Papers by olatundun oderinde

his paper explores the significance of purity for healing and health. Despite all the exploits th... more his paper explores the significance of purity for healing and health. Despite all the exploits that the world has witnessed in the field of science and technology, sicknesses and diseases still pose a serious threat to the existence of man on earth. Many new contagious, incurable, terminal diseases are being discovered almost on daily basis and the medical sciences seem not to have solution to most of these health challenges. It has been discovered however that the choice of personal lifestyle is crucial to health and illness. The link between lifestyle and health is a major area of interest in public health today. Man’s lack of clean habits has been identified as the major cause of contagious diseases. In most cases, poor personal hygiene and public sanitation aid the spread of infectious diseases .In this regard, physical and spiritual purity as basis for healing and holiness is examined through an exegetical analysis of Mark 7 to actualize the theological meaning of the text in t...

Womanist ideological orientations have been highlighted in many African narratives in French expr... more Womanist ideological orientations have been highlighted in many African narratives in French expression written by both male and female authors. Equally, in Marcan narratives, womanist postures are entrenched in the relationship between Jesus and women as opposed to representations of women’s marginalization and oppression found in the Jewish culture. Literature is a vital tool for articulation and interpretation of events, realities and aspirations of women in particular in the society. Marcan’s account of the Anointing Woman at Bethany and Haemorrhaging Woman are interrogated to bring out womanist orientations while novels of Adelaïde Fassinou (a new generation of Francophone African writer) and Henri Lopes (old generation of Francophone writer) are analysed to highlight the womanist tendencies adopted by female characters for the purpose of comparing it with Marcan womanist inclinations in order to foreground that women’s experiences in patriarchal setting are similar. This was d...

The contemporary social and political contexts of the African continent are shaped by its multifa... more The contemporary social and political contexts of the African continent are shaped by its multifaceted histories: pre-colonial, colonial, struggles for independence and post-colonial experiences. The church is not left out in all the stages; shaping and being shaped by these contexts and histories. In all these periods, women have struggled with the issue of identity crisis. One significant factor in African cultures is the way the culture ensures the dependence of women on men for their viability in the community; relationships are structured in such a way that without a man, a woman is handicapped. There has not been much significant change in the identity of women in pre-colonial and post-colonial periods. The study adopted the existential approach to biblical exegesis, using both the advocacy criticism and African Cultural hermeneutics to explore the experiences of women in the bible and post-colonial Africa. The truth is that the woman must define her being; come up with an ide...

Oguaa Journal of Religion and Human Values, 2020
Environmental challenge is a global phenomenon which has generated discussions at different level... more Environmental challenge is a global phenomenon which has generated discussions at different levels. The discussions focus on how humans can stop mistreating the ecosystem and create a sustainable environment. This discussion will continue as long as the attitude of people to the environment is still atrocious. The present state of the environment in Nigeria is of utmost concern. This gruesome attitude could be as a result of erroneous belief that human beings are to exercise dominion over the earth. Changing this erroneous belief requires continuous intentional enlightenment on environmental sustainability. A Yoruba adage says, bi ina o ba tan laso, eje kin tan ni eekanna (As long as there are lice on one’s clothe, there will be blood on the hands). Hence, Christians, by their God-given roles in Genesis 1:26, 28; 2:15, which is to “till the land, keep it, rule over it and fill it” are to champion this enlightenment by preaching “Green Gospel.” “Green gospel” is Gods’ act of benevole...

Oguaa Journal of Religion and Human Values, 2019
Anointing is a popular concept in most Pentecostal Churches in Nigeria today. It is common to hea... more Anointing is a popular concept in most Pentecostal Churches in Nigeria today. It is common to hear sayings such as “falling under anointing”, “transfer of anointing”, “anointing service”, “anointing for favour”, “anointing for sickness”, “anointing for breakthrough”, and many more. There is a wide spread confusion within the Pentecostal movements regarding anointing. There is no common accepted meaning. There is no uniformity in understanding how one may obtain whatever the anointing is, there is even a great disagreement about who really is anointed. The main reason for this misunderstanding in most cases is because everyone is holding to a different interpretation of the Bible. The study examines the concept of anointing from the Biblical perspective in the context of the practice of anointing in contemporary Pentecostal churches in Nigeria. The study adopted the contextual and narrative analytical method to investigate the historical and contemporary contexts of the use of anoint...
Research on Humanities and Social Sciences, 2014

Lumina, Nov 17, 2011
Religious practices, ceremonies and festivals are part of folk heritage. They are essential mater... more Religious practices, ceremonies and festivals are part of folk heritage. They are essential materials in culture that circulate traditionally among members of any group in different versions. Festivals are occasion of public manifestation of joy or the celebration of a historical occurrence such as the role of Olumo rock in the victory of the Egbas. Culture and information about a particular community are often being transmitted through the songs, music and other activities that go with the festivals. The traditional festivals today are to a large extent seen by some as idol worship because of the deities associated with the festivals while some elites see the festivals as occasions that promote vices such as stealing, fighting, immorality, casting spell (by trying newly discovered charms/juju) on people. Hence many educated (Christians and Muslims) would not participate in these festivals. The festivals however are still very relevant as they provide a rallying point for people in a particular society, create cultural awareness and avenue of getting a practical experience of the people’s customs, their way of life and their belief systems. The paper is, thus, an attempt to bring to fore the social significance of religious festivals.
African Journal of Biblical Studies, 2010

Review of European Studies, 2013
Late marriage among adult youths is one of the challenges in the church in Nigeria. It affects th... more Late marriage among adult youths is one of the challenges in the church in Nigeria. It affects the image of the church and the spiritual growth of the people concerned. Many of the youths marry at late thirties to late forties.Late marriage here refers to situations when aperson who hasreach the state of maturity in every facet of life that is; mentally, spiritually, financially and physically is not married probably as a result of unavailability of spouse or some other factors. Although there are a few who deliberately choose to delay their marriage probably because of academic, career or ministerial pursuit but majority of those who are having late marriage are not prepared for it. They have their life planned out only to find it difficult to settle into blissful home.Many of those with delay marriage are being mocked by their relatives and peers; many times they are seen as people with peculiar problem. The church also treated them sometime as people who have spiritual problem or are not spiritual enough to pray through and get answer in the area of marriage. Sometimes their case is termed demonic and they are stigmatized. This attitude discouraged many adult singles, particularly the females, and made them feel not welcome in the Church. The loneliness and the temptation the matured singles face in their various offices are beyond imagination: the harassment of bosses, insult from colleagues and ungodly proposals from ridiculous quarters coupled with fellow Christians teasing them that 'how is bro?' when it is obvious that the fellow is not into any relationship is like putting salt in a sore. The paper attempts to examine the causes of late marriage, the socio-religious perspective of marriage among the Yoruba, stigmatization of female single adults and the impact of these on the Church, using the descriptive and socio-historical approach. Findings showed that many go into marriage to satisfy social and religious expectations not necessarily because it was the best thing for them as at the time they married. It becomes necessary to re-orientate the youths on the need to make necessary preparations before marriage and see marriage as a gift from God. Most important is the fact that late marriage or no marriage at all does not make one less human or less intelligent.

Review of European Studies, 2014
Trafficking in persons (TIP) is recorded to be the second greatest money-spinner the world over a... more Trafficking in persons (TIP) is recorded to be the second greatest money-spinner the world over after arms trafficking. Human Trafficking is one of the thriving illegal businesses in Nigeria today. It entails all forms of sexual exploitation, abuse and forced labour. Girl-child trafficking in particular is a common phenomenon in Nigeria. Nigerian girls are being trafficked to Italy, Mali, Libya, Morocco, and other countries in droves, for prostitution. The major factor responsible for this crime in Nigeria is poverty coupled with weak enforcement of the Child Right Act, ignorance, greed, illiteracy, collapse of family values and increase in violence against women. The study attempts to investigate the experiences of some of the victims of Trafficking who have returned to Nigerian and have since been reunited with their families as reported in the various daily newspapers and magazine. It also attempts to look into how the dignity and rights of the girl-child can be established through proper education and reorientation of both parents and children. There is need to protect the interests of the girl-child and promote their rights through public awareness and proper education.
Lumina, 2010
... S. Keener, (1993) The IVP Bible Background Commentary New Testament (Illinois: Inter-varsity ... more ... S. Keener, (1993) The IVP Bible Background Commentary New Testament (Illinois: Inter-varsity press, p.720-721 Dada Adekunle(2004): Prosperity ... of Religious Leaders in National Rebirth Orita: Ibadan Journal of Religion Studies, June & Dec.,p. 25 Oderinde Olatundun, (2004 ...

Jesus in his teachings in the Gospels expressly pointed out that, respecting a child, recognizing... more Jesus in his teachings in the Gospels expressly pointed out that, respecting a child, recognizing a child’s individuality, nurturing children into usefulness by serving them, are as important as any other ministry. He gave attention to children brought to him and blessed them. Jesus’ affection for children and his attitude towards them is at variance, in most cases, with the attitude of many adults in some cultures today where children are seen as mentally deficient, ignorant, capricious and foolish and thereby get little or no recognition. The Yoruba place a high premium on child-bearing, child-training and blessing of children because the children mirror the parents in the society and they are expected to carry on the legacy of the parents after their demise. The attitude of neglecting children, not giving them enough attention both at home and in the church today calls for concern. The ‘world’ is so encumbered with challenges and demands that many adults rarely have time for chil...
Papers by olatundun oderinde