motion provides a constant “flow” of visual information (e.g. objects, people, etc.) across the retina; these regular changes in the overall image on the retina are known as optic flow. Optic flow allows one to calculate distance to objects and judge time to collision - aiding in locomotion and balance. Results from both lesion and cerebellar trans-magnetic stimulation (TMS) studies indicate the cerebellum plays an important role in ability to perceive optic flow. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of cerebellar activity on the perception of optic flow. If the cerebellum generates inhibitory output towards other optic flow-processing areas, then increased activation of cerebellum should improve optic flow perception. Research indicates transcranial direct-current stimulation can modulate excitability in cortical cells; thereby a useful tool for modulating cerebellar activity. Task performance was measured under three stimulation conditions: anodal, cathodal, sham. A threshold for optic flow was measured through a motion discrimination task using random-dot-stimuli to simulate optic flow. Results showed that anodal stimulation resulted in significant increases in performance during and post stimulation for right/left motion. No effect of anodal stimulation was found for up/down motion. In addition, no effect of cathodal stimulation for either up/down, or right/left motion. These results demonstrate that cerebellar activity can be modulated with tDCS to enhance motion perception, but the direction of motion appears to be a critical factor. The results will be discussed in relation to cerebellar organization and connections with cortical motion areas. Discipline: Psychology Faculty Mentor: Dr. Jean-Francois Nankoo &nbsp
Toward obtaining a more comprehensive understanding of factors governing activation and/or functi... more Toward obtaining a more comprehensive understanding of factors governing activation and/or function during visceral leishmaniasis (VL), we have compared active disease (pre-treatment) versus post-chemotherapy immune response in VL patients by means of ex vivo staining with different cell markers. Our results show that during active disease, the frequency of T cells positive for CD25, CTLA-4 and CD45RO was significantly lower in VL patients compared with healthy controls, whereas cells staining positive for Annexin V and CD95 were significantly higher. In all cases, chemotherapy was able to restore these frequencies to normal levels. Interestingly, significant differences in the frequency of CD18 and in the frequency of CD45RO-positive cells were observed in the CD81 T cell subset. These two frequencies were also significantly higher in bone marrow when compared with peripheral blood, suggesting a possible compartmentalization of certain CD81 T cell populations during active disease....
Xenarthrans constitute a relict clade of endemic South American placental mammals with a long evo... more Xenarthrans constitute a relict clade of endemic South American placental mammals with a long evolutionary history starting, at least, in the early Eocene. Within Xenarthra, Glyptodontidae (late Eocene-earliest Holocene) was a conspicuous group of large-sized armoured herbivores. During the Pleistocene (ca. 2.6-0.001 Ma) several genera (e.g. Panochthus and Glyptodon) achieved a remarkable latitudinal distribution in South America, as members of one of the xenarthran groups that participated in the Great American Biotic Interchange. Knowledge of the evolutionary history of this clade in some areas remains poorly known, especially in the high elevation Andean and sub-Andean regions of South America. Here we describe a new species, Glyptodon jatunkhirkhi sp. nov., from several localities of the Eastern Cordillera in Bolivia (ca. 2500-4100 m above sea level). From a phylogenetic viewpoint this new taxon appears as the sister group of the two lowland species recorded in southern South America (Glyptodon munizi þ G. reticulatus), and this is congruent with the morphological differences observed between both clades, mainly with respect to the general morphology of the dorsal carapace and the skull. This new species expands the complex biogeographical scenario for Pleistocene glyptodonts and highlights the importance of Andean areas as key in understanding the evolutionary history of this clade. According to this revision, the diversity of Glyptodon is limited to G. munizi and G. reticulatus (two chronologically successive lowland species) plus this new species. The genera Panochthus (P. hipsilis) and Glyptodon seem to be the only Pleistocene glyptodonts to have been adapted to high elevation environments.
Chondromas are rare, benign tumors composed of cartilaginous tissue that mainly affect the metaph... more Chondromas are rare, benign tumors composed of cartilaginous tissue that mainly affect the metaphases of long tubular bones. Juxtacortical (periosteal) chondromas arise from the surface of periosteum and rarely affect the cervical spine. We present a patient with a spinal juxtacortical chondroma causing spinal cord compression and a cervical deformity treated with surgical resection and circumferential spinal fixation and stabilization. A 55-year-old female with past medical history of Crohn's disease with years of neck pain, balance issues, and left upper extremity radicular symptoms. Cervical spine x-rays show kyphosis with an apex at C5, degenerative changes of the endplates and facet joints, and grade 2 anterolisthesis C4 on C5 with no abnormal motion with flexion/extension. MRI showed a left sided C5-6 extramedullary mass measuring 11 x 11 x 15 mm causing spinal cord compression and neural foraminal narrowing. Her pain is worsening and refractory to physical therapy, gabapentin and methocarbamol. A C4-5 & C5-6 anterior cervical discectomy and fusion, C4-5 & C5-6 laminectomy for tumor resection, and C4-5 & C5-6 posterior fusion with instrumentation was performed. The tumor was completely removed in piecemeal fashion. Microscopic findings showed bland well differentiated cartilaginous neoplasm consistent with juxtacortical chondroma. Postoperative X-rays show partial reduction of C4-5 anterolisthesis and partial reversal of cervical kyphosis. The patient's radicular pain resolved and neck pain improved postoperatively but she still has some left sided neck pain and hand dysesthesias that are controlled with oral medication one year following surgery. Cervical chondromas are rare, benign cartilaginous tumors that may present with spinal cord or nerve root compression. They are more complex when they present in patients with co-existing spinal deformities. Maximal safe resection followed by spinal realignment and fixation without adjuvant chemotherapy or radiation is recommended in most cases. Close follow-up is recommended to monitor for recurrence.
Ubicacion en Biblioteca USB Medellin (San Benito): CD-2894t.-- Grupo de Investigacion en Estudios... more Ubicacion en Biblioteca USB Medellin (San Benito): CD-2894t.-- Grupo de Investigacion en Estudios Interdisciplinarios sobre Educacion (ESINED).-- Linea de Investigacion: Pedagogia, Lenguaje y Comunicacion.-- Area: educacion.--Tema: pedagogia, estetica y virtualidad
The Toro Toro tracksite reveals long sauropod, theropod, and ornithischian trackways on Late Cret... more The Toro Toro tracksite reveals long sauropod, theropod, and ornithischian trackways on Late Cretaceous limestones from the Lower Member of the El Molino Formation (Middle Maastrichtian), deposited in a lacustrine environment, also related to shallow marine conditions. The rocks outcrop at the left margin of the Toro Toro river, before joning the Mayu Mayu river, in the Toro Toro National Park, Bolivia. It is one of the few globally known Latest Cretaceous dinosaur tracksites. Some of the observed theropod trackways belong to a taxon whose inner toe is reduced in length to bear a distal bump. The same morphology was recognised in three different trackways and an isolated track, all of them in the same area and showing both left and right specimens, accounting for a total of nine footprints produced by a bipedal trackmaker that left tridactyl footprints, notably asymmetric respect to the central axis of the digit III impression, with no hallux preserved, most of the cases with poor t...
Revista de la Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad Central de Venezuela
Históricamente la empresa SIDOR ha tenido dos etapas fundamentales, una antes de la privatización... more Históricamente la empresa SIDOR ha tenido dos etapas fundamentales, una antes de la privatización y otra después de ésta. Esta afirmación se soporta en que las reparaciones de los sistemas se hacían en base a la rotura y no al deterioro por vida útil. Actualmente es una política de la compañía la determinación y ejecución de acciones sobre el control del medio ambiente, las operaciones, sistemas, maquinarias, procesos y equipos. En este trabajo se propone un modelo de gestión de mantenimiento orientado dentro de la política de medio ambiente de la empresa, los sistemas deben operar dentro de estándares nacionales e internacionales a fin de no impactar en el ambiente. Las normas tanto nacionales como internacionales establecen un marco donde las empresas deben cumplir estos requerimientos a fin de poder permanecer en los mercados. Se ha seleccionado el área de manejo de humos por ser una potencial fuente de contaminación del aire, afectando la calidad y condiciones de higiene del tra...
Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis (AGEP) is a rare acute cutaneous reaction characterize... more Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis (AGEP) is a rare acute cutaneous reaction characterized by a diffuse eruption of small, superficial, nonfollicular sterile pustules that overlie areas of generalized edematous erythema. It has an estimated annual incidence of approximately one to five per million. Separately, acute bacterial meningitis remains a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, despite advances in antibiotic therapy and prophylactic vaccination. Streptococcus salivarius, part of the viridans group (D) of streptococci, is a normal commensal organism found in the flora of the oropharynx. Meningitis caused by Streptococcus salivarius is exceedingly rare.
Surgical Eye-camps for cataract treatment of low-income adult Mexicans have been undertaken over ... more Surgical Eye-camps for cataract treatment of low-income adult Mexicans have been undertaken over the last 10 years. Despite the high prevalence of cataracts among these subjects, no assessment of their nutritional or health status has ever been made. We compare the results obtained for 81 adults (44 men and 37 women) who received treatment in May 1997 with those for a "control" group of age and sex-matched but affluent individuals in Mexico City. alpha-Tocopherol and beta-carotene were assessed and analysed by HPLC and colorimetric procedures, respectively. The plasma tocopherol to cholesterol ratio did not reveal deficiencies of this vitamin, and only 5 patients (2 men and 3 women) had low beta-carotene plasma levels. The patients had high BMI values, with 32% of men and 30% of women overweight, and 2% and 14%, respectively, obese, with higher glucose, cholesterol and triglyceride values reflecting enhanced insulin resistance and lipid abnormalities. The alkaline phosphat...
Hamstring and Quadriceps Injuries in Athletes, 2014
The hamstring muscular complex is a group of three muscles in the posterior thigh responsible for... more The hamstring muscular complex is a group of three muscles in the posterior thigh responsible for hip extension and knee flexion. Midsubstance hamstring injuries occur commonly in the athlete population, especially those who sprint or jump as a part of their sport. Both modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors for injury have been identified, and several grading schemes exist for stratifying the clinical and radiographic severity of injury. The clinical presentation of acute hamstring injuries is relatively reliable although there is a limited role in imaging for diagnosis. The treatment of midsubstance injuries is predominantly nonoperative and consists of symptom control in the early phase of injury with the ultimate goal of regaining range of motion and strength. The use of eccentric exercises has been shown to reduce the risk of initial injury as well as recurrence, while the achievement of normal or near-normal hamstring strength appears to be an important milestone for return to play.
We explore a simple but extremely predictive extension of the scotogenic model. We promote the sc... more We explore a simple but extremely predictive extension of the scotogenic model. We promote the scotogenic symmetry Z2 to the flavour non-Abelian symmetry Σ(81), which can also automatically protect dark matter stability. In addition, Σ(81) leads to striking predictions in the lepton sector: only Inverted Ordering is realised, the absolute neutrino mass scale is predicted to be m lightest ≈ 7.5 × 10 −4 eV and the Majorana phases are correlated in such a way that |mee| ≈ 0.018 eV. The model also leads to a strong correlation between the solar mixing angle θ12 and δCP , which may be falsified by the next generation of neutrino oscillation experiments. The setup is minimal in the sense that no additional symmetries or flavons are required.
Studies have shown that the cerebellar vermis is involved in the perception of motion. However, i... more Studies have shown that the cerebellar vermis is involved in the perception of motion. However, it is unclear how the cerebellum influences motion perception. tDCS is a non-invasive brain stimulation technique that can reduce (through cathodal stimulation) or increase neuronal excitability (through anodal stimulation). To explore the nature of the cerebellar involvement on large-field global motion perception (i.e., optic flow-like motion), we applied tDCS on the cerebellar midline while participants performed an optic flow motion discrimination task. Our results show that anodal tDCS improves discrimination threshold for optic flow perception, but only for left-right motion in contrast to up-down motion discrimination. This result was evident within the first 10 minutes of stimulation and was also found post-stimulation. Cathodal stimulation did not have any significant effects on performance in any direction. The results show that discrimination of planar optic flow can be improve...
Toward obtaining a more comprehensive understanding of factors governing activation and/or functi... more Toward obtaining a more comprehensive understanding of factors governing activation and/or function during visceral leishmaniasis (VL), we have compared active disease (pre-treatment) versus post-chemotherapy immune response in VL patients by means of ex vivo staining with different cell markers. Our results show that during active disease, the frequency of T cells positive for CD25, CTLA-4 and CD45RO was significantly lower in VL patients compared with healthy controls, whereas cells staining positive for Annexin V and CD95 were significantly higher. In all cases, chemotherapy was able to restore these frequencies to normal levels. Interestingly, significant differences in the frequency of CD18 and in the frequency of CD45RO-positive cells were observed in the CD81 T cell subset. These two frequencies were also significantly higher in bone marrow when compared with peripheral blood, suggesting a possible compartmentalization of certain CD81 T cell populations during active disease. Given that CD81 T cells have been shown to play an essential role in immunity to infection with Leishmania, our data indicate that the lower frequency of CD181 and CD45RO1 lymphocytes in the bone marrow CD81 T cell subset may be considered a biomarker of acute VL.
To investigate the prevalence of congenital scoliosis (CS) in infants based on chest–abdomen radi... more To investigate the prevalence of congenital scoliosis (CS) in infants based on chest–abdomen radiographs. A retrospective review was conducted on infants in the emergency department (ED) of a tertiary children's hospital between February 2008 and September 2019. Patients who had undergone chest–abdomen X-rays were included. All films from the enrolled patients were screened for CS. Their demographic characteristics, type, and location of the vertebral and rib anomalies, and concomitant defects of other systems were analyzed. In total, 50,426 infants were enrolled; 89 (1.8‰) were diagnosed with CS, including 56 males and 33 females. There was no gender difference in CS prevalence. The visiting age of the CS patients (70 ± 98days) was significantly younger than that of the non-CS group (P < 0.05), with CS patients mainly visiting for digestive (53.9%) and respiratory symptoms (41.6%). Sixty-eight (76.4%) CS patients had main thoracic (T6–T11) vertebral malformations. Rib anomal...
When we move, our self-induced motion provides a constant “flow” of visual information (e.g. obje... more When we move, our self-induced motion provides a constant “flow” of visual information (e.g. objects, people, etc.) across the retina; these regular changes in the overall image on the retina are known as optic flow. Optic flow allows one to calculate distance to objects and judge time to collision - aiding in locomotion and balance. Results from both lesion and cerebellar trans-magnetic stimulation (TMS) studies indicate the cerebellum plays an important role in ability to perceive optic flow. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of cerebellar activity on the perception of optic flow. If the cerebellum generates inhibitory output towards other optic flow-processing areas, then increased activation of cerebellum should improve optic flow perception. Research indicates transcranial direct-current stimulation can modulate excitability in cortical cells; thereby a useful tool for modulating cerebellar activity. Task performance was measured under three stimulation conditions: anodal, cathodal, sham. A threshold for optic flow was measured through a motion discrimination task using random-dot-stimuli to simulate optic flow. Results showed that anodal stimulation resulted in significant increases in performance during and post stimulation for right/left motion. No effect of anodal stimulation was found for up/down motion. In addition, no effect of cathodal stimulation for either up/down, or right/left motion. These results demonstrate that cerebellar activity can be modulated with tDCS to enhance motion perception, but the direction of motion appears to be a critical factor. The results will be discussed in relation to cerebellar organization and connections with cortical motion areas. Discipline: Psychology Faculty Mentor: Dr. Jean-Francois Nankoo &nbsp
Toward obtaining a more comprehensive understanding of factors governing activation and/or functi... more Toward obtaining a more comprehensive understanding of factors governing activation and/or function during visceral leishmaniasis (VL), we have compared active disease (pre-treatment) versus post-chemotherapy immune response in VL patients by means of ex vivo staining with different cell markers. Our results show that during active disease, the frequency of T cells positive for CD25, CTLA-4 and CD45RO was significantly lower in VL patients compared with healthy controls, whereas cells staining positive for Annexin V and CD95 were significantly higher. In all cases, chemotherapy was able to restore these frequencies to normal levels. Interestingly, significant differences in the frequency of CD18 and in the frequency of CD45RO-positive cells were observed in the CD81 T cell subset. These two frequencies were also significantly higher in bone marrow when compared with peripheral blood, suggesting a possible compartmentalization of certain CD81 T cell populations during active disease....
Xenarthrans constitute a relict clade of endemic South American placental mammals with a long evo... more Xenarthrans constitute a relict clade of endemic South American placental mammals with a long evolutionary history starting, at least, in the early Eocene. Within Xenarthra, Glyptodontidae (late Eocene-earliest Holocene) was a conspicuous group of large-sized armoured herbivores. During the Pleistocene (ca. 2.6-0.001 Ma) several genera (e.g. Panochthus and Glyptodon) achieved a remarkable latitudinal distribution in South America, as members of one of the xenarthran groups that participated in the Great American Biotic Interchange. Knowledge of the evolutionary history of this clade in some areas remains poorly known, especially in the high elevation Andean and sub-Andean regions of South America. Here we describe a new species, Glyptodon jatunkhirkhi sp. nov., from several localities of the Eastern Cordillera in Bolivia (ca. 2500-4100 m above sea level). From a phylogenetic viewpoint this new taxon appears as the sister group of the two lowland species recorded in southern South America (Glyptodon munizi þ G. reticulatus), and this is congruent with the morphological differences observed between both clades, mainly with respect to the general morphology of the dorsal carapace and the skull. This new species expands the complex biogeographical scenario for Pleistocene glyptodonts and highlights the importance of Andean areas as key in understanding the evolutionary history of this clade. According to this revision, the diversity of Glyptodon is limited to G. munizi and G. reticulatus (two chronologically successive lowland species) plus this new species. The genera Panochthus (P. hipsilis) and Glyptodon seem to be the only Pleistocene glyptodonts to have been adapted to high elevation environments.
Chondromas are rare, benign tumors composed of cartilaginous tissue that mainly affect the metaph... more Chondromas are rare, benign tumors composed of cartilaginous tissue that mainly affect the metaphases of long tubular bones. Juxtacortical (periosteal) chondromas arise from the surface of periosteum and rarely affect the cervical spine. We present a patient with a spinal juxtacortical chondroma causing spinal cord compression and a cervical deformity treated with surgical resection and circumferential spinal fixation and stabilization. A 55-year-old female with past medical history of Crohn's disease with years of neck pain, balance issues, and left upper extremity radicular symptoms. Cervical spine x-rays show kyphosis with an apex at C5, degenerative changes of the endplates and facet joints, and grade 2 anterolisthesis C4 on C5 with no abnormal motion with flexion/extension. MRI showed a left sided C5-6 extramedullary mass measuring 11 x 11 x 15 mm causing spinal cord compression and neural foraminal narrowing. Her pain is worsening and refractory to physical therapy, gabapentin and methocarbamol. A C4-5 & C5-6 anterior cervical discectomy and fusion, C4-5 & C5-6 laminectomy for tumor resection, and C4-5 & C5-6 posterior fusion with instrumentation was performed. The tumor was completely removed in piecemeal fashion. Microscopic findings showed bland well differentiated cartilaginous neoplasm consistent with juxtacortical chondroma. Postoperative X-rays show partial reduction of C4-5 anterolisthesis and partial reversal of cervical kyphosis. The patient's radicular pain resolved and neck pain improved postoperatively but she still has some left sided neck pain and hand dysesthesias that are controlled with oral medication one year following surgery. Cervical chondromas are rare, benign cartilaginous tumors that may present with spinal cord or nerve root compression. They are more complex when they present in patients with co-existing spinal deformities. Maximal safe resection followed by spinal realignment and fixation without adjuvant chemotherapy or radiation is recommended in most cases. Close follow-up is recommended to monitor for recurrence.
Ubicacion en Biblioteca USB Medellin (San Benito): CD-2894t.-- Grupo de Investigacion en Estudios... more Ubicacion en Biblioteca USB Medellin (San Benito): CD-2894t.-- Grupo de Investigacion en Estudios Interdisciplinarios sobre Educacion (ESINED).-- Linea de Investigacion: Pedagogia, Lenguaje y Comunicacion.-- Area: educacion.--Tema: pedagogia, estetica y virtualidad
The Toro Toro tracksite reveals long sauropod, theropod, and ornithischian trackways on Late Cret... more The Toro Toro tracksite reveals long sauropod, theropod, and ornithischian trackways on Late Cretaceous limestones from the Lower Member of the El Molino Formation (Middle Maastrichtian), deposited in a lacustrine environment, also related to shallow marine conditions. The rocks outcrop at the left margin of the Toro Toro river, before joning the Mayu Mayu river, in the Toro Toro National Park, Bolivia. It is one of the few globally known Latest Cretaceous dinosaur tracksites. Some of the observed theropod trackways belong to a taxon whose inner toe is reduced in length to bear a distal bump. The same morphology was recognised in three different trackways and an isolated track, all of them in the same area and showing both left and right specimens, accounting for a total of nine footprints produced by a bipedal trackmaker that left tridactyl footprints, notably asymmetric respect to the central axis of the digit III impression, with no hallux preserved, most of the cases with poor t...
Revista de la Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad Central de Venezuela
Históricamente la empresa SIDOR ha tenido dos etapas fundamentales, una antes de la privatización... more Históricamente la empresa SIDOR ha tenido dos etapas fundamentales, una antes de la privatización y otra después de ésta. Esta afirmación se soporta en que las reparaciones de los sistemas se hacían en base a la rotura y no al deterioro por vida útil. Actualmente es una política de la compañía la determinación y ejecución de acciones sobre el control del medio ambiente, las operaciones, sistemas, maquinarias, procesos y equipos. En este trabajo se propone un modelo de gestión de mantenimiento orientado dentro de la política de medio ambiente de la empresa, los sistemas deben operar dentro de estándares nacionales e internacionales a fin de no impactar en el ambiente. Las normas tanto nacionales como internacionales establecen un marco donde las empresas deben cumplir estos requerimientos a fin de poder permanecer en los mercados. Se ha seleccionado el área de manejo de humos por ser una potencial fuente de contaminación del aire, afectando la calidad y condiciones de higiene del tra...
Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis (AGEP) is a rare acute cutaneous reaction characterize... more Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis (AGEP) is a rare acute cutaneous reaction characterized by a diffuse eruption of small, superficial, nonfollicular sterile pustules that overlie areas of generalized edematous erythema. It has an estimated annual incidence of approximately one to five per million. Separately, acute bacterial meningitis remains a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, despite advances in antibiotic therapy and prophylactic vaccination. Streptococcus salivarius, part of the viridans group (D) of streptococci, is a normal commensal organism found in the flora of the oropharynx. Meningitis caused by Streptococcus salivarius is exceedingly rare.
Surgical Eye-camps for cataract treatment of low-income adult Mexicans have been undertaken over ... more Surgical Eye-camps for cataract treatment of low-income adult Mexicans have been undertaken over the last 10 years. Despite the high prevalence of cataracts among these subjects, no assessment of their nutritional or health status has ever been made. We compare the results obtained for 81 adults (44 men and 37 women) who received treatment in May 1997 with those for a "control" group of age and sex-matched but affluent individuals in Mexico City. alpha-Tocopherol and beta-carotene were assessed and analysed by HPLC and colorimetric procedures, respectively. The plasma tocopherol to cholesterol ratio did not reveal deficiencies of this vitamin, and only 5 patients (2 men and 3 women) had low beta-carotene plasma levels. The patients had high BMI values, with 32% of men and 30% of women overweight, and 2% and 14%, respectively, obese, with higher glucose, cholesterol and triglyceride values reflecting enhanced insulin resistance and lipid abnormalities. The alkaline phosphat...
Hamstring and Quadriceps Injuries in Athletes, 2014
The hamstring muscular complex is a group of three muscles in the posterior thigh responsible for... more The hamstring muscular complex is a group of three muscles in the posterior thigh responsible for hip extension and knee flexion. Midsubstance hamstring injuries occur commonly in the athlete population, especially those who sprint or jump as a part of their sport. Both modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors for injury have been identified, and several grading schemes exist for stratifying the clinical and radiographic severity of injury. The clinical presentation of acute hamstring injuries is relatively reliable although there is a limited role in imaging for diagnosis. The treatment of midsubstance injuries is predominantly nonoperative and consists of symptom control in the early phase of injury with the ultimate goal of regaining range of motion and strength. The use of eccentric exercises has been shown to reduce the risk of initial injury as well as recurrence, while the achievement of normal or near-normal hamstring strength appears to be an important milestone for return to play.
Papers by omar medina