Papers by dian nuramdiani

Proceedings of the 1st Paris Van Java International Seminar on Health, Economics, Social Science and Humanities (PVJ-ISHESSH 2020), 2021
The purpose of this study was to find out the knowledge level of posyandu cadres on the detection... more The purpose of this study was to find out the knowledge level of posyandu cadres on the detection of speech disorders in toddlers and the relationship between the knowledge and their motivation to redisseminate it through a poster of speech disorders detection in toddlers (DeGaBBi). The research method was cross sectional design involving cadres from Rusunawa Health Center in Bandung, Indonesia. The statistical analysis using Pearson Product Moment was performed. The results showed that the average value of knowledge increased by 32.40%. Meanwhile, the motivation was shown by 88,7% cadres through their maximum scores of the questionnaires. Regression analysis between the knowledge and motivation explained that the improvement of knowledge had a positive impact, although the correlation category was very weak (r=0,052). Knowing that the motivation of the cadres to redisseminate the poster was good and only had a weak correlation with their level of knowledge, then further activities ...

This research aimed to review the density of radiographs with different variations of tube curren... more This research aimed to review the density of radiographs with different variations of tube currents. It was conducted at the Radiology Laboratory of Al Islam Polytechnic of Bandung. This study is an optimization of the results of the X-ray machine examination in order to produce good quality images with the smallest possible radiation given to the patient within a safe limit value. Exposures were carried out on the step wedge with different tube currents of 5 mAs, 8 mAs, 10 mAs, 12.5 mAs, and 80 kV voltage, as well as the exposure time of 0.05 second which was set as a constant variable. The measurement results showed that the greater the tube currents were, the greater the measured density value would be. In accordance with the thickness of the material passed by the X-rays, the thicker the material was, the smaller the value of the measured density would be. Furthermore, among different selected tube currents, the tube current value of 5 mAs became the optimal value. It was indica...

Jurnal Teras Kesehatan
As one of higher education institutions, Politeknik Al Islam Bandung should be able togive optima... more As one of higher education institutions, Politeknik Al Islam Bandung should be able togive optimal services in producing qualified graduates. As one living organisms thathas a major role in achieving goals of higher education institutions, the Politeknik AlIslam Bandung requires qualified and profesional human resources. The aim of thisstudy is to find out the information about human resources in Politeknik Al IslamBandung, and also to know the correlation between work motivation owned by itshuman resources and resulted performance. The study was conducted on 37respondents consisting of lecturers and staffs of Politeknik Al Islam Bandung. Theresults show that about 83.8% of human resources of Politeknik Al Islam Bandunghave high motivation, with an average of 120,4. The correlation between workmotivation and performance conducted by them belongs to strong category, which is proved by r coefficient value of 0,695. The significance test was carried out with asignificance level of 5% t...

Jurnal Teras Kesehatan
The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of the long-term Role Playing technique to ... more The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of the long-term Role Playing technique to the alumni of the Al Islam Bandung Polytechnic (PAIB), especially alumni of Hospital Administration Study Program students. The study was conducted for five months from July to November 2019. The research method used in this study was a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. The data collection techniques, because the domicile of the alumni are scattered in many places far apart, then to facilitate the collection of questionnaires through a Google form that is distributed through the WA alumni network, Facebook and Instagram. In addition, a Focus Group Discussion was held on 20 alumni, as well as interviews with five alumni located in Garut, Tasikmalaya, Depok, Soreang and Bandung. The results of the study show that role play for alumni fosters group cohesiveness and class solidity. Students who have more proficiency in English help other students who have difficulties, bot...
Teaching Documents by dian nuramdiani
Materi Ajar Fisika Radiasi, 2023
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Papers by dian nuramdiani
Teaching Documents by dian nuramdiani