The purpose of this research is to find out the internalization process, the inhibiting factors f... more The purpose of this research is to find out the internalization process, the inhibiting factors for internalization, and the teacher's efforts to overcome obstacles. On the results of research that has been done, the researchers found if: 1) The process internalizing the values religious moderation was through several stages and methods. The steps have been internalizing the values religious moderation at Elementary school stste Jugo 05 Kesamben are value transformation and value transactions. The method used is the method advice or stories and the method habituation, 2) There are three obstacles in internalizing the religious moderation values, namely: the capacity teachers edication religious islamic related to understanding religious moderation, infrastructure of classes for non-Muslim students are not yet available, and the lack face-to-face edication religious islamic hours in a week so that it becomes less effective in internalizing the values religious moderation to by...
Streptococcosis and motile Aeromonad septicemia (MAS) are the main bacterial diseases in tilapia ... more Streptococcosis and motile Aeromonad septicemia (MAS) are the main bacterial diseases in tilapia culture worldwide, causing significant economic losses. Vaccination is an effective method of preventing diseases and contributes to economic sustainability. This study investigated the immuno-protective efficacy of a newly developed feed-based bivalent vaccine against streptococcosis and MAS in red hybrid tilapia. The feed-based bivalent vaccine pellet was developed by incorporating the formalin-killed S. agalactiae and A. hydrophila antigens into a commercial feed pellet with palm oil as the adjuvant. The bivalent vaccine was subjected to feed quality analyses. For immunological analyses, 900 fish (12.94 ± 0.46 g) were divided into two treatment groups in triplicate. Fish in Group 1 were unvaccinated (control), while those in Group 2 were vaccinated with the bivalent vaccine. The bivalent vaccine was delivered orally at 5% of the fish’s body weight for three consecutive days on week 0,...
Malaria transmitted mainly by mosquito vectors (female Anopheles species) is one of the leading c... more Malaria transmitted mainly by mosquito vectors (female Anopheles species) is one of the leading causes of death from infectious diseases in the world. In the fight against malaria, some countries have achieved elimination success with national health policies. However, the efforts of national organizations in the fight against malaria are insufficient in low-income countries and the support of international organizations is needed as a part of the global malaria struggle. Somalia is an easternmost African country, located in the neighboring region which has the highest rates of malaria cases and malaria-related deaths globally, is at risk of malaria epidemics due to its fragile infrastructure. This study was carried out in a tertiary care hospital in Mogadishu and involved the retrospective analysis of 54,748 test results of malaria from 2015 to 2019. The rate of malaria cases tended to decrease over the years, being determined as 4.95%, 0.39%, 0.15%, 0.13%,
Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 2011
The purpose of this paper is to grasp effect of flood puddle to durability of asphalt concrete mi... more The purpose of this paper is to grasp effect of flood puddle to durability of asphalt concrete mixture on road pavement. In this regard, an experimental study was carried out by using Modified Immersion test in order to represent the flood phenomenon and Marshall Immersion test as reference. The experimental treated immersion test during 1, 3, 5, and 7 days to the two types of asphalt mixture, i.e. the mixture containing Retona additive and un-containing it. The research adopted three types of durability indexes to describe asphalt mixture durability, i.e. the retaining strength index (RSI), the first durability index (FDI), and the second durability index (SDI). The results show that Modified Immersion test gave good appearance to grasp deterioration of the mixtures durability due to flood puddle during some days. In further, the asphalt concrete mixtures still retained until seven days immersion, where the mixture containing Retona was more durable than the other mixture.
The objective of this paper is to describe the current vehicle operation cost (VOC) and load fact... more The objective of this paper is to describe the current vehicle operation cost (VOC) and load factor (LF) performance of the micro-bus transit (namely, Pete-pete) which has been operating as an inter-city public transport in Mamminasata Metropolitan Area (MMA) in South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. The study focuses on the three origin-destination trips of the public transport in the area, i.e. Makassar-Maros route, Makassar-Sungguminasa route, and Makassar-Takalar route. The VOC survey for the transits uses interview method, while its analysis adopts Indonesia Ministry of Transportation. Meanwhile, the LF measurement is conducted by distance zone system as long as the transit's route. The analysis results show that the three routes have similar VOC categorized as highly cost. As well as, the three routes have low LF performance. The study results are useful in development of the public transportation management such as mode and route choice models in MMA for further studies.
Jalan tol sangat berperan dalam kelancaran arus lalu lintas. Akan tetapi, bila jumlah pintu layan... more Jalan tol sangat berperan dalam kelancaran arus lalu lintas. Akan tetapi, bila jumlah pintu layanan tidak dapat menampung supply yang ada, maka akan terjadi antrian yang sangat panjang. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode observasi dan analisis untuk antrian model FIFO. Hasil analisis diperoleh volume maksimum sebesar 570 kendaraan/jam, panjang antrian adalah 2 kendaraan atau 5 meter, waktu pelayanan maksimum adalah 12 detik dan waktu rata-rata maksimum yang diperlukan kendaraan menunggu dalam antrian adalah 20,73 detik. Hasil analisis prediksi untuk 10 tahun ke depan yaitu volume maksimum sebesar 2241 kendaraan/jam, panjang antrian adalah 8 kendaraan atau 30 meter, waktu pelayanan maksimum adalah 6 detik dan waktu rata-rata maksimum yang diperlukan kendaraan menunggu dalam antrian adalah 50 detik. Penggunaan 3 pintu tol masih mampu melayani kendaraan dengan cukup lancar dan belum perlu penambahan pintu tol. Sedangkan untuk 10 sampai 15 tahun kedepan, perlu dilakukan penambahan pintu.
Migration pattern of contaminants in soil such as by hydrocarbons and saltwater has long been stu... more Migration pattern of contaminants in soil such as by hydrocarbons and saltwater has long been studied. The contaminants might be originated from oil spills, leakage from underground storage tanks (UST) and saltwater intrusion. The electrical resistivity technique is oftenly been used to detect the contaminants’ plume in the subsurface. To understand the nature of contaminants migration pattern, a small scale laboratory study was carried out by measuring LNAPL contaminants using mini electrodes electrical resistivity imaging. Semi-water saturated fine sand, coarse sand and clay were used as the medium in the study. Electrical resistivity imaging was performed in the third and seventh days after the release of LNAPL. Resistivity section shows clearly the positions of fresh water-saturated zones in the top and bottom layers with resistivity values of about 100-200Ωm. The semi-saturated zone occupied the middle part of the section with resistivity ranges from 500-1500Ωm. The shape and p...
Seminar Keinsinyuran Program Studi Program Profesi Insinyur
Business plan kawasan GOR Kabupaten Sidoarjo dilakukan sebagai langkah antisipasi perkembangan ka... more Business plan kawasan GOR Kabupaten Sidoarjo dilakukan sebagai langkah antisipasi perkembangan kawasan yang tidak terkendali dan tahapan pembenahan kawasan ke depan. Yang diindikasikan dengan keberadaan PKL, warung, rumah makan, perkantoran sebagai efek pengganda keberadaan sarana di dalamnya, diantaranya dibutuhkan strategi pemasaran dalam pengembangan kawasan GOR Kabupaten Sidoarjo, dan analisis keuangan, pendapatan yang diperoleh dari pengelolaan kawasan GOR dan Monumen Ponti selama satu tahun.Strategi pemasaran dapat dilakukan melalui promosi kegiatan-kegiatan yang dapat dilakukan selain kegiatan olahraga diantaranya pameran, konser musik, dan lain-lain. Sedangkan strategi pengembangan kawasan GOR meliputi : pemanfaatan kolam renang dan sasana tinju secara optimal dengan mengadakan event atau perlombaan, pengoptimalan penggunaan sport hall untuk kegiatan selain olahraga seperti pameran dan konser musik skala kecil, pengembangan pertokoan selain souvenir dan kebutuhan olahraga, ...
Rapid evidence synthesis on the midwifery competency/qualification in countries with MMR less tha... more Rapid evidence synthesis on the midwifery competency/qualification in countries with MMR less than 40 per 100,000 live births based on 2015 World Bank data
The purpose of this research is to find out the internalization process, the inhibiting factors f... more The purpose of this research is to find out the internalization process, the inhibiting factors for internalization, and the teacher's efforts to overcome obstacles. On the results of research that has been done, the researchers found if: 1) The process internalizing the values religious moderation was through several stages and methods. The steps have been internalizing the values religious moderation at Elementary school stste Jugo 05 Kesamben are value transformation and value transactions. The method used is the method advice or stories and the method habituation, 2) There are three obstacles in internalizing the religious moderation values, namely: the capacity teachers edication religious islamic related to understanding religious moderation, infrastructure of classes for non-Muslim students are not yet available, and the lack face-to-face edication religious islamic hours in a week so that it becomes less effective in internalizing the values religious moderation to by...
Streptococcosis and motile Aeromonad septicemia (MAS) are the main bacterial diseases in tilapia ... more Streptococcosis and motile Aeromonad septicemia (MAS) are the main bacterial diseases in tilapia culture worldwide, causing significant economic losses. Vaccination is an effective method of preventing diseases and contributes to economic sustainability. This study investigated the immuno-protective efficacy of a newly developed feed-based bivalent vaccine against streptococcosis and MAS in red hybrid tilapia. The feed-based bivalent vaccine pellet was developed by incorporating the formalin-killed S. agalactiae and A. hydrophila antigens into a commercial feed pellet with palm oil as the adjuvant. The bivalent vaccine was subjected to feed quality analyses. For immunological analyses, 900 fish (12.94 ± 0.46 g) were divided into two treatment groups in triplicate. Fish in Group 1 were unvaccinated (control), while those in Group 2 were vaccinated with the bivalent vaccine. The bivalent vaccine was delivered orally at 5% of the fish’s body weight for three consecutive days on week 0,...
Malaria transmitted mainly by mosquito vectors (female Anopheles species) is one of the leading c... more Malaria transmitted mainly by mosquito vectors (female Anopheles species) is one of the leading causes of death from infectious diseases in the world. In the fight against malaria, some countries have achieved elimination success with national health policies. However, the efforts of national organizations in the fight against malaria are insufficient in low-income countries and the support of international organizations is needed as a part of the global malaria struggle. Somalia is an easternmost African country, located in the neighboring region which has the highest rates of malaria cases and malaria-related deaths globally, is at risk of malaria epidemics due to its fragile infrastructure. This study was carried out in a tertiary care hospital in Mogadishu and involved the retrospective analysis of 54,748 test results of malaria from 2015 to 2019. The rate of malaria cases tended to decrease over the years, being determined as 4.95%, 0.39%, 0.15%, 0.13%,
Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 2011
The purpose of this paper is to grasp effect of flood puddle to durability of asphalt concrete mi... more The purpose of this paper is to grasp effect of flood puddle to durability of asphalt concrete mixture on road pavement. In this regard, an experimental study was carried out by using Modified Immersion test in order to represent the flood phenomenon and Marshall Immersion test as reference. The experimental treated immersion test during 1, 3, 5, and 7 days to the two types of asphalt mixture, i.e. the mixture containing Retona additive and un-containing it. The research adopted three types of durability indexes to describe asphalt mixture durability, i.e. the retaining strength index (RSI), the first durability index (FDI), and the second durability index (SDI). The results show that Modified Immersion test gave good appearance to grasp deterioration of the mixtures durability due to flood puddle during some days. In further, the asphalt concrete mixtures still retained until seven days immersion, where the mixture containing Retona was more durable than the other mixture.
The objective of this paper is to describe the current vehicle operation cost (VOC) and load fact... more The objective of this paper is to describe the current vehicle operation cost (VOC) and load factor (LF) performance of the micro-bus transit (namely, Pete-pete) which has been operating as an inter-city public transport in Mamminasata Metropolitan Area (MMA) in South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. The study focuses on the three origin-destination trips of the public transport in the area, i.e. Makassar-Maros route, Makassar-Sungguminasa route, and Makassar-Takalar route. The VOC survey for the transits uses interview method, while its analysis adopts Indonesia Ministry of Transportation. Meanwhile, the LF measurement is conducted by distance zone system as long as the transit's route. The analysis results show that the three routes have similar VOC categorized as highly cost. As well as, the three routes have low LF performance. The study results are useful in development of the public transportation management such as mode and route choice models in MMA for further studies.
Jalan tol sangat berperan dalam kelancaran arus lalu lintas. Akan tetapi, bila jumlah pintu layan... more Jalan tol sangat berperan dalam kelancaran arus lalu lintas. Akan tetapi, bila jumlah pintu layanan tidak dapat menampung supply yang ada, maka akan terjadi antrian yang sangat panjang. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode observasi dan analisis untuk antrian model FIFO. Hasil analisis diperoleh volume maksimum sebesar 570 kendaraan/jam, panjang antrian adalah 2 kendaraan atau 5 meter, waktu pelayanan maksimum adalah 12 detik dan waktu rata-rata maksimum yang diperlukan kendaraan menunggu dalam antrian adalah 20,73 detik. Hasil analisis prediksi untuk 10 tahun ke depan yaitu volume maksimum sebesar 2241 kendaraan/jam, panjang antrian adalah 8 kendaraan atau 30 meter, waktu pelayanan maksimum adalah 6 detik dan waktu rata-rata maksimum yang diperlukan kendaraan menunggu dalam antrian adalah 50 detik. Penggunaan 3 pintu tol masih mampu melayani kendaraan dengan cukup lancar dan belum perlu penambahan pintu tol. Sedangkan untuk 10 sampai 15 tahun kedepan, perlu dilakukan penambahan pintu.
Migration pattern of contaminants in soil such as by hydrocarbons and saltwater has long been stu... more Migration pattern of contaminants in soil such as by hydrocarbons and saltwater has long been studied. The contaminants might be originated from oil spills, leakage from underground storage tanks (UST) and saltwater intrusion. The electrical resistivity technique is oftenly been used to detect the contaminants’ plume in the subsurface. To understand the nature of contaminants migration pattern, a small scale laboratory study was carried out by measuring LNAPL contaminants using mini electrodes electrical resistivity imaging. Semi-water saturated fine sand, coarse sand and clay were used as the medium in the study. Electrical resistivity imaging was performed in the third and seventh days after the release of LNAPL. Resistivity section shows clearly the positions of fresh water-saturated zones in the top and bottom layers with resistivity values of about 100-200Ωm. The semi-saturated zone occupied the middle part of the section with resistivity ranges from 500-1500Ωm. The shape and p...
Seminar Keinsinyuran Program Studi Program Profesi Insinyur
Business plan kawasan GOR Kabupaten Sidoarjo dilakukan sebagai langkah antisipasi perkembangan ka... more Business plan kawasan GOR Kabupaten Sidoarjo dilakukan sebagai langkah antisipasi perkembangan kawasan yang tidak terkendali dan tahapan pembenahan kawasan ke depan. Yang diindikasikan dengan keberadaan PKL, warung, rumah makan, perkantoran sebagai efek pengganda keberadaan sarana di dalamnya, diantaranya dibutuhkan strategi pemasaran dalam pengembangan kawasan GOR Kabupaten Sidoarjo, dan analisis keuangan, pendapatan yang diperoleh dari pengelolaan kawasan GOR dan Monumen Ponti selama satu tahun.Strategi pemasaran dapat dilakukan melalui promosi kegiatan-kegiatan yang dapat dilakukan selain kegiatan olahraga diantaranya pameran, konser musik, dan lain-lain. Sedangkan strategi pengembangan kawasan GOR meliputi : pemanfaatan kolam renang dan sasana tinju secara optimal dengan mengadakan event atau perlombaan, pengoptimalan penggunaan sport hall untuk kegiatan selain olahraga seperti pameran dan konser musik skala kecil, pengembangan pertokoan selain souvenir dan kebutuhan olahraga, ...
Rapid evidence synthesis on the midwifery competency/qualification in countries with MMR less tha... more Rapid evidence synthesis on the midwifery competency/qualification in countries with MMR less than 40 per 100,000 live births based on 2015 World Bank data
Papers by nur ali f