Papers by nydia pieczanski
Controversias en psicoanálisis de niños y adolescentes, 2015
has a proud history of interdisciplinary teaching and research, training in psychodynamic theory,... more has a proud history of interdisciplinary teaching and research, training in psychodynamic theory, psychoanalysis, the social and biological sciences, and the study of the contribution of culture to the development of the human mind.

Tumori, 2018
Objective: To investigate the effects of puerarin on the proliferation, apoptosis and migration o... more Objective: To investigate the effects of puerarin on the proliferation, apoptosis and migration of hormone-independent prostate cancer cells, and to explore the possible mechanisms. Methods: The effects of puerarin on the proliferation, apoptosis and cell cycle distribution of prostate cancer PC3 cells were detected by CCK-8 and FCM assay, respectively. The effects of puerarin on the migration and invasion of prostate cancer PC3 cells were detected by Transwell chamber assay. The effects of puerarin on the expressions of apoptosis-associated genes and proteins as well as the activity of protein kinase B (PKB, also known as Akt) in prostate cancer PC3 cells were detected by real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR and Western blotting, respectively. Results: As compared with the control group without intervention, the different concentrations of puerarin could significantly inhibit the proliferation of PC3 cells (all P < 0.05), induce the apoptosis of PC3 cells (all P < 0.01), ar...

Acute pancreatitis is an inflammatory disease of the pancreas that also involves surrounding tiss... more Acute pancreatitis is an inflammatory disease of the pancreas that also involves surrounding tissues. It has a sudden onset and short duration and it is characterized by self-digestion of the pancreatic parenchyma, necrotizing vasculitis and interstitial fat necrosis due to inappropriate intracellular activation of proteolytic pancreatic enzymes. Symptoms of acute pancreatitis includes abdominal pain localized in the epigastrium in majority of the cases and radiating to the back in half of the cases often accompanied with features of acute abdomen. Acute pancreatitis may cause multi organ failure and occasional death. 1,2 The severity of acute pancreatitis keeps on increasing; in acute pancreatitis the average mortality rate approaches 2-10%. Most of the cases are not severe and conservative treatment leads to a rapid recovery in the patients. 3 Acute pancreatitis typically shows increase in serum and urine levels of amylase and lipase. Elevated amylase is not specific to acute pancreatitis and may be caused by bowel obstruction, infarction, cholecystitis, or perforated ulcer. The serum level of the alanine aminotransferase ABSTRACT Background: Acute pancreatitis is an inflammatory disease of the pancreas. Though, severe acute pancreatitis constitutes 15-20% of all cases of pancreatitis, in recent times, mortality rate of severe acute pancreatitis has reduced from 30-80% to 15-20%. Ultrasound is the first imaging modality in most centres for the preliminary screening of an acute abdomen. Methods: In this prospective study between October 2017 to March 2019, 113 patients with clinical signs and symptoms of acute pancreatitis were screened with an ultrasonogram of the abdomen and serum amylase in the emergency room. Patients also underwent a complete physical exam. Results: In our study 38.9% of patients were in the age group of 45-55 years, 25% in the 35-45 age group and 20.4% in the 55 to 70 age group. 92.9% of the patients were men. 89.4% of the participants had a history of alcoholism. Only 37.2% of the participants who were clinically positive for acute pancreatitis, also showed USG findings for acute pancreatitis while 69% of the clinically positive patients showed serum amylase level positive for acute pancreatitis. Conclusions: Ultrasonogram though cheap and easily available is not ideal for the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis. As shown in the study serum amylase is able to detect nearly twice as many cases of pancreatitis compared to ultrasonogram. The sensitivity and specificity of ultrasonography to detect acute pancreatitis is too low to use as a diagnostic test but it is a valuable tool in the evaluation of an acute abdomen.
This paper is about the abrupt termination of analysis due to political turmoil and the analyst’s... more This paper is about the abrupt termination of analysis due to political turmoil and the analyst’s emigration. This situation crossed the frontiers of what is and what is not possible to work through when confronted by internal and external turmoil and by the fear of dying on the part of both analyst and patient. Issues of mourning and loss are central to this communication. Clinical material of adolescents and adults illustrates how in each case termination had a different outcome.
The International Journal of Psychoanalysis (en español), 2017

The Pioneers of Psychoanalysis in South America, 2014
Part I: Psychoanalytic Process. Maldonado, Introduction to the Life and Work of Madeleine Barange... more Part I: Psychoanalytic Process. Maldonado, Introduction to the Life and Work of Madeleine Baranger. Pieczanski, Introduction to the Life and Work of Willy Baranger. Baranger, M. and Baranger, W., The Analytic Situation as a Dynamic Field. Maldonado, Introduction to the Life and Work of Jorge Mom by Jorge Maldonado. Baranger, M. and Baranger, W., Mom, Process and Non-Process in Analytic Work. Etchegoyen, Introduction to the Life and Work of Heinrick Racker. Racker, The Meanings and Uses of Countertransference. Etchegoyen, Introduction to the Life and Work of Leon Geinberg. Maldonado, Introduction to the Life and Work of Maria Langer. Neborak, Introduction to the Life and Work of David Liberman. Grinberg, Langer, Liberman, De Rodrigue, The Psycho-Analytic Process. Pessanha, Introduction to the Life and Work of Durval Marcondes. Marcondes, The Psychodynamism of the Analytic Process. Foks, Introduction to the Life and Work of Fidias Cesio. Cesio, Lethargy. The Ideal Ego and The Dead. Martins, Introduction to the Life and Work of Alcyon Baer Bahia. Bahia, Identification and Identity. Zanin, Introduction to the Life and Work of Jose Mario Pacheco de A. Prado. Prado, The Interference of the Destructive Impulses in the Development of the Self. Entanglement States. Langer, Sterility and Envy. Moretzon, Introduction to the Life and Work of Adelheid Koch. Koch, Omnipotence and Sublimation. Part II: Psychoanalytic Technique. Navarro de Lopez, Flegenheimer, Introduction to the Life and Work of Luisa Alvarez de Toledo. Alvarez de Toledo, The Analysis Of 'Associating' 'Interpreting' and 'Words': Use Of This Analysis To Bring Unconscious Fantasies Into The Present And To Achieve Greater Ego Integration. Liberman, Verbalization and Unconscious Phantasies. David Liberman. Liberman, Affective Response of the Analyst to the Patient's Communications. Baranger, The Mind of the Analyst: From Listening to Interpretation. Winograd, Introduction to the Life and Work of Jose Bleger. Bleger, Psycho-Analysis of the Psycho-Analytic Frame. Zysman, Introduction to the Life and Work of Horacio Etchegoyen. Etchegoyen, The Relevance of the 'Here and Now' Transference Interpretation for the Reconstruction of Early Psychic Development. Grinberg, On a Specific Aspect of Countertransference Due to the Patient's Projective Identification. Part III:Metapsychology. Arbiser, Introduction to the Life and Work of Enrique Pichon Riviere. Pichon-Riviere, Neurosis and Psychosis: A Theory of Illness. Grinberg, Two Kinds of Guilt-Their Relations with Normal and Pathological Aspects of Mourning. Pessanha, Introduction to the Life and Work of Virginia Bicudo. Bicudo, Persecutory Guilt and Ego Restrictions-Characterization of a Pre-Depressive position. Marquez, Introduction to the Life and Work of Angel Garma. Garma, The Traumatic Situation in the Genesis of Dreams. Moore, Introduction to the Life and Work of Ignacio Matte Blanco. Matte-Blanco, Expression in Symbolic Logic of the Characteristics of the System Ucs or the Logic of the System Ucs. Mom, Some Considerations Regarding the Concept of Distance in Phobias. Part IV: Psychoanalysis of Children. Bloj, Introduction to the Life and Work of Arminda Aberastury Pichon-Riviere. Pichon-Riviere, Dentition, Walking, and Speech in Relation to the Depressive Position. Brown, Introduction to the Life and Work of Emilio Rodrigue. Rodrigue, Ludic Interpretation: An Attitude Towards Play. In: La Interpretacion Ludica: Una Actitud Hacia el Juego. Zusman, Introduction to the Life and Work of Decio Soares de Souza. Soares De Souza, Symposium on Psychotic Object Relationships - Annihilation and Reconstruction of Object-Relationship in a Schizophrenic Girl. Part V: Culture and Society. Rascovsky, Introduction to the life and work of Arnaldo Rascovsky and Matilde Wencelblat de Rascovsky. Rascovsky, M., & Rascovsky, A., The Prohibition of Incest, Filicide and the Sociocultural Process. Part VI: Psychosomatic Medicine. Perestrello, Introduction to the Life and Work of Danilo Perestrello. Perestrello, Headache and Primal Scene.
Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 1997
Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 2001

The International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 2017
The publication of Enrique Pichon Rivi ere’s (1907–1977) papers is a long overdue accomplishment.... more The publication of Enrique Pichon Rivi ere’s (1907–1977) papers is a long overdue accomplishment. To a great extent, this delay is ‘his own fault’ as he did not publish many papers in his lifetime, and indeed his personal style was to present his ideas in lectures and workshops in hospital and psychoanalytic societies’ meetings. The paper published here, a classic of Pichon Rivi ere’s, was compiled by one of his many students (as was the case with most of his work). In this case it was by Fernando Taragano who attended and recorded Pichon’s classes. The paper ‘The Link and the Theory of the Three Ds (Depositant, Depositary, and Deposited): Role and Status’, is an edited transcript based on a recording made by Tarragano during Pichon’s lecture series on ‘Methodology of the Interview’ which took place in 1956–57, at the Argentine Psychoanalytic Association. Transcripts of the lectures were first published in book format as: Teor ıa del v ınculo. (Link theory) by Nueva Visi on in Buenos Aires in 1980. In this collection the paper appeared as Chapter 11. To our knowledge, the only paper by Pichon published in English other than the one we are introducing, appeared in our edited collection, The Pioneers of Psychoanalysis in South America (Pichon Rivi ere, 2015). Pichon was a naturalized Argentine psychiatrist and social psychologist. Together with Arnaldo Rascovsky, he became very interested in psychoanalysis and focused especially on reading Freud, Klein and Fairbairn. Together with European writers who had escaped the Second World War as well as Spain’s civil war exiles, he founded the Argentine Psychoanalytic Association in December 1942. He continued to become one of the most brilliant psychoanalytic thinkers in South America. Int J Psychoanal (2017) 98:171–175 doi: 10.1111/1745-8315.12620

Five years ago, while talking with Peggy Tilghman and Megan Telfair, therapists at the Adele Lebo... more Five years ago, while talking with Peggy Tilghman and Megan Telfair, therapists at the Adele Lebowitz Center for Children, Adolescents at the Washington School of Psychiatry , it became clear there was a need in the Washington, DC area for a space to treat new mothers experiencing overwhelming difficulties in relating to their small babies. Since I come from a psychoanalytic tradition where mother/baby and mother/toddler groups are part of the everyday routine in pediatric wards and clinical practice, the three of us began to explore the possibility of starting similar groups here. In Buenos Aires, Argentina, Arminda Aberastury (1972), a pioneer in South American Child analysis in the second half of the 20th century, introduced the idea that treating mothers with their babies or young toddlers would promote a better understanding of the mothers’ relationships with their children. This included a new idea in the work with dyads, that is, both mothers and babies are considered members...
The International Journal of Psychoanalysis (en español)
Papers by nydia pieczanski